Polymorphism of the Mind
This web page is associated with a book called called The Object Oriented Mind.
The book can be bought at: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Dr_Jerome_Heath_Object_Oriented_Mind?id=4mI7DQAAQBAJ
The book gives a more complete explanation of these issues. The concepts of object oriented mind or polymorphic mind are discussed in detail.
The Archetype, expressed as something singular and also more general and universal, is the negative region to logical and rational thought. It gives the logical and rational meaning by holding the symbols in some configuration. But the configuration of the Archetype is like the (photographic) negative of the logical and rational process. So it fills the empty space of logical and rational thought. It also fulfills the meaning of such thought as such thought is merely symbols that have either no meaning in themselves or that may have some meaning but not exactly the meaning that is referenced in some logical and rational thought [Jing].
The base class of the C++ set of languages is the object class. This is the abstract class of C++ abstract classes. In the mind the base class (and the most abstract) is the Shadow. The Shadow is the abstract class of all abstract classes. This is how our compiler works.
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated “in themselves”. The Archetype, as an abstract class, is the negative region to logical and rational thought. It gives the logical and rational meaning by holding the symbols in some configuration. Archetypes are the shadow of a symbol, which is then extended into the memory object. Thus the archetypes [abstract classes] are the basis of meaning as the real object in memory is extended from one or more archetypes. The Archetype molds a thought into meaning [Jung].
The features of the archetypal classes, relating to the attributes and methods of a class, are then the same as the neural network activation functions. With input (our nerves send these signals about our present context) these features are used to interpret the signals (our internal program adapts them to interpretation of the input signals). When applied to a memory object in our conscious mind, the features (activation functions) are used in a way that they make the memory object useful and meaningful in our thought process. Remember the class here is a (hidden) layer of the neural network not a single node. Also an abstract class can be extended into a memory object (real class).
Some of these ideas are developed from the Social Development Theory of Lev Vygotsky. Cognitive development is based on the concept of genetics. And on the concepts of Carl Jung.
Dr. Jerome Heath