Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Dr Richika Sahay Shukla
Creating India’s first AI-enabled phygital fertility clinic chain—transforming the future of reproductive healthcare by seamlessly bridging the physical and digital.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is health issue that distress 1 in 10 ladies of procreation age. Women who are affected with PCOS face metabolism issues and hormonal disparity that might badly influence their appearance and overall health. PCOS is however a general curable cause of infertility. Due to Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) you will be affected by following health problems
Unnecessary facial and body hair
Acne in face
Increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes
Prevent periods and make them difficult to forecast
However, you can undergo treatment for such symptoms and then after you will be able to conceive. You might intake medication to boost fertility.
Some women affected by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) might come across cyst in their ovaries. That is the reason it is called Polycystic. But that doesn’t mean that every woman with PCOS is affected by cysts.
Who gets PCOS?
Nearly women between the age of 15 to 44, the 5% and 10% of women can get affected by PCOS, or they can suffer during their possibility of childbirth. Most of the women detect PCOS between their 20s and 30s. So in case, in these years, if they are getting problem in conceiving child, then they should consult gynecologist. However PCOS can affect women at any age after puberty
Moreover the civilization and race doesn’t matter because all women can have risks of PCOS. Women who are having obesity problem or if they have mother sister and female related with PCOS, has much higher risk of PCOS.
Hormones and PCOS
At the time of PCOS, the reproductive hormones get imbalanced. This will eventually bring complications with your ovaries, for example you are not having period timely or not having period.
Common Symptoms of PCOS
If any female is facing problems like unnecessary weight gain, late or untimely period, no period, oily skin, acne then they can be the symptoms of polycystic ovary (or ovarian) syndrome. You might be thinking these are usual issues with you, but you need to consult the doctor, when things are not in normal control.
In this syndrome there are many symptoms, and it is not necessary that you have all of that symptoms. So for that, you need to trace the indication and see the doctor.
Diagnosis of PCOS
Well, there is no specific or sole screening to identify whether you come across polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. You can tell symptoms to your doctor and then he/she will suggest some physical test and blood tests to trace if you have PCOS
PCOS, as we have already told that it a general hormone imbalance that can result issues with your skin, weight, period and fertility. If you have found with this indication sooner or later, start the treatment as much as possible.
What you will need to tell your doctor or what your doctor will ask
Your doctor will definitely want to know about the symptoms and signs that you have observed. This is very crucial to identify whether you got PCOS and to deny other condition that have same indications.
It is important to tell medical history about your family which may include your mother, sister or any female relative. Whether they have or had PCOS any time, or they are getting issue becoming pregnant. This detail is useful – if PCOS has already in your family.
Don’t hesitate to share any period abnormality problem for your doctor. If you have experienced weight change of other concerns, then openly discuss with your doctor.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes that obstruct a women to become pregnant.
This is hormonal disorders that disturb the reproductive mechanism of women. Generally when you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the size of your ovaries become bigger than normal size. The larger size of ovaries can contain several small cyst having immature eggs
Hormone disparity
Due to PCOs the affected women produce elevated levels of androgens than normal. These are generally known as male hormones, because men contain much higher level of androgens as compared to women.
We should understand that Androgens are crucial in the expansion of male sex organ and other male characteristics
While in women androgens are generally transformed into the estrogen hormone
PCOS and its affect on your fertility What You Can Do about It
We know that PCOS is one most general cause of obstacle in conceiving a baby. This hormonal imbalance create disturbance in reproductive mechanism of women.
Ovulation Problems
When women have high levels of androgens then it affects the growth of eggs and normal fertilization of eggs. This procedure is called ovulation.
What are my treatment options for PCOS if I want to get pregnant?
There are numerous alternatives that help to grow your chance of conceiving baby even if you have PCOS:
After you find the cause of infertility due to PCOS, then you and your spouse can consult doctor. Doctor may recommend effective medicines to assist you ovulate.
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
If medications failed to work, then you can consider In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. In this process the egg is fertilized with your spouse’s sperm in a laboratory and then insert in your uterus to grow and implant. IVF has much higher possibility of pregnancy. It has low risk of having twins and triplets (by permitting your surgeon to insert single fertilized egg your uterus)
Losing weight
Obesity is causing problems in your pregnancy or it is because of PCOS, then you must try to lose your weight. You can do it by making a balanced and healthy diet. Doing regular exercise, physical workout and yoga will help you to boost your fertility and allow your menstrual cycle normal. You can consult any fitness trainer for that, keeping your health concern in your mind
The surgery is also a great alternative and you should only consider this method, if other option doesn’t work for you. Because of PCOS the exterior shell (known as cortex) of ovaries is thickened in women that restrict natural process of ovulation. A surgery which is known as ovarian drilling, in which surgeon, create few holes in facade of ovaries with the help of fine needle heated with electricity or lasers. This surgery will help to reinstate ovulation for the period of 6 to 8 months
What is the recent research on PCOS?
There are many researches happening for new method of treating PCOS and some latest research concentrate on:
Health issues for kids of women with PCOS
Heredity and PCOS
Ecological Revelation and PCOS risk
Racial and cultural dissimilarity in PCOS symptoms
Medications and supplement to resume ovulation
Obesity and its connection to PCOS
How does my diet affect PCOS?
Women that affected by PCOS are generally have greater than normal insulin levels. Insulin is generated in your pancreas and it allow the cells present in your body transform Sugar(glucose) into energy.
If you don’t produce enough insulin, your blood sugar levels can rise. This can also happen if you’re insulin resistant, meaning you aren’t able to use the insulin you do produce effectively.
Your blood sugar level can increase if you don’t product normal ratio of insulin. This can also take place when you are not competent to generate insulin normally or you are insulin resistant.
If you are insulin resistant, then your body might endeavor squeeze high levels of insulin. The excessive level of insulin will compel your ovaries to produce more androgens (such as testosterone)
This person with insulin resistance can also have obesity problem. It will become difficult for such person to lose weight, which is the reason why women with PCOS often have obesity problem.
People who intake meal that contain sugary eatable, starchy items and refined carbohydrate, can have insulin resistance. And that is why weight loss becomes difficult.
What foods should I add to my diet?
Foods to add
- Spices and foods those are anti-inflammatory such as tomatoes and turmeric
- Lean protein such as fish, plain Greek yogurt, beans, peas, lentils etc
- High fiber vegetable such as beetroot, broccoli, carrot
Foods to avoid
- Inflammatory foods such as red meat, processed food, Vegetable and seed oils, refined carbohydrates, Excessive alcohol etc
- Sugar products, snacks, drinks etc
- Foods those are high in refined carbohydrate such as muffins and white bread
Consider other changes in lifestyle
PCOS positively eliminated through effective lifestyle choices
This will include regular workout, and exercise.. Both these will help in decreasing insulin resistance, specifically when you have consumed restrained amount of unhealthful carbohydrates.
Several experts recommend that a person should do physical work out and exercise minimum of 150 minutes per week.
Low sugar consumption, low inflammatory diet also help in reducing weight, Women might increase their ovulation due to weight loss. Women who are fat, should consider exercise and balanced diet to get pregnant.
The symptoms linked with PCOS can bring stress. So you need to do stress reduction methods and activities that will help your mind to be calm and connect with your body. The yoga and meditation will help you to eliminate stress.
You can also consult therapist, yoga practitioner, mediation expert or IVF specialist that will help you to live a healthy and normal life.