POLITICO Playbook: CRUZ TAKES OFFENSIVE on National Enquirer ‘garbage’; Trump twists O.J. knife

POLITICO Playbook: CRUZ TAKES OFFENSIVE on National Enquirer ‘garbage’; Trump twists O.J. knife

TRUMP PHONES IN to ABC's Jon Karl on tomorrow's "This Week" ... AP for Sun. papers, "Wrong number? Trump's TV telephone interviews in spotlight," by AP Television Writer David Bauder: "Some prominent holdouts, like Fox's Chris Wallace, refuse to do on-air phoners. ... Face-to-face interviews let viewers see a candidate physically react to a tough question and think on his feet, said Chris Licht, executive producer of 'CBS This Morning.' ... Chuck Todd, host of NBC's 'Meet the Press,' has done phoners with Trump but now said he's decided to stick to in-person interviews on his Sunday show. ... 

"Since the campaign began, Trump has appeared for 29 phone interviews on the five Sunday political panel shows, according to ... Media Matters for America. Through last Sunday, ABC's 'This Week' has done it 10 times, CBS' 'Face the Nation' seven and six times each on 'Meet the Press' and CNN's 'State of the Union.' None of these shows has done phoners with Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders ...

"CNN chief executive Jeff Zucker said Trump opponents frequently turn down interview requests. ... 'Trump's opponents fall into two camps: Those who complain and continue to get crushed by the media wave, or those who grab a surfboard and try to ride it,' said Mark McKinnon." https://apne.ws/1XUtT0M

By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])

**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX 

TOP TALKER -- "Trump denies any role in National Enquirer story on Cruz," by Nolan McCaskill: "Donald Trump denied having any role in a National Enquirer story alleging that ... Ted Cruz has had extramarital affairs ... 'I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week's issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it,' the Republican presidential front-runner said ... Speaking to reporters in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, on Friday, Cruz accused 'Trump and his henchmen' of planting the seeds to what he called a 'garbage' story and 'tabloid smear.'"

--From Trump's statement: "I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin' Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman [sic] and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz's problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin' Ted Cruz." https://politi.co/22NlrDW

--N.Y. POST cover (bottom half), "DIRTY TRICKS: Cruz, Trump in Cuban mistress crisis" https://nyp.st/1UPVtOx... N.Y. Daily News cover, "BELOW THE BELTWAY: Cruz trashes tryst report as low blow - Trump: I had nothing to do with it." https://nydn.us/vp5qdB

DRIVING THE DAY -- "Can Sanders sweep Clinton in today's contests? With caucuses in Washington, Alaska and Hawaii, the senator has a fighting chance in all three," by Daniel Strauss: "ll three states are holding caucuses, an activist-heavy format that Sanders has thrived on. ... [Still,] after getting clobbered in the Midwest and beaten in Arizona, Sanders is in danger of sliding back into irrelevance." https://politi.co/1RrV0MW

TOP TWEET: @FrankLuntz: "Despite talk of Clinton's stilted performances... Sanders is the more repetitive candidate." https://53eig.ht/1VLTL0m

PICS DU JOUR -- Don Van Natta Jr. (@DVNJr): "The Stones' Havana setlist" https://bit.ly/1pOjb1b ...@PeteBlackburn: "Christie pouring his bag of M&M's into a bigger bag of MORE M&M's is a savage and perplexing move" https://bit.ly/1pOjGbI ... @kenvogel: "@GovChristie, at @NDmbb v @BadgerMBB #NCAATOURNAMENT game in Philly, working on TWO bags of @mmschocolate at once." https://bit.ly/1USox6L

--Two pics from Daniel of cherry blossoms in the Tidal Basin https://bit.ly/25psl4l ... https://bit.ly/1ZD8z1l

BUZZ - Financial Times p. 1, below fold, "Uber ride-hailing app scales new heights with helicopter rides to US music festival," by Matthew Garrahan in N.Y.: "Uber has teamed up with Blade, an app-based aviation group backed by some of the biggest names in media, to offer helicopter flights from Los Angeles to Palm Springs. The service, which will run for one month, ... will shuttle travellers to the Coachella music festival and builds on Blade's operations in New York, where it flies passengers from Manhattan to the Hamptons." https://on.ft.com/1ScWv1a

NATE SILVER on FiveThirtyEight, "Trump Will Have a Hard Time Turning Blue States Red": "Trump's strengths are mostly in the South. Of Trump's top seven states so far by his share of the combined ... vote, five or six are in the South, depending on how you classify Missouri. New England looks like a poor region for Trump ... The industrial Midwest has been about average ... Trump is more likely to 'transform the electoral map' by turning red states blue, rather than the other way around." https://53eig.ht/1SmxbZa

** A message from Lifeline Facts Campaign: Since its establishment during the Reagan Administration, the Lifeline program has provided enormous value to low-income Americans through discounted phone service. Adding broadband services to Lifeline should not be done at the expense of affordable mobile voice services that over 12 million Lifeline customers currently depend upon. LifelineFacts.com **

OBAMA'S WAR - "Obama team pushes back: We're beating the terrorists - 'The momentum of this campaign is now clearly on our side,' Pentagon chief Ash Carter says," by Austin Wright and Nick Gass: "The Obama administration, under withering criticism on Capitol Hill and on the campaign trail, on Friday deployed its top architects of the war against the Islamic State with the strongest claims yet that severe damage is being inflicted on the terrorist network that has claimed responsibility for the Brussels bombings.

"In a rejoinder to days of verbal assaults from multiple political quarters, Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joe Dunford held a press briefing at the Pentagon to announce the killing of the group's finance chief, Haji Imam, and to highlight a series of recent blows to the group in Iraq and Syria." https://politi.co/1UrYODO

WEEK'S BEST ... JEFFREY GOLDBERG on TheAtlantic.com, "How Obama Views the Men and Women Who (Also) Rule the World: A rough guide to the president's relationships with other leaders," on a scale "from actually warm [Pope] to ice-cold [Putin]": Pope Francis ... Germany's Angela Merkel ... Australia's Malcolm Turnbull ... U.K.'s David Cameron ... Singapore's Lee Hsien Loong ... Canada's Justin Trudeau ... Japan's Shinzo Abe ... Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, known as "MBZ," crown prince of Abu Dhabi and de-facto leader of the United Arab Emirates ... Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta ... China's Xi Jinping ... Cuba's Raúl Castro ... Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ... 

[Getting chilly:] Nicaragua's Daniel Oretga ... Saudi Arabia's King Salman ... Egypt's Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ... Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan ... Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu ("the world leader who consistently frustrates Obama the most") ... Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khameni ... Russia's Vladimir Putin." https://theatln.tc/1RrQhdU ... Scale draws from Jeffrey's remarkable Obama interview, cover of Atlantic's April issue, "The Obama Doctrine" https://theatln.tc/1UjEpR9

BREAKING - "Brussels airport closed until at least Tuesday" - AP/Brussels: "Authorities ... will allow engineers into the building to check its structural safety and [IT] systems."

--"How Isis laid out its plans to export chaos to Europe," by The Guardian's Martin Chulov: "Nine days before the Paris attacks, Islamic State leaders gathered in the Syrian town of Tabqah to talk about what was coming next for the terror organisation. Senior officials from across the so-called caliphate had made difficult journeys under constant fear of airstrikes to the small town west of Raqqa. In what marked a critical phase in the group's evolution, there was to be a new focus on exporting chaos to Europe, the assembled men were told. And up to 200 militants were in place across the continent ready to receive orders." https://bit.ly/1RrLxVG

ZEITGEIST: WSJ A1, above fold, "BELGIANS RUE MISSED CHANCES: Between Paris and Brussels, Islamic State attackers operated under the noses of security forces" ... WashPost 2-col. lead, "Major opportunity missed in Brussels: PARIS SUSPECT WASN'T PRESSED ON PLOTS - Belgian prosecutors acknowledge key security lapse" ... N.Y. Times 1-col. lead, "KEY COMMANDER OF ISIS IS KILLED BY U.S. FORCES: NEW BLOW TO MILITANTS -- Despite Europe Attacks, Officials Say Group Is Losing Ground" ... N.Y. Times off-lead (col. 1), "Belgium Fears Nuclear Plants Are Vulnerable Terrorists May Covet Radioactive Waste." 

THE BIG IDEA - Economist cover in North America, Asia and Africa, "Winners take all: Why high profits are a problem for America" - "Big firms in the United States have never had it so good. Time for more competition": "Modernising the antitrust apparatus would help. ... The second step is to make life easier for startups and small firms. ... [F]irms in the S&P 500 employ about one in ten Americans." See the cover. https://econ.st/1MInnEq ... Read the editorialhttps://econ.st/1USvcOg

--Economist cover in Europe, U.K., Middle East (with photo of security forces in black face masks, with automatic weapons), "Europe's new normal" - "Europe has suffered another series of murderous attacks by jihadists. They will not be the last": "The best protection would be peace in the Middle East-a distant dream, alas. ... And so the police and intelligence services need to operate in every sphere at home, from surveillance to deradicalisation. One thing that can be fixed quickly is underinvestment. Antiquated IT systems hinder collaboration. The security services also need to penetrate jihadist networks and their supporters, using human recruits and enhanced signal intelligence. 

"Inter-agency co-operation has improved, but privacy-protection still hinders the sharing of data. Jihadists work across borders more easily than the security services do. (Brexit could well be a further obstacle.) Better policing and prisons can help stop petty criminals being radicalised. The economic and cultural isolation of districts like Molenbeek must end." See the cover.  https://econ.st/1UrR58N ... Read the editorial. https://econ.st/1VNTkmc

--Economist cover in Latin America, "Time to go" - "Brazil's political crisis: The tarnished president should now resign": "Dilma Rousseff's difficulties have been deepening for months. The massive scandal surrounding Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant of which she was once chairman, has implicated some of the people closest to her." See the cover. https://econ.st/1RrPA4x ... Read the editorial. https://econ.st/1TaG4av

CLICKER - "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics," edited by Matt Wuerker: 12 keepershttps://politi.co/1TaC7CF

SNEAK PEAK: Cover of Juan Williams' new book "We the People: The Modern Day Figures Who Have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers' Vision of America" - out April 5 https://bit.ly/1UPUZbl ... $20.64 on Amazon https://amzn.to/1pOmQw2

DATA DU JOUR -- "Trump's trade war could kill millions of U.S. jobs," by WashPost's Jim Tankersley: A "Moody's analysis projects the U.S. economy would be 4.6 percent smaller by the end of 2019 if America levies tariffs on China and Mexico and those countries respond, compared to where it would be with no tariffs. It forecasts U.S. employment would be 7 million jobs lower [4 million jobs lost, 3 million not created] than it would have been, and that the unemployment rate would hit 9.5 percent in the middle of 2019. The federal budget deficit would grow to be 60 percent larger than it would have been." https://wapo.st/1SmtoLs

WHO THEY ARE -- "Jane Sanders' Motorcycle Diaries," by Fusion's Jorge Rivas: "Jane Sanders [is] a 65-year-old former college president, community organizer, and motorcycle enthusiast ... But on a recent solo swing through Arizona ... Sanders showed why she might be the campaign's last best chance to decisively win the Latino and Native American voters her husband needs to breathe new life into the race." https://fus.in/1U4XXbQ

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:

--"A Week on The Trail With the 'Disgusting Reporters' Covering Donald Trump," by Slate's Seth Stevenson: "What it's like to write about a candidate who hates you." https://slate.me/1Ujtqap

--"Erik Prince in the Hot Seat," by The Intercept's Matthew Cole and Jeremy Scahill: "Blackwater's founder is under investigation for money laundering, ties to Chinese intel, and brokering mercenary services." https://bit.ly/25porbJ (h/t Longform.org)

--"Withering on the Vine: A tale of two democracies," by Thomas Frank in The Baffler: "Were you to draw a Venn diagram of Democrats, meritocrats, and plutocrats, the space where they intersect would be an island seven miles off the coast of Massachusetts called Martha's Vineyard." https://bit.ly/1XUhREL (h/t TheBrowser.com)

--"A Happy Marriage Across Party Lines," by psychotherapist and author Dr. Jeanne Safer in WSJ: "[A] recent study from Stanford ... found that the ferocity of political partisanship in the U.S. is so intense that marriages across party lines are now 'exceedingly rare'-just 9%. ... Living together so long has taught us that it is possible to tolerate our opposition on serious issues because we agree on what matters most, which is that the camaraderie we have created in every other sphere is more basic, and far more precious, than ideology." https://on.wsj.com/1ZDnnwW

--"Longform Podcast #185: Ben Smith": "'I do think as a reporter in general, most of what we deal in is ephemera. And I love that. ... [Y]ou realize that this thing you're writing is about this moment and right now, and about its place in the conversation. It's not some piece of art to hang on the wall.'" https://bit.ly/1RrL31L

--"What I Learned Tindering My Way Across Europe," by Allison P. Davis in Travel and Leisure magazine: "I spent a week swiping across London, Berlin, and Stockholm in search of new sights and city secrets known only to locals. But I ended up discovering a kind of romance I couldn't find at home." https://tandl.me/1UrJDuo

--"Up Against the Centerfold," by Susan Braudy in Jezebel: "What it was like to report on feminism for Playboy in 1969." https://bit.ly/1MrhHDW

--"Pinochet. Chavez. Trump?" by Ben Wofford on Politico, filing from Quito: "After decades of suffering under populist strongmen, Latin Americans have a message for the Gringos: Welcome to our world." https://politi.co/1VNQNZ0

--"The Secrets of the Wave Pilots," by Kim Tingley in the N.Y. Times Magazine: "For thousands of years, sailors in the Marshall Islands have navigated vast distances of open ocean without instruments. Can science explain their method before it's lost forever?" https://nyti.ms/1pOiO6Q

--"Scandi Crush Saga: How Scandinavian design took over the world," by Sarah Hucal in Curbed: "While familiar works, like the chairs of Arne Jacobsen, Eero Arnio, and Alvar Aalto made popular in 1950s and 1960s, are experiencing a renaissance, a new generation of Nordic design firms are also making their way into the hearts and living rooms of design lovers all over the world." https://bit.ly/1Smte6N (h/t Longreads.com)

--"The Mystery of James Franco: Inside his Manic Days and Sleepless Nights," by Jonah Weiner in Rolling Stone: "He's working on a dozen movies, teaching film, writing a novel - and still has time to paint hummingbirds at night." https://rol.st/1RtPpb8

THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK AHEAD, per the White House: "On Monday, the President and the First Lady will host the 2016 White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn. The event will feature live music, sports courts, cooking stations, storytelling and, of course, Easter egg rolling. This year's talent includes: Idina Menzel, Silento, Daya, Echosmith, and Trevor Jackson. In the evening, the President will deliver the keynote address at the awards dinner for Syracuse University's Toner Prize for Excellence in Political Reporting, which recognizes the importance of quality, fact-based political journalism.

"On Tuesdaythe President will travel to Atlanta, ... where he will speak at the [annual] National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, ... the largest national collaboration of professionals and advocates impacted by prescription drug abuse and heroin use. ... On Wednesday, the President will host an Easter Prayer Breakfast at the White House. On Thursday and Friday, the President will host a fourth and final Nuclear Security Summit, ... at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, ... [with] delegations from more than 50 nations."

BRACKETOLOGY ... "ACC makes quite a statement in Sweet 16," by AP Sports Writer David Brandt: "There were four games in the Sweet 16 on Friday night and all of them involved one ACC team. Sure enough, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Virginia and Syracuse all prevailed. The four victories mean it'll be an all-ACC showdown on Sunday when Notre Dame meets North Carolina and Virginia faces Syracuse. It also means the league will have two Final Four representatives in Houston and one in the championship game." https://apne.ws/1XUkxCa

--WaPo p. A1 skyline, "VIRGINIA INTO ELITE EIGHT: Cavaliers handle Iowa State, 84-71."

--FOR MATT BENNETT and ERIC SCHULTZ : N.Y. Daily News Sports back, "ORANGE YOU GLAD! Syracuse wins thriller over Zags, moves to Elite Eight vs. Virginia" https://nydn.us/vp5qdB

BASEBALL SEASON PREVIEW: Opening Day is spread over Sunday, April 3, and Monday, April 4; Nats home opener is Thu., April 7, vs. Marlins ... "Age-old question in majors: Can Cubs do it?" by AP Baseball Writer Ben Walker: "Ace pitchers Zack Greinke, David Price and Johnny Cueto start fresh with new teams. Red Sox slugger David Ortiz and Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully on deck for fond farewells Bryce Harper, Mike Trout, Carlos Correa, Nolan Arenado and Noah Syndergaard among the young, bright stars all over the diamond. Barry Bonds back in play, as the hitting coach for the Miami Marlins. Dusty Baker back in the dugout, managing the Washington Nationals. ... 

"MLB has made changes, too, on and off the field. There's the Chase Utley Rule that outlaws certain vicious takeout slides. But the old 'neighborhood play' at second base is now reviewable, and many wonder whether that will put middle infielders in peril. Some ballparks [including Nats Park] added extra netting to protect fans from foul balls that rocket into the seats. ...

"Atlanta starts its 20th and final season at Turner Field before moving to the suburbs. ... Concession stands at the Ted are set to serve the 'Burgerizza.' It's a 20-ounce beef patty, smothered with five slices of cheddar cheese and bacon, between a pair of 8-inch pepperoni pizzas. All for only $26." https://apne.ws/1pCHlv1

BIRTHDAYS : Bob Woodward, who continues to show the way, is 73 (hat tips: Elsa, Tali and Diana) ... Leader Nancy Pelosi is 76, celebrating with a quiet family weekend in Napa ... Matt Lira, Cantor alum now senior advisor for House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (h/ts Rob, Anton, Alex, Gerrit) ... Kelli Ritter, celebrating in Napa Valley touring wineries with her parents Debbie and John. She's currently deep in study as an amateur sommelier, and this birthday trip is to test out her skills (hubby tip: Will) ... James Gelfand (h/t Blair Latoff) ... Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is 81 ... Riley Martin "Riles" Madden ... former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chaffee ... former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao (h/t Leader McConnell) ... former Utah governor Jon Huntsman, now at No Labels ... retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is 86 ... Chandler Hudson, VP of digital at FP1 Strategies and a Clemson alum, celebrating with new fiancé Adam and new puppy Cooper, a mini Golden doodle - pichttps://bit.ly/1Us7bPX (h/t Melissa Brown) ... Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) ... Jenny Yeager Kaplan, director of the President's Commission on White House Fellowships (h/ts Jordan, Benjamin, Harper, and Debbie) ... 

... Kate Lee, head of content development for Medium (h/t Jon Haber) ... Amanda Lee House, director of editorial operations at LifeZette ... Politico's Katie Hughes ... DCI Group's Miriam Warren, the pride of Gulfport, Miss. ... Kira Kleaveland of "CBS This Morning" and an Anderson Cooper alum ... Michael Waxman of Waxman Strategies and son of former Rep. Henry Waxman ... Pamela Pulkownik ... Russ Vought ... Chris Rovzar, luxury editor at Bloomberg Pursuits and Vanity Fair, NY Mag and Daily News alum ... Edward Garnett III, economist/advisor in the Office of Financial Research at Treasury (Sorry: Yesterday, we were a day early on a few of these) ... Melanie Roussell Newman, New Orleans native and director of public affairs at DOJ and a HUD and OMB alum ... Stacy Rastauskas, VP for gov't relations of Ohio State, and former Denny Hastert and Dave Hobson staffer ... Jane Butterfield ... Lexi Neaman, political and gov sales at Twitter DC ... Kevin Zeithaml ... Melissa Turley, State Dept. associate director of international events and social media liaison ... 

... Patricia Weems Gaston, WashPost alum ... Bill Lucey ... Parker Brettell, brother to Jackson and firstborn of Erica and Joe ... Kristin Lee ... Country music superstar Kenny Chesney, celebrating by releasing a new song inspired by the current political dialogue in America #Noise: https://bit.ly/KCNoise (h/t Kurt Bardella of country music newsletter Morning Hangover) ... Bangladesh turns 45 on its Independence Day (h/t @BCIU) ... Michael Sean Comerford ... Lisa Quigley ... Kyla Peyton-Buzi ... Nelson Reyneri ... Danielle Engel ... Kristen Atwood ... Kate Mente, celebrating in lovely Santa Fe with Suzy and Ruth (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... author Erica Jong is 74 ... Diana Ross is 72 ... Martin Short is 66 ... Curtis Sliwa is 62 ... Leeza Gibbons is 59 ... College and Pro Football Hall of Famer Marcus Allen is 56 ... Kenny Chesney is 48 ... actress Carly Chaikin is 26 (h/ts AP)

THE SHOWS, from @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:

--NBC's "Meet the Press": Bernie Sanders; John Kasich; national security roundtable: Richard Engel, Michael Leiter and Keir Simmons; roundtable: Ben Ginsberg, Hallie Jackson, Andrea Mitchell, Katy Tur and Kristen Welker

--ABC's "This Week": Donald Trump; Bernie Sanders; roundtable: Michael Eric Dyson, LZ Granderson, Mary Kissel and Bill Kristol

--CBS's "Face the Nation" : John Kerry; Michael McCaul; NYPD deputy commissioner of intelligence John Miller; national security roundtable: Michael Morell, Jeffrey Goldberg and the Council on Foreign Relations' Farah Pandith; roundtable: Jamelle Bouie, Susan Page and Ben Domenech

--CNN's "State of the Union" (9am ET / 12pm ET): Bernie Sanders; Ron Johnson; roundtable: Neera Tanden, Mia Love, State Sen. Nina Turner (D-OH) and Trump campaign senior advisor Stephen Miller

--"Fox News Sunday": Ted Cruz; Devin Nunes; roundtable: George Will, WSJ's Jason Riley, Kirsten Powers and Juan Williams

--CNN's "Inside Politics" with John King (SUN 8am ET): Roundtable: Julie Pace, Molly Ball, Margaret Talev and Manu Raju

--Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" (10am ET / 9am CT): Rick Perry; Newt Gingrich; Ted Cruz; roundtable: WSJ's Gerry Baker, Ed Rollins and Monica Crowley

--CNN's "Reliable Sources": (SUN 11am ET): Special "The Disconnect" episode: Nancy Gibbs; John Avlon; Katina vanden Heuvel; Scottie Nell Hughes; The Philadelphia News' Will Bunch; Molly Ball

--Fox News' "MediaBuzz" (11am ET / 10am CT): Attorney and Daily Caller contributor Gayle Trotter; Ashley Parker; Julie Roginsky; Mediaite columnist Joe Concha; Charles Krauthammer; FoxNews.com's Diana Falzone; tech analyst Shana Glenzer

--Univision's "Al Punto" (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) Mexican lawmaker (Sinaloa) Lucero Guadalupe Sánchez; John Kerry; Univision News anchor María Elena Salinas and Univision News correspondent Tony Dandrades; Dominican Republic presidential candidate (PRM) Luis Abinader; former Cuban prisoner Alan Gross

--C-SPAN"The Communicators" (SAT 6:30pm ET): Bob Goodlatte, questioned by Politico's Kate Tummarello ... "Newsmakers" (SUN 10am ET): Tom Cole, questioned by WSJ's Kristina Peterson and The Hill's Scott Wong ... "Q&A" (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Author and Northwestern University's Robert Gordon ("The Rise and Fall of American Growth")

--MSNBC's "PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton": (SUN 8-9am ET): Andre Carson; Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.); Joan Walsh; Republican strategist Susan Del Percio; Donna Edwards; Chris Van Hollen

--MSNBC's "The Place for Politics" : (SUN 9-10am ET): Author and Terror Asymmetrics Project executive director Malcolm Nance ("Defeating ISIS"); former SC GOP chairman Katon Dawson; Republican Muslim Coalition founder and president Saba Ahmed (hosted by MSNBC's Chris Jansing live from Brussels)

--MSNBC's "The Place for Politics": (SUN 10am-12pm ET): The Progressive Magazine's Ruth Conniff; author and Terror Asymmetrics Project executive director Malcolm Nance ("Defeating ISIS"); TheRoot.com's Jason Johnson; NYT's Yamiche Alcindor; State Sen. Lena Taylor (D-WI); American University's Hillary Mann Leverett (hosted by MSNBC's Joy Reid live from New York)

--MSNBC's "The Place for Politics" : (SUN 12-2pm ET): The George Washington University's Lorenzo Vidino; NYT's Jeremy Peters; former Carson campaign deputy communications director Ying Ma; former Canadian intelligence agent Mubin Shaikh; Howard Dean; Elise Jordan; Politico's Eli Stokols; MSNBC terrorism analyst Laith Alkouri; Jonathan Alter; Kyle Kondik; #Not1More campaign's Marisa Franco; author and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Jason Stein ("Dropping the Bomb: Scott Walker, Unions and the Fight for a State") (hosted by MSNBC's Alex Witt live from New York)

--PBS's "To the Contrary" with Bonnie Erbé : Roundtable: U.S. Institute of Peace's Manal Omar, The Washington Examiner's Ashe Schow, civil rights lawyer Jenifer Rajkumar and Republican strategist Jennifer Higgins

--SiriusXM's "No Labels Radio" (SAT 10am ET & 6pm ET, SUN 1PM ET): Guest Host No Labels advisory board member Tom Davis moderates an in-studio panel featuring fellow No Labels advisory board member and Business Roundtable president John Engler, CSIS' Shannon Green and Molly Ball. The panel will discuss the 2016 Presidential Election, the Brussels terrorist attacks, the President's trip to Cuba and the Congressional Budget. 

** A message from Lifeline Facts Campaign: Proposed changes at the FCC would lead to the elimination of the vital mobile voice services that over 12 million Lifeline customers depend upon today. Eliminating affordable mobile voice services for low-income Americans would remove their link to present and potential employers, cut their connection to doctors and other health services, jeopardize their ability to dial 9-1-1 during an emergency, and more. Removing this safety net would deny the nation's most vulnerable populations an essential service and undermine the mission of the Lifeline program. Lifeline should support broadband without eliminating vital voice services. Join Lifeline Facts Campaign and protect affordable mobile voice services by signing the petition at LifelineFacts.com **

SUBSCRIBE to the Playbook family: POLITICO Playbook https://politi.co/1M75UbX ... New York Playbook https://politi.co/1ON8bqW ... Florida Playbook https://politi.co/1JDm23W ... New Jersey Playbook https://politi.co/1HLKltF ... Massachusetts Playbook https://politi.co/1Nhtq5v ... Illinois Playbook https://politi.co/1N7u5sb ... California Playbook https://politi.co/1N8zdJU ... Brussels Playbook https://politi.co/1FZeLcw

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Neil Goldsmith

Client Solutions Director at Advizex

5 个月

Who cares what Trump thinks about anyone's affairs- Fairly rich criticism for a man that has cheated on every wife he has had ( 3 Marriages & 5 kids), he also paid off porn start- Stephanie Clifford / she goes by Stormy Daniels the year after he married Melania. I believe there were a total 19 women that have come forward to accuse him of sexual harassments. A charming example of who we want to represent us as a nation?????

shahin alam

Lead Generation Specialist at Amazon

6 个月

inter miami vs Atlanta United Live Stream3 ?#InterMiami #AtlantaUnited #MLS #Soccer #Football #Sports ?Live Now https://tinyurl.com/4747f7bs?

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shahin alam

Lead Generation Specialist at Amazon

6 个月

inter miami vs Atlanta United Live Stream3 ?#InterMiami #AtlantaUnited #MLS #Soccer #Football #Sports ?Live Now https://tinyurl.com/4747f7bs?

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Bernays T. (Buz) Barclay

Competitive Power Industry pioneer and champion; Entrepreneur; Commercial and Investment Banker; Project Development; Project Finance; Renewable Energy; Efficiency; Data Centers; Corporate Director; Attorney; Veteran

1 年

My like was an accidental fat finger. Uggh.


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