POLNA as an employer
Guarantee of the highest quality reliable products created with a sense of corporate and social responsibility.
Today, competition in the labor market is fierce, despite rising inflation and rising costs for companies. Finding and retaining the best employees is becoming increasingly difficult. That's why it is important for us to take care of our reputation as an employer and create good #employer #branding. One of its key elements is a #professional approach to employees and attention to their safety, whether working in the office, in production or in the field.
At POLNA S.A., a professional approach to employees means treating them as business partners, not just ordinary employees. This means that we provide our employees with the right training, work tools and support so that they can perform their duties at the highest possible level. We have regular discussions with our employees to learn about their needs and expectations, and adapt the company's #strategy to meet their needs.
By taking #care of our employees' safety, we give them the feeling that they are important to us and we appreciate their work. Safety is especially important for employees performing their duties in production, assembly or foundry departments, where they come into contact with very high temperatures, chemicals and other health-threatening factors. That's why we provide them with the right training and tools and equipment so they can work safely. In the case of office workers, it is important to provide them with ergonomic workstations and appropriate personal protective equipment, such as masks and disinfectant fluids.
Good employer branding not only attracts the best employees, but also retains current ones. When employees feel valued and secure in their jobs, they are more likely to stay with a #company for the long term. In addition, employees' positive opinion of the company also attracts new employees, which in turn has a positive impact on the company's growth.
It is worth remembering that taking care of employees is not only about taking a good attitude towards them, but also thinking about their family and the environment. Companies that care about ecology and local #communities attract employees who want to work for a company that acts in accordance with their values.
In conclusion, a professional approach to employees and attention to their safety are key elements of good employer branding. At POLNA S.A., this is an issue we have been taking care of for years. Companies that treat their employees in this way attract the best and keep them for longer, which translates into a positive image of the company and its #development.