Polymer Modified Bituminous mixes are designed to make them more workable during application, and (once laid) they are more resistant to deformation, fatigue or cracking.
Polymer Modified Bitumen (PMB) is used mostly within surfacing or wearing course, but there is much to be gained from using them in base layers. PMBs may consume more resources at the outset but can exceed its expected design life, requiring less maintenance over the longer term.
Advantages of Polymer Modified Asphalt
- High elasticity and higher softening point make Polymer Modified Asphalt (PMA) lesser prone to both cracking and rutting.
- The resilience modulus of PMA is higher than HMA (e.g., PMA's resilient modulus value has been found as 793Mpa as compared to 677Mpa for HMA at 40 Celsius).
- The softening point of bitumen is increased significantly. For example, Performance Grade (PG) 64-22 bitumen can be increased to PG 85-22.
- Elastomeric properties are also improved significantly, and overall polymer modification just makes a tougher binder.
- PMBs are most effective for wearing course. Stress absorbing membrane of 2-3mm of PMB over distressed surface helps arrest reflective cracking. Final overlay with PMBs based mix can help in rehabilitation of distressed wearing course and extend life in an otherwise structurally sound pavement.
- Micro surfacing is done by using PMBs for maintenance purpose. It prolongs the life of distressed pavement by delaying the reflection of cracks on the overlay surface.
AASHTO Specification of Polymer Modified Asphalt Wearing Course
- Aggregates for use in the bituminous surface layers shall consists of 100% crushed stone from a hard, high-quality Gabbro.
- Coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and mineral filler shall comply with the relevant requirements, except for the properties given in Tables 1 below. The required aggregate gradation is as included.
Table 1 Aggregate Requirements
- The type, and penetration grade of the original bituminous materials shall be submitted by the polymer supplier/contractor to the Engineer’s approval.
- The Contractor shall submit data, which indicates that the product has a proven record of performance regarding compatibility with asphaltic concrete mixture, blending of the product with the asphalt cement and placing and compacting the mixture.
The Contractor shall submit a Method Statement for the preparation of PMB blending including the type of polymer intended for use to the Engineer’s approval. The Contractor shall propose the type of polymer he will be using for the Engineer’s approval and shall demonstrate through testing that the modified asphalt meets all the specification requirements and AASHTO M320 and AASHTO M332 specifications. The blending of the asphalt cement and the modifier will be accomplished by the Supplier of the Modifier in a mobile mixing plant adjacent to the Contractor’s asphalt plant on Site. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval a comprehensive QA/QC program to ensure that the pre-blended polymer modified asphalt is delivered, stored in suitable conditions, incorporated in the bitumen mix and laid in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The minimum requirements for this program shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
- Compatibility with original bitumen: The modified bitumen shall be tested for compatibility with the polymer modifier to ASTM D7173 for both Softening Point and DSR. The difference in °C between the softening points of the respective top and bottom portions of the tube sample shall not exceed 4°C. The separation ratio based on G* shall have an average G* value [(Top + Bottom)/2] within 0.8 to 1.2 of the initial G* value.
- Mixing and compaction temperatures: The mixing and compaction temperatures shall be established in the laboratory by determining the Brookfield viscosity of the approved Polymer Modified Bitumen at three different temperatures 135° C, 165° C and 195° C. The established mixing and compaction temperatures shall then be evaluated and finalized based upon successful site trials. The mixing temperature shall not exceed 180° C.
- Proportion of modifier in the mix: Depending upon the results of the tests specified in Table 2 below, the proportion of modifier to be used and the quality control procedures during mixing shall be determined in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to provide the optimum characteristics of the mix as specified below.
- The minimum requirements and tests to be performed on the modified bitumen shall be as follows:
- If the Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) polymer is used, it shall have the following properties:
- Butadiene-Styrene Ratio = 70/30. Block Styrene = 30%. Hardness Shore A = 80.
- Density ASTM D792 = 0.93 – 0.95 g/cm3.
- If Polyethylene polymer is used, it shall be polyolefinic, primarily low-density polyethylene and shall meet the following requirements:
- The ratio of modifier to bitumen in the completed mix is to be between 4 and 8 parts of modifier for 100 parts of bitumen, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, to be confirmed by the specified test results.
- The modified bitumen properties shall comply with the requirements of the latest revision of AASHTO M320 and M332 specifications for PG 76-10 (MSCR Grade to be selected for each road category based on the expected traffic/speed level) and to the requirements of Table 2 below:
Table 2 Modified Bitumen Properties
*The Contractor shall carry out RTFOT testing at temperatures lower and higher than 76°C to confirm the temperature grade of the polymer modified bitumen at the selected polymer percentage.
** The elastic recovery specified under Item 7 of Table 2 above corresponds to asphalt cement modified with either an elastomer or a blend of elastomer and plastomer polymers. Should the Contractor opt to use plastomer type polymer only, for the asphalt modification, then the Elastic Recovery requirement will not need to be tested for such types of polymers.
- The Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and provide to the Engineer periodical certificates stating that the modifier is being incorporated in the bitumen mix in accordance with the approved QA/QC program.
- The percentage of the polymer to be mixed with the conventional bitumen to modify the latter shall be based on trial blends with various polymer percentages to obtain the optimum polymer content that yield a polymer modified bitumen that satisfy the specified requirements under Table 2 above.
- The modifier shall be pre-blended into the conventional bitumen before mixing with the aggregate in the hot mix plant.
- Blending Equipment: The production of the modified bitumen shall require a high shear blending system to ensure complete and controlled dispersion and chemical reaction of the modifiers with the conventional bitumen. The Contractor shall ensure proper circulation and agitation during storage to avoid separation of the modifier from the base bitumen.
- The PMB mix shall be composed of a mixture of aggregate, filler, and polymer modified bituminous
- The several aggregate fractions shall be combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture meets the grading requirements of the Job Mix Formula (JMF)
- Job Mix Formula:
- No asphalt mixture for pavements shall be produced until a job mix formula has been approved by the Engineer. Details of JMF shall be submitted at least 15 days prior to first trials.
- The Contractor shall develop and submit a job mix formula for the HMA mix, in accordance with the Marshal Mix Design Method MS-2. The mix design shall be developed based on the specified volumetric criteria considering any justified changes that may be needed to suit the HMA paving and performance requirements.
- The field laboratory to be used shall be capable of performing all the tests required by this Section.
- The gradation given in the Table provided under Clause 2.1.M of Section 321216 represents the limits that shall determine the suitability of aggregates for use in the course of supply.
- Marshall design criteria:
Table 3 Marshall Design Criteria
*Prior to final approval, the proposed job mix, but with a bituminous content at the upper percentage limits shall be compacted to refusal, (400 to 600 blows) and the resulting voids in the mix shall not be less than 2%.
- Bitumen content shall be calculated by weight of total mixture excluding absorption.
- When tested for resistance to water damage in accordance with AASHTO T 283 “Resistance of Compacted Asphalt Mixtures to Moisture-Induced Damage”, the bituminous mixture shall have a retained tensile strength greater than or at least equal to 80%. In case the anti-stripping agents are not successful in providing the specified Tensile Strength Ratio, then the Contractor shall consider alternative means, such as the use of hydrated lime to achieve this purpose.
A. Dynamic Modulus Simple Performance Test:
- Simple Performance Test shall be carried out at the mix design stage on the various selected asphalt marshal mixes of the surface course and base course layers.
- The test shall be conducted in accordance with AASHTO TP-62 “Determining Dynamic Modulus of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)”. Dynamic modulus, |E*|, and phase angle,f, values are to be determined over a range of temperatures and frequencies.
- The AMPT (Simple Performance Tester) or the universal Triaxial testing machine can be used for conducting the test. The standard error in applied stress and measured strain shall not exceed 10%.
- From each asphalt concrete mix, three replicate samples shall be tested to determine the resulting |E*| master curves. Overall variability in |E*| among the three replicates, using three LVDTS per replicate, shall not exceed ± 12%. The air void content of the specimens used for testing shall be within 4 ±0.5%.
- The average |E*| master curve shall be provided by the Contractor for further evaluation by the Engineer based on the prevailing conditions of the pavement structures under study. The Engineer will assess the obtained results and suggest any necessary modifications to the asphalt concrete mixes, whenever applicable.
- The final results will be used as a benchmark for quality control purposes of the asphalt concrete layers during construction. Three asphalt concrete specimens shall be tested for dynamic modulus for every 3,500 Tons of mix. The average master curve will be compared to the established benchmark master curve of the approved Marshall mix. The same procedure and tolerances stated above shall apply.
B. Model Load Simulation Testing
- The rutting potential and moisture-susceptibility of asphalt mixtures shall be determined on the various selected asphalt Marshall mixes of the surface course and base course layers, in accordance with the Accelerated Hamburg Wheel Tracking test according to AASHTO T324 standard at 60°C. The test shall be conducted at the mix design stage and its results shall be used as a benchmark for quality control purposes at the construction stage.
- Three tests shall be conducted for every 3,500 Tons of mixture placed. Each test shall be conducted on two laboratory compacted specimens. Calculation and reporting shall be done for each test. The average of the three tests shall also be reported. If the mixture fails to meet the Hamburg Wheel criteria, no further mixture will be accepted until the Contractor takes such action as is necessary to furnish a mixture meeting the criteria.
- Hamburg Wheel Test criteria: The maximum allowable rut depth shall be 0.2 in (5 mm) at 10,000 passes and 0.5 in. (12.5 mm) at 20,000 passes.
- Bituminous mixing plant, pavers, hauling equipment, preparation of polymer modified bitumen materials, mixing, transporting, spreading, finishing, compaction of mixture, joints and tolerances shall be prepared and submitted in the form of a method statement for the Engineer’s approval. No paving works can start on site before the Engineer’s official approval on the Contractor’s Method Statement. The mixing and compaction temperatures shall be established in the laboratory by determining the Brookfield viscosity of the approved PMB at three different temperatures 135° C, 165° C and 195° C. The established mixing and compaction temperatures shall then be evaluated and finalized based upon successful site trials. Site trials shall be conducted at three different mixing and compaction temperatures (approved by the Engineer) to optimize and establish the minimum compaction temperatures required to achieve the specified compaction densities without unnecessarily overheating the asphalt mix or exposing it to over-compaction.
- Polymer Modified Tack Coat: Polymer modified tack coat shall be hot applied on the cleaned surface prior to application of the polymer modified bituminous concrete layers. The polymer Modified Tack Coat Material shall consist of the same PMB binder prepared to the requirements of the current specification section. The type of tack coat and its rate of application shall be compatible with the modified bituminous concrete to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The rate of application shall be between 0.25 and 0.5 Litre/m2 of the tack coat product used and the spraying temperature shall range between 180° and 190° C with a Brookfield viscosity of 200 to 400 C.P. at application temperature.
- Bituminous mixing plant, pavers, hauling equipment, preparation of polymer modified bitumen materials, mixing, transporting, spreading, finishing, compaction of mixture, joints and tolerances shall be prepared and submitted in the form of a method statement for the Engineer’s approval. No paving works can start on site before the Engineer’s official approval on the Contractor’s Method Statement. The mixing and compaction temperatures shall be established based on laboratory procedures. The established mixing and compaction temperatures shall be verified, evaluated and finalized based upon successful site trials.
- At the start of plant operation, the Contractor shall place a trial section for each job Mix Formula used. The contractor shall construct a trial section 75 - 150 m long and two paver-widths wide, with a longitudinal cold joint. The trial section shall be of the same depth as the layer which it represents. The underlying grade or pavement structure upon which the trial section is to be constructed shall be the same as the remainder of the course represented by the test section. The equipment used in construction of the trial section shall be the same equipment to be used on the remainder of the course represented by the trial section. The trial section shall be placed as part of the project pavement as approved by the Engineer on Site.
- One random sample shall be taken at the plant, triplicate specimens compacted, and tested for stability, flow, and laboratory air voids. A portion of the same sample shall be tested for theoretical maximum density, aggregate gradation and asphalt content. Four randomly selected cores shall be taken from the finished pavement mat, and four from the longitudinal joint, and tested for density. Random sampling shall be in accordance with procedures contained in ASTM D 3665. The test results shall conform to all specified requirements for work to continue. If all test results meet the specified requirements, the trial section shall remain as part of the project pavement. If test results exceed the specified tolerances, the test section shall be removed and replaced at no cost to the project and another test section shall be constructed.
- If the initial trial section should prove to be unacceptable, the necessary adjustments to the Job Mix Formula, plant operation, placing procedures, and/or rolling procedures shall be made. A second trial section shall then be placed. Additional trial sections, as required, shall be constructed and evaluated for conformance to the specifications. Full production shall not begin until an acceptable section has been constructed and accepted.
Employ an independent testing agency to perform tests and to submit test reports.
Be responsible for taking, identifying and delivering to the test laboratory all test samples called for in this Specification. The testing laboratory shall be responsible for the testing. Collect all test results and deliver them to the Engineer in the format and detail as specified.
Laboratory Quality Control Testing:
- The degree of particle coating in the HMA shall be determined in accordance with AASHTO T195 or ASTM D2489/D2489M standard, the results of which shall be submitted for the Engineer’s review and approval. Ensure a minimum of 95% uniform coating of aggregates.
- When tested for resistance to water damage in accordance with AASHTO T 283 “Resistance of Compacted Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) to Moisture-Induced Damage,” the asphalt mixture shall have a retained tensile strength ratio greater than or at least equal to 80%.
- Sampling and Testing: All sampling and testing of plant produced and filed placed material necessary to determine conformance with the requirements specified in this section will be as those mentioned in the relevant Clauses of Section 321216, unless otherwise specified under this Section.
- Test on Material during Production: The Contractor shall perform all quality control procedures described in relevant Clauses of the Specification to control the production and construction process.
- Tests on Plant Mix: All sampling and testing shall be in conformance with the requirements of the relevant Clauses in this specification section
- Acceptance Tests – Field: Cores, testing, tolerances and acceptance shall be in conformance with the relevant Clauses.
- Surface Roughness: The International Roughness Index (IRI) for Roadways should be carried out for all PMB wearing course layers, by a third-party specialized testing agency, approved by the Engineer. The acceptable range of average IRI test results within a 100-meter section should be less than or equal to 1.6m/km and the Peak values exceeding 2.0 m/km should not have more than 2 values within a 400 meters section (5% defects). The Contractor should submit for the Engineer’s approval the appropriate testing instrument(s) and test methodology for the surface roughness test.
Technical Manager
1 年Hi, Can we use the same existing Asphalt Batching Plant for Plastic Modified Bitumen. Any affect to the Mixing Drum, chute and facilities. Do it need additional cleaning for maintenance purposes? In addition, How much the cost impact in terms of percentage per cubic meter?
Resident Engineer Mumbai Pune Expressway
1 年Hello good evening sir, We have planning to use following item for India’s first six lane access controlled expressway PQC pavement. Item name- Providing & Laying 35 mm thick Epoxy Aspahlt Modified Concrete along with necessary surface treatment of existing concrete pavement, structural repairs of cracked/damaged concrete pavement, treatment of longitudinal & transverse construction joints, tack coat of VG 30/40 and Rapid Setting Emulsion, Supplying and installation of paving mats as per detailed specifications and 25 mm RCRI (Reflective Cracks Relief Interlayer) as specified in technical specification and directed by Engineer In Charge. ( Note - Rate shall be includes all necessary trials, testing, safety arrangement, 7 years free maintanance along with full time Crew as directed by Engineer In Charge)- Rate shall includes works as follows and detailed technical specification. We are using this item first time, I request you to provide us details regarding item, it’s contents, specifications, and rates etc.
Snr Engineer at Development Design Consultants Ltd. (DDC)
2 年Very helpful article.
Expert, zing factor Construction Materials Testing , Airport Construction/ Materials Specialist, Coaches & Partners, Helping people in their professional fields.
2 年Thanks for sharing, we had used polymer mixes in Dubai and Abu Dhabi runway projects. Its really worth due the properties you mentioned in the article.