The Pope's Concubine
“My daughter what did the devil have you do ?," Mother Aquila asked with visible pain and sorrow in her eyes. Sister Magda could not offer an answer, only sobs. She did not have any answer, it had just happened. Worse, she did not feel guilty she had enjoyed every bit of it. "Answer me!!”Mother Aquila screamed at the haggard figure bowed before her. For all her anger, Mother Aquila loved Sister Magda, one of her prized pupils,?she was just disappointed that one of her pupils was caught up in an incident that could stain her reputation and that of her convent. Sister Magda had chosen to come to Mother Aquila because she was the only person she could trust with the whole truth and perhaps the only person who could protect her. Mother Aquila had never been afraid of those at the Papal Palace and those at the Papal Palace were aware of this and feared her. So there was an unwritten rule, she would remain at a secluded convent in the rural outskirts village of Italy, given all the funding she needed to teach new sisters joining the faith and in turn, she would not cause any problems for those at the Papal Palace. That unwritten rule was about to be broken. "I was the Holy Father the Pope's concubine for the past year and I witnessed his murder now people I don’t know are after me”, Sister Magda responded after a long pause.
Mother Aquila had to reach out for a chair as she felt all vigour depart from her body. This was more than any situation she had butted heads with those at the Papal Palace before, their fights have been over funding, abiding by rules and other mundane things, not the murder of the head of the church and not revelations by a sister that she was his concubine. “Concubine? You mean…,” Mother Aquila stammered, “That’s the only way I can describe it, I had sexual relations with the Pope”, Sister Magda answered. "This will ruin the church, my daughter". Mother Aquila had received news earlier that day before Sister Magda arrived, that Sister Magda had escaped after stealing money and jewellery belonging to the church. "So, you did not steal anything?”, she asked. “No holy Mother, I did not,” Sister Magda responded. “Oh, those wily cardinals, they are discrediting you already. Come, you can’t be seen by anyone here, I am sure they have spies here," Mother Aquila said, ushering Sister Magda to her (Mother Aquila) quarters. “Wait here while I get some food for us, we need to plan the way forward”, Mother Aquila said while closing the door behind her.
Sister Magda now alone in the room, noticed the small bed and a small table with Bibles on the corner. This reminded her of the Pope's room, his was bigger but he had a similar table and bed, he claimed it reminded him of the monastery he came from. She remembered the fateful day she had been chosen to be responsible for tending to the Pope, the specific job being to serve the Pope his food.
It was the day the new Pope was coronated. The was much fanfare at the Papal residence, some old staffers leaving to allow the new pope to also have a new people. Sister Magda had been but of the catering team for cardinals for two years now. The head of affairs in the Papal residence a certain Mother Ruth called for a meeting and started assigning new responsibilities. “Sister Magda", Mother Ruth called, Sister Magda had stepped upfront as required and was expecting the same chores with some reprehension that she might also be told she was no longer needed. The announcement that she would now be taking care of serving the Pope his food was a shock to her and all in the room, such that an audible unified sigh was heard. "Sister Sarah was supposed to take these duties but I was just informed that she broke her hand so she told me she wanted Sister Magda to take her duties I hear she is the hardest working one in her group”, Mother Ruth said. It was true that Sister Magda was the hardest working but what shocked her was that Sister Sarah had chosen her. Sister Sarah seemed to enjoy making Sister Magda life difficult and everyone knew it. Sister Magda wondered if this was some kind of joke or worse still a fleeting dream. She would later be told by Sister Sarah that the reason she endured all that pain inflected by Sister Sarah was that Sister Sarah knew she was destined for greatness "One day you will be the head of all this here at the Papal residence, I needed to test you and you passed beyond my expectations which were actually high even at the beginning" Sister Sarah had said. With that, Sister Magda began her duties.
It was an exciting adventure for Sister Magda, the first 3 months she got to master the Pope’s food preferences and timetable for eating. He was always in a jovial mood and would almost always try to say some joke, something he confessed to being poor at and as evidenced by his trials was true. She would flatter him with a giggle or two. In the morning the Pope always took his breakfast on his small study table, he liked to take coffee or fruit juice while reading the Bible early in the morning. Sister Magda would knock on the door twice wait a few seconds and get in whether he responded or not. She would then kneel beside him while putting the tray with his breakfast on the table. Almost every time he would raise his eyes over his Bible to look at the food and offer a thank you while patting her on the back while she still kneeled. This was habit to all who tended to him whether male or female, the pat on the back was standard practice and by all accounts an innocent action. One day around the fourth month, Sister Magda followed the same routine, expect this day the Pope seemed to be engrossed in a passage of Scripture so she thought it would be one of those rare days where he would thank her in the afternoon and apologise for not noticing her in the morning as was his custom after such an event. On his part, the Pope was so engrossed in the Scripture that he only noticed the kneeling figure after some time. So he offered his perfunctory "thank you" and the pat on the back. Both Pope and Sister Magda quickly realised what had happened, for Sister Magda had already stood up and the pat was to her buttocks rather than to her back. "Forgive me, was not paying attention" the Pope profusely apologised. For her part, she simply shyly responded that it was okay. Only that to her surprise, she rather liked it and felt excitement. For the rest of the day she had a smile on her face. The same thing happened a month or so later, only now she suspected the Pope did it on purpose and she enjoyed it again. The excitement was mixed with guilty for she had also felt aroused and as someone sworn to celibacy this was not supposed to happen. The guilty would grow over the days and weeks to come as she started to feel the sexual tension rising between her and the Pope. The problem was she could not confess this to anyone, confessing that you felt sexual desire for the Pope even with the existence of the Confessional Seal (confidentiality) would definitely end with her being relieved of her duties. She was sure any priest she confessed to, especially the cardinals would rather break the confessional confidentiality than rather let a woman with such desires around the Holy Father. So, she kept her guilty to herself and decided to rather ask to be transferred.
“I feel like they are more qualified candidates here since I was taking the position temporarily waiting for Sister Sarah to heal it also makes sense to clear the way for her" Sister Magda said to Mother Ruth. So, Mother Ruth agreed to transfer her from the position, but that only lasted for a week. She was informed that both Sister Sarah and the Pope were of the view that Sister Magda should carry on her position. So soon she was back serving the man her loins longed for, a longing they were not supposed to have.
One day she arrived knocked twice waited a few seconds and opened the door and she found the room empty. She called for the Pope and was met with a response of a groan coming from the bathroom. “Please come help,” was the call from the Pope. She opened the door to find him on the floor naked. “I slipped getting out of the shower” the Pope murmured. She quickly took her eyes from the naked body and grabbed a towel to cover him. She would later always wonder if the Pope had pretended to slip and fall for it did not take much for him to rise. As he rose one of his hands by mistake caressed one of her breasts and one landed on her bum. As he stood they were so close she could feel his breathing and she noticed her breathing had changed as well. So she stepped back “Ah, I brought your…clothes…sorry mean food,” she said with some heavy breathing punctuating her words. The more she tried to suppress it the more it seemed to rise. She could not understand it, what did she a 37-year-old nun find desirous in this 64-year-old man. "I m going now," she said as she tried to turn. "Magda," the Pope said in a soft voice. When she turned to answer, she found him already near her and he planted a kiss on her mouth. She could not pretend to resist so she just kissed him back, with the two ending on the bed both of them naked. The Pope would share the breakfast with her though now it was cold. She would leave with a feeling of guilt and shame. She had given herself to celibacy and now she had broken her promise to her God.
That day she was called by Mother Ruth in her office, "Just wanted to find out how you are and if you need anything" she asked, Sister Magda guilty sense started telling her that somehow Mother Ruth knew her grave sin. "It's okay, I have all I need" she responded. “Is the Holy Father treating you well?” Mother Ruth asked. “Yes, he is" was the response. "Are you okay Sister Magda?" Mother Ruth asked as she noticed that Sister Magda seemed to be stressed. "I will be, had received news that a family member is not well but I got holy water from the Holy Father I am sure that will help" Sister Magda responded with a lie. "Okay, I will also offer my prayers for your family, if you need to visit them I can give you days off. You have a great future Sister, do you know you are the youngest to serve the Pope. By the time you get to be my age who knows where you will be. Keep the good work." Mother Ruth said. "Thank you," Sister Magda said as she walked out of the room.
Sister Magda and the Pope for the following days acted like nothing had happened and went through their routines. But after a few weeks, the guilty subsided and the desire rose again, so this time around she initiated it and the Pope was happy to participate. So, it became a practice, she would feel guilty and stop and after some time the guilty would disappear to be replaced by desire and she would find herself on the Pope's small bed. This went on for months until the guilty no longer arose, for his part, the Pope assured her he had the power to forgive sins even the ones he participated in thus he would offer her forgiveness after every amorous romp. She also convinced herself that since the Holy Father was deemed infallible that meant his actions with her should be somehow in the divine plan, that surely explained the great energy he had during their romps only divine power would give him such vigour she thought to herself. No one seemed to be the wiser to their actions for the Pope’s room was soundproof and he had declared that she was now required to wait for him to eat the food she brought rather than simply leaving the food like the usual practice. This offered them ample time.
One day she came in to deliver the evening food. The Pope was feeling frisky, so they had sexual intercourse, and both slept. She was awakened towards midnight, and she knew some of the sisters would be wondering where she was if they had by any chance looked into her room. So, she rushed into the bathroom to clean herself up and wear her clothes. That's when she had the door to the room slowly opening and she saw a shadowy figure proceeding to walk towards the Pope's bed and inject something into his shoulder while he still slept. She could not figure who it was as the light in the room was turned off she only noticed that the shadowy figure had a visible scar on the left hand when the moon light coming from the window hit the figure as it turned to leave. She proceeded to walk out and go to her room.
The following morning, she was wakened by crying only to be notified that the Pope had been found dead. The report was that he had died peacefully in his sleep, but she wondered if the shadowy figure might have played a hand. The question would be how she would report this. So she decided that she would claim the Pope had asked her to bring a midnight snack and that she had noticed a shadowy figure leaving the room. The investigators who as per custom was required to determine the events before the death of the Pope so as to rule out foul play took her to a room and told her to wait. While in the room, one of the men who guarded the door to the Pope’s room briskly walked in, “Don’t talk just listen” he said while approaching her so he could whisper in her ear. “I know what you and the Pope used to do and I know someone has a hand in his death. I could not sleep last night so I decided to take a walk in the residence. I walked past the Pope’s room last night and noticed that the night guard was not there and noticed the figure you told the investigators and also noticed you getting out of his room. Just minutes ago, I overheard a conversation with plans to kill you in case you might know more than you are letting on. Runaway and do not trust S…" the guard was interrupted by the investigators walking into the room and who quickly forcibly walked him out. What the guard had not known was that there was a camera in the room and those who were responsible for the Pope's death were watching. For her part, Sister Magda did not know what to say or do, but she was certain that whoever was bold enough to kill the Pope would not hesitate to kill her. She purposed she would find a way to escape and the only person she knew who could help was Mother Aquila. Mother Aquila was a well known tough but loving teacher of new nuns in a secluded covenant. So when the opportunity arose Sister Magda escaped from the Papal residence.
"Here my daughter, eat", Mother Aquila said, placing a plate on the table. Sister Magda did not have an appetite but out of respect for Mother Aquila decided to try eating. "Eat it all, you will need the energy we have to leave tonight. If whoever is after you knows anything about you they know you would have come here,” Mother Aquila said while packing a small bag. “We, Mother?”, Sister Magda asked. “Yes, we, I have to take you to a safe place and those who owe me favours will need to see my face especially if they get wind that you are running from the mighty of the Church”, Mother Aquila responded. Sister Magda felt guilty, only if she had not given to temptation she would not be bringing trouble to this old tough and loving lady she thought to herself. She also remembered the one thing she loved about Mother Aquila, whenever one of her students succeded it was glory to God and she heaped praise on the student while whenever someone committed a mistake she would always ask “how are WE going to solve it?”. All students were always safe in the knowledge she would help however, she had high standards and was demanding. Now she was sorry Sister Magda she had brought such a grave problem to Mother Aquila. “I am sorry Mother, I let you and my sisters down and let God down", she tearfully said. "God our Father is merciful my daughter, He will forgive you. And who am I to withdraw forgiveness if the Lord grants it. But when all this is over, I will require you come to the convent and clean the bathrooms for a whole year as your penance for making an old woman run around in the dark," Mother Aquila responded with a smile and proceeded to hug her. Every nun ever to walk through her convent was her daughter and she had committed to God she would defend her daughters with all her might. "Lord grant me strength for the journey ahead," Mother Aquila whispered to herself as the two began their journey.
On the journey Sister Magda, offered to describe what she remembered about the killer but Mother Aquila argued she did not need to know in case she was caught by those chasing Sister Magda, she wanted to be able to deny any knowledge and not reveal what Sister Magda knew. "The best-kept secrets are those never shared, I am old they might threaten harm to your sisters at the covenant and force me to tell them", she had retorted. It was a long walk as Mother Aquila thought it was wise not to use any transportation to avoid anyone recognising them. Both Mother Aquila and Sister Magda had to change into civilian attire so as to avoid any recognition. "Mother can we rest, I feel like vomiting?", Sister Magda asked. "Tell me, daughter, have you checked if you are pregnant or not," Mother Aquila asked. That send shivers through Sister Magda's body, "What?" she asked. "Did you and the Pope use protection, and have you checked if you are pregnant or not ?,” Mother Aquila asked. “Mother remember we are Catholics we do not use such protection plus the Pope claimed he was incapable of siring children” Sister Magda responded. “Hahaha, my daughter catholic priests and nuns are also not supposed to have sexual relations. I figured both of you would have been wise to make sure you used protection. How did you think it will end? Let’s hope he was not lying and that I am wrong because it seems you are pregnant” Mothe Aquila said.
By dawn, they arrived in a new rural village and quickly hid in a small room. A young lady entered the room after they had arrived, “Welcome Mother, welcome sister,” the young lady said. Mother Aquila would explain that the young lady was one of her former students who was now married and lived in this village. "So she failed like me?,” Sister Magda asked. “No, she did not fail. She was brought in by her parents who thought it good for her to be a nun, but she realised it was not her calling. So I helped her to come and settle in this village and two years ago she got married.” Mother Aquila said. The young lady told them she had asked her husband to ferry them by his boat across the river, “no one will know you have passed through here, everyone will just assume it is his daily journey to go collect groceries.”
“Thank you, young man. May the Lord bless you,” Mother Aquila said after they had crossed. They walked into the village and found another small house. “We will wait here, for a sister of mine to come help us figure out who is after you,” Mother Aquila said while dusting the furniture. Sister Magda would learn that Mother Aquila rented this house for instances when she needed to hide abused women who came for help at her convent. "Who is this friend?", Sister Magda asked. "Oh, it's the of head affairs at the residence. Mother Ruth. We were trained together and were initiated in a secret society in the church which is meant to protect the integrity of the Church. Hopefully, she will have heard of or seen my signal and she will come”, Mother Aquila. “What is the signal?” Sister Magda spoke as she run to vomit again. “You are definitely pregnant,” Mother Aquila said. “ To answer your question, the signal will be two sisters of the covenant attending mass at the Papal residence wearing green headgear rather than the grey headgear” she added. “Mother, will they not be severely punished, how did you convince them,” Sister Magda said with a look of concern for wearing green headgear at the papal residence was not allowed and attracted stiff punishment. “Yes, they will be severely punished, but when I asked the sisters at the convent, all but one volunteered, the one who did not volunteer barred due to illness. They knew I would not ask for them to break the rules if it was not important", Mother Aquila responded. "And they know you would do the same for them", Sister Magda added. Mother Aquila would tell her why they had such an arrangement with Mother Ruth. She would learn it was a signal to avoid any physical contact as not to attract attention and also simply sending Sisters to do an act would mean if they were caught they could only confess to the act as the sisters had no idea why they were taking this action. It had been something they were taught by the teacher, who had warned that they needed such contingencies if they were to survive the deadly politics at the Papal Residence. The sign was a call to meet up at this secret location.
“I feel naked in these clothes, I am going to change into my uniform” Mother Aquila said as she opened her small bag. As she removed her jersey, Sister Magda jumped back in terror. “It’s you, it’s you!” Sister Magda shouted while coiling in fear in the corner of the room. "What is it?" Mother Aquila shouted with some fear of her own, she did not understand. "The scar, the killer had the same scar you have on your hand" she responded. "Daughter be calm and answer me this. Are you certain the killer had the exact same scar?", Mother Aquila asked. Sister Madga could only nod to signal agreement. "Oh, what have I done, start packing your things we need to go!", "RIGHT NOW!" Mother Aquila shouted. She explained that only three people had the same scar, her, Mother Ruth and Cardinal Ferdinand; they were the three remaining from the secret society she had told Sister Magda about earlier. “Whatever happens, run to this place this is where we were going next. And remember do not tell anyone that you are pregnant for that will surely mark your death," Mother Aquila said as she handed Sister Magda a small paper. Right at that time, the door was hit open. "Get her !," was the shout from Mother Ruth who had appeared in the doorway. Mother Aquila stood between the man with Mother Ruth and Sister Magda. "Use the back door, run I will delay him. Remember, I LOVE YOU", she shouted as she noticed from the corner of her eye, Sister Magda scurrying for the back door. Outside the back door, two men were waiting to apprehend her, Sister Magda let out a loud cry which attracted the attention of villagers passing by, "these men, are trying to rob me" she shouted and hurried away as the villagers surrounded and accosted the men.
Back in the room, Mother Aquila asked why her beloved Sister (Mother Ruth) was involved in such a grave happening, “ You would not understand. You are more focused on developing your daughters." Mother Ruth responded. "By the way, I overheard you say something about her being pregnant. Is it the Pope's?", she added. "No, it's not his. She had relations with another man" Mother Aquila decided to lie. "You were never good at lying, I know she had relations with the Pope. Just did not know the old man had the vigour plus he was supposed to be incapable of having children. They did test him for that” Mother Ruth said as she paced around. “How did they test and why?”, Mother Aquila asked. “Remember the late Pope once worked for the great Cardinal Ibaez. As it happens the great Cardinal niece visited him at the monastery at stayed for six months. It was discovered she was pregnant after that time, with her contact being only with the man at the monastery. The cardinal out of fury had all man subjected to DNA tests and supposedly as some like the late Pope claimed they were not capable, they were tested for that too. How that was done I will leave it to your imagination. That's how some of us knew but who knows, God does work miracles”, Mother Ruth said as she walked near a table with some knives on it. At that moment the two men who were supposed to apprehend Sister Magda ran in to announce she had escaped. Mother Ruth assured them she would get all the information from her "beloved Sister Aquila". "To cut what might be a long process short let me put my cards on the table. You and I both know nothing I can do to you will make you tell me the truth. So we will play a different game, I will find ways to risk the lives of your daughters at the convent. The question would be how many you are willing to put in danger for the sake of one daughter who did not keep her celibacy vowels. So tell me everything she told you and where she is going” Mother Ruth said. Mother Aquila simply stood up and walked slowly towards Mother Ruth and unexpectedly started running towards her as to attack, forcing Mother Ruth to grab a knife on the table and threaten her to stop. Mother Aquila continued her forward movement and jumped on her both falling down. Mother Ruth stood up first with one of the men noting she had blood on her hands. She then noticed the knife stuck in Mother Aquila’s stomach. "Leave my daughters alone, I love them. Lord forgive her, she knows not what she is doing", with those words Mother Aquila expired.
Sister Magda managed to follow the directions on the note and was surprised to know that the person she was meeting was the gardener at the Papal residence. The gardener told Sister Magda that Mother Aquila had tended to his mother when she was on her death bed afflicted with leprosy among other ailments. He had recounted that all had been fearful to tend to her except for Mother Aquila. In turn, the gardener and his family have committed to one day repay her in her hour of need. Sister Magda and the gardener who was named Lorenzo then planned that they would fake Sister Magda's death as it was the only way to dissuade those chasing her. Lorenzo took her to another remote village where the medical examiner who was a relative of Lorenzo agreed to write up a death certificate indicating the death of a woman found washed up by the river.
Lorenzo proceeded to take her to his young brother's family in another small village. He told the family that Sister Magda who had now changed her name to Alessa, was a woman running away from an abusive husband and that Mother Aquila had asked that they help keep her safe. The family was more than happy to help when they heard the name of Mother Aquila. “Who abuses a pregnant woman, come here my dear,” Lorenzo’s sister in law said as she hugged Sister Magda. Sister Magda (Alessa) asked how she knew she was pregnant, "I have a sense about these things, I am a midwife plus life experiences come to sit and will bring food", Lorenzo's sister-in-law who was named Agata responded. Thus, Sister Magda now known as Alessa found a new family. The family told prying neighbours she was a recent widow of a family member who lived in the city.
Back at the Papal residence. Mother Ruth was lamenting. “l didn't expect that it would end up like this. That I would kill a dear friend.”, Cardinal Ferdinand simply nodded agreement as he sat. Sister Sarah then suddenly entered, both Mother Ruth and Cardinal Ferdinand stood up and greeted her. She proceeded to take a seat. “Where are we now with regards to the girl”, she asked looking at Mother Ruth. Mother Ruth recounted how the girl had escaped the day she killed Mother Aquila, she added that she had received information that in a certain village there was a report that a dead body had been found in a river and according to the report it should be that of Sister Magda. Sister Sarah wanted to know how certain they were it was Sister Madga. “Did the Coroner check if the woman was pregnant? you mentioned you overheard Aquila saying Magda was pregnant,” Sister Sarah asked. So they decided they needed confirmation for their plans could not be derailed by overlooking anything. “I ended the pope's life to usher a new era for the church to begin a new era where we are back as a leading voice in world affairs,” Sister Sarah said as she stood up. As she looked at her watch a glimpse of a scar similar to that of Mother Ruth, Cardinal Ferdinand and Mother Aquila could be seen. Sister Sarah had been ordained into the secret order separately from others and had been trained intensively to lead in ushering the reformation to come. The secret order was being revived as some in the church felt it has lost relevance in society and sister Sarah had been groomed to lead in the reformation of the church to get the church to be powerful in world affairs and for that someone in the secret order had to ascend to the Papacy. Ever the political animal she had managed to stay in the background while controlling things. Her hand had not been broken when they claimed Sister Magda should take over serving the Pope food. She had noticed how Cardinals and the Pope lusted after Sister Magda. So placing her near the Pope was going to almost certainly lead to an affair especially as she laced the Pope's food and Sister Magda's food with aphrodisiacs and ensured that no female interacted with the Pope except for Sister Magda and also ensured that Magda did not interact with any male member. As she anticipated the two were soon having sexual relations. The original plan was to have evidence to force the Pope to resign and have him support the coronation of Cardinal Ferdinand. She only killed him when she got wind that the pope was planning to demote Cardinal Ferdinand due to audit results which showed he had misappropriated funds. She just wished Cardinal Ferdinand had more common sense. But the death of the Pope had meant they could find ways to get rid of the audit results. Now they were at the precipice of achieving their goal. it was almost certain that Cardinal Ferdinand would be voted to be the next Pope, she had managed to blackmail his main competitors to drop from the election of the new Pope using damaging information she had gathered on them.
Within days Sister Sarah decided to send someone to check if the dead body found was indeed of Sister Magda, she needed confirmation. She chose to send the gardener Lorenzo for she did not know of his involvement and he was well known for discretion. Lorenzo came back with Sister Magda's uniform which he claimed had been found with the body and also claimed that the coroner had suspected she had been pregnant due to the stomach showing a small bulge but had not checked since she was an unclaimed body destined to be cremated. That put Sister Sarah mind at rest, finally, all was in order.
Within months Cardinal Ferdinand was confirmed as the new Pope. He quickly promoted Mother Ruth to become the Abbess, Mother Superior at the Vatican making her the most powerful female in the Church. But both knew the most powerful was Sister Sarah who remained in her position far from the spotlight.
While Sister Magda adjusted to her new life as Alessa. After some months she gave birth to twins, named Aquila and Francis. She then undertook to do her penance by being the cleaner at the local church.?She would clean imagining Mother Aquila coming to inspect, “Daughter l should be able to comfortably eat on the floor of a bathroom you clean. No half measures.” she would remember those stern words. She would also remember the compassion, “Daughter you are loved by love Himself, wherever you will be He will be there just whisper to Him a word of praise.”. With that Sister Magda, whispered, "Thank you Lord, my light and my salvation".