Edition 10: Poorly Developed AI Technologies - See How It's Putting Your Talent Acquisition at Risk!
SEMAIS CEO, Keynote Speaker, Cybersecurity Coach, Author, and Forbes Writer. Providing services that build careers, drive operational resilience, enhance threat detection, and mature cybersecurity programs.
It's very noticeable that the tech sector has onboarded many diverse candidates and will onboard more. In the crevices of the change lurks many unwritten rules that seemingly align with traditional mindsets about workforces. We are in a society where technology is moving rapidly due to the need for information and data. That means the traditional perspective of technical roles will change. It's beyond having?"diverse candidates' involvement" but a dire need for technology. Having diverse candidates assume tech roles allows many advantages, such as job security. It also allows diverse talent to become cybersecurity game-changers. We cannot battle security in silos!
In "The Cybersecurity Mindset", I emphasize Workforce Modernization and how the security environment must advance. The talent acquisition system must change as well. Last month, I watched a Netflix (Code Bias) segment about AI and discrimination. It seems that many ARS systems use social datasets. These datasets have discriminatory learning behaviors because the datasets use social hiring patterns to determine hiring practices. Remember that AI platforms are a replica of the human mindset – so the talent management systems that use these platforms are created with social-behavioral datasets. This is where society has failed – which is why a "Cybersecurity Mindset" goes beyond the technical scope. It's a roadmap and thinking process that reshapes traditional practices, allows the industry to build cybersecurity cultures, and challenges technology risks. Just thinking about Situational Awareness, Inclusive Culture, and Transformational Thinking provides the foundation to challenge technology risks and understand Code Bias. It may sound untraditional, but risks can be human-based and lead to technology risks. If you design a system with "negative" datasets, imagine the risks associated with hiring practices.
When modernizing the workforce, technology risks and diversity are a priority. The success offers a security mindset that holistically improves the cyber workforce. Training, talent acquisition, diversity inclusion, and labor changes become cultural practices. The truth: There must be some form of accountability in technology design and development of cybersecurity cultures. These risk practices must be continually assessed and remediated. All too often, the cybersecurity ecosystem focuses on technology risk and alleviate design risks. Another truth: Risk assumptions are evaluated when accurately following the System Development Lifecycle (SDLC). It sounds simple, but poorly designed AI systems overlook this phase. It's not to conclude that AI is a failing technology, but when technology design produces adverse outcomes - there must be some form of accountability.
I adore seeing everyone learn and contribute to technology. While in the Navy, it was great to see my shipmates advance. Diverse candidates were some of the strongest team players and still carry the talent today. Despite the challenges with technology, diverse candidates can succeed when given the opportunity. Here are my notes to all diverse candidates in the tech arena.
Chapters of "The Cybersecurity Mindset":
Chapter 1????????????Images of an Inclusive Culture
Chapter 2????????????Growth Mindset Culture
Chapter 3????????????Embracing Organization Changes
Chapter 4????????????Branding A Training and Awareness Profile
Chapter 5????????????Inclusive Culture Toolkit
Chapter 6????????????Environmental Knowledge
Chapter 7????????????Mental Focus and Alertness
Chapter 8????????????Trust Your Cyber Senses
Chapter 9????????????Information Sharing for Situational Awareness
Chapter 10?????????Situational Awareness Assessment
Chapter 11?????????Extending a Compliance Mentality
Chapter 12?????????Risk Discovery and Opportunities
Chapter 13?????????Proactive and Reactive Measures
Chapter 14?????????Responsible Actions and Ownership Model
Chapter 15?????????Assessing Risk Management Programs
Chapter 16?????????Value Proposition Mentality
Chapter 17?????????Thinking Digital Modernization
Chapter 18?????????Modernizing A Workforce
Chapter 19?????????Wearing A Hackers Hat
Chapter 20?????????Adapting The Mindset
For more information concerning cybersecurity, purchase a copy of “The Cybersecurity Mindset” at?www.dewaynehart.com; and please subscribe to my YouTube Channel at:?https://www.youtube.com/@chiefofcybersecurity
Press Release: https://www.einpresswire.com/sources/u462154
Author: https://www.dewaynehart.com/
Business: https://www.semais.net
Dewayne Hart
"We Are Only Safe As Our Mindset"
Order Your copy of "The Cybersecurity Mindset" at?www.dewaynehart.com
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