Position of “Love” across the functionalities of systems and cultures

Position of “Love” across the functionalities of systems and cultures

Position of “Love” across the functionalities of systems and?cultures

This article is meant to juxtapose the position of “Love” — not romantic love, however the universal traits of love in moving & shaping behaviors of systems & cultures.

There has been a remarkable role of “Traits of Love” in driving behavior across cultures as well as systems. It is very important to understand that irrespective of the passage of time across various layers from “Satyuga” to “Kaliyuga” — Love has triumphed on a broader level for societies, families, and nations as a whole. Love as we see it — includes intangible traits of Acceptance, Unity, Growth, Care, Compassion, Tolerance, and Respect. It is very easier to learn these traits theoretically, however it is very hard to understand them, imbibe them and be one with them in the real world. However, there has been a significant role of Status and Incentives in driving behavior where love has been a backbone.


There has been a broader role of “Incentives and Status” while determining the functioning of various strata of an economy.

Every Unit — from the nation, organization, family, or even an individual gets driven by the role-play of status and incentives.

In societies where status is not seen as a primary driver and everyone is looked at as an equal irrespective of their power or financial appetite — there is significant equality in showcasing respect, admiration, patience, tolerance, and cooperation irrespective of age, financial position or power. However, such a model requires consistent efforts from systems and higher positions.

Incentives drive strata of societies across various hierarchies. Incentivizing a particular behavior with a certain perk has led to creating gigantic shifts across a varied class of societies — from intellectuals and elites to people involved across various economic segments.

For Example:

At nindividual level —

  • When someone is incentivized for keeping good ethics, we see higher adoption of such principle
  • When someone is incentivized with financial incentives or gifts on winning a level on a mobile game — then there is increased time as well dedication towards achieving that level
  • When we incentivize students with some certificates or badges on completing each level of their examination — they tend to complete it faster. When we add a grading system to the same — there is an increased level of dedication to achieving a quality outcome
  • When someone is incentivized for an effort-focused activity like Meditation, Workout, Solving a complex puzzle, Coding, Fitness, or High-effort dancing — there is a higher chance for them to adopt, learn, and ace ( ALA ) their craft

Surprisingly nature and human operates in a way where there is a higher chance of addiction involved despite no role-playing of incentives. The primary examples are consumption of alcohol, smoking, sex, drug addiction, or activities that provide either mental or physical pleasures. Some cultures create a strong sense of neglect for individuals who get addicted to one or more of such activities owing to their cause of severe downfall for an individual at the personal and societal level in the aspects of the health of mind and body.

The primary reason behind such neglect is to stop or restrict such behavior, however, human beings have found multiple ways to spend a considerable amount of time in similar activities.

Where status and position come into play, there is the neglect of such restrictions and there is a no-rule playground. While it is important to understand that restrictions are meant for all — it is very important for those in power and position to exercise them most properly. Spirituality has been a core driver in this regard that has shaped the behavior of individuals with higher status and power.

  • While limited alcohol consumption is good for health in certain geographies, Unrestricted alcohol consumption severely affects brain and neural network
  • While Drug abuse leads to depleting effect on the physical mind and body, they have played a major role in curing some ailments
  • Smoking has been a negative player in terms of depletion of brain cells and functioning of lungs in the longer run

While some cultures straightforwardly reject individuals involved in one or more aspects — we fail to realize that an individual is never wrong however it is their habits that need to be shaped for a better turnaround.

A good and positive culture truly fosters such a turnaround in an individual. A positive peer network will disallow each other from getting into such activities instead of judging them and neglecting individuals owing to such behavior. And when such behavior flows down from higher status societies, it causes stupendous improvement in the way societies & cultures to operate.

It is necessary to realize that consumption of smoking, alcohol, weed or other substances does not label a person as an outcast — however it is their behavior that can be improvised with proper environment and care.

This goes on to display the fact that orientation of love surely guides the improvement of communities & their behavior.

A Status Driven Society with NO FRAMEWORK of sportsmanship may see or entertain the depletion of an Individual,
A Love driven society or community with a framework of sportsmanship will never let someone from their community go in a negative direction.

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Love holds a strong grasp during weaker times and helps in considerable improvement by showcasing traits of tolerance and unity. Highly competitive environments need to inculcate such traits to enable equal representation and growth for everyone.

This has surely led to fostering of tech apps that incentivize someone for losing a degrading habit for mind or body & it will ultimately gain more adoption in the coming time.

At a nation’s?level,

the countries with more status or power have succinctly decided the role-play of capital, efforts, and economies.

While status and power surely lead to the flow of capital and efforts in the stipulated directions, the traits of love make countries stand for each other during pressing times.

The countries with traits of love and care have surely helped foster other countries in stressful & weak times.

Be it a natural calamity or misfortune leading to the loss of numerous lives — it is only love that has made nations stand for each other despite increased distances & boundaries.

In my observation, I have been part of countries where people with the highest national power have not faced the requirement of security or armed forces in public events and conferences. Nonetheless, nations do invest considerably in their defense, security, personnel, and ammunitions to safeguard personal interests — however it is only love that helps them stand for each other by erasing all differences and constraints at play.

No nation wishes to see situations of warfare

neither do they envision situations of the downfall of their economies

nor do they wish to be a part of the culture that witnesses the downfall of various health aspects of their societies.

At the core everyone wants to be a part of holistic growth, caring, and developing communities where there can be good development of families.

An individual or nation that has seen most of its time in LOVE — will continue to operate in love and showcase traits of peace, tolerance, unity, trust, and respect.
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There will be no space for war-fare, causing depletion of interests of other entities or creating stressful & weak times for anyone.

India has seen its golden era multiple times as well as situations of extreme tyranny. At every juncture, India has not only supported fellow nations but also created an environment for love and respect.

Recent times of the 20th century also witnessed an extreme showcase of patience, tolerance, and love “movements” by one of the most revered leaders of GLOBAL HISTORY. It has not only created a historical torch-bearing light for every Indian residing in all corners of the world,
but also showcased that despite role-plays of status & power — great events conclude and originate in the space of LOVE.

Yes, the event of freedom had its conclusion and origin in the space of LOVE after the remarkable patience of more than half a?century.

Yes, the event of unity of all cultures, small communities, and states in one nation had its origin in the space of?LOVE.

And yes many more events where the nation has exchanged support to other nations in stressful & powerful times have seen their origin only in the space of?LOVE.

Role of Culture in Driving?Behavior

This helps to understand the strong role of Culture in driving behavior — not only at an individual level but also at a national level.

Culture defines the consistency of traits irrespective of sequences of events.

Cultures that have roots in spirituality and love show extreme consistency and signs of growth for various sections of individuals.

Since every economy moves with curves of ups & downs with the highlight of events that cause significant shifts in their trajectory.

Spirituality not only helps in deciding the course during a negative turn of events but also determines how to keep steady growth in the moments of extreme highs.

In strong times, it helps in extravagant use of resources leading to fast depletion of important resources.

Above all, the advent of spirituality has helped shape behaviors of “Family” — A unit with the count in millions across the world whose behavior shape cultures & economies. The ground-work of spirituality has been the core driven in families to teach

Acceptance towards mistakes, Improvement in the events of failure, Love & Peace in the time of quarrels, Unity in times of downfall, and the Essence of Hardwork for financial prosperity

Amidst all role-plays that happen at the macro level, these units and their cultures not only shape an economy but also decide the course of the upcoming youth of the nation.

Since medieval times, the culture has played a major role in associating the role-play of status and power. There has been a direct correlation of the same with physical attributes along with intellectual strengths. While it is usual to see an increased role-play of males in running economies, countries, and families — with increased advancement there has been equality in the representation of both genders.

While some societies still consider a male as superior and display higher representation in various ranks & positions — the most crucial factor for the same has been the number of opportunities and resources that are provided for similar roles.

Revered role of Females in development of families and hence culture by showcasing Love

While it is very surprising to see the role of females in keeping “Unity of Family” as well as a nation, it is important to realize the underlying fundamentals of love that they consistently display during pressing times.

There are enough spaces that display evidence of kindness, empathy, inclusion, care, and compassion even after lots of personal sacrifices & losses — it is quite important to understand that these spaces are filled up by females who not only keep a big heart but also courage backed with kindness during very important times.

Since a Female plays one or more roles of mother, sister, wife, or nourisher, they are very much likely to showcase these traits of love and spirituality in important times.

It is no hyperbole to say that these spaces do represent spaces of “Unconditional Love” —

and in the fast-moving hustles & bustles of the world, we do fail to recognize that it is this love that keeps families and hence nations stronger even in the most downward or upward spiral.

My superficial research in the space of classical dancing and its association with spirituality made me realize the role of women in creating a strong culture and how they have enabled the development of youth in their mind, body & soul development. While Classical Dancing is looked at as a form to showcase reverence to a higher power — it is important to realize that their constant practice helps in improving our mind, body, and soul.

I am thankful to some of the most privileged families who represent Indian Classical Dance forms in their highest order when they presented their stories and journeys on our platform.

It is rightly said that love is above every emotion and I am sure it is their love that has helped propel our mission of enabling everlasting love for the next generation of youth.

This makes me redefine the fundamentals of “Heroism” in my culinary frameworks of Growth.

Love as a force for?Union


Love as a sole representation of?Heroism

Building a love-tech startup in a crowded market has been possible not only because of my passion for the field but also for my curiosity to re-wire the traits of Love.

My conversations with leaders have helped me realize that it was love that defined their heroism in the most testing times or it was love that defined how they enabled new initiatives in uncharted terrains.

There was no role of status or power in such setups since some of them started from scratch and it was new terrain for them.

When they started they were in a negative mode — they faced struggles and some of them had to pass through personal setbacks.

Definition of Heroism is not a Function of Status or Power
Definition of Heroism is a Function of “Traits of Love”
Tomorrow’s leaders will have to start from scratch, maybe they will be required to start from the negative.
In venture building, there are various journeys,
some are
0 to 1,
1 to 10,
10 to 100.

But there are very less journeys from -1 to 0 and then 0 to 1. Even the amount of journeys with -10 to -1 and -1 to 1 are meager or they have died or sublimed with the end of the venture.

But they don’t fail to showcase the extreme resolution of the founders and their traits of love.

Since a Rational Mind will never take so risk and try to improve the external environment if their Heroism was not defined by “Traits of Love”

And since Heroism is synonymous with or Function of “Traits of Love”, it is no hyperbole to say that

Heroism is Defined by Courage & not by Connections
Heroism is Defined by Will & not by Wins
Heroism is a Function of Acceptance & not that of Accolades
and also that of Patience, Tolerance, Union, Growth, and Empowerment
not that of
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Personal Gains, Testing, Gratification (Instant), and Entertainment…

Sometimes Heroism is selfless and it is unconditional

It never shouts very loud

but yes,

it is surely rooted in Love



and yes every unit — family, organizations or nation not only thrive but also grow & win in the “Spaces of Love” irrespective of dimension of time.



