POLITICO Playbook -- PACKER TUESDAY: TRUMP PRIVATE SECURITY raises instead of defusing tensions – HILLARY CAMPAIGN talks up her stamina
JUST POSTED - "Inside Trump's 'privatized mercenary force': The security team that patrols the billionaire's rallies has a history of rough tactics, allegations of profiling," by Ken Vogel and Brianna Gurciullo, intern for Politico Magazine: "A POLITICO investigation revealed that Trump has assembled a privately funded security and intelligence force with a far wider reach than other campaigns' private security operations: tracking and rooting out protesters, patrolling campaign events and supplementing the Secret Service's protection ...
"The investigation ― which utilized [FEC] reports, state licensing records, court filings and interview accounts or testimony from more than a dozen people who've crossed paths with Trump's security ― found that the tactics of Trump's team at times inflamed the already high tensions around his divisive campaign, rather than defusing them." https://politi.co/1oxOnAs
TRAIL PIC -- @reidepstein: "Empty seats in first level of Trump rally in Milwaukee. There's a whole mostly empty balcony upstairs too." https://bit.ly/1MP82r1
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX
TRUMP at Milwaukee rally: "Folks, if we win here, it's over. ... I don't care about rules. ... I think we close it out before the convention. ... It's like a prizefighter. ... When you knock 'em out, there's no unfriendly decisions."
CRIBS -- "Hillary Clinton's Brooklyn campaign headquarters: Inside her quirky NYC office," by amNY's Jamie Reysen: "The colorful delegate tracker shows Clinton's pledged delegates in blue, far outpacing Sanders' delegates, shown in pink ... A wall that says 'Hillary for' is littered with Post-its that declare 'Girls,' 'Jobs,' 'NYC' ... Another is decorated with photos of Clinton and celebrity supporters, from Leo to Beyonce to Bellamy Young, who plays former first lady and presidential hopeful Mellie Grant on 'Scandal.'" 11 Hillary HQ pics on one page https://bit.ly/1W7Uau5
DATA DU JOUR - Per Politico 2016 Blast's Henry "C.J." Jackson : "$15 million. That's how many more dollars Bernie Sanders raised in March than Hillary." Last month Bernie raised more than $44 million while Hillary took in $29.5 million. https://politi.co/1TyMZuo
BOOM -- "Charles Koch Is Privately Committed to Getting Paul Ryan Nominated In Cleveland," by HuffPost's Ryan Grim and Sam Stein: "Koch is confident House Speaker Paul Ryan could emerge from the Republican National Convention as the party's nominee if Donald Trump comes up at least 100 delegates shy, he has told friends privately. Koch believes Ryan would be a 'shoo-in' at a contested convention." https://huff.to/1q278wT
BUZZ: A well-wired Democrat close to the Clinton campaign told Daniel that a Paul Ryan nomination would be the "nightmare scenario" for Brooklyn because he would likely be stronger than Trump in states like Colorado, Virginia, Wisconsin and Ohio. "He'd be starting politically with a clean slate and lacks the baggage of not getting attacked for months" like Trump and Cruz. "He's an attractive man, with an attractive ... family."
Good Tuesday morning. AP's Nancy Benac has this timeline for tonight's Wisconsin primary: "Polls ... close at 9 p.m. EDT. The state historically has been fairly quick to release its vote count. Milwaukee is generally the exception to that rule, meaning that close races frequently come down to the size and direction of the vote count there." https://apne.ws/1YcPaCZ
--AP DELEGATE TRACKER: Dems (2,383 to win): Clinton 1,712 (671 short, including superdelegates), Sanders 1,011 (1,372 short) ... GOP (1,237 to win): Trump 737 (500 short), Cruz 475 (762 short), Kasich 143 (1,094 short). https://apne.ws/1V6bksD
RACE RESET? - "Trump is in trouble in Wisconsin: The GOP front-runner's campaign has hit turbulence at the worst possible time," by Patrick Reis: "Trump trails Ted Cruz in each of the past six major polls, including a Marquette University Law School survey last week that put Cruz in first place with 40 percent, ... leading Trump by 10 ... If those results hold, Cruz would not only win Wisconsin, but he'd also take the lion's share of the state's 42 delegates thanks to Wisconsin's 'winner-take-most' primary rules.'" https://politi.co/1SN33Go
--"Bernie's Wisconsin ace in the hole: Open primaries have been good for the Vermont senator," by Gabe Debenedetti in Madison: "Wisconsin has all the hallmarks of a Bernie Sanders-friendly state: large numbers of college-age voters, a progressive electorate and one of the whiter populations in the country." https://politi.co/1V5O0es
--Milwaukee Journal Sentinel lead story, "Cruz, Sanders leading polls over party front-runners," by Bill Glauber, Annysa Johnson and Jason Stein: "Cruz reveled in the warm embrace of the state's Republican establishment at a rally in Waukesha, while ... Trump, raced from La Crosse to Superior to the Milwaukee Theatre in a last-ditch bid to overcome one of the worst stretches of his political career. Across the street from Trump, at the Wisconsin Center, Democrat Bernie Sanders tried to stoke supporters for a victory over ... Clinton.
"Clinton, campaigning in New York ahead of the delegate-rich state's April 19 primary, sent former President Bill Clinton to speak at Turner Hall Ballroom. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a thorn in the side of Cruz and Trump, was also in New York. But his presence in Wisconsin was still felt, with the Cruz campaign chastising him in a campaign ad and mailers." https://bit.ly/1S6ClFJ
--N.Y. Times p. A19, "Wisconsin Radio Talkers Unite to Oppose Trump," by Ashley Parker and Nick Corasaniti in Milwaukee: "The Wisconsin talk radio conglomerate, which rallied conservative voters to help Gov. Scott Walker win three elections in four years, has now set its sights on stopping Mr. Trump by deprecating the delegate leader and elevating Senator Ted Cruz. ... 'Can someone win without talk radio?' [Charlie] Sykes asked during a commercial break ... 'Yes, theoretically. Except no one has.'" https://nyti.ms/1YcLam3
** A message from Uber: Uber salutes America's veterans and supports our armed forces by providing flexible, on-demand work opportunities. We have launched an initiative called UberMILITARY to provide flexible income for active duty military, veterans, and their families to help them earn money by driving on our platform. https://ubr.to/1QhTsYs **
"AFTERNOON JOE," 3 to 5 p.m. ET: "Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Willie Geist ... Guests ... include [Wisconsin radio host] Charlie Sykes ... Mark Halperin ... John Heilemann."
HILLARY, BERNIE agree to CNN debate in Brooklyn on Thu., April 14, 9 to 11 p.m., "live from the Duggal Greenhouse at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Wolf Blitzer will moderate ... The candidates will [also] take questions from ... Dana Bash and NY1 'Inside City Hall' Host and CNN Political Commentator Errol Louis."
2016 PLAYERS -- "Behind Donald Trump, a son-in-law who is also an adviser," by Reuters' Emily Flitter: "Jared Kushner, a 35-year-old real estate investor and newspaper owner ... has emerged as one of a very few advisers as Trump seeks the Republican nomination ... At times Kushner has urged Trump to behave like a more traditional candidate, stressing the importance of building relationships with politicians and traditionally active donors ... They also say Kushner can use friendships like the ones he has with media mogul Rupert Murdoch and billionaire Ronald Perelman as a bridge to influential people with whom his father-in-law is not close." https://reut.rs/1S5XdwK
--"Trump Met Secretly with Interest Groups," by NYT's Maggie Haberman: "Trump's private meeting in Washington on Thursday [included] Nicholas E. Calio, a former lobbyist who worked on legislative affairs for President George Bush ... now the president and chief executive of Airlines for America, a large trade group. There was also Juanita Duggan, the president and chief executive of" NFID. https://nyti.ms/22853vu
OBAMA ALUMNI: Valerie Boyd, a veteran of both the George W. Bush and Obama administrations, has left the White House to join the Corporate Responsibility team at JP Morgan Chase. Boyd spent the last eight years on the National Security Council as Deputy Executive Secretary, starting in the summer of 2008, following tours at the Departments of Homeland Security and Education.
SPOTTED: Sen. Marco Rubio , traveling alone yesterday in seat 19C, on American Airlines flight 1202, from Miami to Washington. Per our tipster: "Just had a single briefcase with him, was alone. Looked like he was reading on his iPad. I believe he was #1 on the upgrade list (person listed was 'Rub, M', but the first class cabin was full" ... Justice Elena Kagan in Cleveland Park "on Saturday night walking out of Vace's with the telltale stack of aluminum foil -- pizza slices or spinach pie?"
--SEND YOUR SPOTTINGS to [email protected]
INSTAGRAM DU JOUR -- @laurawbush : "Opening Day Selfie Rangers-3 Mariners-2 #gorangers @georgewbush" https://bit.ly/1RB7FRa
INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS - WashPost p. A1, below fold, "Clinton camp girds for the onslaught of Trump insults: Team to highlight her work ethic in face of attacks on her stamina," by Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan: "Clinton has fueled that narrative, even among some of her own supporters, with a series of stumbles that aides have attributed to the normal fatigue of a vigorous campaigner. But these aides vehemently deny that there is any underlying stamina problem for Clinton ... They also say the accusation is sexist. ...
"Her grinding days begin early and end late, often leaving her on the verge of losing her voice or, in the midst of important speeches, coughing - then whispering - her way through her remarks." With Anita Dunn, Brian Fallon cameos https://wapo.st/1TysspN
TWO SHINING MOMENTS: Best finish in history of March Madness -- Congrats to Brad Dayspring; sorry, Evan and Claudia - Philly Inquirer, "'Nova wins NCAA title on dramatic buzzer-beater," by Joe Juliano in Houston: "In the final 4.7 seconds, Ryan Arcidiacono dribbled up the court and found Kris Jenkins with a perfect pass, enabling Jenkins to knock down the game-winning three-pointer at the buzzer and giving the Wildcats ... an incredible 77-74 victory over North Carolina ... [T]he Tar Heels ... came all the way back from a 10-point deficit to tie the game, 74-74, on Marcus Paige's three-point basket with 4.7 seconds left." https://bit.ly/1SMX4Sa
--Brianna Gurciullo -- co-author of the Playbook lead story, on Trump security -- won Politico Magazine's NCAA bracket competition, correctly picking Oklahoma and North Carolina to be in the final four, although she incorrectly thought Kansas would be in the final.
AP STYLEBOOK CHANGE (print edition out June 1) hailed by advocates for children who are victims of trafficking (including Malika Saada Saar, Google's senior counsel, civil and human rights). The new entry:"prostitute - Avoid terms like child, underage or teenage prostitute, except in quotations or in referring to criminal charges that may use these terms. The phrasing can suggest that a child is voluntarily trading sex for money. Minors are not able to consent." https://bit.ly/1MaznUr
HOLLYWOODLAND - L.A. Times A1, at fold, "Exec's departure puts succession in flux at Disney: Thomas Staggs will step down from his No. 2 role next month," by Daniel Miller: "In 2015, the Burbank company elevated longtime executive Thomas Staggs to the No. 2 role, a move widely interpreted as anointing him CEO in waiting of the world's largest entertainment firm. But ... Disney announced that Staggs would step down from his role as chief operating officer next month. Disney's board of directors was not yet prepared to make a final decision regarding the CEO selection, and Staggs 'read the tea leaves' ... One issue for Disney's board may have been Staggs' lack of a serious creative pedigree." https://lat.ms/1MaBxnc
--"Sheryl Sandberg to Peter Chernin: Counting Down Potential Disney Successors," by Variety's Brent Lang: "Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who is already a Disney board member, ... [at 46] would be a young enough to guide the company for decades, and has the Silicon Valley bona fides to help Disney adapt to the digital era. ... 21st Century Fox executive vice chairman Chase Carey ... might be willing to jump ship ... Peter Chernin, the man who Carey replaced atop what was then News Corp., ... is a known quantity with the investment community." https://bit.ly/1PQZRoR
SNEAK PEEK - Secretary of State John Kerry is in NYC today ("Morning Joe" at 7:40 a.m.) to deliver his first major speech on energy and climate change since he helped negotiate the historic Paris Agreement last December. He'll be delivering the global policy keynote at Bloomberg New Energy Finance's annual Future of Energy Summit, reminding the world that "If we're going to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, we have to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. ... [M]y message to you today is simple: Double down on what you're already doing. Continue to pursue cleaner, more sustainable forms of energy."
HAPPENING TODAY -- "JPM's Jamie Dimon and Detroit's Mayor Duggan on the Motor City's Resurgence": "Aspen Institute's Walter Isaacson will hold a fireside chat with JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon and Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan about Detroit's economic resurgence, how public-private partnerships are helping Detroit get back on its feet and what the city's emerging recovery can teach other communities about creating opportunity. JPM will also announce PRO Neighborhoods, a new $125 million initiative to help drive economic growth in disadvantaged neighborhoods around the country." https://bit.ly/202h8mo
PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION - WashPost Style cover, "The 'Ring' effect: Ka-ching - Some opera fans pay thousands to see Wagner's cycle at the Kennedy Center," by Peggy McGlone: "The Washington National Opera hopes to capitalize on its first complete 'Ring' cycle [17 hours of opera] - set to open at the Kennedy Center Opera House on April 30 - by asking patrons to pony up thousands for the best seats to Richard Wagner's four-part epic. So passionate are 'Ring' fans and so rare is a U.S. 'Ring' cycle, that the Washington National Opera has sold about 90 percent of the 26,000 available tickets, with still four weeks to go.
"The majority, or some 17,000 seats, were sold in four-opera packages starting at $300 and climbing to $2,000. The remaining single tickets are selling for $75 to $525 each ... For the first time, the opera linked priority seating to a hefty donation. A patron was required to give at least $2,500 in order to join the 'priority' ranks, allowing them to get seats before non-donors." https://wapo.st/1qr7NIO
FOR YOUR RADAR - "California, New York enact US-highest $15 minimum wages," by AP's Mike Blood in L.A. and Don Thompson in Sacramento, with Jake Pearson in N.Y.: "California and New York acted Monday to gradually push their statewide minimum wages to $15 an hour - the highest in the nation [Federal minimum has been $7.25 since 2009]- as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders again seized on wage disparity ... Clinton joined New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo at a raucous rally in Manhattan as he signed the law." https://bit.ly/1S6voVg
TREASURY MOVE "far more aggressive than anticipated" -- WSJ 1-col. lead, "U.S. Sets Tougher Rules on Tax Deals," by Richard Rubin and Liz Hoffman: "The new rules, the government's third wave of administrative action against inversions, will make it harder for companies to move their tax addresses out of the U.S. and then shift profits to low-tax countries using a maneuver known as earnings stripping. ... The Treasury Department is basically giving itself more authority to revoke tax advantages of debt for inverted companies." https://on.wsj.com/1RBmlQi
FLASHBACK - "'It Was Riotous': An Oral History of the GOP's Last Open Convention -- Twenty Republican Party figures remember 1976," by Adam Wren in a History Dept. column on Politico: "[T]he 1976 convention [at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri], ... was an electric party confab that drew gavel-to-gavel coverage on the networks. That year, Republicans entered the convention torn between incumbent Gerald Ford and conservative crusader Ronald Reagan-and the 20 attendees interviewed for this article, from Vice President Bob Dole to Reagan adviser John Sears to Trump consigliere Roger Stone, remember a turbulent series of events, some never-before reported. ... The Ford children allegedly dumped trash on the delegates from Texas." https://politi.co/1SN3qkz
BLOOMBERG ALUMNI -- "The speech the technology industry won't hear from any candidate... but should," by Bradley Tusk in Techcrunch: "The issues that impact technology and startup entrepreneurs are issues nearly everyone faces, nearly every day. Issues like worker classification and national security have captured national attention, but not the eyes of presidential candidates. Not one of the 2016 presidential candidates stands out when it comes to ensuring that common sense technology and entrepreneurship policy will prevail." https://tcrn.ch/1V5PIwi
SNEAK PEEK - Cover of WSJ columnist Kim Strassel's new book, "The Intimidation Game: How the Left is Silencing Free Speech," out June 21 from Twelve. Excerpt: "The First Amendment guarantees a right to speech, but says nothing about a right to spend money on speech. Why would it? In colonial days, a frustrated citizen might stand in the town square to denounce government, and feel confident his friends and neighbors would hear. In today's modern campaign world. It takes money to do the equivalent." See the cover. https://bit.ly/23cm4qV ... $30 on Amazon https://amzn.to/1MPnOCl
LATE-NIGHT BEST - JOHN OLIVER on congressional fundraising - "Lawmakers have to raise money to keep their jobs, but a surprising amount of their job now consists of raising money. John Oliver sits down with Congressman Steve Israel to discuss the costs of political spending." Video https://bit.ly/1qr5w06
--"John Oliver Goes Nuclear On Donald Trump's Birdbrained Nuke Policies": "You could fill a book with the things Donald Trump doesn't know ... the encyclopedia." 3-min. video https://huff.to/202eb5u
--"John Oliver Sticks It To 'A**hole' Yankees By Selling 25-Cent Tickets" - 4-min. video https://huff.to/1S5XIXO
TV TONIGHT -- "Trump-ian move? Intel CEO plugs into power of reality TV," by AP's Ryan Nakashima:"Intel CEO Brian Krzanich ... is the central and most credible tech expert of the five judges who will pick a $1 million winner among technology startups on a new Intel-funded competition TV show, 'America's Greatest Makers.' The 10-episode series kicks off on TBS [tonight]." https://yhoo.it/1owZF80 ...90-sec. preview https://bit.ly/1W8oUv3
MEDIAWATCH -- "The New Yorker Tests Readers' Willingness to Pay Up," by WSJ's Jeffrey Trachtenberg: "The initial risk when the weekly literary publication implemented a metered paywall in November 2014 was that Web traffic would falter, and with it, digital advertising dollars. ... Instead of deterring readers, the number of unique visitors rose to 9.7 million in October 2015 from 5.5 million a year earlier, the month before the paywall was implemented ... The New Yorker's print and digital subscriptions rose 2.5% to 1.04 million in the second half of 2015 ... [A] spokeswoman for the New Yorker said its operating profit in 2015 rose 35% on a revenue gain of 1.7%." https://on.wsj.com/1TyILmh
--"Police Investigate Death Threats Made Against Michelle Fields - Listen to the Chilling Audio," by The Blaze's Oliver Darcy: "In audio obtained by TheBlaze, an individual told Fields that she had 72 hours to drop charges against Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski or she would be killed. Fields had alleged Lewandowski committed simple battery against her at a news conference earlier this month and he was arrested and charged last week." https://bit.ly/1PQYvKx
--CBS News Press Office has two openings: communications director in N.Y. for "CBS This Morning" and communications director in D.C. for "Face the Nation" and the bureau. https://bit.ly/1VscBsK ... https://bit.ly/1RYKRwD
OUT TODAY - "'Poison Tea,' a new book by Jeff Nesbit (staffer to Quayle, FDA Commissioner David Kessler during the global tobacco settlement) explains that the disarray in today's GOP has its roots in a campaign the Koch Brothers conceived in the early 1990s to take control of the Republican Party, using a variety of outside groups and organizations to push a political agenda (smaller government, lower taxes) popular with the Kochs, often in partnership with major corporate interests.
"Relying on hundreds of recently-released secret tobacco company documents, Nesbit argues that the Tea Party was anything but an organic uprising that came in response to the policies of President Barack Obama, but instead the Koch-designed shock troops ready to rise up from all over the country to run for Congress and carry Koch priorities to Capitol Hill, an effort seeded only by years of expensive, time-consuming organizational design and building by the Kochs." $19.49 on Amazon https://amzn.to/1V5P9m9
TRANSITIONS - Precision Strategies' new hires -- "Rob Hill , an Obama White House alum, joins Precision Strategies as the Director of Mobilization and Campaign Management, and most recently directed the field efforts at the Small Business Administration. Sam Libowsky joins Precision Strategies as Principal for paid media, serving most recently as a digital strategist and media planner for Starcom Mediavest Group.Nathaniel Lubin,Obama campaign veteran and former White House Director of Office and Digital Strategy, joins Precision Strategies as Of Counsel, focusing on paid media and digital strategy.
CHRISTIE ALUMNI - "Mercury Welcomes Political Veteran Matt Mowers ": "Mowers, most recently New Hampshire State Director for Chris Christie for President ... will join Mercury as a Vice President. ... Before joining Gov. Christie's presidential campaign, he served as the Executive Director of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee. ... Mowers [also] served as a Regional Political Director for Gov. Christie's re-election campaign and as a Regional Director in the state Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs." https://politi.co/1Ty3IxY
VIDEO DU JOUR - "Kim Philby, British double agent, reveals all in secret video," by BBC's Gordon Corera : "'Dear Comrades.' With those two words spoken in an impeccable upper-class English accent, one of Britain's most famous spies and its greatest traitor begins a masterclass in betrayal to a select audience of East German spies [in 1961]. Philby's hour-long address was preserved on video tape and never seen in public until now. The BBC unearthed it in the official archives of the Stasi in Berlin." 3-min. video https://bbc.in/1XedBji(h/t Pierre Brian?on and Brussels Playbook author Ryan Heath)
HOT VIDEO - From Clinton Foundation's Facebook page: "A student at #CGIU 2016 asks President Bill Clinton: 'What would you tell your 20-year-old self that many of us in the audience can also use in our lives?'"1-min. video https://bit.ly/1RVAZAw
ENGAGED -- Eduardo Cisneros, DOL's associate director of intergovernmental affairs, and Diane Padilla , press secretary for the House Natural Resources Committee Democrats, on April Fools Day. The couple, both originally from L.A., met celebrating the President's reelection at the 2013 California Democratic Party inaugural ball and then reconnected after Eduardo graduated from UChicago's Harris School and moved to D.C. to serve in the administration. Eduardo on their apartment rooftop in Shaw, before a weekend trip to the Midwest to visit family. Pic https://bit.ly/23cHy6U ... Post-proposal https://bit.ly/1SxsCZw
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): National Media's Melissa Sharp, an NRSC and Carly for Senate alum (hubby tip: Josh)
BIRTHDAYS: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the pride of Redlands, Calif., is 70 ... Mary Katharine Ham - Twitter bio: "Being a mom is my jam. Deep intellectual things are my jam. I like to talk smart things on CNN & https://TheFederalist.com " ... Gen. Colin Powell is 69 ... Andrew Noyes, V.P. of comms and marketing at Brigade and an Uber and Facebook alum, celebrated with a small party Friday, plus dinner tonight, then hubby Rob Banning whisking him to Hawaii for his first time (hubby tip: Rob) ... David Hill, a Bush 43 Commerce and Treasury Dept. alum now at JP Morgan (h/t Sergio Rodriguera, Jr.) ... Politico's David Van Veen and Marcy Lin ... CNN Politics' Dan Berman, the pride of San Diego ... Lizzy Guyton, Gov. Charlie Baker's press secretary and a Scott Brown and Kelly Ayotte alum (h/t former colleague Ryan Williams) ... Josh Culling, SVP of Dezenhall Resources and a raging Detroit Tigers fan, is 31 -- the best birthday gift for such a fan? A Tigers win on opening day against the Marlins (h/t colleague Anne Marie Malecha) ...
... McCain alum Melissa Shuffield, now SVP for external relations at Florida East Coast Industries (h/t Laura Burton Capps) ... Annie Gowen, WashPost's India bureau chief, a long way from her hometown of Lawrence, Kan., where she graduated from University of Kansas ... Meghan Cox, partner at Lincoln Strategy Group ... Jacqueline Usyk, senior LA and rising star in the office of Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.) ... Eric Heggie, a former Teamster now field director at the Alliance for Retired Americans ... Jessica Butler, a teacher and Capitol Hill resident ... Eric Lewis, a partner at Lewis Baach PLLC in D.C. ... The Penn Program on Regulation is 5 ... D.C. rising star Jesse Rifkin, congressional reporter at GovTrack.us and a Politico alum ... Mikala Stubley, online associate for M+R and 'Cuse alum, is 24 (h/t Sophia Kim) ... Mark Linton, former director of the White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities now president of Linton Strategies... Greg Jackson, director of D.C. Mayor Bowser's Office of Community Relations and Services, a DCCC alum and proud member of Wahoowa Nation ... Leslie Martes, state electoral campaigns director at the League of Conservation Voters ...
... WJLA alum Abby Fenton, now chief external affairs officer Whitman-Walker Health ... Twins Luke (Presidential Management Fellow with the US Navy) and Brian Principato (Launchsquad SF) ... Jacqueline Eufrausino ... Ben Rosenbaum, senior legislative assistant for Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.) and a Kirsten Gillibrand alum ... NYT senior staff editor Jillian Rayfield, a Salon and TPM alum ... Natalie Foster, DNC, MoveOn and Sierra Club alum now co-founder of Peers, "a member-driven organization that supports the sharing economy movement" ... Lindsay Boyd, director of public policy at the Beacon Center of Tennessee ... Chronicle of Higher Ed's Jeff Young ... Andy Karsner, founder and CEO of Manifest Energy and CFR member ... Matt Gertz, research director at Media Matters ... Erin O'Connor ... Heather Hopkins, a Bush 43 WH and NSC alum now senior director of gov't relations at Sierra Nevada Corporation ...
... Alex Walters, son of Bloomberg alum Chris Walters, now CEO of Encompass Digital Media ... Melanie Babb ... Edelman V.P. Lauren Barker, U.S. consumer P.R. lead for global Starbucks account ... Garrett Marquis, Prism Group founder and managing partner and a McCain alum (h/t colleague Qianwei Zhang) ... Robin Schepper, celebrating by skiing the black diamond runs in Steamboat ... John Zaccaro ... Lindsy Fagerstrom ... Liam Kerr ... Tomas Gensemer (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Edward Allen ... John Diamond, senior consultant at World Bank Group's trade & competitiveness global practice and a Cantwell alum ... Dan Reese ... Rebecca Hanks Fisher ... Yasmeen Alamira, reporter for Rare Politics and a WJLA and Al Arabiya alum ...movie producer Roger Corman is 90 ... country singer Pat Green is 44 ("You came upon me wave on wave, You're the reason I'm still here") ... Juicy J is 41 ... actress Lily James is 27 (h/ts AP)
DESSERT - L.A. Times A1, below fold, "'Idol' sings goodbye: It was America's No. 1 show for 8 seasons, but now Fox's improbable hit has been voted off," by Scott Collins: "The show's success hinged on two key factors: the drama at the judges' table, where British record executive Simon Cowell mixed it up with '80s pop icon Paula Abdul and bassist Randy Jackson, and the competition factor, heightened by phone-in voting that let viewers have a say in which singers survived ... The show exploited suspense almost to the point of cruelty, leaving aspirants hanging until the last minute, with losers obliged to sing their farewell." https://lat.ms/1qresT6
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