Porn Epidemic
We live in a world where we are taught that sex sells. Everywhere you look there are ads that use images that are meant to lure you in with the promise of sex. These companies want the consumers to believe that if you buy their products, your sex life can improve. These are not just commercials for alcohol, colognes and perfumes or clothes. Even chewing gum ads try to deceive its consumers into believing that if they just chew their gum some random attractive guy or girl will suddenly appear wanting to kiss them.
These commercials do not show nudity, so there is no downside to using them. WRONG! These commercials distort our view on what our goals of who we have a relationship with. These companies are using our brains to work against us. Consumers see these half-dressed men and women everywhere and it doesn’t take long for these images not to be enough. It causes consumers to want to see less on the people in these ads. So, what is the most logical place to turn to? Pornography.
Do you know how much of an epidemic pornography really is in the world we live in? I would be shocked if someone can say that pornography has not been introduced into their life at some point. Pornography is more popular and more accessible than ever before. Every day millions of people do searches related to the porn industry. Why do people watch porn? Porn is a symptom of people trying to find security, identity and fulfillment in something that was created for something greater. Porn is stripping us of our bodies and selling it for something less than it deserves. Porn arises sexual passions and it quickly becomes a behavior that destroys lives. 1st John 2:16 says, “For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.” Pornography without a doubt causes us to lust after flesh and is without question a lust of the eyes.
Pornography is addictive and so many are suffering because they feel like they are trapped in a prison. I have talked to people about their struggles with porn, and I can see the despair in their eyes. They don’t know how they can break free and because it is so accessible, they fear that they will never be able to escape it. They are struggling with something that makes them feel really good physically, but mentally it makes them feel so bad about themselves inside.
Satan lies to us constantly so we won’t realize that there is something broken inside of ourselves. Satan wants us to think that looking at porn is not that bad. He wants us to think that we aren’t hurting anyone, because it’s just us sitting in front of a computer screen. Satan lies to husbands who are looking at porn, convincing them to think, “Hey at least I am not sleeping with other women, so it’s not cheating.” Satan tries to convince us that porn can improve our sex lives. He wants us to believe no one else would understand. Satan doesn’t want us to know that we can change. He doesn’t want us to know there is a simple solution.
Satan uses pornography as a tool to accomplish his goal. Satan’s goal is to try and get you as far away from Jesus as possible. Satan doesn’t discriminate either. It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, young or old. Satan doesn’t care what country you live in or what color your skin is. Satan doesn’t care if you are rich or poor. He doesn’t care what type of church you go to. Satan doesn’t care what you do for a living. The one thing I want to remind those who are struggling with pornography, is that Jesus has not run out of Grace. I want those people to know that even if they have looked at porn every day for five years, if they will let that sin go and lay it at the cross, Jesus will give them grace.
We need to realize the seriousness of this sin. This type of sin affects all aspects of our lives. It affects the relationships we have. Pornography destroys lives. It breaks up marriages and rips families apart. The biggest mistake that people who are struggling with pornography is keeping this sin a secret. They don’t want people to know, so they hide it away so they don’t expose that part of their lives to others around them. These are the same people who are scared to admit they have a problem, because they are ashamed and scared what others will think about them. The truth is they need to expose their sin, because only when they open up about their struggle, they will see they are not alone. There are real benefits of not trying to go through this alone.
Don’t let Satan fool you into believe that you are the only one going through this. Porn is a billion-dollar industry and I am pretty sure you don’t have a billion dollars so trust me that you are not the only one struggling with this sin. It’s not just unbelievers who goes through this. It’s Christian’s too. It’s Christians who go to church all the time. It’s Christians who are in leadership positions. So, get past the secrecy of porn and start talking about it. You have been trying to beat this addiction on your own for too long.
There is one simple solution to a pornography addiction. You do not have to let it destroy your lives, you don’t have to be covered in shame. Jesus Christ breaks chains and sets captives free. 1st John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from unrighteousness.” Only through Jesus Christ can you stop letting pornography consume your thoughts, consume your time and consume your views on relationships. Get into the Word and stay in it. Open up about what you are going through to those around you. Trust in Jesus that He can get you through this addiction. Jesus Christ is the one and only simple solution to beating a pornography addiction.