Poor Little Bo Putin...
Hey Little Bo Putin...if you are looking for me...I'll be hanging out with one of these unethical legal professionals in Cayuga County, NY. Just to make it easier for you to find me, I've included the addresses...and GPS coordinates in case you get lazy and can't make the flight yourself. I dare you to show up in Auburn, NY......Dumbass. Just a fair warning to you to Little Bo Putin...if you even dare to step foot in Cayuga County, NY...then we will unleash Boy Wonder and his Band of Merry Men and Women all over you....
Then they will celebrate their victory over your crushing defeat at the Utopia Club where Boy Wonder has been a long-time bartender.
If that doesn't work...then Governor Hochul of New York State will take you down with ease...she is a powerful woman and doesn't put up with and Putin-shenanigans...
At the end of the day, the women are the ones who truly have the power, so let them decide...
However, be forewarned Little Bo Putin....perhaps you have forgotten about this too?!?!?
History will repeat itself Little Bo Putin...
This article can also be found on the Substack Newsletter: "Poor Little Bo Putin...".
Experienced Environmental Health and Safety Professional
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