Porn is the new army
There are plenty of technologies we take for granted, most of them were first used for military purposes.
You use a computer to browse the internet, but the first computers were created to calculate ballistic trajectories for artillery.
You stood in front of the door of your office building this morning, it opened automativcally for you... guess from where the infrared sensor technology came from?
And how did we get to the moon? Von Braun had his research and experiments funded because of unprecedented military effort.
Somehow it's sad that most of the technology advancements were fueled by attempts to find better ways to kill each others, but at least, for those who eventually survived, a better quality of life was produced as a side product.
While we still like to explore new ways of mass murdering our neighbours, something new is happening, one of these things is PORN. See the full article here
Trying out new technologies is always expensive or... is it? That was the primary reason for having the military to spearhead technologies : they always have too many funds!
But things are changing, technology, including the new fronteers, is getting cheaper and quicker to implement.
PornHub is using image recognition to identify actors, positions, attributes etc, nothing really new, but this is not yet a completely reliable technology, so more applications we have, quicker it will evolve.
“Facial detection is nothing new, even for mobile devices, but this system goes one step further by categorizing videos and images based on various attributes. This means you’ll be able find favorites by name or characteristics, a feat that once require prodigious amounts of data entry. How well does it work?
“It’s quite precise,” said Price.
Sure, it might at the beginning tag "milf" an image that should have been tagged "granny" (use at your own risk!), but who knows, maybe one day we may benefit from a refined algorithm that can identify a tiny tumor from images, thanks to a new army : the army of wankers.
Sempre detto: tira più un pelo che un carro armato ??