Politics of American Men

Politics of American Men

Congress continues to hollow out industrial America. Over the last thirty years, our industrial economy has shifted almost entirely overseas. This hollowing out of industrial America has led to a decline in birthrates. The lack of industrial jobs, traditionally a source of stable income and family security, has discouraged many from starting families. As a result, we must resort to immigration to make up for the shortfall. Many supported abortion (not me) because they didn't want thirty million black and brown babies born, and now we have thirty million illegal immigrants. At this point--after thirty million abortions--if we didn't have immigration, America would be in a depression or bankrupt. The only way out is to have children: white, medium, olive, tan, brown, and black; we need every baby in America. Every baby needs a father with a good job.

Why are politicians so blind? The only thing that will Make America Great Again is reverting to quality. When Americans focused on quality--you can have quality or quantity, you can't have both-- America succeeded. When America concentrated on building quality products, principles of industry and thrift were taught. Industry and thrift are the hotbeds of innovation. Our grandfathers were taught to "use it up, wear it out, fix it up, make it do, or do without," but now we teach our children to "throw it out." In a world of quantity, there's no incentive to fix anything. The shift from quality to quantity has not only affected the products we use but also the skills we value. Men are no longer trained to work with their hands, leading to a decline in craftsmanship and a loss of traditional skills. How does the saying go? Idle hands are the devil's... Our political system also can't fix anything; our politicians must learn how to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty. Bitterness and divisiveness are everywhere. Iniquity is everywhere. The scriptures discuss being in the "gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity." In our current world, every political decision is now made from a place of bitterness. The more bitterness we have towards each other, the tighter the rope gets. We are hanging ourselves.

Over the last thirty years, Congress has sent our masculine jobs overseas. Extensive industrial manufacturing facilities create families. You give a man an excellent masculine job, and the first thing they do is go out and make a family. Men are the driving force behind family creation. Immigrant children don't bother me. I love seeing families created. Selfishness and vanity flee when children are born. Men and women work together to bring about something special. Women aren't the problem; they are the most significant thing on earth. The problem is spineless, bitter, divisive politicians who trade high-quality products made by masculine men in factories, mines, and oilfields for low-priced, inferior plastic products that break, pollute our oceans and crowd our landfills. Politicians couch their low-price inferior product policies in laissez-faire economics, but they aren't letting the free market work; corporations buy them off. In economics, this is called rent-seeking, a term that refers to the use of resources to obtain economic gain without reciprocating any benefits to society. In the long run, rent-seeking always backfires. Working together, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush allowed rent-seekers to hollow out the United States industrial apparatus. Both parties continue to play the same game. American families suffer, men are without jobs, and fewer children are born. ?


