Journey Book of Poems


Screaming Monkeys

Screaming Monkeys



The biggest problem with modern "science" is that their political philosophy has been developed into a very narrow philosophical base. They usually call it Newtonian-ism; but I like to refer to it as "Newton Only" since the action-reaction mechanism is regarded as the only algorithm of the universe. This listing is the summary of the idea, quoted by many websites, that refer to this philosophical base:

If something happens and we cannot devise a Newtonian explanation for it - then it did not happen.

If it really did happen then we will “someday [blueberry pie, in the sky, bye and bye]“ devise a Newtonian explanation for how it happened. [Notice their solutions to the entropy “problem” are always - blueberry pie, in the sky, bye and bye.]


The important issue to science, as this conception of science grew up, was to create a science that was consistent and simple. So there were no opinions or biases allowed. And the basic form required simplicity so on repeating experiments the results would always be the same. But now science has jumped into politics, body and soul, and the science has become nothing but opinions and biases. So why is Newton Only even important? It is the ultimate in hypocrisy - as long as my bias and opinions are in agreement with your bias and opinion all is well. It is not important that it be scientific, I just have to agree with you; or else.

Another big problem, for those of Newton Only approach, was that Newton [himself] was not a Newtonian [a Newton Only]. Now, when this comes up in discussions of this with those of Newton Only worldview there is this hurry to define what Newton was - and in quite negative terms [he supposedly did really stupid things - but they were often like what the Copenhagen School did more recently]. They have to lay a shadow of wrongness [even evilness] about it [on their own hero, Newton]. You see it is a threat to their whole science philosophy - even though it is not even science anymore.

During the war Hitler decided to call "Newton Only" as "Nazi science" [which meant to him "good" science]. This attitude seems to echo in the way our present physics Newton Only philosophers practice physics and philosophy. Any argument or proof that does not use Newton Only is used to destroy the opponent in a conversation. There is never an attempt to convince. They must get power over other people so they can control them. I did not like working at Nazi schools that allowed this to happen.

So I need to define what Newton was, honestly. Newton was an Alchemist. The problem with this [why Newton Only followers need to jump in] is that Alchemy is the basis for and more so the philosophical beginning of the Copenhagen School. One Newton clash with other scientist was that photons not waves are demonstrated in rainbows [his thought comes from the Alchemy background]. Newton was right, here, so give some points to Alchemy. The other scientists were wrong because scientists tend to be extremely narrow minded.

The Rainbow is the Bridge Between Newton Ony and Harmonics


The Copenhagen School developed quantum wave mechanics theories. And they did and still do consider and are developing: "quantum mechanics [or better Wave Mechanics]“ for the physical level. [Some in the movement still want to drive a Volkswagen Beetle through a slit experiment - and that is mentioned in many books on this subject.] In “modern [or is it Scholasticism]“ Newton Only physics the Copenhagen School had to be discounted, forgotten, buried, etc. . . because it was a definite threat to “Newton Only” [but politics is not?]; and it was a threat to them [and their Scholastic thinking].

Just realize that liberalism is absolutely equal to structuralism. The goal of both disciplines, if that can possibly be thought of separately, is to build on the structure we have built so far. There cannot be a discussion on what we passed on since that is canned. And we cannot chase down ideas that differ from that structure . . , like solving the black problem by helping them to get out of the ghetto.

The Copenhagen school, with the help of Schrodinger, developed ideas, that made the small world of quanta, understandable. They also helped the world finish up the periodic chart [early - as they would have finished the chart using other chemistry methods - but it would have taken a lot more time]. The point is that Hitler gave the Copenhagen school the name Jew science [and Einstein was not even part of it]. Copenhagen is the chief foe or enemy to Newton Only - besides pentecostals. But Newton, from me, was from the Pre-Copenhagen-ist School?as Van Gogh was - in my opinion - Post-Structuralist. Newton saw the future that the Newton Only’s still want to kill.

Van Gogh: Wheat Field with Cypresses


Of course hidden behind this Newton Only ruse is a science that considers extreme liberal political ideas as part of science. So, Newton Only, but add Marx and Engels, and a little Psychobabble Neo-Eugenics - They like to call it Newton Only - which is to prevent people from running through the woods worshiping spirits - but people are doing that anyway. To me worshiping spirits in the woods is more reasonable than worshipping Marx, Engels, and Psychobabble. Of course they are all Structuralists [because the universe is structured, we are structured, life is structured, - God is Structured - It HAS to be that way!].

It is like they are standing over the victim, science, with a smoking gun pointed right at the victim and they are trying to say that I am killing science! They have already killed science - over and over and over!!!!

Walking in the Woods


Wandering Through the Woods, Worshipping Spirits (That is Valerie and I).

"The Context is the Transcendental"

Meaning instead of Truth

Contextualism is the name I give for a philosophical approach that is based on Meaning instead of Truth. Truth based philosophy [Structuralism] has failed us and, again today, it is leading to destruction in wars and riots and violence. They burn down a city and it is ruled as non-violence since they and their Truth are, philosophically, above all moral constraints. My simple explanation for the problem, that becomes obvious from their behavior, is that Truth has a problem because it must be singular [or it is not Truth]. But the universe is not singular [meaning it is polymorphic] - whether we want it to be or not. Our mental functioning is set up that way - so our mind fits the universe we live in. The Truth philosophy insists on trashing everything else - after all our Truth is above everything [isn’t it] - for the sake of its singularity - and burning down cities.

Truth has to be above “everything” in order to be the Transcendental. But once it is declared the “Transcendental” for your truth base, it becomes irrevocable. That is because of the needs of a truth based philosophy to be Transcendental and thus irrevocable; it must be final to be truth. This then is the singularity problem. Reality is not singular. The people who want it to be singular build up these monstrous indexes to deal with all the changes and the side effects and all the polymorphisms of space-time reality. There are many things that are changing just because of time or space-time. But then your singular Transcendentalism is gone [dead]. Something [space-time] can change in the background without asking your Transcendental. Your controlling influence is really controlling nothing.

The universe is actually built on what we see as meaning. Meaning is the reality that is in flux and is changing in front of us. It is the flux and change, that meaning accepts [meaning is open to this - it is the way meaning is constructed], that allows for growth and development in the universe. We cannot make meaning into?truth, and that is the problem with meaning-truth issues. Truth has to be final and singular. It becomes the pivot point for all thought. But there is no final or central time or place in the universe to start truth with. So the meaning is satisfying if we do not put a final and complete proof requirement on it. Meaning can cope with the fact that there is no central pivot point in the universe that says start here.

An End of The Universe - Somewhere over the Rainbow

Interstellar Organ


The Problem with present AI is that it is based on Structure - our Intelligence [our Minds intelligence] is based on Context.

And Brunnhilde was Supposed to Sit by the Fire and Spin.

Sit by the Fire and Spin

Sit by the Fire and Spin


Meaning does not really require a starting point. The mathematician Ramanujan was hesitant to do proofs that western scholars desired. He finally agreed to proofs but felt they merely enhanced the region of mathematics that was covered but they were not absolute proofs or absolute truth. The issue to me is that the poofs do not prove anything finally. There is a whole bunch of things we have to assume for a proof, and then there is the things we have to prove and the things we assume - and do we ever get everything into the mix.


Ramanujan: “An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God.” The important issue here is the word “means”; since western scholars tend to pivot on truth not meaning. The quote along with his hesitancy about proofs demonstrates the concept of meaning as the basis of thought rather than truth.

To replace the understanding of meaning by a truth based philosophy denies what meaning is. Meaning is the center of the development of the universe and of the change process of space-time. So then we switch to truth and quickly recognize we are struggling with the loss of meaning. Now both truth and meaning have different [specific] meanings in every?language. That is part of the characteristic of the meaning base. But truth has problems with that. Meaning is always more flexible than truth. Meaning recognizes flux and change because it is polymorphic from the start. Meaning implies all the links to related meanings. And these links, that are the context of the meaning, are codependent not singular one way links. But truth cannot allow these since the links to truth must be singular and one way. Truth must have singular authority and it always must imply some kind of finality. A truth based philosophy will always result in failure, because their truth was not truth. Or even worse, in a single dictator spying on everyone just to remain dictator for life.

And Then There Was Existentialism [The Ultimate Truth Based Philosophy]

My side of this whole set of arguments is that there absolutely are patterns in the universe. As an aside: I went to a conference at a school in Southern Minnesota. Prigogine, and Mandelbrot [and other notables] were there to talk and present. As I left - I was preparing to go to Hawaii to work for my Ph. D. degree. - I overheard Prigogine and Mandelbrot discussing the fact that the patterns from fractals were “not real”, and they were afraid that the appearance of any pattern would lead people to reject Newton Only. I had already dumped Newton Only [long ago] since I recognized patterns that were more involved and specific and that could not possibly be “caused” by Newton Only. I thought a conference on Fractals would open the door for discussion of the patterns in the universe.

I have come to realize that the total battle for Newton Only is not for science, since these patterns are really no harm to Newton. The problem is with existentialism, which requires for its own proof that there are no other patterns in the universe and Newton Only alone leaves us with a meaningless universe [The first class is how dumb and stupid all previous philosophers and scholars were - because they supposedly did not know there were problems]. They then need the meaninglessness of the universe to prove existentialism. These real patterns are real and meaningful, as I insist, and that would mean the universe can produce such patterns that have meaning - which means the universe has meaning - so why do you need existentialism [our?existential "godhood" starts with our “creating meaning” directly from our dissatisfaction with meaninglessness - then the meaning is meaninglessness?].

Actually I see Newton Only, is used for destruction of all arguments contrary to existentialism, and is almost silly. It was 'not' what Newton meant when he developed the “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”. He distanced himself from those who wanted this to mean what they call Newton Only and he studied other things [like the Copenhagen School and Schrodinger later studied] that showed they had a broader perspective than the narrow minded Newton Only of our modern, so called “scientists”. When you bring up that Newton was not Newton only - the defense is that he did dumb things - yes, like the Copenhagen School and Schrodinger. [people who don't agree with them have to be labelled as dumb - this is the height of narrow mindedness].?Actually the Copenhagen School efforts had to be buried by this pseudo-modern science since these studies demonstrated that there were real patterns in the universe completely outside the Newton Only/Existentialist perspective [the most dramatic is the Periodic Table of Mendeleev and Schrodinger].

And This is Not a Pattern


Periodic Chart

Solitaire Anyone

Mendeleev’s Dream [the videos, as I remember it have closed captioned but you need to choose that {cc}].


Periodic Table of Elements [video discussions in detail]


Choose next or see Side panel on the left - or just skip to next below, here.

Modern Periodic Table [closed caption for the vedic accent or if you are deaf like me - this is more video discussions on the issue]


You can listen to the rest - they are important to the issue but not necessary.

Schrodinger [this is the real kicker in this issue - Mendeleev {shown above} produce a chart or table of these rules and demonstrated that this is a pattern of the universe - then Schrodinger developed an equation as a solution to the wave equation for the Hydrogen atom - which completely and accurately predicts everything about the table - Don't tell me there are no patterns in the universe!]

The Schrodinger solution for the hydrogen atom show a set of eigenfunctions that produce distributions that look like this:


Solution for Schrodinger Equation for the Hydrogen Atom

From: Schematics showing the general shapes of s, p, d, and f orbitals. Image credit: UCDavis Chemwiki, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US

In - https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/quantum-physics/quantum-numbers-and-orbitals/a/the-quantum-mechanical-model-of-the-atom

Relationship Between Mendeleev and Schrodinger

Electron Configuration [more video discussions - here about the Schrodinger equation]


Aufbau Principle


Valence Electrons


These videos are short but clarify the relationship between Schrodinger and Mendeleev.

Electron Configuration of Ions


Electron configuration with 3d Orbitals - The d orbitals are a higher wave equation energy but the s orbitals create a stronger [lower energy] bond


[Here the discussion shows that the equation is quite complex and interpreting is specific - the point is that Chemistry starts with just understanding this equation.]

You can continue with this series, but my point has been made with these; it depends on your time an interest - this is chemistry as I know it. There is at least one pattern in the universe - we don't need existentialism.

Periodic Chart of the Elements [the Schrodinger Wave Equation predicts this]

Periodic Chart of Cemistry


Note the typical symmetry (the formation of symmetrical patterns) of each part of the solution under the constraints. The relationships between entities are not linear [structural] and are based on probabilities [so they are not singular]. There is also inter-pattern symmetry issues between the different patterns. The patterns explain and describe modern Chemistry and the modern understanding of Chemistry. It explains all bonding patterns of elements in the periodic chart - in fact it describes and defines the periodic chart. So . . . there are no meaningful patterns in the universe? No patterns is imbecilic thinking.

But they try to say that this universe is just Newton Only [that is from hopeless, unscientific, meaningless, existentialist scientists - they are protecting their religion, not science]. But, Ah - Oh, if this is Newton Only, then Newton Only, obviously produces very meaningful and useful patterns that our existentialist scientist, all of a sudden, want to?ignore! Maybe because they just don’t understand! . . . This universe really is not Newton Only; since the needed solutions are not 'singular' and Newton Only requires "Every action has one equal and opposite reaction . . . that is specifically predictable [and reversible]. . . and singular”. A pandemic cannot be treated singularly, because of all the different and separate populations of independent actors and activities that are involved. Thinking singularly is nonsense. We need harmonic solutions. "Goodbye, goodbye - to Zarathustra"

Either way, I say - QED.


Formation Data Context

Translated to Language - Archaeological Layering

Archeological Layer per Foucault


Murder Board - Collecting Evidence - a way of Layering

Or the use of a Murder Board - with Project Issues and Entities


The use of Archeological Layering of Foucault [or a Murder Board] forces you to recognize the context of individual items and the context of the whole project. The context leads you to the meaning as a basis for understanding what you are working with; which can save you from the problems with truth and truth as the basis for analysis. With such context realized, the project is then based on facts and evidence and not just on the basis of following the structure of the effort which usually moves you far from the reality of the project itself.

Communicative Action

With Habermas and Language Action


Habermas and Language Action

Interestingly, Jurgen Habermas often referred to himself as Communist or Marxist. With his softer approach, this seemed to be accepted. But many, including me, refer to Jurgen as Post-Structuralist. He denied that name for himself; but the Post-Structuralist name refers to his Post-Structuralist activity (hermeneutics) of developing and improving language in order to solve a problem. Language analysis and changing the language of discourse is a Post-Structuralist methodology [especially any analysis that avoids structured methodology {which reminds me of Agile Methodologies}, or is not depending fully on structured methodology]. Language Action is meant to sidestep the singularity of other “modern” [truth based] philosophical approaches.

For Jurgen Habermas it is about language. He chooses to use language to clarify the understanding of both sides [or all sides - after all it is polymorphism we are talking about] about what we are saying. He is not trying to destroy everyone who disagrees [or shun them], like liberals in general, but actually wants to understand both sides [or all sides]. For example the definition of White is not “racist”. We, then, try to make the words and phrases, we use for our arguments, useful in order to fully understand each other [all those who are any part of the effort] - and yes bring about a possible agreement.

You notice that Habermas and Language Action is not at all the approach of the left in the USA. Here they need to hurt or even destroy opponents [burn them down, bring your pitch forks and torches, you will reap the whirlwind, you will pay the price - this is all Mumbo Jumbo VooDoo-ism to get everyone into ghettos and then control them “plantation” style with hate and fear]. This is very much Gramsci, hate-filled thinking. And many churches that start by saying we are the love people - when you listen to the rest of the sermon - there is no love there - just PC. They seem to actually believe that hurting people with their PC, or “shunning”, is “love”. But don’t let the Amish do it.

It all starts with the use of hiding under a blanket of poorly defined rhetoric [you can't really understand what they are saying because they don't want you to understand] and then approaching deconstruction from a totally structured methodology [Newron Only]; totally by-passing the need for less structured processes like language action to deal with the non-structured character of the universe. This is not poststructuralist - it is totally in the vein of Newton Only, narrow minded, structuralism.

Mid-Winter Sunrise over Waikiki

Sacred Elements - Chenoa Egawa + Alex Turtle

"The elements that give us life, and to all peoples of the world who are working together to unite, honor and uplift our voices, songs and prayers on behalf of our beautiful Mother Earth.”


Beautiful Mother Earth


Reminders of another day

Rise from shackles of my mind

Rhythms that I dare regard

I know the drum of life!



Cave - - AOM . . .

Song of the Earth









Judi Dench as Lady MacBeth

Judi Dench as Lady MacBeth


G?tterd?mmerung Final with Immolation

And Brunnhilde was Supposed to Sit by the Fire and Spin?

The Scream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ah794vFtrc

Abide with Me

Abide with Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deJDkU6qiGE



Journey: Symphonic Poem, Theme and Variations





Fierce and valiant were all the soldiers whose bodies lie strewn about the battlefield. Noble and strong are all the women who weep for them.

Happy are the meek: they will receive the promise.

I hear the song weep for the slain, and for the tempest of their last moments. As the gates of hell opened wide, and the quiet of death fell upon their lips.

Happy are those who work for peace among men: they will be heirs of the kingdom.

I heard the song scream in anguish and lift a lament for the tragedy.

The song was filled with sadness for the state of men. The song was filled with anguish for the hope of men.

Happy are those who show mercy to others: they will receive mercy.

I saw tears for those who fell into darkness. But not the tears of men. I saw the last moments of joy pass and a jaw set firm with a pledge.

Why should you expect to be rewarded if you love only the people who love you?

The road to hell was open and no other way was possible.

How terrible are the religious leaders. They put loads on men`s backs which are hard to carry but will not lift a finger to help them. They hold the key that opens the door to the house of knowledge and they will not go in and they stop those who are trying to go in.

The song is lost in tedious compacts and the noise of overwhelming arguments.

So the song roars about as a child lies dying in their arms.

The roar is heard as terror strikes without warning; as hope turns to frustration.

The person who wants to save his own life will lose it; but the one who loses his life for love's sake will save it.

Yes, lost am I in darkness, A purpose lost in magnitude. And left alone without hope. A purpose lost in magnitude.

My sin is that I pursue judgment. All my efforts were designed to prove my separation from the face of God.

Fire in the Sky


Peshitta Holy Bible Translated?by Bauscher?

Peshitta New Testament Revelations 18

[Babylon {Rome, London, New York, Whatever - to transliterate in place}]

18: 1 And after these things I saw another Angel from Heaven, who had great authority, and The Earth was brightened by his glory.?

18:2 And he shouted with a great voice: “Fallen, fallen, Babylon the Great! And it is become the abode for Demons and a prison to every impure and detestable spirit.”?

18:3 “Because she mixed of the wine of her fornication for all the nations, and the Kings of The Earth committed fornication with her, and the merchants of The Earth have become rich by the power of her infatuation.”

18:4 And I heard another voice from Heaven that said, “Come out from within her my people, lest you share in her sins, that you would not receive from her plagues.”?

18:5 “Because the sins in her have touched Heaven, and God has called her evil to mind.”?

18:6 “Pay her just as she also has paid, and give her double for her deeds. In the cup which she has mixed, mix her a double.”?

18:7 “Because of that in which she glorified and exalted herself, give such suffering and sorrow, for she said in her heart, 'I sit a queen, and I am not a widow and I shall not see sorrow.”?

18:8 “Because of this, in one day there will come upon her plagues, death, sorrow, and starvation, and she will burn in fire, because THE LORD JEHOVAH is powerful who judges her.”

18:9 And the Kings of The Earth, who committed fornication with her and exalted themselves, will weep and wail concerning her, when they see the smoke of her burning,?

18:10 As they stand opposite from fear of her punishment, and they will say, “Woe, woe, woe, the great city Babylon! The Mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come!”

18:11 And the merchants of The Earth will weep and grieve over her, and there is no one buying their cargo again:?

18:12 Cargo of gold and silver and of precious stones, of fine linen, of purple, of silk, of scarlet, of every fragrant wood and every ivory vessel, every precious wooden vessel, and brass, iron and marble,?

18:13 Cinnamon, spices, ointments, frankincense, wine, oil, fine white flour, sheep, horses, chariots and the bodies and souls of the children of men.?

18:14 And your own pleasant fruits have departed from you, and everything luxurious and splendid is gone from you and you will not see them again.”?

18:15 And the merchants of these things, who grew rich by her, will not find them, and they will stand opposite from fear of her punishment, weeping and lamenting,?

18:16 And saying, “Alas alas, the great city that wore fine linen and purple and scarlet gilt in gold and precious stones and pearls!?

18:17 For the wealth is lost in one hour!” In this way also, every ship Navigator, everyone traveling in a ship to places, and the ship Captains, and everyone who does business at sea, stood from a distance,?

18:18 And they lamented her when they saw the smoke of her burning and they were saying, “Who is like The Great City?”?

18:19 And they cast earth upon their heads and shouted as they wept and lamented and they were saying, “Alas, alas, Great City, by which those who had ships in the sea grew rich from her magnificence, which is destroyed in one hour!”

18:20 “Rejoice over her, Oh Heaven, Holy Ones, Apostles and Prophets, because God has executed your judgment upon her!”

18:21 And one of the Angels took a mighty stone, great as a millstone, and cast it into the sea and said, “In this way with violence, Babylon The Great City will be thrown down, and it will not exist again!”?

18:22 'And the sound of stringed instruments and of trumpets and the various singers and shouting will not be heard in you again!”?

18:23 “And the light of a lamp will not appear to you again, and the voice of a groom and the voice of a bride will not be heard in you again, because your merchants had been great ones of The Earth, for by your sorceries you deceived all the nations!”?

18:24 And in her was found the blood of The Prophets and Holy Men who were murdered on Earth.

The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

Translated by Glenn David Bauscher

Lulu Publishing

Copyright ? 2018 Lulu Publishing

3rd edition Copyright ? 2019

Waikiki Sunset of the Bildungsroman





Oceans and oceans, The sea, the sea, the sea, Great waves crashing against the shore.

My dreams rush to and fro, Like the sea. Tearing wildly at the shore, Like the sea.

Reality is unmoved and still, Like the land. Unmoved by the storms of time,

For the land contains the sea, Like reality. And the sea shapes the land, Like a dream.

For reality contains a man, And dreams move a man. For reality contains the dreams of men, But the dreams of men can change the world.

And I am always on the shore, Between dreams and reality, Between sleep and awakening, But both are a face of God.

I dream of understanding, But the understanding is not mine.

I dream of freedom, But we were always free.

The sun rises! The mists of morning clear away. The story of life is new.

One awakes! One can barely see -? The song of God at the edge of my dreams.

Sea and Sky





I am a song of God. I am a song God is singing. A melody in history, A song that is part of destiny... It may be forgotten in the strains of strife. It may be lost in the symphony of life, Like a ripple on the sea. But God will sing the song of me, For this melody is my melody:

It is only for me! Not to be sung for any other, Forever,? forever,? forever !

Rainbow Sunrise Beyond Diamondhead and Kahala of Hawaii

Dr. Jerome Heath

Absolutely love your journey! It reminds me of what Helen Keller once said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." ?? Keep embracing your story with courage. Plus, speaking of adventures, there’s an exciting sponsorship opportunity for the Guinness World Record of Tree Planting! Thought it might resonate with your trailblazing spirit: https://bit.ly/TreeGuinnessWorldRecord ???



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