Portfolio Comparation

Portfolio Comparation

Veja aqui: https://www.manuelgoncalves.me/

  • "About Me” section: New area dedicated to a brief presentation about my background and experiences.
  • "Services" section: Redesigned with two boxes, each containing icons in the top right-hand corner and detailed explanatory texts.
  • "Portfolio” section: More attractive design that makes it easier to see my projects, accompanied by informative descriptions.
  • "Languages & Tools” section

  1. Removed the old quick animation.
  2. Repeated languages and tools removed.
  3. Motion animations now only occur on mobile devices and on screens between 1024 and 1440 pixels wide.
  4. Smoother animations to improve readability and the addition of hover effects for extra emphasis.

  • Footer: Restructured. The “About Me” section has been removed, and the footer now features simplified navigation, links to social networks, business email and a small project gallery.

  • Typography- General Improvements: Improved typography to be more direct, professional and better able to capture visitors' attention.


