Pooja Marwah
Writing that gets you noticed and saves you time. Working with Fortune 500's, Govt of India and USA. Full Service Writing for Linkedin and beyond.
As news of Regeneron’s Covid-19 antibody treatment, that was given to President Trump made headlines, the FDA has granted an emergency use authorisation. Could this be the moment of reckoning the world has been waiting for, literally?
In technical jargon, its monoclonal antibodies – casirivimab and imdevimab, are to be administered together for the treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19. The fine print disallows it from being used on patients that have co-morbidities or require hospitalisation, but that, like most fine print, is treated as inconsequential as of now. The highlight is that there is something out there that may.. just may save the world!
Moderna in the US is claiming to have a 94.5% efficacy rate and the Pfizer vaccine has surfaced with a 90% chance of effectiveness in early trials. In its initital announcement, it has garnered over 40 million doses for the UK, 300 million for the EU. Germany is on its way to signing an agreement for a 100 million.. and this is just the beginning.
This has given the struggling world economy a much needed boost. They all have permutations and combinations of quantity, storage issues and deliverability but once again… it has given hope.
William Schaffner, Professor of Medicine and infectious diseases says that there isn’t enough data to state if it is safe for senior citizens, pregnant women but it’s a long journey.. and every journey begins with small steps.. So it is a wonderful start! America could begin its vaccinations as early as next month and that is something to reckon with!
Hope is a big word. When a person is faced with uncertainty about life, about work, about existence.. it clouds the mind with fear. And in this, if even one ray of hope finds its way in, it gives a person strength to get up and fight… And that is what we, as world citizens are doing. The Covid 19 research has been the fastest the world has ever seen. And the primary reason is because this is one of the first calamities that have engulfed us as ONE WORLD. All of the scientists, researchers, medical fraternity and technicians are working in sync to develop immunity and fight back the invisible enemy.
Russia is ready with Sputnik 5, which is on a 92% efficacy despite the fact that late stage trials haven’t been completed yet. India is working on two by Baharat Biotech and Zydus Cadilla. Britain’s Astra Zeneca is also claiming a 90% efficacy.
According to technical medical data, the flu vaccine that we currently use has only 40-60% efficiency but it saves lives by the millions! The WHO has admitted to accepting any vaccine that proves its efficacy to be over 50% so what we are really looking at is – beams of sunlight streaming through and not just a ray!
Yes, there is a grim side to it, as every coin has two sides! The lesser developed countries like Africa and Asia rely heavily on charitable funds from the richer countries and it could be a while before they get the prerequisite doses but at least it is out there.
For all that this disease has taught us, it is my belief that it has given humankind a newer and different perspective to life. It has rebuilt hope, paved the way for dreams and given a feeling of – The world is truly a small place! No matter which country produces the first vaccine, we can only hope that the IP will be graciously shared so that everyone can be vaccinated.. for everyone deserves a chance to live.
And then again – Hope is a big word!
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