Pollen and politics - we need some rain to clean the air
It is a rainy day. Hopefully, it will knock the pollen out of the air for a few days. Living in a city known for its tree canopy, produces a lot of pollen to breathe in.
With this context, we are also breathing a lot of polluted discourse. I wish the rain could filter out some of this inane and mean-spirited banter. The elected and once-elected people who occupy chairs better suited for more rationale, diligent and kind people are well known.
We each can compile lists of such people and compare likely seeing many of the same names. If done in secret, I am sure their fellow party politicians would come up with the many of the same names. These folks need a disclaimer when quoted saying something like the views of this person stated here are not verified as factual and should not be construed as such. This is not how we should be represented.
Yet, we are. And, in a tribal numbers game, people in that group just want to win, whatever that means. It is ok if a politician is a prolific and consistent liar, just win. The failure of this paradigm is if one lies and cheats to win, they will lie and cheat at anything. You can take that to the bank.
We need to demand more of our politicians. We need civil discourse. We need them to work together. We need a system of election that reduces the amount of money to run to hopefully lessen the influence of funders. We need term limits. And, we need the truth.
Like pollen, which not only gets in your lungs, it gets everywhere, the lying does the same. Start asking a few questions of politicians. Do you really believe that or are you just saying that for effect? What do you?think we should do then? Why do you think that? The questions are the rain.