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By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]), with Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
THE BUZZ -- Kate Glassman Bennett writes in her new weekly Politico gossip column, The KGB File: "The top contender to fill the formidable shoes of departing White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard ... appears to be Samantha Tubman, who is currently assistant chief of protocol for visits at the State Department. Tubman, a graduate of Haverford and the University of Pennsylvania, has been with Team Obama since the beginning-spending an exhausting 23 months on the trail as a press wrangler during the campaign. After the election, she started as a $49,000-a-year associate social secretary at the White House in 2009-and stayed in the office through all three of ... Obama's social secretaries, Desirée Rogers, Juleanna Smoot and, most recently, Bernard, who tapped her to be his deputy.
"She moved recently over to the State Department, under the tutelage of Ambassador Peter Selfridge, the chief of protocol and a close friend of Bernard. The move to State, which has broadened her understanding of protocol and event management, has been seen as setting her up nicely for the top job back in her old office. ... According to sources close to the White House, Tubman is a skilled frontrunner for the high-profile $118,000-a-year job, familiar as she is with the in's and out's of the Obamas' social philosophy." https://politi.co/1yxG0JQ
OUT TODAY - HILLARY CLINTON writes on ELIZABETH WARREN in the TIME 100 issue, the magazine's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world: "It was always going to take a special kind of leader to pick up Ted Kennedy's mantle as senior Senator from Massachusetts-champion of working families and scourge of special interests. Elizabeth Warren never lets us forget that the work of taming Wall Street's irresponsible risk taking and reforming our financial system is far from finished. And she never hesitates to hold powerful people's feet to the fire: bankers, lobbyists, senior government officials and, yes, even presidential aspirants." www.time.com/time100
ON THE GROUND - "The 'everyday people' who made Hillary Clinton's burrito bowl," by Michael Kruse in Maumee, Ohio : "The 25-year-old who cooked the chicken that went into the burrito bowl Hillary Clinton ordered at the Chipotle here on Monday makes $8.20 an hour and splits rent with two roommates. ... The young woman who was at the cash register was the only employee on duty at the time who thought she recognized her. She considered asking if anybody had ever told her she 'looked like Hillary Clinton.' But she didn't. ... Here on Monday at least, [Hillary] didn't say much, except order her food .... She just wanted some lunch. She didn't leave a tip. It was the middle of the day in the middle of the country." https://politi.co/1FX63fN
STATE OF THE ART -- "Live in Norwalk? GOP is targeting you with anti-Clinton ads," by Des Moines Register's Jennifer Jacobs: "Iowans ... in the Norwalk area began seeing negative advertising about Hillary ... pop up in their Facebook feeds and Google searches Tuesday night. GOP operatives ... target[ed] Iowans who live in the town Clinton [campaigned in yesterday] ... The digital ads [were] the first expenditure by ... America Rising PAC against Clinton of the 2016 cycle." https://dmreg.co/1J5S05i
HOT IN HILLARYLAND -- "Clinton's Wall Street backers: We get it," by Gabriel Debenedetti, Kenneth P. Vogel and Ben White: "'There's something wrong,' she told Iowans on Tuesday, when 'hedge fund managers pay lower taxes than nurses or the truckers I saw on I-80 when I was driving here over the last two days.' But back in Manhattan, the hedge fund managers who've long been part of her political and fundraising networks aren't sweating the putdown ... [M]any ... financial sector donors ... say they've been expecting the moment when Clinton started calling out hedge fund managers and decrying executive pay." https://politi.co/1DKAKCO
--"Campaign staff DROVE 'ordinary' Iowans to Hillary's first campaign stop - including ... a [former] Obama campaign intern," by Daily Mail's David Martosko: "Clinton's astroturf candidacy is in full swing ... Her Tuesdaymorning visit to a coffee shop in LeClaire ... was staged, ... according to Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs. Clinton. Bird [said] campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him ... at a restaurant ... Price ... drove them to the coffee house ... after vetting them for ... a half-hour. The three ... participated in what ... news reports described as a 'roundtable.'" https://dailym.ai/1CNvES4
-- "Clinton urges Supreme Court to rule for marriage equality," by Washington Blade's Chris Johnson: "Adrienne Elrod, spokesperson for Hillary for America, affirmed Clinton believes same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry ...
'Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right,' Elrod said." https://bit.ly/1CNuNRt
FIRST LOOK - Memo from Lis Smith re "Governor O'Malley's Economic Speech": "Today, Governor O'Malley will be giving a talk at Harvard University: 'Building an Economy that Works for Everyone.' This speech will lay out the framework of Governor O'Malley's progressive and forward-looking vision of how we get our economy in balance once again, while also touching on his economic leadership as the Governor of Maryland. As he's traveled across the country, Governor O'Malley has heard from Democrats that they are looking for leaders who offer strong progressive values, new ideas, and the experience of getting real results."
INSTANT CLASSIC: @andrewnbcnews on Instagram: "Vid of reporters chasing @hillaryclinton van sped up to make even more ridiculous": https://bit.ly/1E4AzEc
LATE NIGHT BEST - For second night in a row, Jon "Stewart Skewers Media over Chasing Hillary's Van: 'What Are We Doing Here, People?!'" - Video https://bit.ly/1CNv5Ic
SURREAL PIC -- ?@PhilipRucker: "Spotted [in the middle of] an Iowa prairie: [WSJ's] @PeterNicholas3, headphones on and laptop open." https://bit.ly/1PQQadQ
CHOOSE YOUR NEWS -- --WSJ A1, above fold, "Clinton Charity To Keep Foreign Donors," by James Grimaldi: "The board of the ... Foundation has decided to continue accepting donations from foreign governments, primarily from six countries ... The rules would permit donations from Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the U.K.-countries that support or have supported Clinton Foundation programs on health, poverty and climate change ... That means other nations would be prohibited from making large donations to the foundation. But those governments would be allowed to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative." https://on.wsj.com/1OFuNuu
"Clinton Foundation limits foreign donations," by Josh Gerstein and Kenneth P. Vogel: "The Clinton Foundation - facing mounting criticism for accepting foreign funding and struggling to raise money for a planned June conference in Greece - has agreed to limit, but not eliminate, donations from foreign governments. It also announced plans Wednesday to suspend its overseas conferences ... beginning in June as part of a set of reforms aimed at quieting complaints that the charitable organization's fundraising activities could compromise Hillary Clinton's independence as she runs for president." https://politi.co/1yxqIEO
BEHIND THE CURTAIN - N.Y. Times A1, top of col. 1, "Microsoft Cash Seen as Factor In Google Case: A Push for Antitrust Charges in Europe," by Danny Hakim in Brussels: "Microsoft has kept its coffers full for the fight, spending more on lobbying here than any European company. And Microsoft has founded or funded a cottage industry of splinter groups. The most prominent, the Initiative for a Competitive Online Marketplace, or Icomp, has waged a relentless public relations campaign promoting grievances against Google. ... Microsoft has links, to varying degrees, with the three initial complainants that sparked the antitrust investigation into Google." https://nyti.ms/1cy4jx9
MORE FROM KATE BENNETT's KGB FILE -- "David Brooks' Muse?" "The new Brooks book, The Road to Character, extols the virtue of a noble life via the study of a handful of leaders and thinkers. However, it's the effusive 110-word display of admiration and gratitude Brooks gives to Anne C. Snyder, his 30-year-old former New York Times research assistant, which is catching people's attention. Brooks ... devotes the opening paragraph of the 'Acknowledgements' section to Snyder, gushing about the 'lyricism of her prose' and the 'sensitivity of her observations.' ... Brooks didn't respond to a question about his relationship with Snyder, and when asked whether the columnist and Snyder had ever been in a relationship, Brooks' publicist answered only in the present tense: 'He is not in a relationship with Anne Snyder.'" https://politi.co/1CR3STF ... Pic/bio of Snyder: https://bit.ly/1Ihmvoy
--"TRANSFORMER: Kelley Paul" : "Washington is all about reinvention, especially when it comes to the campaign trail ... So we couldn't help but notice the dramatic change in appearance of Kelley Paul, Rand Paul's wife ... Mrs. Paul ... has come a long way on the fashion front since her days on the trail for her husband's 2010 campaign for the Senate. From prissy suits and telltale 'politician's wife,' sensible, shoulder-grazing bob, to present-day plunging v-neck, beachy waves, hand-on-hip red carpet smize, Paul is transforming into something of a budding fashionista." https://politi.co/1zjSzTT
MEDIAWATCH - "The 20 Most Influential TV News Personalities Inside the Beltway" - Echelon Insights: "Here's the list of the most influential TV anchors and reporters inside the Beltway, followed by their Twitter account and Optimized Listening influence score: 1) Chuck Todd 2) Jake Tapper 3) Norah O'Donnell 4) Brian Stelter 5) Major Garrett 6) Andrea Mitchell 7) John Dickerson 8) Joe Scarborough 9) Jonathan Karl 10) Luke Russert 11) George Stephanopoulos 12) Sam Feist 13) Willie Geist 14) Peter Hamby 15) Savannah Guthrie 16) Mika Brzezinski 17) Howard Kurtz 18) Gwen Ifill 19) Jan Crawford 20) Wolf Blitzer." https://bit.ly/1DlTBCs
-- "New Details on 2012 Kidnapping of NBC News Team in Syria," by NBC's Richard Engel: "About a month ago, we were contacted by the New York Times. The newspaper had uncovered information that suggested the kidnappers were not who they said they were and that the Syrian rebels who rescued us had a relationship with the kidnappers. ... The group that kidnapped us was Sunni, not Shia. The group that kidnapped us put on an elaborate ruse to convince us they were Shiite Shabiha militiamen. The group that kidnapped us was a criminal gang with shifting allegiances. The group that freed us also had ties to the kidnappers." https://nbcnews.to/1IgKEMb
--NYT B6, "Politico to Expand Coverage of States, Starting With New Jersey and Florida," by Ravi Somaiya:"Politico ... is expanding its coverage of states, beginning with New Jersey and Florida. Capital, a New York-based publication owned by the company and focused on state politics and the media, will be renamed Politico. Its senior staff - Josh Benson, Katherine Lehr and Tom McGeveran - will oversee the expansion into the states, Jim VandeHei, a Politico founder, said in a staff memorandum ... This year, ... Politico will start a bureau in Trenton, which will offer 'a mix of free and paid content for the state written by reporters with expertise and experience.' Shortly after that, the company will hire a team of political and policy writers in Tallahassee, Fla. Additional sites will follow. ...
"'If you go into some states there is almost nothing, almost nobody paying attention,' Mr. VandeHei said in an interview. Though robust coverage of states is crucial at any time, he said, noting that many have vast economies, it is particularly important 'when you fall into these periods where there is a lot of Washington inaction.'" https://nyti.ms/1D6pGuZ Full staff memo: https://bit.ly/1EKZ7RA
** A message from the National Pork Producers Council: On May 18, the WTO is expected to once again rule against the U.S. in the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) case. Mexico and Canada will soon thereafter be legally empowered by the WTO to retaliate against the United States. Unless Congress acts quickly to repeal the WTO-illegal COOL law, many U.S. jobs will be lost. Learn more at https://bit.ly/1NklSBt **
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THE NEW GILDED AGE - "Parents are paying $150,000 to tour colleges in private jets," by N.Y. Post's Jane Ridley: "[A]n increasing number of parents are spending tens of thousands of dollars on private jets to ferry their privileged kids to college campuses. ... [W]hy endure a five-hour drive from Manhattan to Cornell ... when you can land in style at Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport in a Gulfstream G200? ... The service is so popular, last month Magellan [Jets] launched a special package for 'budget-minded' college-goers. The National Bank of Mom and Dad can now buy 10 hours of flight time aboard a Magellan jet for ... $43,500." https://bit.ly/1DlTYx0
WHAT THEY MAKE -- "Cuomo reports $376,000 in income from his memoir," by Capital New York's Jimmy Vielkind: "Governor Andrew Cuomo's income soared by nearly $200,000 in 2014 as a result of $376,667 in royalty payments related to his memoir." For Capital Pro subscribers https://bit.ly/1D6a2zE
2016 PLAYERS - WashPost A1, below fold, "The right finds a fresh voice on same-sex marriage," by Robert Barnes: "Ryan T. Anderson, the conservative movement's fresh-faced, ... Ivy League-educated spokesman against same-sex marriage ... is a 33-year-old scholar at the Heritage Foundation, [who] has emerged as a leading voice for those who resent being labeled hopelessly old-fashioned ... or ... bigoted ... for believing that marriage should be only between a man and a woman." https://wapo.st/1JMcHnN
TRAIL MIX --"Rubio raises $1.25M online during first day," by AP's Phil Elliott: "A day [after launch], his campaign made an aggressive digital push for donations. It quickly paid off. The haul is as much as Rubio's team had hoped to raise online during April, May and June." https://yhoo.it/1FVDmgC
--"FACT CHECK: Rubio rhetoric breaks with past, but ideas don't," by AP's Steve Peoples: "RUBIO: 'Our leaders put us at a disadvantage by taxing, borrowing and regulating like it's 1999.' THE FACTS: While Rubio was ... trying to have fun with a popular Prince song, he's wrong to liken the government's current taxing and borrowing to that of 1999." https://yhoo.it/1yxrMZx
--"Even in New Hampshire, 'Bridgegate' Dogs Christie," by Michael Barbaro on NYT A18: "With the possibility of imminent and embarrassing indictments hanging over his administration, Mr. Christie is turning to a political format, the town hall meeting, that has propelled him through rough patches in the past, and to a state, New Hampshire, whose forgiving and independent-minded voters are known for reviving once-moribund presidential campaigns." https://nyti.ms/1b5mJoE
--"Ted Cruz woos Orthodox Jews," by Katie Glueck: "Ted Cruz loves Orthodox Jews - and they love him back. It's a dynamic that allows the hard-line conservative presidential contender - a practicing Southern Baptist himself - to tap Orthodox donors more aggressively than any other 2016 candidate, as he zeros in on a small but potentially winnable slice of an otherwise deeply Democratic demographic." https://politi.co/1DKX672
THE NEW MAJORITY -- "Senate GOP plays it safe on gay rights vote," by Rachael Bade: "In a surprise procedural vote Monday night, the GOP-controlled Senate backed a pitch to give gay married couples equal access to certain entitlements and constitutional protections - suggesting Republicans want stay away from the same-sex drama plaguing the Indiana governor." https://politi.co/1DlTUgT
--"Rep. Steve Scalise Dropped [$6,195] In Campaign Cash On Vineyard Vines Swag," by HuffPost's Maxwell Tani: "Scalise's political director, Tyler Daniel, said the congressman spent the money on items for the whip team, a primarily private list of Republican lawmakers who represent different interests within the party. According to Scalise's campaign team, the ties and totes were this year's traditional whip team gift ... 'He takes being on the team pretty seriously. This was just a way to wear the team jersey,' Daniel said." https://huff.to/1cxRuCX
DEEP DIVE -- "How Israel Hid Its Secret Nuclear Weapons Program," by Avner Cohen, professor of nonproliferation studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and the author of "Israel and the Bomb," and William Burr, senior analyst at the National Security Archive, George Washington University, on Politico: "The Eisenhower administration's 'discovery' of Dimona was belated, ... It was clearly a major blunder of American intelligence." https://politi.co/1DlUCKV
WHAT THE PENTAGON IS READING -- "Pentagon Channel Goes Off the Air," by Defense One's Gordon Lubold: "The U.S. military's internal television network once known for 'The Grill Sergeant,' 'Fit for Duty' and the euphemistically named 'FNG' will soon be no more. The Defense Department will stop broadcasting the Pentagon Channel this week after concluding that it needed a more cost-efficient and relevant way of delivering news and entertainment programming just for service members and their families." https://bit.ly/1INsHrX
WHAT SILICON VALLEY IS READING -- NYT A1, "Iran Is Raising Sophistication and Frequency of Cyberattacks," by David E. Sanger and Nicole Perlroth: "[A] new study of Iran's cyberactivities, to be released by Norse, a cybersecurity firm, and [AEI], concludes that beyond the Sands attack, Iran has greatly increased the frequency and skill of its cyberattacks, even while negotiating with world powers over limits on its nuclear capabilities." https://nyti.ms/1zjlOpO
MORE FROM THE TIME 100 ISSUE - President Obama on Narendra Modi, prime minister of India: "Like India, he transcends the ancient and the modern-a devotee of yoga who connects with Indian citizens on Twitter and imagines a 'digital India.' When he came to Washington, Narendra and I visited the memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We reflected on the teachings of King and Gandhi and how the diversity of backgrounds and faiths in our countries is a strength we have to protect."
--RAND PAUL writes: "Charles and David Koch are well known for their business success, their generous philanthropic efforts and for their focus on innovation in management. Some also know them for their activism in the political realm. ... What is underappreciated is their passion for freedom and their commitment to ideas. Unlike many crony capitalists who troll the halls of Congress looking for favors, the Kochs have consistently lobbied against special--interest politics."
--LAURENE POWELL JOBS on Hillary: "Hillary Clinton is not familiar. She is revolutionary. Not radical, but revolutionary ... She is one of America's greatest modern creations. ... She practices the politics of reconciliation and reason. Which, not coincidentally, is also the politics of progress. It matters, of course, that Hillary is a woman. But what matters more is what kind of woman she is." www.time.com/time100
BUSINESS BURST -- "Exxon: $8.9B sought in New Jersey pollution case 'not real,'" by AP's David Porter and Jonathan Fahey: "Exxon Mobil's top lawyer said Wednesday that a heavily criticized $225 million pollution settlement with New Jersey was reasonable and that the nearly $9 billion initially sought by the state shouldn't be used as a barometer because it was calculated using faulty methodology. The settlement announced in March has drawn criticism from environmentalists and lawmakers in both parties who have said the state should have waited for a judge's ruling instead of settling for what they have a characterized as pennies on the dollar." https://yhoo.it/1yuv2UU
--NYT B1, "Ben Bernanke Will Work With Citadel, a Hedge Fund, as an Adviser," by Andrew Ross Sorkin and Alexandra Stevenson: "Bernanke will become a senior adviser to the Citadel Investment Group, the $25 billion hedge fund founded by the billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin. He will offer his analysis of global economic and financial issues to Citadel's investment committees. He will also meet with Citadel's investors around the globe." https://nyti.ms/1IgJtwi
OUT AND ABOUT - After the launch event of the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), the new ideas lab and advocacy organization, founded by Sean Parker and Ron Conway EIG celebrated at a cocktail party later that day at 1776. SPOTTED: EIG's Steve Glickman and John Lettieri, Congressmen Kind, Simpson, Schraeder, Cardenas, Fahrenholt, and Gallego. Brian Walsh, Mike Shields, Nancy McLernon, Ami Copeland, Izzy Klein, Mark Paustenbach, Michael Steel, Ted Henderson, Vinoda Basnayake, Tim Burger, Blain Rethmeier, Amy Dudley, Shawna Thomas, Christine Delargy, Reema Dodin, Michael Hacker, Pat Hayes, Michael Robbins.
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday ): Deputy Treasury Secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin
BIRTHDAYS: Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken ... Doug Heye ... Ann Romney is 66 ... AP's Ted Anthony ... Chuck DeFeo of i360, an RNC and Bush-Cheney alum ... Washington Life's Virginia Coyne ... ABC News' Mosheh Gains (h/ts Olivia Petersen) ... Morgan Jones, legislative director for Rep. Scott Peters (h/t Jon Haber) ... Fran Holuba, who works on global engagement and press for the National Security Council ... Paolo Sacco of Ristorante Tosca ... Jess Fuhrman ... Andie Taverna of the Council of Economic Advisers ... Lynn Schnurnberger ... Sally-Shannon Birkle, U.S. Chamber of Commerce senior manager of media relations ...
... Stephen Kessler ...Leslie Shedd ... ... Geoff Middleberg ... Jason Embry ... Christopher Finan of Manifold Security and a White House cybersecurity alum ... Arlene Branca ... Mary Tabor (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Brett Coughlin ... Josh Goldstein ... Deborah Zabarenko ... Reuters' Frances Kerry, Andy Sullivan and Anthony Boadle ... Matt Duckworth ... Brian Bravo ... Annie Bardach ... Howard Bauleke ... Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI is 88 ... Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is 68 ... NFL coach Bill Belichick is 63 ... Ellen Barkin is 61 ... Jimmy Osmond is 52 ... figure skater Mirai Nagasu is 22
** A message from the National Pork Producers Council: Canada and Mexico are the two largest U.S. export markets, supporting more than 3 million American jobs. For over 30 out of the 50 States, Canada or Mexico rank as the first or second largest export market. Many American small business exporters' first foreign customers are in Canada or Mexico. Yet, U.S. exports and U.S. jobs will soon be imperiled if the WTO, as is widely expected, rules again against the U.S. in the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) case. Under WTO rules, Canada and Mexico could be authorized to retaliate as early as July.
Make no mistake, Canada and Mexico will retaliate. And the level of retaliation will be high. COOL has nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with food safety. The ball is in Congress's court, and U.S. agriculture and manufacturers are watching closely. COOL must be repealed not only to bring the U.S. into compliance with WTO rules but to shield innocent bystanders from financial devastation.
Learn more at https://bit.ly/1NklSBt **
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Art Proffessional/Self employed
9 年Keith Kennedy, not a great post there, specifics?
Capital Projects | Advanced Work Packaging | Engineer | Entrepreneur & Executive | Engineering & Project/Risk Management Procedures Author
9 年I think Elizabeth Warren should run for the Oval Office...people will discover her through the primary and similarly to Obama, she's genuine....plus, history has shown that candidates with years and years of voting record find it harder to make it through the presidency; the longer you're in legislation, the longer you vote, the more people you upset along the way.
Former Wyoming State Representative | Economist | Fiscal Management & Business Development
9 年What's wrong with this picture? Does it pass the smell test?