The popularity of fandoms Q&A

The popularity of fandoms Q&A

Fandoms can provide a sense of belonging and community to those who participate. While this can be a benefit, there are instances where the obsession can go over the top, especially in today’s digital age. Alexandra Gold, PhD, gives insight into fandoms in the Q&A below.


Have you seen a growing interest from the public in fandoms/communities as of late?

?I think that social media and the internet have led to an abundance of communities in the virtual space and many touch points for people (especially young people who are active online) to engage with others who have similar interests to them.


Why do you think people are so interested in fandoms/communities?

?I think that one of the challenges of the digital age has been that people are spending more time on their phones and less time connecting with others via real life, in-person interactions. Decreased personal contact can lead to increased feelings of loneliness and social isolation. For example, a 2023 Meta-Gallup survey found that 1 in 4 adults around the world (and 24% of those aged 15 and up) reported feeling fairly or very lonely. In today’s world, one way for people to easily find social connections is through online communities that cater to their interests. So, people may be connecting to fandoms as a way of meeting like-minded others.?


Do you think social media has an impact on the public’s fascination?

?Absolutely – with social media, it is relatively easy for people to learn about and engage with new communities. Thus, popular groups are able to gain traction and spread very swiftly.


Are there specific circumstances that can make an individual more susceptible to joining a fandom/community?

?I think that loneliness can be one factor that makes people more likely to feel strongly connected to an online community or fandom. Young people who are in the process of forming their identities and learning about themselves may connect to online communities or topics that help them learn about the person they are becoming or aspire to be (for example, many young people tend to be active in fandoms for popular music artists or media personalities with whom young people personally identify).?


As a psychologist, what is your overall opinion on how fandoms/communities are started?

?I think, at their core, people connect with communities/fandoms as a way to build social connections with others who have similar interests. These communities grow as their messages connect with more people.?


Are there any examples of recent or past fandoms/communities that particularly stick out to you from a psychology perspective?

?Some popular fandoms include Boston sports teams as well as “Swifties” (name for Taylor Swift fans) and the “BeyHive” (name for the Beyonce fandom).?


?Are there any concerns regarding those who are involved heavily in fandoms, especially online?

?I think the key with engagement in any online space, community, or fandom is moderation. Here are some questions to ask yourself, family members, or friends who are active in online spaces or specific communities: are you engaging in these communities at the expense of pursuing other valued areas of your life (school, work, relationships)? At the expense of eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and getting exercise? If the answers to any of these questions are “yes,” professional therapeutic help may be able to help you learn strategies for engaging in moderation.

