The Pop-Up News #4
Dr. Tina Busch
Englisch Coach & Podcasterin ★ Ich helfe Dir, besser & selbstbewusster Englisch zu sprechen ★ Einzel- und Gruppencoachings für Privatpersonen, Angestellte, Teams ★ Gruppenkurs: Snack + Chat Lunch Break (April 24)
Hey there! Welcome to The Pop-Up News – my monthly newsletter. I'm so glad that you are here! In my newsletter I usually share a personal story and tons of things to read and listen, to watch and learn, to do and – most importantly - to get inspired. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and have fun reading and discovering new parts of the internet!
Below you'll find the latest edition of The Pop-Up News which I sent out right before Christmas 2021. The content, however, is still relevant. My personal story more than ever...
?? Ho Ho Ho ??,
Today is FINALLY the last day of school before the Christmas break. While the winter sun is trying to make its way through the dense fog, I’m writing this newsletter, trying to make my way through the confusing thoughts in my head. And while the beginning of my letter might be a little darker than usual, I promise I’ll make up for it after the first paragraphs. So please bear with me.
2021 has been another strange and different year. The last couple of weeks have been difficult, especially when it comes to my kids and school. I can see very clearly now that the months of home schooling at the beginning of the year took a toll on my kids. While I’m pretty optimistic that things will sort out for the kid in elementary school, I’m really worried about my daughter in 6th grade high school (German: Gymnasium).
The “sink or swim” mentality that has always been an integral part of the Gymnasium is now really kicking in. Nobody seems to care that we are still in the middle of the pandemic, that kids do not only have major knowledge gaps because of months and months of mediocre learning from and at home. But kids in 6th grade, like my daughter, have still not gotten used to the standards at a school that is still new for them! They haven’t established any learning routines. They don’t know how and when to prepare for tests. They are only now realizing that there are a lot of things they are supposed to know by now because these topics were part of the 5th grade curriculum. But how can you catch up on 5th grade knowledge when new topics are being introduced daily? New topics that are building on what was supposed to be learned previously?
It’s sink or swim. Now more than ever. I’m trying very hard (too hard?) to be the life belt for my daughter. But I don’t know if she will actually hold on to it. Or if it will work.
In the time between the holidays, however, I don’t want to dwell on such a complicated and serious topic. Instead, I’m going to use these quiet days for some end-of-the year reflection. Looking back at what was. And also looking at what will be. This is a ritual that I have established over the years thanks to my own coaching experience. And thanks to another podcast.
In this newsletter I’m going to share three end-of-the-year questions with you that I have been reflecting on. I would like to invite you to also sit with these questions. Maybe you want to write your answers in a journal or discuss them with your partner. And if you feel like sharing them, please do. I am here for you.
Question 1: Who were your people in 2021?
Please take your time when you are sitting with this question. There are people who you will think of instantly. Maybe because they are part of your daily life, or you’ve just recently talked to them. The longer you hold on to this question, the more you will think of different people. People who inspire you. Someone who helped you. Someone who spoke the words you didn’t want to but needed to hear. The long-time friend you only see once a year, but who is always just a phone call away when you need her. The new family in town that not only you but your whole family – including the dog – clicked with right away. And don’t forget your partner who is always solid as a rock when you go crazy upon hearing the latest COVID news.
Sit with this question and let your list get long.
Question 2: What are you longing for this holiday season?
Please don’t take too much time when you think about this particular question. The holidays are just around the corner!!! I know that I’m longing for a blank calendar, getting up late, going for long walks, having good conversations over even better cups of coffee, and reading as many books as possible next to the Christmas tree.
Don’t forget to tell your loved ones about your answer. And maybe ask them the same question, too.
Question 3: What do you want more of in 2022?
My very spontaneous answer to this question? I want to worry less. But what does this mean with regard to what I want more of? In German I would say: mehr Leichtigkeit. What does this mean in English? More ease? More lightness? More effortlessness? Maybe it’s all of the above.
I also want more time behind the microphone – for my podcast “The Pop-Up Cast.” What started as a passion project during the November 2020 lockdown, is not finished yet. There are far too many amazing people out there whose stories need to be told and for whom a podcast interview could be the starting point of something new.
Did these three questions resonate with you? If you are looking for more end-of-the-year prompts, I highly recommend this podcast episode: 10 things to tell you and the 10 questions for the end of the year episode. It’s brilliant!
Thank you for reading this. I'm really glad that you are here!
Have you heard of the Working Out Loud (WOL) method and program? It’s a working and collaboration method developed by John Stepper that motivates participants to share their knowledge and experience with others while also working on their personal goal. I just participated in the 12-week WOL-program #frauenstaerken and I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything I’ve learned – from the content, the role models, the questions for self-reflection, the members of my WOL-circle. WOL offers a framework that is stable and flexible at the same time and that leaves room for personal growth and development. But what it does best is encouraging you to share more of yourself, your expertise, your experience. Which is good for you and for the greater good. Curious? I am more than happy to tell your more about WOL in a phone or Zoom call.
Really good articles I recently read:
52 things I learned this year – What did you learn in 2021? I bet it’s more than 52 things!
Lydia Davis on Translation and Learning?Languages. The author has a very different approach to learning a language:
“She finds a book published in a language that she does not fully or even partially understand and then tries to figure out what it means.“
48 Pieces of Advice From Educators on How to Survive This Challenging Time. Number 13 on the list is right up my alley:
“We have enjoyed one mile “walk-and-talks.” Students come into class, we introduce a theme or topic and then we go outside and walk a mile and discuss the topic. Students can have conversations that feel less institutional because of the setting.“
Books I recently read:
★★★★★ Wintering by Katherine May – a must-winter-read, half memoir, half knowledge transfer book.
★★★★ All the devils are here by Louise Penny. This book from the Chief Inspector Gamache series makes me want to live in Paris for a couple of months. But it’s also a real page-turner. There is no need to read any of the previous books in the series, but also: why not?
The perfect listen for the end-of-the year is the most recent episode of the German podcast Sinneswandel which features a wonderful poem on good-byes and fresh starts by K?te Mayor. I’m so thankful for the transcript which allows me to read the poem again and again (thank you, Iris, for the recommendation!).
Whether you are a bookworm or not, in this episode of the podcast The Futur by Chris Do you will pick up a few practical tips to get more out of what you read. An exploration and discussion of the powerful magic of language and written word. I love it! (thanks to Kato for the recommendation!).
More podcast episodes that I enjoyed recently:
Brush Up Your English Online Class: A new class is starting in January 2022. Wednesdays 7pm via Zoom. You can read more about it here and here. If you want to sign up: please use the code NEWSLETTER to get a 10% discount.
Hey Booklovers Book Club: January 26th, 2022 at 7:30pm via Zoom. We are going to talk about the book “The Power / Die Gabe” by Naomi Alderman.
#whatireadwednesday Challenge on Instagram: Starts in January 2022. Choose a book from your bookshelf, post it on Instagram, and write SOMETHING about it! What is the book about? Why do you have it on your bookshelf? Where did you buy it? Who gave it too you? What do you remember about the story? Which memories do you associate with the book? Which sentences did you underline?
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family!
I’ll see you in 2022!
Tina ??