Popup for Youtube and Vimeo
This Wordpress shortcode plugin helps you to add Youtube or Vimeo videos on an HTML link. When that link is clicked then the given video will be opened in a popup modal.
- Tested with Wordpress version 3.5 to the latest version 4.9.4
How to use it
[vk-videopopup src="youtube" id="EqPtz5qN7HM" text="Play hotel California"]
[vk-videopopup src="vimeo" id="187625966" text="Click to Play Pharrell Williams happy"]
text attribute is not mandatory and other two attributes must be specified otherwise popup will not work.
for the source (src): you have only 2 properties: youtube or Vimeo
for id: you should get the video id from youtube or video.
You can see the plugin in action on my website tech2vel
You can download the code from github repo.
If you'd like to contribute, feel free to tackle a feature or fix a bug and when you're ready, send a pull request on github. If you'd like to get more involved than that, please e-mail me at [email protected] or [email protected].