Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章
Translation Article Number 591: Idioms “comb through, cover one’s tracks.” Definitions, origins, translations into Spanish and Portuguese2025年3月17日
Translation Article Number 591: Idioms “comb through, cover one’s tracks.” Definitions, origins, translations into Spanish and Portuguese
Translation Article Number 591: Idioms “comb through, cover one’s tracks.” Definitions, origins, translations into…
English Language Insights 98: Differences in Meaning in GB English vs. US English for describing places with the same words: 92 examples, observations2025年3月15日
English Language Insights 98: Differences in Meaning in GB English vs. US English for describing places with the same words: 92 examples, observations
English Language Insights 98: Differences in Meaning in GB English vs. US English for describing places with the same…
Translation Article 690, Portuguese Language Insights: 12 different translations into English of “violência” according to the context and comments.2025年3月14日
Translation Article 690, Portuguese Language Insights: 12 different translations into English of “violência” according to the context and comments.
Translation Article 690, Portuguese Language Insights: 12 different translations into English of “violência” according…
2 条评论 -
Translation Article 689, Spanish Language Insights: Polysemy of “volcar” in 5 different contexts and the corresponding translations to English.2025年3月13日
Translation Article 689, Spanish Language Insights: Polysemy of “volcar” in 5 different contexts and the corresponding translations to English.
Translation Article 689, Spanish Language Insights: Polysemy of “volcar” in 5 different contexts and the corresponding…
Translation Article 688, Shakespeare’s idiom “come full circle.” Meaning, origin, translations into Spanish and Portuguese.2025年3月12日
Translation Article 688, Shakespeare’s idiom “come full circle.” Meaning, origin, translations into Spanish and Portuguese.
Translation Article 688, Shakespeare’s idiom “come full circle.” Meaning, origin, translations into Spanish and…
English Language Insights 97, Lexicon Unique to New Zealand and Differences in Australian vocabulary versus New Zealand vocabulary.2025年3月7日
English Language Insights 97, Lexicon Unique to New Zealand and Differences in Australian vocabulary versus New Zealand vocabulary.
English Language Insights 97, Lexicon Unique to New Zealand and Differences in Australian vocabulary versus New Zealand…
Translation Article 687, Idioms “to beat / flog a dead horse.” Definition, Origin, Translations into Spanish and Portuguese.2025年3月6日
Translation Article 687, Idioms “to beat / flog a dead horse.” Definition, Origin, Translations into Spanish and Portuguese.
Translation Article 687, Idioms “to beat / flog a dead horse.” Definition, Origin, Translations into Spanish and…
Translation Article 686, Ten (10) Spanish Idioms with both their literal and semantic translations.2025年3月4日
Translation Article 686, Ten (10) Spanish Idioms with both their literal and semantic translations.
Translation Article 686, Ten (10) Spanish Idioms with both their literal and semantic translations. Following are ten…
Translation Article 684, English Idioms “cut somebody some slack.” Definitions, origin, translations into Spanish and Portuguese.2025年3月4日
Translation Article 684, English Idioms “cut somebody some slack.” Definitions, origin, translations into Spanish and Portuguese.
Translation Article 684, English Idioms “cut somebody some slack.” Definitions, origin, translations into Spanish and…
Translation Article 683, Portuguese Language Insights: 9 Interesting Translations to English of Portuguese “violentar(-se)” into English. Examples.2025年3月3日
Translation Article 683, Portuguese Language Insights: 9 Interesting Translations to English of Portuguese “violentar(-se)” into English. Examples.
Translation Article 683, Portuguese Language Insights: 9 Interesting Translations to English of Portuguese…
Vendor ManagementWhat are the risks of using a contract without a governing language clause?
Contract NegotiationWhat are the best ways to format contracts for international audiences?
Consecutive InterpretationHow do you set your consecutive interpretation rates?
TranslationDealing with demanding translation clients is tough. How can you navigate rate negotiations successfully?
Bilingual CommunicationsHow do you keep up with the changes and developments in both languages?
TranslationHow can you resolve conflicts with clients who are unfamiliar with the source material?
Oil & GasStruggling with language barriers in oil and gas negotiations?
Consecutive InterpretationHow do you adjust your consecutive interpretation rates for different languages, markets, and specialties?
Business CommunicationsWhat are the challenges in interpreting the language of famous speeches?
TranslationHow can you successfully resolve conflicts with non-English speaking clients?
Translations 452, Spanish Insights: 45 different ways to say “amigo” or friend in Spanish. Actual denotative meaning followed by the country or count
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI 1 年 -
Translations 428, Specific Language Focus 5, Ukrainian / An overview of Ukrainian and 15 idioms in Cryllic, transliterated, translated, observations
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI 1 年 -
English Language Article 65, Informal Usage: “a goner, a good egg, a good friend, a goody two shoes.” Definitions and Origins.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI 7 个月 -
Translations 450, "birds of a feather" meaning, origin, history, English lit, recent usage, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI 1 年 -
Translation Article 667, Idioms “close, but no cigar” and “come hell or high water.” Definitions, origins, translations into Spanish and Portuguese.
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI 1 个月 -
Uncertainty and Fear of Shoggoth
Serge Gladkoff 3 个月 -
Idioms 356-357, Polysemy 304, Etymologies or Origins 202-203: English: “a word to the wise, buzzword.” Meanings, origins, into Spanish, Portuguese
Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI 1 年 -
“Writers in a World at War”: 90th PEN Int. Congress in Oxford, UK, 24-27/9 2024
J?rgen Christian Wind Nielsen 5 个月 -
German language
Agasadurai R 1 年 -
A Message from the Messenger
Augusto Lenzuen 2 年