“Portal of Pain”?: They Ain’t doing Sh^&
Dave Gerber
I help leaders/professionals more successfully engage people related problems before & after they happen. Helping organizations increase wellness, revenue, & reduced risk while reducing costly conflicts of all types.
There are a lot of people in this world that have chosen not to heal past wounds, deal with personal baggage and at the same time walk around claiming they have no issues to work on. Worse yet, some of those people are taking their issues out on people in all kinds of dysfunctional ways. My thought on this is simple. If they were truly free from the intrapersonal burdens that impact us all they wouldn’t be walking around…but floating. While we are all on similar and different vibrational levels, some people in their personal vibration…ain’t working on squat. You know those people from your personal and work life. If we are not meant to improve, what are we here for?
It is important to also know what the issues are that get in the way of real soul exploration, healing, wellness, more happiness, and a better understanding of our purpose? Here are a few more thoughts and 15 obstacles people struggle with and have to move past when trying to find more happiness.
First, there is no question that we as people working on self-improvement issues slip up, for sure…sometimes more than other times. That is part of the program. You have to make mistakes to fix them and get better. Just like when you lift weights you break down the muscle fibers only for them to grow back stronger than before. We need some lack to shine the light on what we need to do to get better. We need to be triggered to have the microscope pointing at what we personally need to address. Always better to do it sooner than later.
So what are the excuses to self-improvement?
- “I’m too busy”
- Too busy (imagine working three jobs to then try and meditate…definitely needed but difficult)
- Short term focused
- Not wanting to feel out of control
- Not wanting to feel pain
- Not wanting to feel consecutive moments, days, weeks or months with pain
- Not wanting to get out of their comfort zone
- Lack of resources (it really doesn’t cost that much)
- Find it boring
- Lack of interest
- Procrastination
- Believing they are already happy with their life as is
- Lack of support
- Negative perception of self
- Ignorance
We MUST actively, knowingly choose to walk through what I call, “The Portal of Pain.” We know that self-improvement is going to be difficult and sometimes way more difficult when we get into the depths of it. But that is what it is all about. No fear, no control issues, only curiosity and a desire to get past anything holding us back. It may take weeks, months or years but the payoff is truly amazing…and you will feel the rewards daily.
Wishing you all the best and much love!