POLITICO Playbook: GARDEN BRUNCH EDITION -- TRUMP revives Latino activism – POOL REPORTS from WHCD party circuit
Good Saturday morning. Enjoy the dinner, and the last day of April.
ZEITGEIST - "GOP's Stop-Trump fever breaks: But a small core of Never-Trump operatives is still plotting a contested convention," by Kyle Cheney and Ben Schreckinger: "[P]ro-Cruz and anti-Trump forces are running out of options to prevent Trump from becoming the nominee. If the real estate developer and reality television star scores a big win in Indiana on Tuesday, Cruz's only remaining strategy may be a hostile takeover of the Republican National Convention - a move GOP insiders still see as possible but certainly one that could severely damage the party." https://politi.co/24cq1zD
JUICY READ - "Donald Trump, José Andrés and the death of a grand Washington restaurant," by WashPost's Jonathan O'Connell: "He called it Topo Atrio, his vision for a sumptuous hotel restaurant befitting a $200 million makeover of the Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington. José Andrés designed a 212-seat, 9,000-square-foot dining room clad in travertine limestone and trimmed in gold. Costing nearly $7 million to build, it would feature hand-carved cured ham from the black-footed Iberico pigs of his native Spain and squid ink pasta with head-on red shrimp, cuttlefish and aioli.
"But as Andrés prepared to present his final plans ... [Trump] took the stage at Trump Tower in New York to announce his candidacy for president and, in the process, railed against Mexican immigrants as drug dealers and rapists. ... [Now] the two are suing each other, filling a court file with affidavits and correspondence chronicling what has become a stubborn standoff between two powerful personalities." https://wapo.st/1O3gw9a
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX
TRUMP'S AMERICA -- L.A. Times 4-col. lead (under riot pic), "Trump spurs a fresh wave of Latino activism," by Cindy Carcamo, Ruben Vives and Corina Knoll: "Protest organizers in Southern California said the anti-Trump demonstration spread through word of mouth and involved mostly young people, including many high school and college students. They brought with them Mexican flags, which were once discouraged at immigrant rights rallies for fear they would be regarded as un-American. ...
"But in reaction to Trump, the Mexican flag has re-emerged, unfurled and unapologetic and a symbol for a new generation of Latino activists. Protesters said they have no hesitation about putting their heritage on display, especially when it comes to the rise and rhetoric of Donald Trump." https://lat.ms/21lDb8e
--"Protests delay but don't derail Trump in California," by Alex Isenstadt and California Playbook author Carla Marinucci in Burlingame, Calif.: "The scene, broadcast live from a news helicopter, followed massive protests Thursday at a Trump rally that drew 30,000 people in Costa Mesa. Friday's protest forced Trump to delay his speech by more than an hour. His motorcade could not approach the venue, instead pulling to the side of a highway. Seeking an alternative entrance to the hotel, the candidate climbed a grassy incline surrounded by Secret Service agents." https://politi.co/1SEqVKz
S.F. CHRONICLE p. A1, "Demonstrations: Front-runner's foes clash with backers outside gathering":
--"Burlingame rally: Trump seeks unity as he courts state's conservative core," by Joe Garofoli and John Wildermuth: His "plea for unity [was] delivered Trump-style, salted with insults about ... 'Lyin' Ted' Cruz and '1-for-48' ... Kasich [plus] occasionally accurate braggadocio about his lead in the polls and accusations that the GOP nominating system is 'rigged.'" Paywall https://bit.ly/1TBQRJe
"Demonstrations: Front-runner's foes clash with backers outside gathering," by Kimberly Veklerov and Kale Williams: "Trump was forced to abandon his motorcade on the side of a freeway, scramble up a hillside and slip into a side entrance of the hotel hosting the California GOP convention ... as hundreds of angry protesters surrounded the building ...
"Trump joked about his roundabout entrance to the convention, saying it felt like he was 'crossing the border' ... [D]emonstrators outside ... scuffled with police, threw eggs and blocked roads around the Hyatt Regency." Paywall https://bit.ly/1VFk49E
** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: The power of one. What would happen if a third of small businesses in the U.S. hired one person? Learn how we're providing the financial capital, technical skills and connections to help small businesses succeed. https://bit.ly/1VIJToV **
INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS -- "Clinton gears up for Trump in fall race," by AP's Lisa Lerer, Julie Pace and Ken Thomas: "Clinton campaign employees are being deployed to battleground states across the country, among them Ohio, Florida and Colorado. Democrats are also eyeing the possibility of making a run at traditionally Republican-leaning states such as Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona, calculating that Trump's penchant for controversy could put minority and female voters in play. ... Aides from the primary are getting general election marching orders.
"Simone Ward, political director of the campaign committee for Senate Democratic races, will run Clinton's Florida operation. Emmy Ruiz, who led a crucial Nevada primary win for Clinton, will handle Colorado. Mike Vlacich led New Hampshire operations in the primary and will do the same in the fall. ...
"The search for a running mate is being overseen by campaign chairman John Podesta and Clinton confidante Cheryl Mills, both of whom will help cull the list down to a handful of names in the coming weeks. Clinton advisers are debating whether it's more important to select a strong liberal champion from the Rust Belt to woo Sanders backers and cut into Trump's advantage with working-class white men, or to acknowledge her support among minority voters with a more history-making pick." https://apne.ws/1TB0mIE
SCOOP DU JOUR -- "Jolly had fundraiser scheduled days after '60 Minutes' story," by Jake Sherman: "On '60 Minutes' Sunday, Rep. David Jolly [R-Fla.] spent an entire segment decrying members of Congress' obsession with campaign fundraising and touting his bill to ban them from personally soliciting campaign cash. But on Friday, just five days after the piece aired, Jolly had a fundraiser scheduled in Washington ... [T]he event [was] canceled." https://politi.co/24c3iUx ... The "60 Minutes" segment https://cbsn.ws/1WQ5knH
OBAMA ALUMNI - "Inside the Sanders campaign, with Bernie's official photographer" -- BBC: "Arun Chaudhary served as President Barack Obama's official videographer, and has been filming Mr Sanders and his supporters. ... [A] behind-the-scenes look at capturing the campaign." 2-min. video https://bbc.in/1TiWauk
OVERHEARD - Tim Miller handing his overstuffed Time/People party gift bag last night to a St. Regis attendant saying "Give it to someone who needs it".
PICS: The roomful of giant Time/People gift bags at the St. Regis https://politi.co/1XZqY7p ... The contents of the bag https://bit.ly/1SEwTeo
STATE VISIT - Daniel's parents, Dr. David and Honey Sharp Lippman, made their way to Washington on Friday, attended some WHCD parties and the Playbook Lunch and had lunch with Mike and Daniel at Zaytinya -- pichttps://bit.ly/1VYgNSD
VIDEO DU JOUR -- "As the Stanley Cup playoffs march on ... former hockey player from MN, Rep. Tom Emmer ... appears in our latest 'Snapshot' video by House GOP."
HOT VIDEO -- @WhiteHouse: ".@AllisonBJanney AKA CJ Cregg AKA Bonnie on @MomCBS drops by the White House press briefing." 3-min. video https://bit.ly/1VYJteK
SPOTTED: Karen Finney gently swaying to the Kanye West song "Gold Digger" at the Funny or Die party last night at Fiola Mare ... Citi's Kamran Mumtaz doing magic tricks at WHCD parties for Gabrielle Union, Dule Hill and Josh Earnest ... comedian Lewis Black, who played the Warner Theater last night with a repeat performance tonight, at Old Ebbitt Grill late last night with Widespread Panic lead singer John Bell and REM founding member Mike Mills after the rockers played the "White House Correspondents Jam II" across the street at the Hamilton. Media bands, including reporter/musicians Carl Hulse of the New York Times and The New Yorker's David Remnick, also played there.
CLICKERS - "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics," edited by Matt Wuerker -- 12 keepershttps://politi.co/1VEvcng ... "The week in politics according to 15 crazy Vines" - via Politico on Twitter https://bit.ly/1TBIywW ... "The White House Correspondents' Dinner pre-parties" - 32 pixhttps://politi.co/1NISm9a
BEN CHANG on Medium, "Letter to Larry Wilmore: How to Give a #Winning WHCD Speech" https://bit.ly/1SVpsFc
--"The White House Correspondents' Dinner... in Legos," by Bloomberg Politics' Matt Negrin: "Curious how the White House Correspondents' Dinner works? We explain... with Legos." https://bloom.bg/1Tl3eXo
GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
--"The Quiet American," by Franklin Foer in Slate: "Paul Manafort made a career out of stealthily reinventing the world's nastiest tyrants as noble defenders of freedom. Getting Donald Trump elected will be a cinch." https://slate.me/1Ulo0em
--"How fiction ruined love," by Alain de Botton in the FT: "Have representations of romance from 'Madame Bovary' to 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' ruined the real thing?" https://bit.ly/1VEwpuN (h/t ALDaily.com)
--"How Uber conquered London," by Sam Knight in The Guardian: "To understand how the $60bn company is taking over the world, you need to stop thinking about cars." https://bit.ly/1NZNZBs
--"Why So Many Smart People Aren't Happy," by Joe Pinsker in The Atlantic : "It's a paradox: Shouldn't the most accomplished be well equipped to make choices that maximize life satisfaction?" https://theatln.tc/24qorH2
--"Where Did the Government Jobs Go?" by Annie Lowrey in tomorrow's N.Y. Times Magazine's Money Issue: "Long a ticket to the middle class, especially for African-Americans, they have become increasingly difficult to find." https://nyti.ms/1rEFFCV
--"The Kremlin's Candidate," by Michael Crowley in the May/June Politico Magazine: "In the 2016 election, Putin's propaganda network is picking sides." https://politi.co/1rpdLuc
--"American Mouth: The Loud Life and Meaty Legacy of Josh Ozersky," by Nigel Duara in Portland Monthly: "A look at the greatest, wildest food writer of his generation." https://bit.ly/1r3FDDA
--"The Faithful," by Graciela Mochkofsky in California Sunday Magazine: "René and Juan Carlos set out to convert their Colombian megachurch to Orthodox Judaism. This is what happened." https://bit.ly/1TiXUUg (h/t Longform.org)
--"'China's Worst Policy Mistake'?" by Nicholas D. Kristof in the N.Y. Review of Books: "Perhaps no government policy anywhere in the world affected more people in a more intimate and brutal way than China's one-child policy. ... [I]t was unnecessary and has led to a rapid aging of China's population that may undermine the country's economic prospects." https://bit.ly/1Tj3B4L (h/t TheBrowser.com)
--"What Would Happen If We Just Gave People Money?" by Andrew Flowers in FiveThirtyEight: "Basic income challenges our notions of the social safety net, the relationship between work and income, and how to adapt to technological change. That makes it one of the most audacious social policy experiments in modern history. It could fail disastrously, or it could change everything for the better." https://53eig.ht/1YWd8mv
--"Ride Along With The Cow Police," by Matt Wolfe in Oxford American: "Cattle rustling, signature crime of the Old West, has returned to Texas ... [and] risen fivefold in less than a decade. ... If the cowboy was the great American folk hero, the cattle rustler was his villainous twin." https://bit.ly/1rndBmX
DOUG HEYE named a CNN contributor - Rebecca Kutler emails booking and executive producers: "Douglas Heye is [now] a CNN Political Commentator, based in DC. He previously served as deputy chief of staff for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Communications Director for the [RNC]. Heye was also a 2015 Resident Fellow for the Harvard Kennedy School's Institute of Politics and is currently a contributor to the Wall Street Journal."
FUTURE OF MEDIA -- "Snapchat Scores Unique Deal With NBC to Showcase Olympics," by Bloomberg's Sarah Frier: "The app scored a deal with Comcast Corp.'s NBC to show highlights from the 2016 Summer Games, the first time the U.S. network has agreed to share video of the sporting contest. Snapchat Inc. will set up a dedicated channel on the mobile app for the games in Rio De Janeiro. Media company BuzzFeed will curate short clips and behind-the-scenes content into a Discover channel on the app for two weeks, while Snapchat creates daily 'live stories' using content from NBC, athletes and sports fans at the scene." With a Ben Schwerin cameo! https://bloom.bg/1O1jHhK
THE NEW YORKER is launching a tech conference, called "Techfest." Tickets to the event cost $1,500, and include all meals, drinks, snacks and a subscription to the magazine. https://bit.ly/1TjuJRg (h/t Politico Media Pro)
#WHCD PARTY CIRCUIT -- "On Friday evening, David Remnick hosted The New Yorker's annual cocktail reception, held on the rooftop of the W hotel, kicking off the White House Correspondents' Dinner weekend. The party brought together New Yorker writers and editors, celebrities, journalists, and politicians. 'The Nightly Show's' Larry Wilmore-who is hosting the dinner Saturday evening-arrived with his parents and held court ... Deejay Brendan Fallis played tracks from Beyoncé's 'Lemonade.' ... Food included Maryland crabcake sliders, made-to-order sushi, and assorted grilled cheese sandwiches. Manhattans (fittingly), vodka martinis, and Veuve Cliquot champagne were among the most popular drinks." Pix https://gtty.im/1SEqHmF
SPOTTED : Sting, Damian Lewis, Connie Britton, Rep. Joaquín Castro (D-TX), Billy Eichner, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Charlie Rose, Jeff Goldblum, Jaimie Alexander, former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Mark Kelly, Alex Wagner and Sam Kass, Gayle King, Savannah Guthrie, Kenya Barris, Andrea Mitchell, Josh Stamberg, Richard Haass, Zeke Emanuel, Martha Raddatz, Fred Hochberg, Garance Franke-Ruta, David Nakamura, Evan Osnos, Dana Thomas, Ashley and Ben Chang, Ben Rhodes, Lizzie O'Leary, Jeffrey Toobin, Jeff Goldblum, David Corn, Isaac Dovere, Michael LaRosa, Jesse Rodriguez, Ezra Klein and Annie Lowrey, Alexis Weiss, Richard Strauss, Josh and Natalie Earnest, Jen Psaki, Melissa Brown, Jon Finer, Carl Woog, Nitin Chadda, Brad Bosserman, Doug Heye, Michael Isikoff and Mary Ann Akers, Juleanna Glover and Christopher Reiter, Gabe Debenedetti.
--Google, HBO and the Smithsonian hosted a party last night at the Renwick Gallery where they highlighted HBO's film "All the Way" starring Bryan Cranston and directed by Jay Roach, and a scotch tasting bar paid tribute to LBJ's favorite drink. Food included Americana themed spread with chicken fried steak bites, housemade tater tots, southern style chicken salad cones, sweet potato chips, sliders, and old-fashioned lemon bars. Pic of the scene https://bit.ly/1SEwTuZ
SPOTTED : Bryan Cranston, Jared Leto, Vivica Fox, Gabrielle Union, Neve Campbell, Rosario Dawson, Helen Mirren, Omarosa, Gabby Giffords and Mike Kelly, Valerie Jarrett, Nancy Pelosi, Greta Van Susteren, Andrea Mitchell, Hallie Jackson, Heather Podesta, Jonathan Karl, Nancy Cordes, Robert and Elena Allbritton, Lisa Edelstein, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, Michael Kelly, Candace Cameron Burre, Michael Keygan Key, Hope Solo, Len Amato, the Irish, Australian, Italian, and Norwegian ambassadors, Amb. Stuart Holliday, Michael Eric Dyson, Sela Ward, Jonathan Capehart, Gary Andres, Steve Clemons, Travis Kalanick, Devin Wenig, Dana Bash, Ashleigh Banfield, Michael Beckerman, Craig Gordon, Jon Allen, Annie Linskey, Rachel Moynahan, Kelley Hudak, Ben Ginsberg, Rep. Mark Sandord, Ruth Porat, Caroline Atkinson, Susan Molinari, Kent Walker, Jessica Powell, Jay Carney, Jay Roach, Wendi McClendon-Covey.
--Time and People hosted their swanky annual party at the St. Regis where guests mingled in the ballroom and the outside courtyard. The party featured a 360 degree Glamcam that was a huge hit: Karlie Kloss, Tamron Hall and Jamie Stelter particularly enjoyed it. Besides multiple bars, there was a spiked lemonade stand in the back courtyard.
SPOTTED : Nancy Gibbs, Jess Cagle, Norm Pearlstine, Karlie Kloss, Valerie Jarrett, Scott Foley, Michael Keeghan-Peele, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Gayle King, Reince Priebus, Scott Spencer, Tamron Hall, Lawrence O'Donnell, Brian Stelter, Dana Bash, Savannah Gutherie, Vivica A. Fox, Greta Van Susteren, Kate Snow, Cecile Richards, Robbie Mook.
FUNNY OR die and United Talent Agency hosted their annual "No Sponsors No Cameras No Press No Hassles Party" last night at Fiola Mare. Restaurant owners Maria and Fabio Trabocchi transformed their luxurious Georgetown waterfront establishment (recently named best restaurant in DC by Washingtonian) into an exclusive A-list night club. Guests danced throughout the evening and enjoyed an open bar, seafood tower, oysters, lobster rolls, specialty pizzas, bomboloni, and a cotton candy bar. Pic of the cotton candy maker on the patio https://bit.ly/1XZuNcF
--SPOTTED : Keegan Michael Key, Rosario Dawson, Allison Janney, Anthony Anderson, Damian Lewis, Billy Eichner, AnnaLynne McCord, Larry Wilmore, Dan Abrams Bellamy Young, Emily Ratajkowski, Lisa Edelstein, Cornelius Smith Jr David Nevins Michael Rotenberg Neve Campbell, Dana Bash, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Jake and Jennifer Tapper, Bruce Kieloch, David Corn, Sam Stein, Ilyse Hogue and John Neffinger, Luke Russert, Chris Womack, Rep. Mark Sanford, Tina Tchen, Valerie Jarrett, Jonathan Capehart and Nick Schmit, Amb. Peter Selfridge and Parita Shah, Michael Isikoff and Mary Ann Akers, Karen Finney, Missy Owens, Bruce Harris, Bob Russell, Afghan Ambassador to the U.S. Hamdullah Mohib ...
... Lyndon Boozer, Erica Payne and Gene Haigh, David Litt, Mike Farah, Brad Jenkins, Rene Jones, Jay Sures, Chris Day, Mark Ein, Marc Adelman, Lyn Stout and Malcolm Brown, Kimball Stroud and David White, Darnell Strom, Melissa Maxfield, Chris and Natalie Bruss, Kiki and Tim Burger, Steve Ross, Helena Andrews, Marissa Mitrovich, Kim Kingsley, Elizabeth Thorp, Marie Sylla and Hank Dixon, and Kate Bennett.
--Partygoers enjoyed custom cocktails at Eric Podwall's annual private WHCD party, hosted at the speakeasy Sheppard. Guests stayed late into the night as Tony Romo took hold of the music and DJ-ed his favorite songs. Podwall's crew dined on the Obama burger, fries and milkshakes from Spike Mendelsohn's Good Stuff Eatery, and the special cocktail menu was designed by David Strauss (the event's signature drink was called the "Wilson that's all!" - named for prohibition-era President Woodrow Wilson). SPOTTED: Mathew Morrison, Miles Teller, Nina Dobrev, JC Chasez, Tamron Hall, Reggie Love, Jon Favreau, Peter Cherukuri, Travis Kalanick, Ben Schreckinger, Tim Burger, Claire Tonneson, Nihal Krishan.
--Glamour and Facebook's brunch to discuss sexism in 2016 - "During WHCD Weekend As part of their year-long partnership, [on Friday] Glamour editor-in-chief Cindi Leive and Facebook vice president of U.S. public policy Erin Egan held an intimate brunch [at Kinship] to discuss sexism in 2016.
SPOTTED: Connie Britton, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Michelle Fields, Sarah Hurwitz, Jen Psaki, Phoebe Robinson, Nancy Gibbs, Amy Dacey, Katie Walsh, Katie Harbath, Giovanna Gray Lockhart, S.E. Cupp, Ashley Parker, and Jessica Valenti.
- "Facebook Live is giving people who can't make it to WHCD weekend an opportunity to share in the experience. ... Vanity Fair will do a Live tour of the French Ambassador's residence before the dinner. ... CNN will be Live from both [today's] Garden Brunch hosted by Tammy Haddad, and their own post-dinner Political Hangover Brunch on Sunday. ... CBS will be Live on Facebook from their party on the CBS News page." C-SPAN on Facebook https://bit.ly/24qoLWc ... CNN https://bit.ly/21k9ILT ... Vanity Fair https://bit.ly/1pQ38z9 ... CBShttps://bit.ly/1r3G6FQ
HAPPENING TONIGHT - per MSNBC: "Listen up nerds; straighten those bow ties tonight because MSNBC is celebrating the 2016 WHCD in style. Be sure to look glam before checking out the 360 Camera. And head outside to enjoy some Johnnie Walker. Don't miss the special pancake presentation ... it won't disappoint! And there is a nod to NBC News' dinner guest Jaimie Alexander from Blindspot with a tattoo (temporary) booth. BMW is back to rev up the party as the presenting sponsor of both the After Party and of MSNBC's coverage of the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
"Flying in for the weekend? MSNBC's got you covered with American Airlines joining the party. The airline is sponsoring an Arrivals/Departures lounge featuring a First Class Fizz arrival beverage to get you flying. Attendees are expected from across NBCUniversal, including Savannah Guthrie, Tamron Hall, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, Chris Hayes, Andrea Mitchell, Lawrence O'Donnell, Sheinelle Jones, Jim Cramer, Chris Jansing, Carl Quintanilla, Joy Reid, Thomas Roberts, Joe Kernen, and more."
THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK AHEAD: "On Tuesday, the President will honor the 2016 National Teacher of the Year and finalists at the White House, thanking them for their hard work and dedication each and every day in the classroom. On Wednesday, the President will travel to Flint, Michigan to the hear first-hand from Flint residents about the public health crisis, receive an in-person briefing on the federal efforts in place to help respond to the needs of the people of Flint, and deliver remarks to community members. ... In the evening, the President will deliver remarks at the Asian Pacific American Institute of Congressional Studies 22nd annual awards gala dinner.
"On Thursday, the President will host a Cinco de Mayo reception at the White House. In the afternoon, the President will be joined by the Vice President, First Lady and Dr. Biden to kick off the 5th anniversary of Joining Forces and the 75th anniversary of the USO. The event, A Celebration of Service, will include nearly 1,500 service members and their families. ... On Saturday, the President will deliver the commencement address to the 2016 graduating class of Howard University in Washington, D.C. As one of the nation's top Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Howard University is recognized for its rigorous education and legacy of building lasting bridges of opportunity for young people."
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Geng Ngarmboonanant of Bain, and a Yale Daily News, Brookings, and WaPo alum (h/t Tom Guthrie)
BIRTHDAYS : Jim Margolis, senior partner and president of GMMB (h/t Erik Smith) ... Bob Livingston ... Luiza Savage, Politico's editorial director of events (h/t Charlie) ... Tina Flournoy, President Clinton's chief of staff ... Fred Hiatt, WashPost editorial page editor ... Ian Brown ... Brooke Sammon, Marco's Senate press secretary (hat tip: Dad) ... Nate Lubin, founder of Lubin Strategies and former digital director at the White House ... Sam Youngman, partner at Off the Record Strategies, is 39 -- read his famous Politico Magazine story "Take This Town and Shove It: A White House reporter's tale of sex, booze and the briefing room" https://politi.co/1TbwhME ... illustrator Barry Blitt is 58 ... John Gomperts, president and CEO of America's Promise Alliance, kicking off a week of celebration culminating with the 32-mile Great Saunter walk around Manhattan with Katherine, Nora, Lily, family and friends (h/t Jon Haber) ... Caitlin Jennings ... Reps. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) and Robert C. Scott (D-Va.) ...
... CAP's Queen of State Advocacy Tori Taylor, celebrating with daytime margaritas before hitting the road for the cause again tomorrow (h/ts Emily Tisch Sussman and Kenzi Green) ... Matt Segneri, director at HBS Social Enterprise Initiative and alum of Bloomberg Philanthropies, Menino, and FBI and a HBS and Harvard College grad ... Sophia Kim, deputy press secretary at SBA, is 24 (h/t Miguel Ayala) ... Anastasia Economides, intermediate staff editor at the NYT ... New York Magazine contributor Joe Hagan ... Brian Bennett, national security correspondent for the L.A. Times and Chicago Tribune ... Anastasia Khoo, chief marketing officer at the Human Rights Campaign and a Greenpeace alum ... Daniel Wolman, international policy analyst at the Podesta Group ... Michael Stroud ... Chai Feldblum, EEOC commissioner ... Jamienne Studley ... defense lobbyist Michael Herson of American Defense International ...
... Rachel "Bubbles" Cohen , Senator Boxer press secretary ... Allan Katz, former U.S. ambassador to Portugal ... Dave Kranich ... Matt Loffman of "Washington Week" and an NBC alum ... Jonathan Jagoda ... Wilhelm Meierling, VP of public affairs at American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) ... Joshua Elvis ... Aaron Levy ... Sarah Baldauf ... Caleb Graves ... B.R. Kelley ... James Barron of Barron Associates ... Doug Harbrecht ... Joseph Bottum ... Jay Keller ... Jerilyn Goodman ... Kerry Schumann ... Ted Stux (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... actress Cloris Leachman is 90 ... Willie Nelson is 83 ... Merrill Osmond is 63 ... movie director Jane Campion is 62 ... former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is 57 ... Basketball Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas is 55 ... Sam Heughan ("Outlander") is 36 ... actress Dianna Agron is 30.
THE SHOWS, from @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:
--NBC's "Meet the Press": Ted Cruz; John Brennan; new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polling from Indiana; roundtable: Ron Fournier, Tom Friedman, Doris Kearns Goodwin and Kristen Welker
--ABC's "This Week": Ted Cruz; Robert Gates; Trump campaign senior adviser Sarah Huckabee Sanders; EMILY's List president Stephanie Schriock; roundtable: Kristen Soltis Anderson, E.J. Dionne, Matthew Dowd and LZ Granderson
--CBS's "Face the Nation" : Ted Cruz; Bernie Sanders; Paul Manafort; Lindsey Graham; roundtable: Peggy Noonan, Jamelle Bouie, Jeffrey Goldberg and Molly Ball
--CNN's "State of the Union" (9am ET / 12pm ET): Hillary Clinton; Ted Cruz; roundtable: Clinton campaign senior advisor Karen Finney, Trump campaign national political director Rick Wiley, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver and Cruz campaign communications director Alice Stewart
--"Fox News Sunday": Donald Trump; Ted Cruz; roundtable: George Will, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Karl Rove and Juan Williams
--Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" (10am ET / 9am CT): Ben Carson; Tom Ridge; Newt Gingrich; roundtable: Stephen Sigmund, Ed Rollins, and Katherine Timpf
--Fox News' "MediaBuzz" (SUN 11am ET / 10am CT): WaPo's Amy Argetsinger; Washington Examiner's Susan Ferrechio; The Blaze's Amy Holmes; Joe Trippi; Geraldo Rivera; technology exec Shana Glenzer
--CNN's "Inside Politics" with John King (SUN 8am ET): Roundtable: Jeff Zeleny, Sara Murray, Manu Raju and Maeve Reston
--CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" : (SUN 10am, 1pm ET): Edward Snowden; Pakistani political activist Imran Khan; author and National University of Singapore senior research fellow Parag Khanna ("Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization")
--CNN's "Reliable Sources": (SUN 11am ET): GQ's Julia Ioffe; roundtable: Tammy Haddad, Betsy Fischer Martin and Ron Fournier; former Obama speechwriter and Funny or Die's David Litt; On the Media co-host Bob Garfield; YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki
--Univision's "Al Punto" (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Pedro Pierluisi; journalist and author Anabel Hernàndez; roundtable: RNC director of Hispanic Media Ruth Guerra, Republican delegate Rey Anthony, Florida Democratic Party deputy political director Sheyla Asencios and FIU College Democrats vice president Luis F. Callejas; Carnival Corporation vice president of corporate affairs Carlos F. Orta; urban musical duo Chino y Nacho
--C-SPAN: "The Communicators" (SAT 6:30pm ET): Parents Television Council president Tim Winter, questioned by Thomson Reuters' David Shepardson ... "Newsmakers" (SUN 10am ET): Raul Grijalva, questioned by CQ Roll Call's Jason Dick and WaPo's Mike DeBonis ... "Q&A" (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Journalist Amy Goodman
--MSNBC's "PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton": (SUN 8-9am ET): Terry McAuliffe; "Little Miss Flint" Mari Copeny and her mother Loui Brezzell; State Rep. Mickey Michaux (D-NC); Southern Coalition for Social Justice's Allison Riggs; April Ryan; Dana Milbank; former McCain advisor Adolfo Franco
--MSNBC's "The Place for Politics": (SUN 9-10am ET): Former Romney and Rubio advisor Avik Roy; Indiana 7th congressional district chairman Thomas John; Daily Beast's Betsy Woodruff; Nan Hayworth; Democratic pollster Bernard Whitman (hosted by MSNBC's Richard Lui live from New York)
--MSNBC's "The Place for Politics": (SUN 10am-12pm ET): Voto Latino's Maria Teresa Kumar; The Bernard Center's Michelle Bernard; Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons; Dana Milbank; NBC News' Perry Bacon; Flint resident Melissa Mays; Public Religion Research Institute (hosted by MSNBC's Joy Reid live from DC)
--MSNBC's "The Place for Politics" : (SUN 12-2pm ET): NYT's Jeremy Peters; Howard Dean; Elise Jordan; Josh Barro; RCP's Caitlin Huey-Burns; former Gingrich advisor and Carnegie Mellon University's Kiron Skinner; former Jeb Bush senior advisor and former Speaker John Boehner press secretary Michael Steel; The Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo (hosted by MSNBC's Richard Lui live from New York)
--PBS's "To the Contrary" with Bonnie Erbé: Roundtable: The Nation's Zoe Carpenter, Independent Women's Forum's Sabrina Schaeffer, Anushay's Point founder Anushay Hossain and GOP strategist Jennifer Higgins
--SiriusXM's "No Labels Radio" (SAT 10am ET & 6pm ET, SUN 1PM ET): Host Jon Huntsman moderates an in-studio panel featuring No Labels vice chair and Kasich advisor Charlie Black, Reuters' Ginger Gibson and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman. The panel will discuss the 2016 presidential election, U.S. trade policy and two books: More Human by Steve Hilton and Beautiful Country by J.R. Thornton. Available for download at https://www.nolabels.org.
--Sinclair's "Full Measure" with Sharyl Attkisson (SUN 10am ET on WJLA and airing on Sinclair stations nationwide): Examination of the ongoing battle over the "two very different Donald Trumps."
** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: A recent study showed that if one third of the small businesses in the US hired one person, the economy would reach full employment. By providing women, minority and veteran entrepreneurs with access to flexible capital and technical assistance, we're helping these engines of the economy grow. https://bit.ly/1VIJToV **
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