Portable, accurate instrumentation for photosynthesis and soil respiration research

Portable, accurate instrumentation for photosynthesis and soil respiration research

Photosynthesis devices

Automated Photosynthesis System (APS): The world’s first automated photosynthesis infra-red gas analyzer.

Investigate variation in photosynthetic performance throughout the day.

Advantages of the APS

  • Chambers automatically close onto the leaves to measure Carbon dioxide uptake and transpiration readings and then open to expose them to ambient conditions.
  • The console controls up to 10 leaf chambers to take multiple readings from replicated plants at pre-selected intervals. while you get on with other aspects of your research.
  • The unlimited length of gas tubing allows spacing of chambers in a growth room or greenhouse.

Portable and-held photosynthesis systems

LCpro T

  • Enhanced climate control of carbon dioxide (3,000 ppm), water , temperature and PAR to the leaf chamber.
  • Programmable RGB or White LED unit
  • GPS Data Recorded.
  • Colour graphing with up to 4 legends.
  • Interchangeable chambers (9) for exploring gas exchange in different leaf types, stems, fruit and soil.


  • Programmable RGB or White LED light unit. Measures carbon dioxide uptake (2,000 ppm) and evapotranspiration at ambient conditions.
  • Interchangeable chambers (9) for exploring gas exchange different leaf types, stems, fruit and soil.

iFL – Integrated Fluorometer and Photosynthesis System

  • Powerful chlorophyll fluorometer combined with an advanced, climate- controlled photosynthesis system.
  • Set up automated chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange experiments.
  • Automated modulated light adjustment.
  • Rapid light curves.
  • Fluorescence stress tests, carbon dioxide compensation point, mesophyll conductance and many other parameters.

Chlorophyll content meters

  • Non-destructive CCI, SPAD or mg/sqm readers.
  • Data averaging options.
  • GPS included in all models.

Chlorophyll fluorescence meters

Basic and advanced devices to study plant stress taking light-adapted Y (II) and dark adapted FV/FM measurements in most environmental conditions.

Soil Respiration

Soil carbon dioxide and water flux instrumentation for the lab and field

  • A compact carbon dioxide IRGA and water analyser.
  • Gas multiplexer and data logger
  • Sequential analysis of up to 24 soil samples.

  • Portable soil gas exchange analyser.
  • Soil chamber for ‘spot measurements’ of Net Carbon Exchange Rate.

  • Automated soil carbon dioxide exchange system.
  • Field analyser and data logger. Used in long-term, unattended monitoring of soil carbon dioxide flux in the field.
  • Open or Closed stations with autozero.
  • Up to 30 ACE stations can be networked and run by the ACE Master.

For more information, contact: [email protected] or visit www.adc.co.uk

#infraredgasanalysers #greenhouse #PhotosynthesisSystem #gasanalyzer #plants #crops #agriculture #horticulture #soil

The below analyzer is remote What are the patent dates ? Automated soil carbon dioxide exchange system. ? Field analyser and data logger. Used in long-term, unattended monitoring of soil carbon dioxide flux in the field. ? Open or Closed stations with autozero. ? Up to 30 ACE stations can be networked and run by the ACE Master.



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