POLITICO Playbook: SUPER TUESDAY EDITION! BILL and HILLARY think race against Trump would be TIGHT
BREAKING -- PRAYING FOR TIME: Paul Singer, the influential New York billionaire who endorsed Marco in October, is slated to be named his NATIONAL FINANCE CHAIRMAN at a quarterly gathering of Rubio donors in Miami on March 10, a campaign source tells Playbook. This is a sign of the GOP's Wall Street establishment coalescing (a little late, guys) around Rubio's bid to derail Trump's march to the nomination. And it shows Rubio's willingness to risk a primary voter backlash to raise the money needed. Wayne Berman, Rubio's top money man, is a SENIOR ADVISER who handles a large behind-the-scenes portfolio that includes finance.
--The N.Y. Post's Emily Smith notes : "The move is sure to spark controversy among Christian conservatives, ... because super-PAC donor Singer is a gay-marriage advocate and a supporter of LGBT." https://nyp.st/1QjdtwJ
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX
Good morning. Welcome to March, and happy SUPER TUESDAY - the BIGGEST DAY of the nominating season. All three broadcast networks have 10 p.m. specials: CBS News will be led by Scott Pelley, Norah O'Donnell, John Dickerson and Charlie Rose. https://bit.ly/1T5HtzB On NBC, Lester Holt anchors, joined by Savannah Guthrie and Chuck Todd. https://bit.ly/1L1ofJ8 George Stephanopoulos leads ABC coverage from Times Square. https://abcn.ws/1nfhrvZ On Fox News, Bret Baier and Megyn Kelly co-anchor from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.
--Politico's Media Pro: MSNBC, based on previous primary nights, will be likely led by Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow. "CNN will have all of its anchors, including Anderson Cooper, Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer."
DRIVING THE DAY - "Ted Cruz's judgment day : He built his campaign around March 1, but he never anticipated Donald Trump," by Katie Glueck in Houston: "Since the very beginning, the Cruz campaign has seen a strong Super Tuesday - when 595 delegates will be awarded - as the critical, defining moment in the effort to emerge as the consensus conservative choice. It's the day Cruz has said will be an 'amazing' one for his team ... But Cruz walks into March 1 on his heels." https://politi.co/1pmvrp6
TRUMP TRAIN - "Trump closes in on Super Tuesday romp: As a stunning victory looms, top Republicans are split between those ready to accommodate and others starting to panic," by Alex Isenstadt: "Top Republicans - including governors who convened an emergency conference call on Monday on which Trump was Topic A - expect the real estate mogul to carry as many as 10 states on Tuesday night, an outcome that would deal a body blow to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ... and to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who has yet to win a primary and isn't expected to do so [today.]
"If Trump wins 8 or more states on Tuesday, it would take a massive collapse on his and/or his campaign's part for him not to be the nominee,' said Tony Fabrizio, a longtime GOP pollster and strategist who advised Rand Paul." https://politi.co/1SeGVGF
--"Senate Republicans stand by as Trump marches to nomination: Only a few GOP lawmakers have challenged the businessman - and several have said they'll back him if he wins," by Burgess Everett: "The reluctance to take on Trump head-on, some conservatives say, could negate all the party's work over the past eight years to take back Congress and position the GOP to win back the White House." https://politi.co/1TO4jfd
--"NASCAR chairman and drivers endorse Trump," by Hanna Trudo: "NASCAR CEO Brian France endorsed Donald Trump at a rally in Valdosta, Ga." https://politi.co/1nfePhF
TOP TWEETS: @mviser: "Donald Trump to a protester: 'Are you from Mexico? Are you from Mexico? Are you from Mexico?'" ... @joshgreenman: "I'm old enough to remember when people worried about Chris Christie's, John McCain's and Rudy Giuliani's temperament." ... @blakehounshell: "'Lousy earpiece' is the new 'hiking the Appalachian Trail'" ... @MittRomney: "A disqualifying & disgusting response by @realDonaldTrump to the KKK. His coddling of repugnant bigotry is not in the character of America."
HOT VIDEO -- "TIME Photographer Choke Slammed At Donald Trump Rally," by BuzzFeed's Tasneem Nashrulla: "A Secret Service agent 'choke slammed' the photojournalist [Chris Morris] after he stepped out of the press pen during Trump's rally in Virginia, witnesses said." https://bzfd.it/24ybdcm
UNDERSTANDING TRUMP -- L.A. Times A1, bottom of page, government? Sure Unlike other Republicans, many Trump supporters favor big spending on some federal benefits," by Lisa Mascaro in Edgefield, S.C.
VIEWER'S GUIDE -- AP's Nancy Benac has this TIMELINE for tonight: "A quarter of Americans get their say in the presidential nominating races on Super Tuesday ... If vote margins aren't too tight, expect rolling waves of race calls as polls close in various states: Georgia, Virginia and Vermont at 7 p.m. EST; Alabama, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Massachusetts at 8 p.m.; Arkansas at 8:30 p.m.; Texas, Minnesota and Colorado at 9 p.m.; Alaska at midnight.
"A big chunk of the electorate votes early in Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas, and those early votes will show up quickly in the count, increasing the chances for fast calls in those states. Sorry Sanders, your home state of Vermont tends to be slow to report. And Minnesota, Colorado and Alaska are caucus states that could experience more hiccups than state-run primary states." https://apne.ws/1TO4as6
OBAMA ALUMNI -- @mikememoli: "Fran Person, trusted @VP aide who spent a decade at his side, launches run for Congress in SC vs. @RepMickMulvaney" www.personforcongress.com/
** A Message from Nuclear Matters: Providing more than 62% of America's carbon-free electricity, existing, state-of-the-art nuclear energy plants play a vital role in achieving our clean-energy and carbon-reduction goals. The industry also supports more than 475,000 jobs nationally and provides critical tax revenue locally for roads, schools and other public priorities. Learn more at NuclearMatters.com. **
BEN SMITH, "Trump Secretly Told The New York Times What He Really Thinks About Immigration": The "Times is sitting on an audio recording that some of its staff believes could deal a serious blow to Donald Trump, who, in an off-the-record meeting with the newspaper, called into question whether he would stand by his own immigration views. ...On Saturday, columnist Gail Collins ... floated a bit of speculation in her column: '[Y]ou obviously can't explain how you're going to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, because it's going to be the first bid in some future monster negotiation session.' ... It reflects ... something Trump said about the flexibility of his hardline anti-immigration stance." https://bzfd.it/1Qp0mv3
--"Trump on NYT interview leak: 'Everything's negotiable,'" by WashPost's David Weigel: "'Yeah, of course they're leaking it,' said Trump [on Fox News last night]. 'The most dishonest media group. And it's also failing. I call it the failing New York Times. It's doing so badly, it's dying. But I did. We had a board meeting. It was off the record. All of a sudden, they leak it. It's all over the place.' 'They said you said it's negotiable on the wall,' said [Sean] Hannity. ... 'It's negotiable,' he said. 'Things are negotiable. I'll be honest with you - I'll make the wall two feet shorter, or something. I mean, everything's negotiable.'" https://wapo.st/1QiOQjG
BUZZ -- "VP chatter turns to Tom Perez, a pick that could help Clinton with progressives," by Yahoo's Hunter Walker: "[T]here's growing buzz he could be an ideal vice presidential pick for Hillary Clinton if she wins the Democratic presidential primary. ... Perez, according to some in the party, could singularly help Clinton appeal to progressives energized by Sanders' campaign and help unify the party once he bows out. ... [O]ne influential liberal Democratic senator was heard speaking privately on the Senate floor about what a 'great pick' Perez would be for Clinton ... A longtime Democratic Hill aide described Perez as a choice that would 'satisfy the Warren wing of the party.'" https://yhoo.it/1T5tSs2
THOUGHT LEADERS - "Jamie Dimon on Finance: 'Who Owns the Future?'" by John Micklethwait on the cover of the upcoming Bloomberg Businessweek: "Dimon reflects on the arc of his career, names his biggest mistakes, argues that banks are more moral than markets, and looks to the future-one in which he expects to compete with fintech companies as well as the Chinese, but where he also expects banks like his own to flourish. 'We like our hand.'" https://bloom.bg/1VOd9aA
--N.Y. Times 4-col. lead, "Democrats Prepare a Trump Battle Plan: Urgent Strategizing for a Challenge Few Expected," by Amy Chozick and Patrick Healy, with Gardiner Harris: "Several Democrats argued that Mrs. Clinton ... would easily beat Mr. Trump. They were confident that his incendiary remarks about immigrants, women and Muslims would make him unacceptable to many Americans. ... But others, including former President Bill Clinton, dismissed those conclusions as denial. They said that Mr. Trump clearly had a keen sense of the electorate's mood and that only a concerted campaign portraying him as dangerous and bigoted would win what both Clintons believe will be a close November election. ...
"[G]roups that support Mrs. Clinton [are] preparing to script and test ads that would portray Mr. Trump as a misogynist and an enemy to the working class whose brash temper would put the nation and the world in grave danger. ... [T]hose themes [would] be amplified later by two prominent surrogates: To fight Mr. Trump's ability to sway the news cycle, Mr. Clinton would not hold back on the stump, and President Obama has told allies he would gleefully portray Mr. Trump as incapable of handling the duties of the Oval Office." https://nyti.ms/1TNHKGn
--WashPost, #2 story on A1, after Super Tuesday lead, "Clinton already looking for Trump's weaknesses," by Anne Gearan and Abby Phillip: "A Clinton-vs.-Trump general election would put [her] head to head with an unconventional candidate who has seized on a current of nationalist and anti-immigrant discontent. Trump has been talking about the general-election matchup for a while, predicting that he will defeat Clinton in unexpected places, including New York and such Rust Belt states as Michigan that Republicans haven't won since the 1980s. ...
"[A] senior [Clinton] campaign aide ... note[d] that Clinton was the first candidate - Democratic or Republican - to criticize Trump directly over his comments about Mexican immigrants and, later, Syrian refugees.
"Several Clinton supporters said that if Trump is the GOP nominee, those comments are likely to be the focus of a major line of attack with the goal of boosting turnout among Latinos and other immigrant and minority voters who are turned off by Trump's rhetoric. ... The crux of Clinton's strategy, several allies said, would be to compare Trump's immigration program to hers: a wall and a hard line on deportation vs. a path to citizenship and an emphasis on keeping families together. ... [H]er occasional appeal to bring more 'love and kindness' into the political sphere appears to have Trump in mind." https://wapo.st/1VOcaao
LATE-NIGHT BEST - "John Oliver Just Shredded Donald Trump for 20 Straight Minutes and Then Dropped the Mic" https://slate.me/1VOgZR9
INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS - "Inside Bernie's Wild Ride: How Sanders went from socialist also-ran to nearly overthrowing the Democratic Party," by Edward-Isaac Dovere and Gabriel Debenedetti: "The biggest argument was over running as a Democrat. Over and over, Bernie Sanders said he didn't want to. He'd spent his whole life purposefully outside the Democratic Party. ... His longtime consultant Tad Devine and [other advisers] came down hard: this is never going to have a chance of working unless you get over it. Suck it up, they told him. ... Sanders is a micromanager. For most of the campaign, there wasn't an email, mailer or anything bigger than a tweet that went out without his sign-off. He writes his own speeches, rarely paying much attention to what aides give him as suggestions." https://politi.co/1WT9CrX
SNEAK PEEK - MARK LEIBOVICH "First Words" column in the Sunday NYT magazine, "The Decorous Demise of the 'Establishment'": "The establishment is tired and musty and too comfortable. Yet it is still invoked constantly as a phantom solution: The establishment will step in and bring order to this chaos." https://nyti.ms/1oLfoAI
MADELEINE ALBRIGHT stars in an online video defending Tammy Duckworth from attacks from Sen. Mark Kirk, supporting her "position [that] allowing well-screened Syrian refugees into America is right from both a moral and national security perspective." https://bit.ly/1OKGsVO
SUPREME SURPRISE - N.Y. Times Quotation of the Day, JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS, speaking on Mondayfrom the Supreme Court bench for the first time in 10 years, addressing Ilana H. Eisenstein, a lawyer in a minor case involving domestic violence and gun rights: "Ms. Eisenstein, one question." Justice Asks Questions in Gun Rights Case," by Adam Liptak https://nyti.ms/1TO2K0U
SECRET HEROES -- USA Today p. 1A, top of page, "20% OF TOP MEDALS FOR COVERT ACTIONS:Warriors engage in heroism that can't be discussed," by Tom Vanden Brook: "Since 9/11, ... 216 medals were awarded in secret for missions that cannot be publicly discussed ... On Monday, President Obama talked about one of those secret missions when he awarded a Navy SEAL the Medal of Honor. Senior Chief Petty Officer Edward Byers earned the medal for his role in springing an American doctor held hostage by the Taliban in 2012. ... Medals of Honor are not awarded in secret." https://usat.ly/1WT2ATS
REIHAN SALAM in Slate, "Folks Before Kochs : To save itself, the Republican Party must finally put the working class ahead of the donor class": "In the years since the financial crisis, populist insurgencies have devastated mainstream parties of the center right and center left in virtually every market democracy." https://slate.me/1TjyQlr
CLICKER -- "The 23 must-read emails from Clinton's inbox," by Nick Gass: "From tensions with the White House to a troublesome fax machine, here are the most notable messages from the more than 50,000 pages released." https://politi.co/1XX27Bp
SPOTTED - Marty Baron and Jonathan Capehart on a Monday afternoon American flight from LAX to DCA.
SUBJECT LINE DU JOUR - From Marco Rubio: "Trump's worst con of all."
SCOOP ... "Trump nabs endorsement from Pennsylvania Rep. Tom Marino," by Daniel Lippman: "Marino on Monday became the fifth sitting member of Congress to publicly throw his support to Donald Trump ... 'There will be many people now who say that if Trump's [the nominee], I'm not going to vote. And that's just emotion at this point." ... Marino, citing Trump's daughter Ivanka's religion, said Trump isn't racist. 'Trump's daughter, who converted to Judaism in 2009 -- I don't think Trump has any feelings and concerns about the KKK, other than he doesn't like them. He renounces them and given the fact that he supported his daughter in that move shows that.'" https://politi.co/1UvKokw
REMEMBERING CRAIG WINDHAM - NPR's Eyder Peralta : "Craig Windham, a voice familiar to many NPR listeners, died unexpectedly [Sunday] night of a pulmonary embolism. He was 66. Windham was an award-winning journalist who covered presidential campaigns, hurricanes, earthquakes and the first Persian Gulf War. More recently, he focused on anchoring and reporting for NPR's Newscasts. In less than 40 seconds, Windham could explain the intricacies of a complicated bill or capture the glory of a space shuttle flying over the nation's capital. ... He was active in his church and led youth programs and overseas mission trips. He earned a Ph.D. in counseling from [GWU] and established a counseling business for adolescents." https://n.pr/21yBU1D
WELCOME TO THE WORLD - "California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel Newsom [founder of nonprofit The Representation Project, whose #AskHerMore campaign was mentioned by Chris Rock during his monologue at the Oscars] are delighted to announce the birth of their fourth child, Dutch William Siebel Newsom, born [Monday] in San Francisco at 5:41 p.m., weighing 8 lbs and 12 oz. The Newsoms look forward to bringing Baby Dutch home and spending time together as a family with his older siblings, Montana (6), Hunter (4), and Brooklyn (2). The California town of Dutch Flat is a special place for the Newsom family, holding both historic and contemporary significance." https://bit.ly/1OKHukF
--Bush White House alum Jaime Sneider, now a lawyer at Boies Schiller, and Jamie Moser, a partner at Joelle Frank, announced the birth of a baby girl, Chloe Ruth Sneider, born on Saturday. From Chloe's talking points: "Q: Are you disappointed you weren't born on leap day? A: Having parents with the same name will already afford me a killer conversation starter." Pic https://bit.ly/1LRPaSp
--Isabella Elysse Rodriguez was born at 4:21am on February 18 to father John Rodriguez, a partner at Adams Morgan-based political consulting firm District Political and the former political director for Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.). https://bit.ly/1OKHT6I
MEDIAWATCH -- "Leslie Moonves on Donald Trump: 'It May Not Be Good for America, but It's Damn Good for CBS,'" by The Hollywood Reporter's Paul Bond: Moonves said: "'Man, who would have expected the ride we're all having right now? ... The money's rolling in and this is fun ... I've never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It's a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going ... Donald's place in this election is a good thing.'" https://bit.ly/1neOq3n
WASHINGTON, INC. -- "New Coalition [to Save Medicare Advantage Retiree Coverage] Forms to Stop CMS' Proposed Cuts to Medicare Advantage": "Bringing together stakeholders and seniors, the new Coalition will raise awareness of the impact the proposed cuts would have on millions of retirees nationwide, and urge lawmakers to speak out against the proposed cuts before final MA rates are set on April 4, 2016." https://bit.ly/1WSXiI3 ... www.saveretireecoverage.org
OUT AND ABOUT: Friends from across Washington came out to Madhatter last night to support Joyce Connery (Chair of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board; DOE, NSC alumna; and, most importantly, breast cancer survivor) and Team Joyce (teamjoyce.org), gearing up to walk in #Avon39 (avon39.org) this spring. The fundraiser featured a performance by Pink Noise (led by Dan Poneman, former Deputy Secretary of Energy). SPOTTED : Dan Poneman, Erik Anderson, Brendan Plapp, Julio Friedmann, Tabetha Mueller, Jonathan Levy (on drums), Secretary of Energy Ernest Mo?iz, Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, Amb. Laura Holgate, Neile Miller, Annelise Plooster, Adam Blickstein, Eddie Haubrich, Ben Chang.
--The Chesapeake Bay Foundation hosted its first gala event last night in Washington dubbed "DC on the Half Shell" at Union Market. Guests enjoyed raw oysters from the bay, live music courtesy of DC Jazz Festival, and a buffet dinner with lots of local crab cakes. The evening was emceed by former Obama speechwriter, and Funny or Die DC's new head writer, David Litt.
SPOTTED : VA Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, Rep. John Delaney, Kathleen Matthews, Lee Satterfield Steel and Patrick Steel, Jill Daschle, David Mercer, Kimball Stroud, Melissa Maxfield, Brian Wolff, Robert Raban, Will Baker, Katie and David Leavy, Skye Raiser and David Perlin, Nathan Daschle, John Blandford, Laurie Fitz-Pegado.
PICS: https://bit.ly/1RCT0mR ... https://bit.ly/1QoWJlq ... https://bit.ly/1nfn2lW
--The Startup Grind had a conversation last night with Change.org CEO Ben Rattray last night talking Change Politics and the history of the company. SPOTTED: D.C. Startup Grind Director Brian Park, Paul Singer, Julia Smekalina, Max Burns, Colin Delany, Ciara Lee, Katie Kiewel, Erin Gifford, Jake Schaufeld, Kushaan Shah.
BIRTHDAYS: Hannah Klain, on the HRC surrogates team in Brooklyn, turns 25 on Super Tuesday -- and is too busy managing surrogates to celebrate (hat tips Ron, Adrienne Elrod) ... former Sen. John Breaux (D-La.) is 72 ... Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), who shares a birthday with the State of Nebraska, though is not as old (h/t Brianna Puccini) ... Will Robinson, an adopted Iowan and partner at The New Media Firm (h/t Jon Haber and Teresa) ... Jonathan Lipman, VP of BerlinRosen Public Affairs ... LATimes' Nigel Duara, an AP alum ... Stephen Ezell, VP for global innovation policy at Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (h/t Samantha Greene) ... Politico's David Gelsomino ... Sally Canfield, senior director of int'l gov't relations at AbbVie and a Rubio alum ... Lauren Vicary, VP for editorial and art at CAP ... Cheyenne Klotz ... Trevor FitzGibbon ... Lorraine Woellert, senior managing editor at Redfin and a Bloomberg alum ...
... Elizabeth Brooks, director, public policy and gov't affairs at CVS Health and a Venn Strategies and AHIP alum ... Rev. Brenda Girton-Mitchell of the Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships ... Marjorie Marquardt ... Bridget Bowman, Senate reporter at Roll Call and a PBS NewsHour alum ... Zain Khan ... Mike Haidet (observed) ... Ryan Little, operations director for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ... Aaron Sherinian, chief comms. and marketing officer at UN Foundation and a State alum ... Sarah Nolan, director of int'l comms. at UChicago and a State and Hillary alum ... Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-Ill.) ... Aaron Lennon Rosen ... journalist Jonathan Krohn ... Ruth Malhotra ...
... Jonathan Miles (toque tip: Dora) ... Biogen's Adam Brand ... Howard Owen ... Ryan Connolly ... The Tampa Tribune's Howard Altman ... Karin Roberts, web editor on NYT's int'l desk ... Tyler Jameson ... Chris McGowan ... Laura Tucker ... Mary Louise Mussoline ... Jeff Sabbath ... Lee Ann Smith ... John Gibson (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Peter Mirijanian Public Affairs is 16 today. On Saturday, Peter Mirijanian will be 53 ... Justin Bieber is 22 (h/t Alex Burns) ... singer Harry Belafonte is 89 ... actor Robert Conrad is 81 ... rock singer Roger Daltrey is 72 ... actor Alan Thicke is 69 ... actor-director Ron Howard is 62 ... actor Tim Daly is 60 ... Ryan Peake (Nickelback) is 43 ... Kesha (formerly Ke$ha) is 29 (h/ts AP)
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If we want to keep America working, we need policymakers to support policies that will keep safe and reliable nuclear energy plants working for all of us. Voice your support for sensible policies that drive our national economy and join us at NuclearMatters.com. **
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I was blind but now I see....
9 年and down the stretch they come!