Poly-drug Use in Canada  and CANNABIS Use are Partnered to make Death Sticks.

Poly-drug Use in Canada and CANNABIS Use are Partnered to make Death Sticks.

This item is very seldom covered in safety meeting or even Law Enforcement Offices because it is so hard to detect short of dead bodies or crimes. 

Poly drug use refers to the use of two or more psychoactive drugs in combination to achieve a particular effect. If a person is using multiple drugs such as alcohol and cocaine, opiates and cocaine or a random mixture of pills, there is no time to waste. The next night spent high could be his (or her) last. George Lucas coined part of phrase in a star wars scene with a Jedi who told dealer that he did want to sell death sticks and to go home and rethink his life!

Cannabis and SMOKING IT WET are cigarette dipped in formaldehyde and marijuana. Reports have suggested that the use of a dangerously tainted form of marijuana, referred to in the vernacular as “wet” or “fry,” has increased. Marijuana cigarettes are dipped into or laced with other substances, typically formaldehyde, phencyclidine, or both. The embalming fluid, which is basically just a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol, and ethanol, is used as more of a solvent for the dissolution of PCP, a highly potent hallucinogen. Since a tiny amount of PCP (less than a milligram) is enough to make even a full-grown gorilla go absolutely bananas, it can’t be ingested directly, and must first be diluted down into the embalming fluid. Then, a cigarette, usually marijuana or sometimes straight-up tobacco, is dipped into the solution and dried out in a freezer. The result, known as a “fry”, “fry stick”, or “death stick”. Embalming fluid included visual and auditory hallucinations, euphoria, a feeling of invincibility and increased pain tolerance. The high lasts from six hours to three days.

Fry is a street term for marijuana or tobacco cigarettes that are dipped in PCP (phencyclidine) and/or embalming fluid, and then dried. 

PCP was developed in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic, but its use for humans was discontinued because it caused patients to become agitated, delusional, and irrational. Today individuals abuse PCP because of the mind-altering, hallucinogenic effects it produces.

Embalming fluid is a compound of formaldehyde, methanol, ethanol (ethyl alcohol), and other solvents. Embalming fluid reportedly produces a hallucinogenic effect and causes the cigarette to burn more slowly, potentially resulting in a prolonged high.

Marijuana is the mind-altering substance produced from a plant with the scientific name Cannabis stiva. The drug is used because its primary active chemical--tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)--may induce relaxation and heighten the senses.

Abusers are often unaware that fry may contain PCP. PCP is an addictive drug; its use often results in psychological dependence, craving, and compulsive PCP-seeking behaviors. PCP produces unpleasant psychological effects, and users often become violent or suicidal. PCP poses particular risks for young people--even moderate use of the drug can negatively affect the hormones associated with normal growth and development. PCP use can also impede the learning process in teenagers. High doses of PCP can cause seizures, coma, and even death (often as a consequence of accidental injury or suicide while under the drug's effects). At high doses, PCP's effects may resemble the symptoms associated with schizophrenia, including delusions and paranoia. Long-term use of PCP can lead to memory loss, difficulty with speech or thought, depression, and weight loss. These problems can persist for up to a year after an individual has stopped using PCP. 

Effects from exposure to embalming fluid include bronchitis, body tissue destruction, brain damage, lung damage, impaired coordination, and inflammation and sores in the throat, nose, and esophagus. Embalming fluid is extremely carcinogenic. Because cigarettes soaked with embalming fluid tend to burn more slowly, users may experience increased negative side effects.

  • 3M - Mescaline, mushrooms (psilocybin) and Molly (crystal Ecstasy)
  • A-bomb or atom bomb - Marijuana mixed with heroin
  • Amp joint - Marijuana cigarette laced with some form of narcotic
  • B-40 - Cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor
  • Back to back - Abuse of heroin followed by crack cocaine or vice versa
  • Banana split - Combination of the synthetic 2C-B with other illegal drugs,
  • especially LSD
  • Banano - Marijuana or tobacco cigarettes doctored with cocaine
  • Bars - Heroin mixed with alprazolam/Xanax
  • Basuco - Incompletely refined cocaine paste sprinkled on a marijuana cigarette
  • Bazooka - Combination of crack cocaine or unrefined cocaine and marijuana
  • Beam me up, Scottie - Cocaine combined with PCP
  • Bipping - Snorting heroin and cocaine, either simultaneously or close together
  • Black Russian - Hashish and opium
  • Buda - High-grade marijuana with crack cocaine added
  • Bumping up - Combining Ecstasy with powder cocaine
  • C & M - Cocaine and morphine
  • Canade - Heroin and marijuana used together
  • Candy blunt - Marijuana-filled cigar (blunt) dipped in cough syrup
  • Candy flipping - Using LSD and Ecstasy together
  • Candy flipping on a string - Combining LSD and Ecstasy or LSD, Ecstasy and cocaine either all at once or in sequence
  • Capsizing - PCP and MDMA
  • Caviar - Cocaine and marijuana
  • Cheese - A mix of black tar heroin and diphenhydramine (most commonly found in Tylenol PM)
  • Chasing the dragon - Crack cocaine and heroin
  • Chips - Tobacco or marijuana cigarettes treated with PCP
  • Chronic - Marijuana mixed with crack
  • Clicker - Crack mixed with PCP or a marijuana cigarette treated with dipped in formaldehyde before smoking
  • Cocktail - Combination of crack and marijuana
  • Cocoa Puffs - Cocaine and Marijuana smoked together
  • Crackers - Talwin (narcotic painkiller) and Ritalin
  • Crescent roll - Marijuana laced with cocaine
  • Crisscrossing - Snorting a line of cocaine along with a line of heroin
  • Crunk - Getting high and drunk at the same time.
  • Diablito - Crack cocaine and marijuana in a joint
  • Dipped joints - Marijuana combined with PCP and formaldehyde
  • Dirties/Dirty joints - Marijuana mixed with powder cocaine
  • Donk - Marijuana and PCP
  • Draf - Ecstasy with cocaine
  • Dragon rock - Heroin and crack mixed together
  • Dust - Marijuana mixed with various other drugs such as cocaine, heroin or PCP
  • Dynamite - Cocaine mixed with heroin
  • Eightball - Crack cocaine and heroin
  • El diablito - Cocaine, marijuana, heroin and PCP
  • El diablo - Cocaine, marijuana and heroin
  • Elephant flipping - Use of PCP and Ecstasy with animal anesthetic ketamine
  • Ethan - LSD and cocaine
  • Fire - Crack and methamphetamine
  • Five-way - Snorting heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and Rohypnol while also drinking alcohol
  • Flamethrowers - Regular cigarettes treated with cocaine and heroin
  • Flower flipping - Ecstasy and mushrooms used together
  • Frisco special/Frisco speedball - Cocaine, heroin, and LSD
  • Fry/Fry sticks - Marijuana cigarettes dipped in embalming fluid or PCP
  • Fry daddy - Crack and marijuana mixed and smoked
  • Geek-joints - A marijuana cigarette with crack or powdered cocaine added
  • Gimmie - Crack and marijuana mixed together
  • Goofball - Cocaine and heroin
  • Greek - Marijuana and powder cocaine
  • H & C - Heroin and cocaine
  • H-bomb - Ecstasy and heroin
  • Handlebars - Combination of crack cocaine and alprazolam (Xanax)
  • Happy stick - Marijuana and PCP in a cigarette
  • He-she - Heroin mixed with cocaine
  • Herb and al - Marijuana and alcohol
  • Hippie flip - Use of mushrooms (psilocybin) and Ecstasy
  • Houston cocktail - Hydrocodone, a benzodiazepine like Valium or Xanax, and Soma/carisoprodol
  • Hugs and kisses - Combination of methamphetamine and Ecstasy
  • Illie/illy- Marijuana dipped in liquid PCP or embalming fluid and then dried
  • Jedi flip - Mushrooms, LSD, and Ecstasy
  • Jet fuel - PCP use combined with methamphetamine
  • Jim Jones - Marijuana treated with cocaine and PCP
  • Joy stick - Marijuana treated with PCP
  • Juice joint - Marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
  • Karachi - Heroin, phenobarbital (a sleeping drug), and methaqualone (depressant)
  • Killer weed - Marijuana and PCP
  • Kitty Bending - Ketamine and benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium)
  • Kitty Boosting - Amphetamine and ketamine
  • Kitty Flipping - Ketamine and Ecstasy
  • Kitty Tripping - Ketamine and LSD
  • Lace - Cocaine and marijuana
  • Las Vegas cocktail - Hydrocodone and a benzodiazepine like Valium or Xanax
  • LBJ - Heroin plus LSD and PCP
  • Liprimo - Marijuana and crack mixed and formed into a cigarette
  • Love boat - Marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; a cigar refilled with marijuana
  • and then dipped in liquid PCP; cigar refilled with marijuana that has heroin added
  • Love flipping - Mescaline and Ecstasy
  • Lucky flip - Ecstasy and synthetic 2C-T-7
  • Love trip - Mescaline and Ecstasy
  • Lovelies - Marijuana treated with PCP
  • Methball - methamphetamine and heroin mixed in one syringe
  • Missile basing - Crack and PCP
  • Moonrock - Crack and heroin
  • Murder one - Heroin and cocaine
  • Neon Nod - LSD and heroin
  • Nexus flipping - Nexus (the synthetic 2-CB) and MDMA
  • Nox - Nitrous oxide and MDMA
  • Octane - PCP laced with gasoline
  • On the ball - Ecstasy particles added to a bag of heroin
  • One and ones - Talwin (narcotic painkiller) and ritalin
  • Oolies - Marijuana cigarettes laced with crack
  • Ozone - Cigarette containing marijuana, PCP and crack cigarette
  • P-dogs - Cocaine and marijuana
  • P-funk - Crack plus PCP
  • Pancakes and syrup - Glutethimide (hypnotic drug) and codeine cough syrup
  • Parachute - Smoking crack and PCP; smoking crack and heroin
  • Parachute down - Using Ecstasy when coming down off heroin
  • Party and play - Methamphetamine together with Ecstasy and Viagra
  • Party pack - The synthetic 2C-B plus other illicit drugs, particularly Ecstasy
  • Pharming - Mixing prescription drugs
  • Piggybacking - Simultaneous injecting two drugs; using Ecstasy sequentially to maintain the high
  • Pikachu - Pills containing PCP and Ecstasy
  • Polo - Heroin and dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
  • Poor man’s heroin - Narcotic painkiller Talwin and Ritalin, injected
  • Poro - Heroin plus PCP
  • Primos - Marijuana joints treated with crack cocaine
  • Quiktrip - Methamphetamine and psilocybin
  • Red rock opium/Red rum - Heroin, sleeping pills, strychnine and caffeine
  • Ritz and Ts - Ritalin and Talwin, injected
  • Robo flipping - Ecstasy and dextromethorphan (cough medication)
  • Rompums - Marijuana with Xylazine or other horse tranquilizers
  • Sandwich - Two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle
  • Scramble - Low purity heroin plus crack cocaine
  • Screwball - Heroin and methamphetamine
  • Serial speedballing - Sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over period of days
  • Shabu - Powder cocaine and methamphetamine
  • Sherman stick - Crack cocaine with marijuana in a blunt (refilled cigar)
  • Smoking gun - Heroin and cocaine
  • Snowcone - Amphetamine and weed smoked together
  • Snow seals - Cocaine and amphetamine
  • Space base/Space blunt - Crack dipped in PCP; refilled cigar with PCP and crack
  • Space cadet/Space dust - Crack dipped in PCP
  • Speedball - Cocaine and heroin; may also refer to methylphenidate (Ritalin) mixed with heroin
  • Speedboat - Methamphetamine, PCP, heroin and cocaine or marijuana, PCP and crack smoked together
  • Speedkitten - Methamphetamine and ketamine
  • Speedies - Ecstasy adulterated with amphetamine
  • Spill - Speed and an ecstasy pill in the same line to be snorted
  • Splitting - Rolling marijuana and cocaine into a single joint
  • Spoke - Speed, crushed Ecstasy pill and coke in the same line to be snorted
  • Squirrel - PCP and marijuana that is laced with cocaine and smoked
  • Stupor stoning - Drinking alcohol while smoking marijuana
  • Sugar flipping - Ecstasy and cocaine
  • Super grass - Marijuana treated with PCP
  • Super X - Methamphetamine and Ecstasy
  • Tar - Smoking crack and heroin
  • Tipsy flipping - Alcohol and Ecstasy
  • Torpedo - Marijuana and crack
  • Troll - LSD and MDMA
  • Twisters - Crack and methamphetamine
  • Waffle dust - Ecstasy and amphetamine
  • Wet/Wet sticks - Marijuana cigarettes soaked in PCP or formaldehyde and dried
  • Whack - Heroin and PCP; Crack and PCP
  • Wicky - Powder cocaine, PCP and marijuana
  • Wild cat - Methcathinone (synthetic similar to methamphetamine) mixed with cocaine
  • Wollie/Woo - Adding crack rocks to a marijuana cigarette
  • Woola blunt/Woolah- Marijuana and heroin in a refilled cigar
  • Woolas - Crack sprinkled on marijuana cigarette
  • Woolie - Marijuana and heroin; marijuana and crack cocaine; marijuana and PCP
  • Woolies - Marijuana and crack or PCP
  • Yerba mala - PCP and marijuana

Student at ?bo Akademi

6 年

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