Politics & Technology
Bild: HfP/Michael H?hne

Politics & Technology

What's new in the realm where politics meets technology? We keep you up-to-date with our regular roundup providing you with insights into the the exciting field at the intersection of politics and technology.

Our Highlight

Last week ZEIT Verlagsgruppe published the CHE university ranking and we were delighted about the very positive evaluation that we got from the students. So spread the word! Application for our Bachelor's Program Politikwissenschaft as well as for our Master's Program Politics & Technology is now possible.

Upcoming Opportunities

Tackling ELSPI Challenges in the Health and Life Sciences | Timo Minssen

EVENT | 08.05.2024 TUM visiting professor Prof. Timo Minssen provides insights into the Inter-CeBIL program addressing Ethical, Legal, Societal, and Policy Implications in Advanced Medical Computing, Pandemic Preparedness, and Sustainable Innovation. Register now!

How to get it done: Lessons learned from dissertation to collaborations | Timo Minssen

EVENT | 08.05.2024 Join Prof. Timo Minssen for a candid discussion on his doctoral journey and collaborative experiences reflecting on mistakes, lessons learned, and interdisciplinary research. Register now!

Our recent activities

How can we overcome the Crisis of Democracy?

PUBLICATION The global retreat and erosion of democracy appears to be an increasing phenomenon. Dr. Hagen Sch?lzel adresses the questions: What is going wrong, and how can we improve democracy? Read more.

Better health care before and after birth

PUBLICATION Since 2019, Baden-Württemberg has funded 13 projects aimed at improving maternal healthcare. A newly published study by Ines B?hret M.Sc. M.A. monitored the implementation of these projects. Read more.

TUM honours Prof. Stefan Wurster for Excellence in Teaching

AWARD For his outstanding commitment to teaching, the Technische Universit?t München (Technical University of Munich) honoured HfP Professor Stefan Wurster with the TUM Certificate of Excellence in Teaching. Read more!

Innovations for the German public sector

PROJECT Let’s facilitate the integration of technological innovations into the public sector! GovTech Campus Deutschland and the TUM Think Tank have now launched a new project to create a training for public administration keeping pace with technological evolution.

Girls Day 2024 | The Girls are in the House!

EVENT REPORT For Girls'Day - M?dchen-Zukunftstag , numerous tech-interested girls visited HfP and gained insights into algorithms, AI, and more, exploring their interaction with society. We look forward to reconnecting with the women in tech of tomorrow!

Opening Doors for AI Innovations | Gipfel für Forschung und Innovation 2024

EVENT REPORT How can the German economy profit from AI? HfP Rector Prof. Urs Gasser sees non-technical barriers, especially in a rigid legal framework and the mindset of German society, and advocates for reforms in administration and education.

How racist is AI? | Bayerischer Rundfunk

IN THE MEDIA Whether it's about assessing job applications or analyzing video footage – AI is already a part of our daily lives. But how neutral is it? Prof. Lena Ulbricht discusses the risks of AI discrimination and potential solutions. Listen now [GER].

Online mobs can have a chilling effect on female political candidates, research shows | Fast Company

IN THE MEDIA Insults and marginalization are a sad phenomenon on online platforms. – And it also has far-reaching consequences for democracy, as shown in a recent study. Prof. Janina Steinert shares alarming study results. Read more.

The next level of artificial intelligence | Tagesspiegel

IN THE MEDIA Is the next artificial intelligence revolution on the horizon? Prof. Simon Hegelich predicts that we will see thinking machines within the next few years. Read more [GER].

Flood of Fake News | ORF

IN THE MEDIA What impact do fake news have on social media platforms? New technologies always receive great attention from the public. HfP Professor Jürgen Pfeffer explains the questions behind the hype. Watch now [GER].

News from our Network

Prof. Dr. Dirk Heckmann shares impressions from the For..Net Symposium Read the post [GER].

Armando Guio Espa?ol announces the new Road Map for the Global Network of Centers . Read the post.

?FIT - Kompetenzzentrum ?ffentliche IT about the work of the German Digital Council Read the post [GER].


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