Porter Nitrous Oxide Sedation flowmeter and Silhouette Low Profile Mask
Mega Medical - Medical Equipment & Gases Australia Pty Ltd
Specialist suppliers of medical gas products and related equipment servicing within Australia - Mega Medical
Choosing Your Sedation Equipment:
Examining the Porter Nitrous Oxide Sedation Flowmeter and Silhouette Low Profile Nitrous Oxide Mask
Anesthesia and sedation systems are among the most critical pieces of equipment for Australian healthcare providers. Clinicians need to be able to put their faith in these systems. They need to be confident that what they are working with is not only reliable at present but will also continue to remain reliable even after long-term deployment.
This is where a manufacturer like Porter really shines. Porter’s anesthesia equipment is designed with Australia’s clinicians and medical teams in mind, giving them the capability required to achieve excellent levels of care for patients. Let’s take a closer look at two of Porter’s anesthesia products: the MXR Series Nitrous Oxide Sedation Flowmeter and the Low Profile Nitrous Oxide Silhouette mask.
Porter MXR Series Nitrous Oxide Sedation Flowmeter
Perhaps the first thing that catches the attention on encountering the MXR Series Nitrous Flowmeter is that this is an analog piece of equipment. While digital meters represent more advanced technology in some senses, many clinicians prefer an analog device for a number of reasons.
The flowmeter’s tubes are marked according to Australian Standard 3840 for reliable readings, and the device is designed for use with Australian Standard O2 and N2O hoses and fittings within your med gas system.
The analog flowmeter is compact and easy to use — while other meter products, especially digital meters, may be bulky and unwieldy, the MXR series helps clinical teams to make the best use of their space.
Another superior feature of the Porter MXR Series is the control it provides to clinicians during patient care. Clinicians can set the O2 and N2O mix ratio by regulating the N2O percentage. This enables effective sedation and anaesthesia for all patients, including paediatric care cases. The controls of the device are also more responsive than other items on the market, enabling swift dose adjustments as and when required.
Porter Silhouette Mask
A high-performance flowmeter is undoubtedly beneficial to clinical teams, but these teams also need additional sedation system supplies — including sedation hoods, bags and tubes — to facilitate the delivery of sedatives to the patient. The Silhouette mask, also produced by Porter, is a useful piece of analgesic and anaesthesia equipment. It is also a popular airway management device for the provision of anaesthesia among Australia’s healthcare providers.
The mask is low profile, fitting snugly but comfortably over the patient’s airways. It is available in four sizes that cover the requirements of most patients. The clear plastic component makes ongoing observation and management easy to achieve, while adhesive strips — included with the product — make it easier to keep the sedation hood in place. Built into the hood, a specially engineered nasal cannula achieves effective transmission of gas. Sampling tubes can be easily fitted to the mask system to monitor gas mix ratios throughout treatment.
Single-use design makes it easy for clinicians to achieve the appropriate levels of sanitation. The mask is also produced with predictable and consistent N2O gas flow in mind, and this can be confirmed when you deploy the Silhouette mask in conjunction with the Porter Flowmeter.
Porter Sedation System Supplies from Mega Medical
Mega Medical is the licensed distributor for these products on the Australian market. To find the sedation system supplies you need, take a look at our?product pages?or?reach out to our team?to discover more.
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