Poly, 103: Spanish acta 37 contexts, Poly, 104, Portuguese: aceita??o 5 senses, acenar 4 senses, Poly, 105, English: Etymology, 38: abroad, abrogate

Poly, 103: Spanish acta 37 contexts, Poly, 104, Portuguese: aceita??o 5 senses, acenar 4 senses, Poly, 105, English: Etymology, 38: abroad, abrogate

Polysemy: Spanish noun “acta” in 37 contexts, Portuguese noun?“aceita??o” in five senses and the verb “acenar” in four senses, respectively and polysemy and etymology of English words “abroad” and “abrogate”


Polysemy of the Spanish noun “acta” in 37 different linguistic environments and its translation to English according to the context

acta: 1) acta de una reunión: meeting minutes; 2) el acta que se firmó: the agreement that was signed, the accord that was signed; 3) el acta de exámenes: the exam certificate: 4) labrar un acta, draw up a certificate, draw up a record; 5) modificaciones al acta constitutiva; articles of amendment; 6) para que conste (en acta): for the record; 7) pasar un acta: execute a deed; 8) tomar acta: take note; 9) acta analítica: summary record; 10) acta constitutiva, acta de constitución: certificate of incorporation, articles of incorporation; 11) acta de acusación: bill of indictment, true bill; 12) acta de avenamiento, acta de avenimiento: memorandum of agreement; 13) acta de avería: deed of damage, statement of damage; 14) acta de cesión, acta de cesión de derechos: deed of release; 15) Acta de Ciudadanos Americanos con Minusvalía: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); 16) acta de comparecencia: summons, citation; 17) acta del congreso: conference proceedings; 18) acta de defunción: death certificate; 19) acta de deslinde: certificate stating a boundary line; 20) acta de disolución: articles of dissolution; 21) acta de emisión de bono: indenture; 22) acta de estado civil: vital record; 23) acta de fundación, carta constitucional, letra patente: articles of association, charter; 24) acta de garantía: covering deed; 25) acta de identificación: identification proceeding; 26) acta de incorporación, carta constitucional, acta de organización: articles of incorporation; 27) acta de juicio: court record; 28) acta de la quiebra: act of bankruptcy; 29) acta de pignoración: consent of pledge, consent to pledge; 30) acta de posesión: certificate of office; 31) acta de protesta, acta de protesta del capitán: captain's protest (maritime law); 32) acta de protesto, certificado de protesto: protest of a commercial document; 33) acta de recepción: acceptance certificate, construction acceptance certificate; 34) acta de tanteo: score sheet: 35) acta de última voluntad: last will, will; 36) acta de vista: survey report, ship's losses report, ship's survey report; 37) acta orgánica: constitution


Polysemy of the Portuguese noun “aceita??o” and the Portuguese verb “acenar” with 5 different senses in the former and 4 different senses in the latter,

aceita??o: 1) act or consequence of accepting: (a aceita??o da ajuda: the acceptance of aid / help / assistance); 2) reception: (a obra teve muita aceita??o: the play got a good reception; 3) demand: (os carros electr?nicos / eletrónicos têm obtido grande aceita??o: there has been a big demand for electronic cars); 4) resignation: (recebi a triste notícia com aceita??o: I received the sad news with resignation); 5) approval: (Foi embora com a aceita??o (licen?a) do seu chefe: He left She went away with her boss's permission)

acenar: 1) acenar com a m?o [move one's hand]: wave 2) acenar com a cabe?a [move one's head]: shake one's head; 3) acenar com objeto [wave an object]: acenar len?os ao Ministro: wave handkerchiefs at the Minister; 4) aliciar: signal (o encarregado já acenou com a possibilidade de um amuento: the manager had already signaled the possibility of a pay rise)


Polysemy and Etymology of the English words “abroad” and “abrogate” with five senses in the former and three senses in the latter

abroad (adv): 1) in a foreign country; 2) afield, far away from home or one's surroundings; 3) overseas, in a place across the ocean; 4) (formal) in wide circulation (there are rumors abroad the company is going to declare bankruptcy); 5) over a wide area, widely (more pets are turning up abroad in the city given the need of tenants to reduce their expenses) Etymology: First known use was in the 14th century in sense number 5. This term comes from Middle English "abrod, abroad" from the combination of "a-" + "brod, brood"?

abrogate (formal): 1) (formal) abrogate, abolish: annul by authoritative action 2) (formal) treat as nonexistent: fail to do what is required by a responsibility (The President abrogated his responsibility to ask his followers to stand down after they breached the capitol); 3 abrogate, suppress or prevent a biological function (Cardiologists like to abrogate antibody production before and after heart transplant surgery) Etymology: The first known use was circa 1520 in sense 1 above. Historically this term is from the Latin past participle "abrogatus" when a law or something ananalagous is repealed, repudiated or canceled. That is formed from the prefix "ab-" and "rogare" with the latter meaning to ask, or ask an assembly for approval of." Observation: Note that in modern Spanish and Portuguese "rogar" means to beg, beseech, implore.


Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章

