Politics in the Workplace

Politics in the Workplace

It’s Election Day in the United States!

Today is Election Day in the United States, and we at Equity At Work? encourage everyone to vote.

We also encourage all workplaces to support their workers in ensuring they are able to vote - two common options are to give employees the day off for voting or to provide time throughout the day where employees can go to their polling place.

If you are not sure where to go to vote, you can visit VOTE.ORG to find your polling place.

If you are unsure if you are registered to vote or if you can vote, visit the National Association of Secretaries of State website .

We also know politics can be a difficult topic and is often avoided in the workplace. We recommend taking a different approach: acknowledging that each individual’s political views come with them to the workplace, setting ground rules for how to hold political conversations, and encouraging political engagement.

Here is a one-pager we’ve developed for how organizations can approach politics in the workplace:

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