Poor Dental Hygiene: Serious Effects
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Your mouth is your gateway to the rest of your body.?All over the world, dentists continue to advise that you brush your teeth at least twice daily.?It is considered good to brush your teeth every day.?Shiny teeth are not the only way to ensure good health.?There are many bacteria in the mouth.?There are more bacteria than people on Earth in the mouth, according to some reports.?Oral hygiene includes tooth decay, sores gums, and tooth loss.
Most people don’t pay much attention to their teeth.?They only visit the dentist when they experience pain or discomfort.?The inflammation of the gums can be a serious condition.?This disease causes the gums to become red, sore, and infected.
Too many health problems are caused by poor oral health.
Dental hygiene is the practice of maintaining good oral health.
When teeth are not properly brushed daily, especially before going to sleep at night, bacteria start to produce a foul odor.?Even wise men recommend that teeth be cleaned and washed properly after each meal to remove food particles, particularly after drinking sugary drinks.?Bacteria will begin to act if teeth are not properly cleaned.?Bacteria will cause cavities and decay in teeth.
Gingivitis causes inflammation of the gums.?Click here.?The gums turn red, swollen, and painful. Infection can result.?Plaque, a colorless, sticky film of bacteria, is constantly produced and forms a hardened layer.?This must be done daily.?This plaque, if not removed daily by brushing your teeth, will turn into tartar. Tartar is a leading cause of gum infection and tooth loss.?This can cause damage to the tooth-supporting bone.
The removal of plaques is essential.?It can cause heart disease and stroke if it’s not properly removed.?If plaque is not properly removed, bacteria can enter the arteries and block them completely or partially.?This can cause the heart to stop working properly.?If bacteria get into the lungs they can cause suffocation or difficulty breathing.?Diabetic patients may experience more severe problems due to plaque or gum infection.?Clogged arteries in the brain can cause memory loss or dementia.
It is important that pregnant women take care of their oral health.?This can lead to premature births.?It may even make the delivery more painful.?The risk of stillbirth or congenital defects may increase.
It is important to take corrective measures after reading the above to reduce the negative effects of the illness.?Here are some important measures: