Position Your Business for Impact
Ashlee Sang

Position Your Business for Impact

Welcome to Conscious Marketing Insights! Every other week, I share actionable conscious marketing insights to help you deliver digital experiences that matter. My goal is to inspire brands to adopt a more positive, sustainable, impactful, accessible and inclusive approach to marketing.?

This week, I'm happy to introduce Ashlee Sang , who is speaking at an upcoming event hosted by the Conscious Marketing Movement .?

Event Details

Date: Thursday, 10 October 2024

Time: 6 PM CEST (find your timezone here)

Duration: 1 Hour

Why Attend?

Because as a social impact founder, you’re always on a mission to make an impact in unconventional ways.?

What Will You Learn?

In this 1-hour session, she’ll cover ways to:

- Create an elevator pitch that showcases your WHY

- Seek out values-aligned clients and communities

- Make an impact beyond the scope of your projects

Interested in Attending This Event? Here's How.

This event is only for members of the Conscious Marketing Movement. Join us on this magical (and messy ??) journey towards a more conscious way of doing marketing.?

Check out our membership options to suit every budget and need, starting at €15 per month. Learn more here ??https://bit.ly/founders-on-a-mission?

Interview with Ashlee

… And I had a chat with Ashlee Sang to give you a sneak peek into what you can expect:

What's your brand's mission, and how does it align with your personal values?

My mission is to equip multi-passionate, overthinking visionaries to take confident, meaningful action that grows their impact and their revenue in a way that feels and does good. It’s both super simple and infinitely complex. (My favorite way to view the world. ??)

As a solopreneur service provider working directly and intimately with business owners and community leaders, my personal and brand values are basically one and the same. (A less founder-forward brand might have core personal values that relate, but are slightly different than their business’ core values. Find the right balance for you!)

My values are conscientiousness, contribution, exploration, integrity, and intentionality. They show up (ideally) in every decision I make and all my copy, content, and conversations.

Since our values are our “HOW,” my values give my mission the fuel and mechanisms it needs to actually come to fruition. Or at the very least, to constantly be moving in the “right” direction.

What are the biggest challenges social impact founders face when positioning themselves, and how can they overcome them?

So often we get in our own heads! We care about so much. Or we’ve had a “non-traditional” or “non-linear” career path. Or we want to do all the things for all the people, all at once.

So it’s important to pull ourselves out of the weeds a bit. Take the time and space to reflect on the common threads. Get outside perspective to validate (or push!) us. And find the language that will resonate with the exact people who need and want what you have. If it’s clear to them and reflects your values and vision, that’s where all the magic happens.

How can founders balance the need for profitability with their desire to make a social impact?

By understanding that it’s not either/or. Money makes the world go round and earning revenue is simply an exchange of perceived value (ideally in alignment with your personal/company values!). So the more money you can make, in ways that feel good, with people who understand your point of view and need/want what you have, the more impact you can make with that money. For yourself, your family, your community, and your big-picture vision for positive change.

Ultimately, being profitable makes you AND your potential for impact sustainable!

Can you share examples of brands that have successfully used their messaging to create a lasting social impact?

Once you start looking, you can find impact-minded messaging all over! Here are 2 examples from 2 wildly different industries and business models:

  1. Alt Marketing School ( Fab Giovanetti ) does an awesome job not only reflecting their values, but also equipping others to do the same—both implicitly in the way they message, but explicitly in what they talk about.
  2. BLK + GRN does a really good job getting specific about who their mission and audience centers around (Black women), but then expanding the experience and accessibility to so many other identities based on shared values (inclusive economy, nontoxic and sustainable ingredients, etc.) and shopping preferences (luxury skincare, curated collections, etc.).

For someone new to your work and planning to attend the event, what resources would you recommend to help them get ready?

Listen to my Purpose & Progress Podcast, especially episodes 59 and 63, about Living Out Your Brand Values and Introducing Yourself With Confidence (respectively). For even more action-taking accountability, you can also check out the guided resources I’ve created as tools for your conscious marketing.

And then of course, I’d love to be in conversation! Email or DM me so we can chat about your values, your vision, and everything in between.

Interested in Attending This Event? Here's How.

This event is only for members of the Conscious Marketing Movement . Join us on this magical (and messy ??) journey towards a more conscious way of doing marketing.?

Check out our membership options to suit every budget and need, starting at €15 per month. Learn more here ??https://bit.ly/founders-on-a-mission?

Become a part of the Conscious Marketing Movement

The Conscious Marketing Movement is a global online community shaping the future of marketing for a better tomorrow. We bring purpose-driven entrepreneurs and conscious marketers together to learn, connect and grow so that we can create social impact and profits.? ??Learn more here

That's all for today!

Psst… Want to meet me in person? I’ll be speaking at the Climate & Social Justice Summit, organised by the Ethical Assembly , in Lisbon on 2 and 3 October. I’ll join over 150 speakers — click here for more details!

See you soon ??

Claudia's signature

Fab Giovanetti

Chief Marketing Rebel?? Helping you market to hearts ?? Making marketing human, impactful, fun | Award-winning consultant | Digital Women to Watch 24/23/22

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Lovely to see Ashlee on the newsletter!
