The Portal
Robert Clemons
Author of ONE UNIQUE BREATH, (A nonfiction book exploring some of the profound issues of life) and THE HIROSHIMA AGENDA and THE FOUR RIVERS OF EDEN, (novels in the science fiction genre)
The following is a tiny portion of my book, The Portal. Not sure when the book will be finished, because I am working on several books simultaneously. I thought those who read my novel, The Hiroshima Agenda, may be interested in seeing where I'm going with one of my new books.
The strange man said, “I know that even before you could speak, your mind soared in wonder to the heights and depths of reality. When you were barely able to walk, I watched you, your eyes cast up to the sky for hours at a time, twinkling with spirit sight, and wondering about all the mysteries of God. I heard you thinking about time and space, about the nature of reality, about the possibility that yours was the only mind that actually existed, and whether you had created everything else in your own imagination. Then you wandered onto the hind side of that concept as you considered the possibility that your mind wasn’t even your own, but some echo of another mind from a more solid reality than the one within which you dwelt. I watched you, hardly able to listen to your teachers in school as they covered the basic steps of math and science, because you were thinking of the questions so far beyond your own grasp and wondering about the answers beyond the teachers’ grasp.”
“How do you know so much about me?”
“I was with you as your mind developed through every book, journey, challenge, and obstacle. I was with you, directing you to each experience, place, person, and pathway that led to understanding and shaping your mind and soul and understanding just to be prepared for this stage of your destiny. And now, today, you are ready to begin your real journey.”
“My ‘real’ journey?”
“I was with your parents when they were born, and your grandparents, and theirs, and their and theirs, back to the beginning genetic instructions that would eventually coalesce to become you. I have had you in my sight for a thousand generations, across different pieces of the geography of this reality, and through the pairings of couples, each who brought the factors together, that would eventually become who you are now. I have been with you as the elements of who you are came to be complete.”
“Who are you?”
“Human beings look at each other and imagine how God will judge their neighbors, based on what they have done. All they know is each other and perhaps the parents and grand parents of those they think they’re qualified to appraise, and upon whom they deem themselves worthy to cast an eternal sentence. There is no greater arrogance than that based in ignorance.”
“Are you God?”
“These thousand generations I have spent, following your development, are hardly a speck in the eye of God Almighty; praise God’s Holy Name! The Almighty sees back to the beginning and forward to the end with no blur and no limitations. The Almighty’s judgments are perfect. Human judgments are irrelevant. The Son told your forebears not to judge each other, yet you’re all still doing it. Such folly is at best a waste of time and energy, and at worst slowing down your progress toward readiness for Eternity.”
“What now?”
“Now, take my hand.”
And with that, the man in purple and white stepped a foot into the portal with a firm grasp of my hand. Before we fully entered it, I asked him his name.
“I am Gabriel. I stand in the Presence of the Almighty.” (Luke 1:1)
Note from the author: If you are interested in where this book takes you, while you await its publication, you may be interested in my published novel, available at Amazon, by clicking or