POLITICO Playbook: MRS OBAMA, at commencement in Mississippi: ‘Excellence is the most powerful answer you can give to the doubters and the haters'
Good Sunday morning. It's 85 days to Cleveland, 92 days to Philly, 198 days to election.
SUNDAY BEST - ABC's Jonathan Karl interviews Charles Koch, 80, in Wichita, Kansas, at the Koch Industries headquarters, for "This Week": JK: "When you look back over the years, over the last several cycles, hundreds of millions of dollars in electoral politics, what have you gotten for that? What's been the return on that investment? CK: "Well, I've gotten a lot of abuse out of it." ...
JK: "Am I hearing you correctly, you think Bill Clinton was a better president than George W. Bush?" CK: "Well in some ways. In other ways, I mean he wasn't an exemplar. But as far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, it was much more under George Bush when the Republicans had it, on restrictive regulations. It was 2.5 times under Bush than it was under Clinton." ...
JK: "You couldn't see yourself supporting Hillary Clinton, could you?" CK: "Well, ... we would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. Let me put it that way. But on some of the Republican candidates ... before we could support them, we'd have to believe their actions will be quite different than the rhetoric we've heard so far." Video https://abcn.ws/1VvrITT
--The Koch interview will air in long form on Jon's podcast, available later this a.m. on iTunes: 26 minutes worth, including why Koch thinks the convention should not turn to Paul Ryan. https://apple.co/1LM7emu
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX
DON TRUMP JR. to JAKE TAPPER for CNN's "State of the Union," taped in Clarks Summit, Pa.: "Ted Cruz has no chance of winning this without bribing the delegates. That's his game at this point. OK, he's mathematically eliminated, but that's been his game from day one because he's not an appealing candidate to the general election voter, so he'll try to get there, he'll do this, he'll lose more states than Mitt Romney, because I can't name a single state that Mitt lost that Ted can possibly win.
"So, I think at this point the Republican establishment would much rather just hand the things over to Hillary, hand the reins over to her, let her run it, because guess what? There's no accountability in the party. ... Because everyone's in on the same thing, all their job is to do is to protect the little cliques that they've formed, to keep the big paychecks rolling from their special interests, and that's the same thing with the delegate process that we're seeing today."
BERNIE SANDERS on "Meet the Press" - CHUCK TODD: "I have quite some interesting numbers here. So 17 of the 25 states with the highest levels of income inequality have held primaries. Sixteen of those 17 states have been won by Hillary Clinton, not by you. Why?" SANDERS: "Well, because poor people don't vote. I mean, that's just a fact."
TOP TALKER - N.Y. Times Sunday Review p. 5, HARRIS WOFFORD, former senator from Pennsylvania, special assistant for civil rights to President John F. Kennedy and adviser to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "In Love Again, This Time With a Man: It was years before I got the nerve to tell my children about my new love": "All this is on my mind as Matthew and I prepare for our marriage ceremony. On April 30, at ages 90 and 40, we will join hands, vowing to be bound together: to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part." https://nyti.ms/1SrGhC7
MRS. OBAMA gave a fiery fascinating defense of her husband and his presidency yesterday in her commencement address at Jackson State University, a Historically Black University in Jackson, Miss.: "[W]hen I hear words like dignity and excellence, I think about my husband. (Applause.) See, I know I'm biased -- and I do think he's cute, too. (Applause.) But as I've walked this journey with Barack, I've gotten a pretty good look at what it means to rise above the fray, what it means to set your eyes on the horizon, to devote your life to making things better for those who will come after you. I have seen how, no matter what kind of ugliness is going on at any particular moment, Barack always stays the course. (Applause.) ...
"And then there's the countless times when that language gets personal and is directed at my husband -- charges that he doesn't love our country. The time he was called a liar in front of a Joint Session of Congress. The nonstop questions about his birth certificate and his belief in God. ... [I]n light of today's 24-hour news cycle -- in this era where our Facebook feeds are limited to the voices of folks who think exactly like we do, and our TVs and radios are exclusively tuned in to those who tell us only what we want to hear -- it's not surprising that our disagreements have become more personal, more intense. ...
"I wish I could say otherwise, graduates, but the question isn't whether you're going to come face-to-face with these issues; the question is how you're going to respond when you do. ... [A]re you going to take a deep breath, straighten your shoulders, lift up your head, and do what Barack Obama has always done -- as he says, 'When they go low, I go high.' (Applause.)
"That's the choice Barack and I have made. That's what has kept us sane over the years. We simply do not allow space in our hearts, minds, or souls for darkness. Instead, we choose faith -- faith in ourselves, in the power of hard work. Faith in our God, ... Our love for our country, which has given us so many blessings and advantages. ...
"And we choose excellence. We choose to tune out all the noise and strive for excellence in everything we do. No cutting corners. No taking shortcuts. No whining. We give 120 percent every single time, because excellence -- excellence is the most powerful answer you can give to the doubters and the haters. (Applause.)" Amazing photohttps://abcn.ws/1XPz4PP
** A message from PhRMA: ICYMI: New IMS Health report found net prices for brand medicines increased just 2.8 percent in 2015 and overall cost trend slowing due to competitive marketplace for medicines. Despite this, insurers are increasing patient cost sharing more than benefit costs are rising, new Kaiser Family Foundation study finds. Read here. **
TV TONIGHT: The fifth season of "Veep" premieres at 10:30 p.m. on HBO. Trailer https://bit.ly/1SBSgzj
DAVID MARANISS, filling two-thirds of WashPost A1 and two pages inside, "Obama's Legacy: THE CONTENT OF HIS PRESIDENCY - From health care to Cuba, Obama will leave behind a record of liberal achievement: "His decisions were ineffective in stemming the human wave of disaster in Syria, and he has thus far failed to close the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay ... and to make anything more than marginal changes on two domestic issues of importance to him, immigration and gun control.
"But from the Affordable Care Act to the legalization of same-sex marriage and the nuclear deal with Iran, from the stimulus package that started the slow recovery from the 2008 recession to the Detroit auto industry bailout, from global warming and renewable energy initiatives to the veto of the Keystone pipeline, from the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and the killing of Osama bin Laden to the opening of relations with Cuba, the liberal achievements have added up, however one judges the policies. ...
"To the extent that his campaign rhetoric raised expectations that he could bridge the nation's growing political divide, Obama owns responsibility for the way his presidency was perceived. ... [He] was comfortable coolly working in his own way at his own speed, waiting for events to turn his way. ... Rather than plow forward relentlessly, like Clinton, Obama slowed down." See "The First Black President," the first of "five multimedia rooms" in coming months as part of "Obama: A Virtual Museum of His Presidency" https://wapo.st/1r9IFqn
--" Overseas, Obama begins the long goodbye," by AP's Kathleen Hennessey in London: "As Obama wrapped up his valedictory trip to London on Saturday, he looked very much like a president on his way out the door, reflecting on his tenure and eager to shape how he is remembered. ... The president acknowledged his victory lap was premature, saying, 'I don't think that I'll have a good sense of my legacy until 10 years from now.'"https://apne.ws/1r9KmE4
LATE-NIGHT BEST - AP: "'Saturday Night Live' devotes entire show to Prince tribute ... titled 'Goodnight Sweet Prince.' SNL alum Jimmy Fallon [hosted the] episode, which [featured] clips of Prince performing on the comedy show over the past four decades and skits with former cast member Fred Armisen portraying the artist. The show also includes an eight-minute medley Prince performed during a 2014 show and a ... a video of Prince's impromptu performance at an after-party following the show's 40th anniversary special last year, where Prince sang 'Let's Go Crazy' on a small stage alongside Fallon, fellow SNL vets Chris Rock, Maya Rudolph, Martin Short and other celebrities. ... The tribute show replaced a scheduled SNL rerun."
--YouTube, "Prince (Fred Armisen) and Beyonce (Maya Rudolph) welcome Tobey Maguire (Shia LaBeouf) and Nancy Grace (Amy Poehler) to the Prince Show." https://bit.ly/1QvssQF
-"Prince's lasting political legacy": "CNN's Jake Tapper looks at the lasting political legacy of Prince's 1984 album 'Purple Rain.'" https://cnn.it/1TqbaZP
MONEY HONEYS - L.A. Times 2-col. lead, "California's GOP donors disappointed : Having spent millions on losing presidential candidates, many are left reluctant to give," by Seema Mehta, Anthony Pesce and Kurtis Lee: "California's Republican donors have invested heavily in the 2016 presidential race, with little return. The vast majority of the $55 million they have spent boosted candidates who have dropped out ... Now, as the nominating contest hurtles toward the state's June 7 primary, most are no longer opening their checkbooks ...
"23,000 Californians ... donated to Republican candidates or super PACs backing them in the 2016 cycle ... More than 15,000 donors saw a candidate they favored leave the race, and of those, only about 1,200 have given to [a remaining] candidate." Not online yet.
CRUZ STRATEGERY - WashPost p. A1, top of col. 1, "Cruz builds broad base by shifting his stances: To suit a fractured GOP, he has touted policy positions that don't always fit together," by David Fahrenthold and Katie Zezima: "Time and again he has shifted, shaded or obfuscated his policy positions - piling on new ideas, which sometimes didn't fit with the old. ... [W]hile Cruz's rightward shifts might have been politically smart during the primary season, they probably would create major challenges during the general." https://wapo.st/1UavGju
THE NEW GILDED AGE: "Velvet-rope economy" - N.Y. Times Quotation of the Day: Thomas Sander, director of a project on civic engagement at the Kennedy School at Harvard: "We are living much more cloistered lives in terms of class. We are doing a much worse job of living out the egalitarian dream that has been our hallmark."
--2-col. lead of the paper, "In New Age of Privilege, Not All Are in Same Boat: Marketing to Rich Customers, Companies Foster a Money-Based Caste System," by Nelson Schwartz in Miami: "Behind a locked door aboard Norwegian Cruise Line's newest ship ... [in] the Haven, as this ship within a ship is called, about 275 elite guests enjoy not only a concierge and 24-hour butler service, but also a private pool, sun deck and restaurant ... With a week in a top Royal Suite [on archrival Royal Caribbean] costing upward of $30,000, compared with $4,000 for an ordinary cabin, ... 'we have no trouble filling these rooms.'" https://nyti.ms/26m0DpT
CLICKER - All 17 cartoons in the current issue of The New Yorker are related to Donald Trump. It's the first time there's been a single theme to all cartoons in one issue, according to the best recollection of longtime cartoon editor Bob Mankoff. See them all. https://bit.ly/1VHOdoU
SPOTTED: Don Rumsfeld, his wife, Joyce, and a friend having dinner last night at the Crab Claw restaurant in St. Michaels, Md., on the Eastern Shore.
BONUS GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
--"Offshore in central London: the curious case of 29 Harley Street," by Oliver Bullough in The Guardian: "On a central London street renowned for high-class healthcare sits a property that houses 2,159 companies. Why has this prestigious address been used so many times as a centre for elaborate international fraud?" https://bit.ly/1WL6MaM (h/t TheBrowser.com)
--"Bob Dylan: The Uncut Interview," by Robert Love in the Feb/March 2015 issue of AARP The Magazine February: "[H]e opens up about his creative process and his new disc, 'Shadows in the Night.'" https://bit.ly/1QsYBbB
--"Even Sex Goddesses Get The Blues," by Gerri Hirshey in New York Mag: "Legendary Cosmo editor Helen Gurley Brown made her career on sleeping with many men and encouraging readers to do the same. But behind closed doors, she agonized over lost loves and unfaithful partners." https://thecut.io/1VN0J66
--"The Graduate," by Nora Ephron in the Nov. 2010 Elle : "It was gritty (the deadlines and dollar poker) and glamorous (movie stars and politicos for subjects) and everything I'd been longing for-to begin my life in New York as a journalist." https://bit.ly/1T41jqa
--"Monica Lewinsky: 'The shame sticks to you like tar,'" by Jon Ronson in The Guardian: "Nearly 20 years ago, Monica Lewinsky found herself at the heart of a political storm. Now she's turned that dark time into a force for good." https://bit.ly/23OJ3vW
--"The Jewish Plot To Kill Hitler," by Robert Rockaway in Tablet Magazine: "How the FBI prevented Jewish American gangsters from altering the course of history in 1933." https://bit.ly/1XNifoF
--"I Don't Care about Your Life," by Jason Guriel in The Walrus: "Why critics need to stop getting personal in their essays." https://bit.ly/1r55oUo
--"Why Revolutionaries Love Spicy Food," by Andrew Leonard in Nautilus: "How the chili pepper got to China." https://bit.ly/215fFfK
--"Prince: 1958-2016," by Mike Dang on Longreads.com: "Here are six stories about the legendary musician." https://bit.ly/1ShzLRK
--"How Animals Think," by Alison Gopnik in the May Atlantic, reviewing "Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?" by Frans de Waal: "A new look at what humans can learn from nonhuman minds." https://theatln.tc/26kyQpF ... $17.04 on Amazon https://amzn.to/1r5dblc (h/t ALDaily.com)
--"The Longform Guide to Sleep": "The nightmare of insomnia, the secret of slumber, and the search for the next Ambien - our favorite [five] articles about sleep." https://bit.ly/22Ug2cv
WASHINGTON, INC. - "The Android Administration: Google's Remarkably Close Relationship With the Obama White House, in Two Charts," by David Dayen in The Intercept: "No other public company approaches this degree of intimacy with government. ... [T]he Google lobbyist with the most White House visits, Johanna Shelton, visited 128 times, far more often than lead representatives of the other top-lobbying companies - and more than twice as often, for instance, as Microsoft's Fred Humphries or Comcast's David Cohen." https://bit.ly/215ff8Z
WHITE HOUSE DEPARTURE LOUNGE - TOM REYNOLDS emails friends after completing a 6-month assignment at White House as strategic communications advisor working on clean energy and climate change issues: "[I]t is official. My last day as part of the Obama Administration. It's been an amazing eight years and I'm very thankful for the opportunities I've had along the way to work for the President on the campaigns, at the Energy Department, at the EPA, and at the White House. After a little vacation next week, I'll be a free agent, which is truly exciting."
TOM emails Playbook: "For plans, nothing set yet, but excited about exploring new opportunities. For vacation, headed to the beaches of Nicaragua. ... I've been three times before. Great beaches off the beaten path."
ENGAGED - Sean Coit, comms director for Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), to Kristen Molloy, health-care L.A. for Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) They met on the Hill, and he proposed in Lincoln Park. Pic https://bit.ly/1VQlduR
--Clayton Cox, the DNC's Finance Director for Florida, Georgia, and the Midwest and Rachel Rauscher, DNC Finance Director At-Large, on Saturday in Paris, while Rachel was staffing David Simas. Clayton flew out, surprised her, and she said "yes." The couple met in 2011 in Vermont on the Obama campaign but didn't start dating until 2013. Pics https://bit.ly/1SEbirT ... https://bit.ly/24bPQMU
OUT AND ABOUT -- Greg Lemon, Rep. Joe Heck's comms. director, celebrated his 32nd birthday last night with his wife and close friends at Jack Rose and Chinese Disco. SPOTTED: Mike Long, Anton Vuljaj, Wyatt Stewart.
--Qorvis/MSL Group's Joel Payne celebrated his birthday at Stoney's last night with friends Jonathan Kott, Neil Grace, Jennifer Banks, Misty Williams, Juan Ceballos and more.
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Tom Robinson of Young Americans for Freedom turned 3-0
BIRTHDAYS: Barbra Streisand is 74 ... former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley is 74 ... The acting Taoiseach of Ireland, Enda Kenny, is 65 ... Peter Daou ... Zack "Vertigo" Roday, press secretary for Team Ryan and alum of Rep. David Young and Scott Walker, is 30, celebrating with a surprise state visit from his mom and three of his sisters (h/t Alleigh Marre) ... Politico Magazine's Michael Hirsh ... former Congressman Jack Kingston, now at Squire Patton Boggs (h/t Orangeman) ... Andrew Kirtzman, former NY1 anchor, author of "Rudy: Emperor of the City," and president of Kirtzman Strategies ... The Library of Congress, created from an act of Congress that President John Adams signed in 1800, is 216 (h/t Stew) ... Megan Sowards, alum of NRSC, Romney and Jeb 2016 ... Politico's Jeanine Rossi ... former USA Today publisher Larry Kramer, now chairman of the board at TheStreet and a Gannett board member ... Stuart Chapman, partner at Thorn Run Partners, former chief of staff to Reps. Zack Space and Carolyn McCarthy and a Jay Rockefeller alum (h/t wife Bridget Walsh) ... Ruth Guerra, RNC's director of Hispanic media (h/t Sean Spicer) ... former Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley ... Bruce Taylor ...
... Megan Hannigan, manager of U.S. gov't relations at PayPal and an eBay and DLCC alum (h/t Lesley Lopez) ... Gabriela Domenzain, former deputy O'Malley campaign manager and a Raben Group and Obama alum ... Washington Examiner's Al Weaver ... Sarah Braswell, director at Weber Shandwick ... Joe Russo, member of Team Goodlatte and former McLean High School homecoming king ... Romney advance alum extraordinare Charlie Pearce, now a political consultant at Portland firm Pathfinder.GOP ... Jim Caplice ... Brandon Hersh, a Glover Park Group alum now director of PR at Dalton Agency ... Shaun Kelleher, VP of campaigns at LCV and a Pats fan ... Austin Bailey ... Andrew Bailey ... Sara Ehrman (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ...
... Rebecca Kasper, finance director at Montanans for Tester and Treasure State PAC ... Imani Greene, VP/director at New Media Strategies and an Ogilvy alum ... David Botkins ... Terron Daniel Sims II ... White House legislative assistant/Warner-world alum Jesica Wagstaff ... movie director-producer Richard Donner is 86 ... actress Shirley MacLaine is 82 ... author Sue Grafton is 76 ... Richard Sterban (The Oak Ridge Boys) is 73 ... Cedric the Entertainer is 52 ... singer Kelly Clarkson is 34 ... golfer Lydia Ko is 19 (h/ts AP)
** A message from PhRMA: A new report from IMS Health demonstrates how a competitive biopharmaceutical marketplace is working to control costs. The report found that net prices for brand medicines increased just 2.8 percent in 2015, down from 5.1 percent the prior year, as discounts and rebates negotiated by payers continue to rise sharply. The report also projects medicine spending growth will continue to moderate to 4 to 7 percent through 2020, in line with overall health care cost growth. Unfortunately, patients are not always benefiting from the discounts that insurance companies negotiate. A new report from Kaiser Family Foundation found that insurers are increasing patients' out-of-pocket costs, including coinsurance and deductibles, more than they are paying in medical benefits - underscoring the need for policy solutions that empower and engage patients. Read more here. **
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