Polysemy 268, Spanish “adicional” Part 2: Environments 16-30 with a common translation to English other than “additional”, Idioms 168, English

Polysemy 268, Spanish “adicional” Part 2: Environments 16-30 with a common translation to English other than “additional”, Idioms 168, English

?Polysemy 268, Spanish “adicional” Part 2: 15 environments in which a common translation to English is not “additional” from “comprobación adicional” to “garantía adicional”, Idioms 168, English


Following is the second set of 15 phrases in which it is common to use a different adjective than “additional” to translate Spanish “adicional” in these environments. In addition to the translations, definitions are provided in four of the fifteen cases.



comprobación adicional



1 of 2




transitive verb

1:?to obstruct in ice hockey or lacrosse by thrusting one's stick held in both hands across an opponent's face or body

2:?to check (something, such as data or reports) from various angles or sources to determine validity or accuracy


Examples of?cross-check?in a Sentence

Recent Examples on the Web



Members of Congress and safety advocates urged the FAA to strengthen its oversight by?cross-checking?its national registry of pilots - not just those in northern California - with databases maintained by Social Security and other federal agencies that pay disability claims.—Lisa Rein and Craig Whitlock,?Anchorage Daily News, 27 Aug. 2023

Advertisement Texas is required by state law to participate in a program, but no analogous voter?cross-check?program to ERIC currently exists.—Philip Jankowski,?Dallas News, 20 July 2023

By?cross-checking?the filers' addresses with political attitudes in their home states, the researchers determined that listing the man first on a return was a strong indication that a couple held fairly conservative social and political beliefs.—Irina Ivanova,?CBS News, 10 July 2023

Health care providers should also?cross-check?for cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, among other measurements.—Lucy Tu,?Scientific American, 5 July 2023

The city clerk’s office would conduct a series of annual?cross-checks?to ensure that a business currently owns property in the city.—Jeanne Sahadi,?CNN, 1 July 2023

Costco is more consistently asking for photo ID, like a driver’s license or a state ID, and?cross-checking?it against the membership card, according to The Dallas Morning News, which was the first to report the news.—Ananya Bhattacharya,?Quartz, 28 June 2023

Under the proposal, corporate entities must register as voters with City Hall and include a list of their beneficial owners; city officials are then intended to?cross-check?these lists with resident voter rolls to prevent double voting, according to the proposal.—Irina Ivanova,?CBS News, 21 June 2023

And federal loan applicants weren’t?cross-checked?against a Treasury Department database that would have raised red flags about sketchy borrowers.—Aaron Kessler,?oregonlive, 12 June 2023



The company, however, declined to implement such recommendations as publicly marking the pages of state actors and political candidates, business partners, media actors and other public figures included in the?cross-check?program.—Clare Duffy,?CNN, 3 Mar. 2023

Dylan Larkin avoids suspension, but fined $5,000 for?cross-check?Raymond hasn't played since suffering a lower-body injury in a collision with teammate Ben Chiarot on Feb. 10.—Helene St. James,?Detroit Free Press, 23 Feb. 2023


“Cross-check.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cross-check. Accessed 7 Nov. 2023. Observation: The second meaning is relevant to the translation


consecuencia adicional

by consequence

contenido adicional


contraprestación adicional

new consideration


a?consideration?paid for legal services

b:?the inducement to a contract or other legal transaction

specifically?:?an act or forbearance or the promise thereof done or given by one party in return for the act or promise of another


in consideration of

:?as payment or recompense for

a small fee?in consideration of?many kind services

“Consideration.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/consideration. Accessed 7 Nov. 2023.

coste de elementos adicionales

second element costs

costos adicionales

extra costs

dientes adicionales

accessional teeth


Accessional teeth | definition of accessional teeth by Medical dictionary

one of the small bonelike structures of the jaws for biting and mastication of food; they also help in the shaping of sounds and forming of words in speech. Structure. The portion of a tooth that rises above the gum is the crown; the portion below is the root.


dividendos adicionales

extra dividend

emisión de acciones adicionales

green shoe

Green Shoe

Published: November 15, 2015?| Last updated: September 15, 2023

What Does Green Shoe Mean?

A green shoe is a legal way for companies to stabilize the initial share price of their public offerings. It is a clause included in the underwriting agreement of a company’s IPO that permits the underwriters to sell up to 15% more shares than the initial amount set by the issuer.

Divestopedia Explains Green Shoe

Green shoe is legally referred to as the over-allotment option, but is commonly called green shoe because this tactic was first used by a company called Green Shoe.

When a company has an initial public offering of their shares, there is a chance that demand for these new shares will surge and cause undesirable price fluctuations. With the green shoe option, prices can be better stabilized because the underwriter has the permission to sell additional shares as needed, up to 15% more than the originally allocated amount.

Source: Divestopedia


encaje adicional

marginal cash reserve

encaje legal adicional

marginal reserve requirements

?endoso por riesgo adicional

extended coverage endorsement

exponerse a un enjuiciamiento adicional

be subjecto to prosecution

ganancia adicional


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Boot: What it is, How it Works in Accounting - Investopedia

Updated June 28, 2021 Reviewed by David Kindness Fact checked by Suzanne Kvilhaug Investopedia / Laura Porter What Is?Boot??Boot?is cash or other property added to an exchange to make the value...

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'Boot' in a 1031 Exchange: How to Minimize Tax Implications - Kiplinger

Jun 21, 2023published June 21, 2023 In the context of a 1031 exchange,?"boot"?refers to the portion of a transaction that doesn't meet the tax-free criteria and thus becomes subject to immediate capital...

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What is the difference between profit and boot? | WikiDiff

As nouns the difference between?profit?and?boot?is that?profit?is total income or cash flow minus expenditures the money or other benefit a non-governmental organization or individual receives in exchange for products and services sold at an advertised price while?boot?is a heavy shoe that covers part of the leg or?boot?can be (dated) remedy, amends or?boot?can be (computing) the act or ...

garantía adicional

collateral assurance



Michael D. Powers, Ph.D., USCCI的更多文章

