Poor sleeping habits and ways of solving them
Every day you go to bed, close your eyes, and boom, it is already morning, at times accompanied by sweet dreams you rarely remember. Very few of us think of how important it is to get a good night's sleep. Sleep deprivation is on the rise in this age, especially in urban areas. Many demographics are affected though some more than others. Health workers, law enforcement officers, and those in the transportation sector are the highest hit. An increasing number of people are being added to this statistic, with 48% of men above 20 gettings less than five hours of sleep a night.
The trend is on the rise due to bad habits in part and other environmental hazards that are making it harder and harder to get a good night's sleep. Insomnia can be caused by stress, jet lag, a health condition, the medications you take, or even the amount of coffee you drink. Insomnia can also be caused by mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. At times noisy environmental conditions are the culprit. As for health workers and law enforcement officers, some work procedures and routines do not allow them sufficient time to have enough sleep.
Different people have different sleep requirements and patterns in hours ranging from three hours to eight hours. However, skiving hours of sleep take a toll on the body and mind and may lead to several complications. Obesity is one such complication that comes with being an insomniac as the body cannot metabolize the triglyceride-rich proteins, which in turn its stores. These proteins are linked to the formation of clogging and dangerous fatty plaques in the arteries. Serious life-threatening lifestyle diseases can take advantage of your body due to your sleeping patterns despite your otherwise healthy lifestyle. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, reduced sexual drive, and a weakened immune system.
However, if you are worried about how to curb the above sleeping problems, well, worry no more. You can practice the following methods to solve the sleeping issues;
Body temperature is not always constant when asleep and awake. Your body temperature tends to lower when you sleep and rise when you rise. If the bed is too warm, you might have an extended period before you get asleep. On average, the best environmental temperature for sleep is 19° C. You can quickly achieve this temperature by taking a warm bath as the water will reduce your temperature. It has been a long-proven way to get many people to sleep.
Human beings are creatures of habit, and having a similar routine can make most of our daily tasks easier. Getting your circadian rhythm in sync can help achieve a good night's sleep. That can easily be achieved by having regular sleeping patterns every day so that your body is always ready for sleep at the same time as the night every day. Sleeping and rising can help the circadian rhythm stay in check and become regular. Be careful of this method because once the body clock learns something, there is no going back easily.
Other well-known techniques to improve sleep quality include good eating habits, listening to good music, among many others. Here it improves your overall health and generally keeps you healthy.