The portrayal global population growth

The portrayal global population growth

Rethinking the projection of Population growth in our minds

Population growth is accelerating, and this year (2022) the global population stretched upto 8 billion in November. The escalating population is portrayed as a negative trait of humankind. With fewer people on the planet, everyone can attain resources efficiently, climate change and global warming might not accelerate at a faster pace, and poverty could be controlled. Hence, for decades, the government and media have been promoting campaigns such as the two-child policy "Hum do humare do" supporting small families.

?Numerous welfare schemes and campaigns are conducted to control our population to an unknown optimum level.

Now when we talk about rising populations, China, with 1.451 billion people, and India with 1.417 billion, stand out. Two years back in February 2020, the UN Department of economic and social affairs brought out the projection of the rising population with an initial paragraph dedicated to the accelerating population of poor and underdeveloped countries. So maybe China and India are not the only ones with growth in their populations.

?According to the report, sub-Saharan countries are projected to double their growth between 2030 and 2050. This is due to a lack of autonomy and opportunity among women, which leads to high fertility and escalating growth in the population. Some other factors also include like, lack of access to information or the say of a woman to whether or not to have children.?

Population growth is usually seen as a whole, across the globe, with 8 billion people, not per country.We refer to India with 1.417 billion and China with 1.451 billion people and still running, we see a rapid growth rate. But China’s population is expected to hit 20 million in 2031 and then stabilize, whereas India's is projected to grow till 2059. Being the two most populous countries currently, will undergo stagnancy. Imagine the condition of those countries, with an already decreasing population now?

The global population will stop growing by the end of the century

Our world population is projected to stop by the time it reaches 11 billion. It will face a slow downfall by 2100. Our global population is currently facing shrinkage at this age. Several Eastern European countries are experiencing depopulation. Bulgaria has unfortunately topped the list with 22.5% of the declining population. Lithuania has a 22.1% share, Ukraine has a 19.5% share, and Serbia has an 18.9% share. European countries like Greece and Italy will experience population shrinkage between 2030 and 2050.But these are the future projections. Both South Korea and Japan face a population decline after 2020. It has declined to 125.93 million as of January 2022, whereas South Korea has dropped to 51.36 million.

Population growth is showing polarity between countries right now.?

Why would our population cease to grow?

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