Politics, Geography, Gurus, Energy and Relevance
The overarching issues in American politics and business today are the same. They are competence and allegiance to our foundational beliefs.?
These issues can be graphically depicted:
Kimberly Cheadle resigned after the incompetence of the Secret Service resulted in Trump being shot at and hit by a gunman - Thomas Matthew Crooks - because of a lack of situational awareness.?
In the patrolling classes that I attended in the fields of Quantico, U.S. Marine officers learned to Stop, Look and Listen in order to improve situational awareness.? As experienced in Vietnam, if you were not situationally aware in combat, you got killed. In business as in politics, you simply rise to your level of incompetence and now, you can do so remotely.?
NY Times
Situational awareness and asymmetrical threats also affected Netanyahu with regard to Gaza. His lack of awareness caused him to excessively react to Hamas - in retaliation.?
As Col. Tim Collins counseled his troops before their “Going North” into Iraq:
Wipe them out if that is what they choose.
?But if you are ferocious in battle, remember to be magnanimous in victory.
Dénouement and Relevance
Today, because of role/goal confusion and existential threats to Democracy, the usual suspects:
a "well disciplined militia," The True Patriots will be required to educate, to provide the inspirational discipline to both civilians and politicians - in helping them to finally see the Light.
They see the Stars but do not see the Light
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Seeing the Light at the end of the Tunnel was a phrase first used by?French General Henri Navarre:
just before Dien Bien Phu (see Hell in a Very Small Place - The Siege of Dien Bien Phu- Bernard B. Fall):
General Navarre used the phrase to describe that France would win in Indochina. Navarre also served in WWI and WWII.?
My Comment: The visionless, the armchair generals, the "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" are quick to point at the Maginot Line mentality of France despite De Gaulle’s description of it as an example of the frailty of human thought, as he exhorted that “fixed defenses are monuments to human stupidity.”
Regrettably, the U.S. learned nothing from the French experience in Indochina and continued to learn the lessons of history at places named Pleiku, Danang, Binh Gia, An Khe, My Lai, Chu Pong, the Ia Drang Valley. The same lessons were then learned in Helmand Province, in Syria, in Northern Iraq.?
American Common Sense?
American pundits have selective memories.?They remember the disastrous withdrawal of America from Kabul:
A mother, who lost her husband in fighting, with her children in a camp in Kabul.
under Biden, a place that many Americans cannot find on a world map, but wish you to forget about Beirut:
under Reagan - where 220 Marines, 18 U.S, sailors and 3 U.S. soldiers died.
Also, among the places the gurus would like us to forget are Iraq from which we withdrew, leaving billions of dollars' worth of equipment to our foes. and Kyiv:
An infant hurt by Putin's missiles
another place that those of limited vision cannot place on a global map.
“When will they ever learn?"?
Cartoon Characters and Charlatans
They (a word too indistinct for U.S, Marines to use) are "armchair generals," many in the ivy towers of academia, in Big Press:
in social media, in the Oval Office; are the gurus of the visionless. "The reason the word guru is so often used in social media to describe these folks is because the word?charlatan?is so hard to spell."
Shakespeare: Henry V, Act III, Scene I :?Once more into the breach dear friends once more!?
The solution to our problems is not to Send in the Clowns”
or the cartoon characters:
Trump and Pecker