Pope Francis Bishop’s Synod Survey
Pope Francis holding an Image of Christ, nailed to the Symbol of former USSR

Pope Francis Bishop’s Synod Survey

During Sunday Mass, Deacon Joe’s homily asked for involvement, and responses from the Catholic laity community to the Pope Francis Synod, which has commenced and will be active during the next two years (2021-2023). That is a daring request, which we assume is sanctioned by all pastors and ultimately by the most Bishops. If Pope Francis agenda is not predetermined, and he is truly willing to listen to his flock (1.4 billion Catholics), and is not doing a worldwide survey to support preconceived policies, here my feedback. These questions and issues are not opinions, or conspiracy theories. They are “facts” based on research, which is the underpinning of Catholic Church teachings and the Gospels.

Bishops are successors of the Apostles, “together with the 'Successor of Peter, Representative of Christ, and visible head of the entire Church, rule the house of the Living God.” (Lumen gentium?18) No Pope or Ecumenical Council, with reference to authority over the Church, can do away with the Primacy, Episcopacy, Sacraments, or re-interpret them in their essence.

These Issues and Questions are the beginning of my input.

1.???Pope Francis dropped the title ‘Vicar of Christ’ in the Vatican Yearbook, and instead listed himself in ‘his own name’ of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Why did this Pope repudiate that he is the Vicar of Christ?

2.???Why did the Pope say, “Tradition is dead ideas,” and that conservative teachings are “ridged sins,” and impede the Latin Mass, supported by two prior popes, which has existed for fifteen centuries?

3.???Why is the Pope not emphasizing vices of abortion, same-sex marriage, and sinful life styles versus Sacramental life of the Church?

4.???Why is the Pope not focusing on unchangeable Catholic Christian doctrines, given by Jesus Christ to the apostles, 2000 years ago? “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (I Corinthians 3:11). No man has authority to change any of the?doctrines?that the?apostles?witnessed and recorded.

5.???Why did the Pope claim that the “first duty of all bishops is prayer (which is obvious),” not as the Lord instructed? He tells Peter, three times, to “feed his lambs, tend his sheep and feed his sheep.” Jesus' sheep are all Christians, including Jews and Gentiles (John 10:14-16).

6.???Why is the Pope against borders, walls and legal processes for citizens? We cannot allow all foreigners (and terrorists) entry without controls. Realistically, no country can do without protected borders.

7.???On October 4, 2019, Pope Francis blessed Pagan images of the “Pachamama” statue in St Peter’s Basilica, and Vatican gardens, as a prelude to the opening of the Amazon Synod. Numerous bishops and theologians condemned it. Why did the Pope not realize that most Christians would consider this as a diabolical ceremony?

8.???During the first four years the Speaker of the House of Representatives (2007 through 2010), about 4,676,000 unborn babies were aborted in the United States (cumulatively, about 62 million abortions have occurred since Roe v Wade). Why does the Pope support false Catholics such as Joe B and the Speaker of the House, who have publically advocate for abortions, worldwide?

9.???Why did the Pope inhibit and stop Sacraments by the Church during the Covid-19 pandemic? Is this against Church canon law? Absolutely!

During the spring of 2013, I was invite by my friend Tom Woodward (Ph.D. USF), Professor of Trinity College, Founder and Director of the C.S. Lewis Society, to give a presentation on “Essential differences between Catholicism and Protestantism” for his seminary students. Very challenging Q & A followed my presentation. One question he asked was my views on the new Pope Francis. At that time, I remember saying it is too early to be definitive, but this Pope seems to be “humanistic” as compared to Pope’s Benedict XVI and [Saint] John Paul II that appeared to be more “theological.” History may show how true this “assumption” was. Society must adapt to Christian Church doctrine, not the Church surrendering to secular society emotions, wants and desires.

Pope Francis Bishop’s Synod (continued)

This traditional Catholic writer has an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in front of his computer, and always prays for guidance before writing, especially when discussing leadership of the Catholic Church. More recently, this sinner went to confession (twice) and encountered two completely different views from a liberal, and a conservative priest. The liberal priest said (paraphrasing) Pope Francis was the best humanistic pope in his lifetime. The conservative priest said, as a Catholic you have a right and duty to voice your concerns to the leadership of the Church.

The Church itself, as the institution founded by Christ, cannot be oppressive; but those who exercise authority in its name are not free of human weakness. Canon law 213 says, "Christ's faithful have the right to be assisted by their Pastors from the spiritual riches of the Church, especially by the Word of God and the Sacraments."

To continue my Synod Input, see items 10-19. According to reliable sources, Catholic “social justice,” like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), are [allegedly] radically Marxist in nature and abortive, and sexually deviant.?

Remember the race riots of 2020, based on George Floyd, an African- American man, who died after a white Minneapolis police officer pins him to the ground with his knee on Floyd’s neck, which resulted in mass murders, burning buildings (including churches), violence and chaos.?Some organizations behind those riots [allegedly] received funding from the Catholic Church in the name of “social justice”!

10.Pope Francis remarked about the George Floyd situation: "It is clear that this type of reaction against social, racial or macho injustice can be manipulated or exploited by political machinations or whatever, but the main thing is that, in that protest against this death, there was the Collective Samaritan who is no fool!"

My Viewpoint: Political and religious groups exploited Floyd’s death, such as religious preachers like Al Sharpton of NYC, and they also proclaimed George Floyd as equally both as a “saint and angel.”??

Speaking of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, the pope said, “that when it observed the harm done to human dignity because of abuse of power, the movement did not ignore it. He proclaimed, "The popular movements are not only social poets but also collective Samaritans."

Declaring himself as not having all the answers, the pope nevertheless suggested a universal basic income and shorter workdays two potential remedies for the unequal allocation of "resources and labor in modern society."

My Viewpoint: BLM is a socialist/communist force that is anti-marriage, and promotes abortions. The abortion industry has a disturbing history with deep-seated links to eugenics. Planned Parenthood in particular was founded by a?known eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who?openly stated?the goal of Planned Parenthood was to reduce the black population. According to the Johnston Archive, despite the black and Hispanic populations being?only 29 percent?of the total in America, they accounted for a?57 percent?of all abortions in 2017. ?

Oct 20, 2021 Source: LifeSiteNews (Abridged and edited by me):

11.Pope Francis wants Big Tech to ramp up its censorship campaign of competing ideas and conversations that challenge accepted narratives, asking “in the name of God” that “technology giants” put a swift end to the spread of “fake news” and “conspiracy theories.”

His comments came as part of his?message to the World Meeting of Popular Movements, an initiative?created?by the Pope, which purports to uphold “social justice” around the world. The group?describes itself?as “grassroots organizations and social movements established around the world by people whose inalienable rights to decent work, decent housing, and fertile land and food are undermined, threatened or denied outright.”

12.The Pope appealed “in the name of God” to pharmaceutical labs, financial groups, food corporations, mining industry, arms manufacturers, technology giants, telecoms giants, the media, and “powerful countries” to all join his campaign to see liberal policies, such as a universal basic income and “the reduction of the working day,” implemented on a worldwide scale. He devoted part of his speech to urging “all the great pharmaceutical laboratories” to open their patents on the COVID-19 jabs as “a gesture of humanity,” despite their?connection to abortion?and the experimental nature of the shots, now correlated with some?798,636 injuries?in the U.S.

13.The pope insisted there is a need to “adjust our socio-economic models so that they have a human face,” arguing “many models have lost it.” The Pope urged Big Tech to intensify its focus on controlling public discourse by culling “hate speech, grooming, fake news, conspiracy theories, and political manipulation.”

?14.The Pope condemned “mining, oil, forestry, real estate, agribusiness” for, in his opinion, their part in “destroying forests, wetlands and mountains,” as well as “polluting rivers and seas.”

15.He further demanded that arms manufacturers “completely stop their activity,” arguing that the existence of weaponry, even for defense, “foments violence and war.” He stated “No to neo-colonialism,” citing the globalist United Nations as a means of resolving international conflicts, and reprimanded the media for employing what he called “the logic of post-truth, disinformation,” both of which are pejoratives used against right-wing thought.

The Pope used this term on three occasions during his speech, suggesting that there exists a “post-truth plot that seeks to nullify any humanistic search for an alternative to capitalist globalization.” (He publically spoke against President Trump.)

My Viewpoint: Communist China has been able to move hundreds-of-millions of previously poverty stricken people to the middle class, in recent decades, by means of a form of American and Western Capitalism.?

16.The Pope said that, to redress issues of inequality around the world, there is no easy answer, but “we must dream together.” He suggested two proposals: “Introducing a basic income and shortening the working day.”

Advocating a “universal wage,” Francis suggested that a basic income structure exist, “so that everyone in the world may have access to the most basic necessities of life.”

17.“It is right to fight for a humane distribution of these resources, and it is up to governments to establish tax and redistribution schemes so that the wealth of one part of society is shared fairly, but without imposing an unbearable burden, especially upon the middle class,” Francis said.

My Viewpoint: A similar idea is the World Economic Forum (WEF), which plans to usher in a modern social and industrial revolution known as the “Great Reset.” (Remember Hillary Clinton and the Russian “Reset”?)

18.“Shortening the workday is another possibility,” Francis opined, adding that the idea “needs seriously to be explored.” He insisted, “Working fewer hours so that more people can have access to the labor market is something we need to explore with some urgency.”

19.Speaking of the protests organized by Black Lives Matter (BLM) which occurred the summer of 2020 in the wake of Floyd’s death, the Pope said that “[t]his movement did not pass by on the other side of the road when it saw the injury to human dignity caused by an abuse of power. The popular movements are not only social poets but also collective Samaritans.”

BLM protests are?linked?to more than 570 riots that raged across 47 states last summer, in which 30 people were?killed, and cost billions of dollars.

My Viewpoint: We believe that Pope Francis has certainly experienced the tragic history of the worst extreme right-wing dictators in Argentina and South America, and is now acting against all such extreme right groups.?However, we believe the Pope has overreacted in the opposite direction—towards Global Liberalism, Socialism, and potentially Communism.

The Pope took the namesake of St. Francis of Assisi for his papacy. However, St. Francis was not a socialist; he was a very humble monk, who had special graces (gifts) from the Lord, who asked Francis to reform His Church, which he did in the 13th century. In contrast, Pope Francis is inadvertently destroying centuries of Catholic doctrines given by Christ, by his imprudent decrees and policies. These acts in summary include:

1.???Edict reducing and ultimately eliminating all Tradition Catholic Masses and Conservative ideas and thoughts, as “ridget sin.”

2.???Retiring conservative bishops, while extending and promoting liberal bishops. The College of Cardinals is now stacked in favor of liberal Cardinals for the next election of future popes.

3.???Supporting Socialism on a global scale, without admitting that it failed in Communist China, Cuba, North Korea, and the Americas.

4.???Promoting “Climate Change” by political leaders and the UN, without conceding that Communist China and India will not actively participate, and they produce most (about 50%) of the world’s carbon pollution.

5.???Refusing to censor President B. and the Speaker of the House for their public support of worldwide abortions, and sacrilegious taking of the Body and Blood of Christ during communion at Mass.

6.???His public support for Black Lives Matter (BLM), a violent group.

7.???His public support for borderless countries and illegal migration.

8.???Scandals at the Vatican Bank by his personally appointed Cardinal.

9.???Protecting Cardinal McCormick, for five additional years, after he was found guilty of decades of youth homosexual abuses.

10.Failure to receive former Cardinal of China on Catholic Church leadership, and the pope accepted abominable Communist leadership.

11.Placed Pagan Idols on St. Peters, and blessing them in Vatican gardens.

12.Publically claiming, Islam and Hinduism is equal to Catholicism. He claims excommunicated Luther, is a “hero” of Christianity. (What of the Catholic Creed claim: “One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?)

13.Claims that Christ may have pardoned Judas, who is not in hell, and the he seeks mercy for all sinners. He seems to be against all traditional Catholic teachings on virtues and vices, and declines to speak out against abortions, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and Biblical and Christian teachings about the Evils of this world, or the Blessings of Eternal Life.

We should pray for Pope Francis and Bishops who lead our churches.




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