Politics and Democracy with social justice for Chile: Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto, Candidate for the Presidency of Chile
Bernardo Florencio Javalquinto Lagos, BSc Economics, MBA, PhD
Javalquinto & Capital / World Bank/ IFC/ Embassy of Chile Was DC/ former presidential candidate elections of Chile 2021
Politics and Democracy with social justice for Chile: Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto, Candidate for the Presidency of Chile
By Juan Rodriguez Flores
A faithful believer that the government of the Chilean people must be based on democracy, social justice, respect for human rights, and an inclusive economy, Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto is in full activity designing programs and initiatives necessary to promote the future, growth, and transformation of the country. In this task, he hopes to have the sympathy and support of all progressive sectors of the nation in the upcoming elections to be held on November 21, 2021.
In that race he will be participating as an independent candidate because he says: ''it is necessary that there is a radical change in those who have been governing us for decades. Society is tired of seeing the same old faces in government institutions: talking the same old things, offering promises they will not keep, inventing dreams and hopes that will never flourish for anyone. ''
A businessman with a humanist background, Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto understands it will not be easy to overcome the challenge he faces. And to do so, that is, to confront and defeat the corrupt established political system, with all the legal and economic mechanisms that sustain it, he requires the enthusiastic support of the people who yearn to live in a different state of affairs, in which well-being, access to health and opportunities for better work and remuneration for all are promoted. Including the native peoples.
And all this can be achieved, he says, by being a truly independent candidate for the government of Chile:
''I am not a person of many words, because I am not a politician. But we are here because we are clear about what Chile wants, Chile wants a radical change, and we are willing to deliver it. As a country, we are heading down a path of moral, political, and economic decadence. Saving Chile is a task for all of us''.
A talk with Dr. Bernardo Javalquinto.
JRF: Being an independent candidate, what are your chances of winning the next Chilean elections?
BJ: According to the current scenario where 95.6% of the electoral roll of our country declares itself independent without the traditional parties my candidacy will be a more valid option and will refresh linked dream and hope for a better country, people are tired of traditional politicians, but the most important thing is the representativeness of the people who belong to the political parties. Today, there are approximately 600,000 people registered in the political parties, more than 14 million Chileans declare themselves independent, I humbly believe that this is a great opportunity in our country because it is the first time that after the social outburst of October 10, 18, people demonstrate against the dignity and treatment of human beings which is the main basis of our program and should be the main basis of all countries in the world. People are the real capital of a country. A country can have a lot of gold, diamonds, natural resources, but without education, in which people respect people, the elderly and respect each other, we remain a poor country.
JRF: Do you think the country is ready to support your candidacy?
BJ: As I said before, two years ago people would not be ready to support my candidacy because we would still be immersed in the traditional and old-fashioned model of political parties that manipulate people. But as the social outburst where people demonstrated against all that, there is a before and an after in politics. If this is not a phenomenon that is happening only in our country, it is at a global level, and I have the impression that people are voting for people and not for political parties.
JRF: What is the biggest challenge you will be facing throughout the campaign process and the elections for the presidency of the country?
BJ: As president, you must govern for everyone, we have to unify the country, what we are facing right now is the bad management that the government has had in the health and economic issues. It has arrived very late, and all the decisions as they are still political are made taking such a slow time that they leave the people in a crisis situation because the people lose credibility in the authorities and that is what we have to do to give them back their faith and hope technically our government we will get ahead much faster than with traditional politics, today we have to be innovative, wise, be a leader with judgment thinking of others, and not like the politicians who think first about their pocket and how to make the best profit for themselves and then worry about the citizens. The role of the State is to protect, empower and improve the quality of life of citizens in the last 40 years, that has not happened.
JRF: Do you consider that the independent candidacy offers a different vision of the country than the one proposed by the traditional (official) candidates participating in the competition?
BJ: Of course it does, the main thing is that we are thinking of a more humane economy in which the focus is on the human being as the fundamental pillar of society, we are creating a ministry of the sea and water for climate issues, a ministry of welfare and it is time that we can enjoy this short life and we have to take care of the problems that society has because there are many shortcomings that go unnoticed by governments and are totally invisible and that must be repaired to have a healthy and happy country. Most of the people in our countries are unhappy because they are not well paid, and this causes a great problem in terms of violence, alcoholism, drugs, and delinquency. Just because people do not have enough money to live with the minimum wage in each of our countries. Latin America is very rich, it has a lot of money, but the policies are tailor-made, and the management is very bad and does not lead to the mediocrity and poverty that we see in all Latin American countries, not to mention corruption.
JRF: In what specific proposals (political, social, economic, health, etc.) does your work program differ from those of other candidates?
BJ: The main axes of the government program are related to policies in the area of health, the role of the State, the economy in the main, to be able to help small and medium enterprises and help all the people who are going through a situation of economic crisis and recover the economy in the fastest way, with regulatory policies because this government got out of hand inflation, and salaries are not enough to pay people's bills so we are going to have to regulate, which is an issue that nobody likes but we have to help people in a situation of economic crisis and ease their way, lowering prices, taxes, giving them opportunities to pay their bills because the market is still working and no policy has been left to help people who are going through bad times in economic issues. In transportation, housing, the ministry of the sea, water and environment, innovation, research, and development, modernizing the state, reforming the police (Carabineros and Police Investigations PDI), Ministry of Welfare, Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, and most importantly to develop innovation to improve the quality of life of the people, and the most important thing is to develop innovation to be able to add added value to a country that only behaved with natural resources and we have to change that situation quickly inviting foreign capitals to invest in our country to add value and to be able to export manufactured products and export them to be more competitive to our country that was in the ranking of competitiveness in the 13th place and today we are in the 35th place.
JRF: Within which ideological tendency or thought does your candidacy fall (left, social democrat, right, center left, etc.)?
BJ: I believe in the freedom of the people, and the decisions of each one and I feel 100% democrat, I believe in democracy and that is what we are going to implement again because we are going to invite all the people to participate again in the process of democracy where we all make the laws, we all participate, regardless of the political color because it is clear that our country has already awakened and was going through a social crisis precisely because we are one step away from being a developed country but for that, we have to agree and have the will to make this leap, all of us. United to be able to move forward and achieve what we all want to be a developed country. Where there is equality and opportunities for all under the same conditions.
JRF: Have you been an independent politician all your life?
BJ: No, in the United States I belonged to the Democratic Party and worked in the political campaigns of candidates Obama, H. Clinton, and Biden.
JRF: How has it been for you to navigate against the current driven by the Chilean official political system?
It has been quite difficult, one is censored, they do not give space on TV, they are controlled by businessmen and politicians and people do not believe in politics, and as I have not dedicated myself to politics in Chile, I am practically an unknown, because I am known more at the international level, for the fact that I have worked at the World Bank, having followed in the footsteps of Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Yunus who lifted 200 million people out of poverty, I strongly believe that after having worked at the World Bank, and having seen Yunus' achievements, we have to have the three zeros, Zero Poverty, Zero Pollution and Zero Unemployment. We have a clear diagnosis with the team on how to reverse the situation.
JRF: Do you think that being an independent politician is, in a certain sense, living in error, as we say in Mexico?
BJ: I do not believe in that, because people do not believe in politicians, and that gives me the advantage to propose and do things without having to ask for authorization from people who do not know or have not had any experience in the positions they are assigned and that if well by order of the political parties.
Our proposal is the answer to the demands of the unions, unions, and groups that have contacted us to be heard and attended.
?JRF: How do you see the political and social situation of the Chilean people at present, in the context of the changes that Latin America is undergoing in recent times: Cuba, Nicaragua, Peru, Haiti, the Pandemic of COVID 19, etc., etc., etc.
BJ: The situation in Latin America is a threat to the national security of each of our countries, that is why I intend to create a league of Latin American nations, to be able to face all these problems and be in the G7 meetings because if we go independently alone to negotiate we will not get anywhere, we have to seek solutions among our peers and have a voice in the developed countries because what happens in our countries will affect them. China is making large investments in Latin America and communism is, unfortunately, opening its doors to all the people who are unhappy with the policies that our countries have applied, not caring about the people because there are no opportunities. And developed countries have to pay attention because once communism is installed there is no way to get it out.
JRF: Do you think you can be optimistic about this future, as a person and as an independent politician?
BJ: Of course, we have a high-level national and international advisory team that works together with me to generate realistic proposals that can be implemented in the first 100 days of government, such as the three issues that were never solved and that caused the social outburst, which have to do with pensions, health, and education.
JRF: What support will your government give to the native peoples of your country?
BJ: We signed an agreement with the Māori nation, with His Majesty Arikinui Manukau and Prime Minister Dr. Percy Tamayo in committing to create the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, create Free Trade Zones, and investment for them of 500 million euros. Among some of the aspects to be implemented are: To recover the Sovereign Rule of Law, which must prevail throughout the territory of Chile. Formulate a medium-term national plan to definitively resolve the permanent conflicts that arise between the State of Chile and the native peoples. Despite the progress achieved, many countries lack adequate institutional and legal frameworks, as well as tools and methodologies for authorities to guarantee the right to consultation and participation of indigenous and tribal peoples, including indigenous women who are still underrepresented in the country. We will implement decision-making processes relevant to them. Overcoming persistent and complex challenges in this regard will be crucial to building shared visions for inclusive and sustainable development in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
?Written on 2021-08-12 03:17:23 DeepL translator