PORTS and the Future
Carlos Manuel Duarte
Commercial Director at REPNUNMAR - Logística e Transitos Lda
"Some of the possible innovations:
? More nimble point to point delivery
? Faster
? CleanerFully automated container handling point-to-point
? Automated lorries picking up and dropping off containers
? Virtual port gates allow automated entry and exit
? Paperless freight and customs documentation
? Electronic security seals, verification and tracking for containers
? Automated submersible and surface craft for harbour and quay inspections
? Automated flying vehicles for crane and terrestrial port inspection
? Dynamic, real-time scheduling for ports and motor freight operators"
Olaf Merk of the International Transport Forum at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has spoken to PTI about the four S’s ports of the future must have if they are to flourish.
Merk discusses how keywords ‘size, speed, smart and sustainable’ – and their interrelation – are vital for the any port that wants to have a healthy existence in the years to come.