POLITICO Playbook: TRUMP on the media and the star: ‘They are racially profiling’

POLITICO Playbook: TRUMP on the media and the star: ‘They are racially profiling’

Good Thursday morning. It's 11 days to Cleveland, 18 to Philly, and 124 to Election Day.

WEST WING MINDMELD: President Obama's announcement yesterday that he'll leave 8,400 troops in "precarious" Afghanistan until the end of his term - an admission that he won't end the war - is recognized by the political aides as a failure to meet a 2008 campaign goal. It's a short list, including Gitmo, and Iraq. But, ZING: All three are Bush legacy issues - the fallout from decision-making in 2001, 2002 and 2003. The national security side of the house says this move was absolutely essential. The situation isn't stable. We broke it, we bought it.

GAIL COLLINS' suggestions for a Hillary "turnaround": "Send Bill home. ... Hold a news conference every week. Take a hard position, just because."  https://nyti.ms/29jPEni

By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])

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EPIC TRUMP RANT - N.Y. Times p. A16, "In Defiant, Angry Speech, Trump Defends a Post Seen as Anti-Semitic," by Maggie Haberman, Michael Barbaro and Jonathan Mahler: At a rally in Cincinnati, "an often-shouting Mr. Trump breathed new life into a controversy that was sparked ... by his posting ... a six-pointed star next to a picture of Hillary Clinton ... Trump deleted it two hours later, and replaced the star image with a circle. '"You shouldn't have taken it down,"' Mr. Trump recalled telling one of his campaign workers. 'I said, "Too bad, you should have left it up." I would have rather defended it. ... That's just a star' ['They (the media) are racially profiling.'] ...

"It was a striking display of self-sabotage ... and underscored the limitations of Mr. Trump's scattershot approach during the Republican primaries - not to mention how difficult he often makes it for his campaign team to control him."  https://nyti.ms/29uxfa2

--MIKA BRZEZINSKI, on "Morning Joe": "I think vintage Trump is back. ... There seems to be a joy back in his speaking style."

--JOE SCARBOROUGH, laughing: "He's got his groove back ... A guy who looks reenergized ... Is this guy 70 years old? The audience was EATING IT UP. ... Seems to be having the time of his life. ... There appears to be a new energy there."

--JIM VANDEHEI: "He's speaking to NEW people."

--See the Cincinnati Enquirer front page, "TRUMP STANDS BY HIS COMMENTS ON SADDAM ... attacks Clinton, defends his use of star"  https://politi.co/29pQqBk

TRUMP'S TOP ADVISER - JARED KUSHNER, Trump son-in-law, owner of New York Observer, "The Donald Trump I Know" (Observer opinion piece): "My father-in-law is not an anti-Semite. ... Donald Trump is not anti-Semitic and he's not a racist. ... I am the grandson of Holocaust survivors. ... If my father in law's fast-moving team was careless in choosing an image to retweet, well part of the reason it's so shocking is that it's the actual candidate communicating with the American public rather than the armies of handlers who poll-test ordinary candidates' every move. ...

"I prefer to ... endure some small mistakes to preserving a stale status quo whose sole virtue is that it offends no one."  https://bit.ly/29mwZYV

TRUMP on N.Y. POST cover, "FBI DID ME A FAVOR ... Trump Talks to the Post: 'I would rather face Hillary than Bernie,'" by Daniel Halper: "I would rather face her than almost anybody else." See the cover. https://nyp.st/29QPplw ... Read the story.  https://nyp.st/29mFDq4

ZEITGEIST -- STEVE HOLLAND in Reuters, "Rebuke of Clinton over email use creates opening for Trump":"Republicans say Trump could use the issue to heal some of the rifts within his party while motivating conservatives to go to the polls in the Nov. 8 election." With cameos by Ryan Williams, Steve Elmendorf, Scott Reed https://reut.rs/29sqIO2

"FIERCELY COMPETITIVE" FALL CONTEST -- WashPost A1, above fold, "Clinton bids to get past email issue: She hits Trump business record as GOP keeps spotlight on controversy," by Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan in Atlantic City: "Trump ... exceeded expectations by raising $51 million with the GOP in June ... short of Clinton's $68 million ... [T]he events suggest a fiercely competitive contest."  https://wapo.st/29oPput

--USA Today 1A, above fold, "Pelosi mocks Clinton critics: 'Nip at her heels,' but she will be president, Dem leader assures," by Susan Page: "Pelosi ... was combative and confident ... She disputed reports that at a closed meeting Wednesday House Democrats had booed ... Sanders ... [T]here may have been scattered boos in the back of the room."  https://usat.ly/29oZMhM

STUFF TRUMP SAYS - WashPost p. A5, "Trump pays compliments to dictators, sowing discomfort within his party," by Jose A. DelReal (online: "Trump's favorite dictators"): "Trump commented on Hussein's record ... throughout the ... primary season, saying that Iraq would have been better off if he were still in power ... Trump has also repeatedly praised Russian President Vladi-mir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un as 'strong' leaders ... When Putin complimented Trump last year, Trump called it 'a great honor.'" https://wapo.st/29mxwtC

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT -- WSJ A1, above fold, "Trump's Party Foes Mounting Last Drive," by Reid Epstein ("Anti-Donald Trump Forces See Convention Coup as Within Reach"): "The anti-Trump camp needs the backing of 28, or one-quarter, of 112 Convention Rules Committee members to place the issue before the full convention. ... 20 members said they are willing to consider allowing delegates to be unbound, while 59 support Mr. Trump. The other 33 panelists couldn't be reached or didn't respond."  https://on.wsj.com/29yBfcC

** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: FINTECH WINNERS: The Financial Solutions Lab picked nine innovators to help people prepare for financial shocks. Each winning company receives $250,000 in capital plus mentoring from senior JPMorgan Chase and CFSI executives. Find out why we're supporting these entrepreneurs https://bit.ly/292kC5g **

BREAKING: "Aftermath of fatal Falcon Heights officer-involved shooting captured on video," by Minneapolis Star-Tribune's Pat Pheifer and Claude Peck: "A St. Paul man [Philando Castile, 32, cafeteria supervisor at J.J. Hill Montessori School in St. Paul] died Wednesday night after being shot by police in Falcon Heights, the aftermath of which was recorded in a video widely shared on Facebook in which the man's girlfriend says the 'police shot him for no apparent reason, no reason at all.' ... The girlfriend started the live-stream video with the man in the driver's seat slumped next to her, his white T-shirt soaked with blood on the left side."  https://strib.mn/29QYACn

SPOTTED: Three GOP quarterbacks at dinner at West End Bistro: Scott Reed, Rick Davis and Matt Rhoades. All made the Super Bowl but didn't get the ring. ... Bernie Sanders, dining at Bistro Italiano. Our tipster: "True man of the people! Except for the motorcade." ... On a United flight from Denver to Dulles in first class, Sen. Mark Warner, wearing shorts reading briefing papers.

2020 PLAYERS -- "Cruz Shakes Up Senate Office, Expands Political Operation," by National Review's Eliana Johnson and Tim Alberta: "Cruz has been supervising the vast expansion of his electoral enterprise, integrating the operations of his campaign team - policy, political, financial - in an effort to harness his newfound national following with an eye on 2020. Central to these plans is the creation of two new affiliated nonprofits ... which will effectively keep Cruz's political machinery humming over the next four years. ...

"David Polyansky - a political strategist who was senior adviser to the presidential campaign - will become chief of staff in Cruz's Senate office, replacing Paul Teller, who will be departing to serve as senior adviser to the nonprofit groups. Mark Campbell, the national political director of Cruz's presidential campaign, will serve as executive director and board chairman of the organizations. Bryan English, who served as Cruz's Iowa-state director, and Brian Phillips, who ran the campaign's rapid-response communications from Houston, will also join the allied groups."  https://bit.ly/29jKIP9

CLICKER: 8-page sexual harassment lawsuit that Gretchen Carlson filed against Roger Ailes https://bit.ly/29qhvGO

--"Outfoxed? Gretchen Carlson's harassment suit against Fox News chairman Roger Ailes seems to catch the network flat-footed," by Hadas Gold and Alex Weprin: "On Wednesday morning, Carlson and her show 'The Real Story' still had a page on the Fox News website. By Wednesday afternoon, the page had been removed. 'Something has gone wrong...' Fox News' 404 page read, before the page was restored, scrubbed of Carlson's image and name."  https://politi.co/29BrTwv

-- Bloomberg Politics created a 2-min. supercut video of some of the things that the male hosts of Fox & Friends have said to Gretchen Carlson on the air. https://bit.ly/29wnNV3

PIC DU JOUR - Scott Mahaskey's "Boardwalk view: @HillaryClinton rally at old @realDonaldTrump casino in #AtlanticCity." https://bit.ly/29q8a1R

IF YOU CLICK ONLY 1 THING: Unusual N.Y. Times Mag cover, from a collaboration between The Times and ProPublica. Reporters Ryan Gabrielson and Topher Sanders examine how tens of thousands of people every year are sent to jail based on the results of a $1.50 roadside drug test.  https://nyti.ms/29oUcfA ...See the cover. https://politi.co/29jTxJ0

MAKE UP YOUR MIND HILLARY! Campaign email subject line from Hillary Clinton: "I can't wait to thank you." But in iPhone mail preview, it also says, "I can't wait to meet you" - which is it? Does Hillary want to "thank" me or "meet" me or both?! Screenshot https://politi.co/29uE4s7

JIMMY, ROSALYNN CARTER 70th anniversary today - AP/Atlanta: "The couple plans to spend the day at home in Plains, while the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta will mark the occasion with 70-cent admission. ... The Carters' marriage is second in length to one other former first couple. George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush celebrated their 71st anniversary in January."  https://apne.ws/29wpcej

AIR WARS: As Isaac Dovere had foreshadowed, "the DCCC is going up with a seven figure national ad buy on cable and digital [with an additional emphasis in 10 targeted House districts]. Just as Conventions begin and general election voters truly start to engage, the Committee is taking this unprecedented step - earlier than ever before -- to nationalize the congressional races, define the toxic Republican brand and drive home that House Republicans' failure to stand up to Donald Trump is simply them putting their Party before the country."The ads:"Sidekick"  https://bit.ly/29kD3BD ... "Standards"  https://bit.ly/29pM6Cb

- U.S. Chamber Action is airing a new ad in the Florida Senate race, "Trust," running through July 14 on TV, cable, and digital as part of a seven figure buy in Orlando and Tampa, focusing on Rep. Patrick Murphy and his recently exposed resume issues.  https://bit.ly/29yzjRj

DRIVING THE DAY -- House GOP takes another step in Hillary email-gate: In the latest shoe to drop in the Clinton email controversy, House Speaker Paul Ryan this morning will formally ask the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to deny Secretary Clinton access to classified information. Ryan first discussed the idea on Tuesdayduring an interview with Megyn Kelly, and this morning he'll make the formal request in a letter. Letterhttps://bit.ly/29Aenqe

Additionally, Ryan this morning will send a letter to FBI Director James Comey requesting that he release all of the unclassified findings from the Bureau's investigation. Comey is testifying today before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Letter  https://bit.ly/29m2FxA

BROOKLYN MINDMELD - Per a Clinton official: "House Republicans are overreaching yet again. Just one week after their two-year, $7.1 million investigation into the Benghazi attacks turned up nothing new, Chaffetz and House Republicans are launching another partisan sham of an investigation, this time over emails. The same Republicans who were praising FBI Director Comey just days ago are now questioning his independence because they didn't get the outcome they wanted from the FBI. With today's hearing, Republicans are playing into the very narrative of taxpayer-funded stunts that Speaker Ryan was trying to avoid last February when he stopped Chaffetz from launching any email-focused probes."  https://bit.ly/29lsyxg

--FLASHBACK - Feb. 4, Politico's Jake Sherman and Rachael Bade: "Ryan, McCarthy again tell Chaffetz to stay away from Clinton"  https://politi.co/1o9XWGf

NBC NEWS digital series, second part series, "A Party Divided": "Leigh Ann Caldwell examines the political, economic and demographic/cultural shifts in the Republican Party that led to the popularity of Trump ... Matt Rivera compiled exclusive NBC archival footage from the 80s, 90s and 2000s of Trump throughout the decades, showing how Trump has been hitting the same notes since coming into national spotlight and refining his brawler persona since the mid-80s after a very public spat with then-Mayor Koch." https://nbcnews.to/29PYnQ3

DEEP DIVE - "When Donald Trump tried to build a wall: The Irish coast isn't the Rio Grande, but they are connected by one man, his forceful nature, and the fierce opposition he engenders," by Ben Schreckinger in Doonbeg, Ireland: "Before Donald Trump the politician based a presidential campaign on a simple promise ... Donald Trump the developer set out in February 2014 to build coastal protection works at Doughmore beach, to protect his golf course here from erosion. Those efforts have morphed into a proposal to build a two-mile, 200,000-ton rock wall. Though Trump has told the skeptics that building his proposed 1,000-mile border wall will be 'easy,' so far his two-mile Irish wall has been anything but. Trump has encountered numerous setbacks, and if the first stone ever gets laid, it will be a long time before it happens."  https://politi.co/29wFhRe

LAST EMBERS -- JOSH GREEN in Bloomberg Businessweek, "Feeling The Bernout": "Sanders does finally appear to be inching toward a unifying moment with Clinton. 'That's a process we're working on that could lead to an endorsement before the convention,' says Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs." https://buswk.co/BernieWontQuit

SPEED READ - "House G.O.P. Returns Focus to Obamacare's Spending Authority," by NYT's Carl Hulse: "The Obama administration knowingly spent billions in health care dollars without proper congressional authority and went to 'great lengths' to impede congressional scrutiny of the money, Republicans on two major House committees said in a report that will be made public [today]. An extensive investigation by the Ways and Means and the Energy and Commerce Committees concluded that the administration plowed ahead with funding for a consumer cost-reduction program that was central to the new health insurance law even though Congress did not provide money for it." https://nyti.ms/29q1aQ7

MEDIAWATCH -- "Pulitzer winner Chris Davis joins USA Today Network as Investigative Reporting VP" - release: "Davis, who has led three Pulitzer Prize-winning Times projects including this year's winners for Local Reporting and for Investigative Reporting (in conjunction with the Sarasota Herald-Tribune,) will oversee all Network-wide investigative reporting efforts."  https://usat.ly/29kDwDG

--"Former ABC News Chief Encounters Learning Curve As Rookie Anchor," by NPR's David Folkenflik: "As president of ABC News, David Westin oversaw coverage of the Clinton impeachment, the September 2011 terrorist strike, U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the financial crisis. These days, Westin sets his alarm at 3:45 a.m. to prep for his shift on a network with far smaller audiences, anchoring Bloomberg TV's morning show - called Bloomberg GO."  https://n.pr/29QJQ6C

--Reuters Special Election Issue, 'The American Voter' features a lead essay by Sir Harold Evans, 10,000 copies of the 66 page magazine will be distributed at the Democratic National Convention and the Republican National Convention. ... the magazine will be accompanied by an iPad app featuring a digital version of the magazine, along with additional interactive graphics and video. The cover. https://politi.co/29o5svu

TRANSITIONS -- JOCELYN MOORE to NFL - forthcoming release: "Moore, former Deputy Staff Director of the Senate Finance Committee and, most recently, Managing Director in The Glover Park Group's Government Affairs Division, has been named the NFL's Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs ... Moore will lead the league's public policy and legislative agenda and coordinate closely with NFL clubs on local and salient legislative and regulatory issues. Based out of the NFL's Washington, D.C. office, she will report to Joe Lockhart, the NFL's Executive Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs."  https://bit.ly/29qpzaG

"Steven Anderson named as new [Pacific Legal Foundation] President and CEO": "He will take up the post on September 1. Steven comes to PLF from his current position as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Institute for Justice."  https://bit.ly/29Ba28Z

--Chris Hodgson has been promoted from Floor Assistant to Deputy Director of Floor Operations for House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

--"Whitney Tawney is returning to Ducks Unlimited's Government Affairs Office as their new senior water policy advisor. Tawney joins DU from the Western Conservation Foundation, where she served as a program manager. Prior to 2014, she had been with Ducks Unlimited for 5 years as a government affairs representative." https://bit.ly/29oU9jI

OUT AND ABOUT: Congressman John Dingell is turning 90 tomorrow, and he celebrated a couple days early with a party in DC yesterday in the John Dingell Energy & Commerce Committee Room. The party was hosted by the Michigan State Society and drew more than 200 guests, including more than 75 members of Congress. Joe Barton and Gene Green gave the former, longest serving member a paper weight in the shape of Texas. As Dingell was opening it, it was surrounded by lots of tissue ... and he dryly noted there was sure "a lot of paper." Pic of the festivities  https://bit.ly/29kDD2d

SPORTS BLINK - Chicago Tribune, "Chicago native Dwyane Wade says he will leave Heat to sign with the Bulls ... agrees to 2-year, $47.5 million deal."  https://trib.in/29Azs3U

BIRTHDAYS : Hillary for America's favorite Olympian Michelle Kwan (h/t Brooklyn) ... Dick Armey is 76 ...Nia-Malika Henderson, CNN senior political reporter ... Amanda Crumley, former Vilsack, Warner and WH alum (h/t Jon Haber) ... Rachel Rosen, CAP's senior director of broadcast comms ... author David McCullough is 83 ... Luther Lowe, Yelp's VP of public policy ... Bill Lord, station manager/news director at WUSA9 and a WJLA alum ... Jason Raymond, advisor to the Administrator of USAID ... Rep. Judy Chu is 63 (D-Calif.) ... Madelyn Beck, the pride of Manhattan, Mont., who just finished a fellowship at E&E Publishing's EnergyWire (h/t Colby Bermel) ... Rachael Leman, executive director of CARE Action and alum of Lindsay Graham 2016 and House Rules (h/t Robert B. Lawrence) ... Amanda Maddox, press secretary for Sen. Johnny Isakson (h/t Jeff Grappone) ... Susan Pelter is ageless (h/t Claude Marx) ... Boston.com alum Julie Xie, now junior UX designer at Code and Theory ... Terry Camp of the House Natural Resources Committee and Hatch alum ...

... Andy Manatos, former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for President Carter, and President of Manatos & Manatos ... Eleanor Clift (we jumped the gun yesterday) ... Nikki Harris ... Marti Adams, deputy comms director for NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio ... Randy James of Sugerman Communications in L.A., a TIME alum ... Kathy Roeder ... Felix Thomas Morgan, son of Airbnb's Courtney O'Donnell, a Biden alum ... Larry Van Dyne is 71 ... Michael Hudome ... Larry Irving, co-founder of The Mobile Alliance for Global Good and a Commerce alum ... Maria H. Keech LeGrand ... Justin Crockett Elzie ... Travis Rundlet ... Jim Bell of TTR Sotheby's ... Blake Vilmain ... Dan Hunter ... Craig Trost ... Patrick Dillon ... Luke Bauer ... Linda Olsen (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... ... musician-conductor Doc Severinsen is 89 ... Ringo Starr is 76 ... David Hodo (The Village People) is 69 ... Shelley Duvall is 67 ... Billy Campbell is 57 ... Olympic silver and bronze medal figure skater Michelle Kwan is 36 ... country singer Maddie Marlow (Maddie and Tae) is 21 (h/t AP)

DESSERT -- "'Game of Thrones' Season 7 Likely Delayed," by Variety's Laura Prudom: "'Game of Thrones' showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss recently told the UFC Unfiltered podcast that due to winter's much-anticipated arrival in the world of the show, production on Season 7 will be delayed in order to capture the chilliness of the change, even in some of the show's hotter filming locations."  https://bit.ly/29jJ3Jw

** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: Entrepreneurs need more than funding to make it-they need mentors, advice, strategic planning and access to expand their networks. That's where The Financial Solutions Lab is uniquely positioned to launch the next wave of fintech innovation. By being paired with many of our top executives as mentors, these FinLab contest winners are aiming to solve some of today's most crucial personal finance problems. Learn why we think they're worth it https://bit.ly/292kC5g **

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Pablo Rodas-Martini

Maritime and LinkedIn expert. Click 'follow' (the bell icon on the right, and then the two bells) to read engaging and high-quality posts.

8 年

I share with you and your followers an article I just posted: "Why Clinton will defeat Trump more easily than expected? The Arkansas' mistake" https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/why-clinton-defeat-trump-more-easily-than-expected-rodas-martini?published=t

Madeline Heller

Mediation & Arbitration/ Business/Broker

8 年

No one wants to see another Hitler salute, Trump is a re threat to the USA..

I wonder,Mr. Allen,why some people make so much noise without saying anything significant.History shows that in most case people like Hillary win and people like Mister Trump lose.What is this fuss?



