BULLETIN - "GOP campaigns plot revolt against RNC," by Alex Isenstadt : "[C]ampaigns are planning to gather in Washington ... on Sunday evening to plot how to alter their party's messy debate process - and how to remove power from the hands of the [RNC]. Not invited to the meeting: Anyone from the RNC ... [M]any of the campaigns told POLITICO that the RNC ... had failed to take their concerns into account. It was time ... to begin discussing among themselves how the next debates should be structured and not leave it up to the RNC and television networks.
"The gathering is being organized by advisers to the campaigns of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal and Lindsey Graham ... Others who are expected to attend ... are representatives for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum." https://politi.co/1HfKtiT
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
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Good Friday morning. We FALL BACK tomorrow night, Halloween - enjoy your extra hour of partying. Planning a D.C.-themed costume? Shoot a note or pic to [email protected], and we'll share the cleverest/spookiest.
RIPPING RUBIO! Oppo assault coming from at least 3 sources -- Jeb campaign, Jeb super PAC and Dems:
1) LEAKED JEB POWERPOINT: "A 112-page [slide show from Monday's donor meeting in Houston] ... includes more dirt on Marco Rubio, Iowa vote goals and a January advertising plan," by U.S. News' Dave Catanese: "'Marco Is A Risky Bet' ... bullet-points Rubio's 'misuse of state party credit cards, taxpayer funds and ties to scandal-tarred former Congressman David Rivera.' ... The Bush team also mocks Rubio's 'tomorrow versus yesterday' argument as one that would be 'widely ridiculed by media' should he run against the first potential female president." https://bit.ly/1MwSSpK ... 112-page doc https://bit.ly/1M4LM9W
--"Romney alum rebuts Bush whispers," by Alex Isenstadt: The slide show "says that 'Those who have looked into Marco's background in the past have been concerned with what they have found.' U.S. News, citing an anonymous Bush aide, said the reference was to 'concerns Mitt Romney's team unearthed when they vetted Rubio for vice president in 2012.' ...
"Beth Myers, a longtime Romney political adviser who in 2012 oversaw his vice presidential search, pushed back on the assertion. ... 'Rubio "passed" our vetting and we found nothing that disqualified him from serving as VP ... The Bush aide referred to in this article is simply wrong.'" https://politi.co/1MlFnTL
2) JEB SUPER PAC, Right to Rise - Mike Murphy, in an interview with Sasha Issenberg: "We're for a transparent marketplace and part of what we're going to do is tell the story on some of our competitors so people see the strong and the vulnerable side of them. ... The second and third look are going to be very tough on Marco Rubio. That's just a prediction." https://bloom.bg/1XDKpD3
3) SCOOP DU JOUR - Daniel reports: Democratic opposition researchers are increasing the hours that are being spent on Rubio, going into broader lines of inquiry about who he is and what skeletons they can find in his closet. Using FOIAs and document searches, they're closely examining his time in Miami government as city commissioner, the Florida state house and his time in the Senate to look for instances where he did things for donors that he shouldn't have like in his requests to federal agencies. It's a massive project: Info is scattered across his time in various governments, and researchers are cross-referencing the data.
--As long as there's been an American Bridge, the Dem research organization has been tracking Rubio. But his dedication to keeping a low profile since he launched, and his message discipline, have made it more difficult for them to get great clips.
FIRST LOOK, "Speaker Ryan Makes Senior Staff Appointments": "House Speaker Paul Ryan ... today [will announced] the first staff appointments for the Office of the Speaker[:] ... 'It's a new day in the House, and this new team will help drive a different kind of speakership.' ... Chief of Staff: Dave Hoppe ... Deputy Chief of Staff: Joyce Meyer ... Policy Director: Austin Smythe ... Chief Communications Advisor: Brendan Buck." Full press team to be announced soon.
PIC DU JOUR -- @MittRomney: "I got the first #SpeakerSelfie." https://bit.ly/1M0EWPu
VIDEO DU JOUR -- @SpeakerBoehner: "Today is my last day as Speaker of the House, and this is the story of how I came to that decision." https://bit.ly/1HfFcIg ... @JakeSherman: "John Boehner's speakership was tumultuous. But he was pretty good to the press. no matter what was going on, he spoke to us twice weekly."
THE BIG IDEA -- DAVID BROOKS, "The Ryan and Rubio Moment: New leadership emerges for the G.O.P.": "So after all the meshugas on the right, ... the Republicans could wind up with two new leaders going into this election ... That's a pretty excellent outcome for a party that has shown an amazing tendency to inflict self-harm. ... Jeb Bush's problems are temperamental and thus most likely permanent. He would probably be a very effective president. And he would have been a very effective candidate - but in 1956. These are harsher times. ...
"Cruz looks likely to emerge as the candidate of the disaffected white working class ... now ... with Trump. But ... Cruz just isn't likable enough to build a national campaign around. ... Rubio is a balance of marketing and product. If Ryan and Rubio do emerge as the party's two leaders, it will be the wonkiest leadership team in our lifetime. That's a good thing." https://nyti.ms/1M4CURF
**A message from Comcast: Helping to Close the Digital Divide: Learn more about how Comcast's Internet Essentials program is helping to close the digital divide by providing low-cost high-speed Internet to millions of low-income people at https://comca.st/ie. **
OUT TODAY -- Backstage at the Carnival: POLITICO Magazine's Campaign Issue Now Live! The Campaign Issue appears on newsstands almost exactly a year before voters head to the polls. Table of Contents www.politico.com/magazine ... Editor's Note by Garrett Graff https://politi.co/1PXQ2K0 See the cover, featuring Hillary. https://bit.ly/1WlpxDj
ARTICLE OF THE DAY -- "Winning Isn't Everything: John Weaver and the business of political seduction," by Jason Zengerle: "According to one member of Trump's team, Weaver [now Kasich chief strategist] reached out ... to encourage Trump to run ... Weaver offered what the Trump adviser called ... 'quote-unquote free consultation' ... how to spend money in New Hampshire, explaining why Michigan would be an especially important state this cycle and generally trying to impress. ...
"[I]t's Weaver the sharp-elbowed businessman who really draws the ire of a wide array of Republican consultants and politicians ... Weaver has collected millions of dollars working for dozens of campaigns, and a number of those who have hired him told me they believe he did them wrong." https://politi.co/1MYqW8y
SUNDAY SO FAR: Boehner tapes exit interviews with all five shows at the Capitol this a.m. Plus ...
--"Face the Nation": Marco, taping with Dickerson in Des Moines tomorrow ... Panel: Peggy Noonan, Jeff Goldberg, Jamelle Bouie, JMart.
--"Fox News Sunday," with John Roberts subbing: Fiorina ... Ryan ... Pataki ... Panel: George Will, Ron Fournier, Liz Cheney, Evan Bayh
--"Meet the Press": Jeb, taping with Chuck in Florida tomorrow ... Panel: Matt Bai, David Brooks, Helene Cooper, Anne Gearan
--CNN's "State of the Union," with Dana Bash subbing: Ryan ... Panel: Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Rep. Keith Ellison, Ben Ginsberg, Neera Tanden
--ABC's "This Week": Roundtable: Sara Fagen, Van Jones, Hugh Hewitt, Joe Klein
USED NEWS - Yahoo Politics, Tuesday: "Meet Rafael Cruz: Ted Cruz's secret evangelical weapon," by Holly Bailey https://yhoo.it/1PXYKYO ... National Journal, June 26: "Ted Cruz's Secret Weapon to Win the Right" https://bit.ly/1WmDNGS
HILLARY STRATEGERY - "Clinton allies shout 'sexism' at Sanders: The Vermont senator is suddenly on the defensive, an unaccustomed position for a progressive who describes himself as a feminist," by Annie Karni: "Sanders' campaign manager, communications director, field director, early state organizer, Iowa campaign coordinator and top strategists are all men (the ... New Hampshire state director is a woman and Sanders' chief of staff in the Senate, Michaeleen Crowell, ... helps with some campaign duties like debate prep)." https://politi.co/1M4HteO
N.Y. POST cover, "HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN IN THE TOILET: Staff locked in loo, tweets for rescue," by Mara Siegler: "Jennifer Palmieri ... and a half dozen female co-workers somehow got themselves locked into a bathroom ... for nearly half an hour ... 'Trapped in the women's bathroom at Brooklyn HQ. Anyone handy with a credit card door unlock?' Palmieri tweeted."
--THE SAYINGS OF NICK MERRILL: "It was a crap situation they were in, that's for sure. Everyone was a little flushed, but emerged safely." https://bit.ly/1MYRir9 See the cover. https://bit.ly/1Xy78jU
WHAT BROOKLYN IS READING - Des Moines Register: "Editorial: House panel on Benghazi wasted millions": "There is a time to fish, and there is a time to cut bait." https://dmreg.co/1P0Y7hL
CHOOSE YOUR NEWS: L.A. Times A1, below fold, "Bush can outlast debates, drama, supporters say," by David Lauter, Seema Mehta and Noah Bierman ... Same story, online: "All the money in the world may not save Jeb Bush's campaign." https://lat.ms/1NcManT
DEBATE POSTGAME: "CNBC's Republican Debate Notches 14 Million Viewers," by Variety's Brian Steinberg: "[T]he debate was its most-watched night in network history ... snared an average of 3.9 million adults between 25 and 54 and an average of 3.4 million adults between 18 and 49." https://bit.ly/1PXt7hZ
--HOW IT'S PLAYING: N.Y. Times, top of col. 1, "COLLISION PATH FOR EX-PARTNERS RUBIO AND BUSH: AFTERMATH OF DEBATE -- Bruising Clash Alters Dynamic Between the Two Camps," by Jeremy Peters and Maggie Haberman https://nyti.ms/1Ocf5Kb ... WashPost 2-col. lead, "The GOP race has a new look: DUELS FOR OUTSIDER, MAINSTREAM VOTES -- Carson and Rubio challenge Trump and Bush," by Karen Tumulty and Jose DelReal https://wapo.st/1PUdZmx
ELIZABETH WILLIAMSON's first Times editorial, "Gov. Christie, Time to Go Home" : "This isn't strictly about Mr. Christie's fitness for the presidency. His role in New Jersey's budget crisis, betrayal on affordable housing and the interlocking scandals on his watch, from Bridgegate to 'the chairman's flight,' say a great deal about that. The point is that New Jersey is in trouble, and the governor is off pursuing a presidential run that's turned out to be nothing more than a vanity project. Mr. Christie's numbers are in the basement, and he's nearly out of campaign cash." https://nyti.ms/1WldzK4
TOP TWEET-- @Chris Christie: "@nytimes Can't read the article because I don't have a subscription, but I can tell you this - I am not going anywhere."
--Gawker's Jordan Sargent asks: "Which Ten Articles Did Chris Christie Read This Month?"
--Fundraising email by Maria Comella, Christie campaign chief messaging officer: "The New York Times is at it again. While pundits, outlets and voters have praised Christie's 'strong' and 'articulate' debate performance, The New York Times couldn't help being outdone by CNBC and show their true liberal bias."
JAMES CLAPPER, director of national intelligence, interview with CNN's Jim Sciutto : "We are expected to know that a decision has been made by a foreign head of state before he makes it. Putin's [a] case in point. I think he's very impulsive, very opportunistic. It's a debate but I personally question whether he has some long-term strategy." Video https://cnn.it/1NcUnIw
OUT AND ABOUT: D.C. glitterati gathered at Café Milano last night to watch CNN's new CNN's new Gloria Borger documentary "Bush v. Gore: The Endless Election: The Closest Race in Modern Political History," airing next Monday at 9 p.m. Sneak peek and preview https://cnn.it/1kfLceT
--SPOTTED: Ron Klain, Ben Ginsberg, Ted Olson, Andrea Mitchell, Ashley Parker, Michael Whouley, Mike Feldman, Brian Darling, Nick Baldick, Jeff Zucker, Allison Gollust, Sam Feist, Gloria Borger, Wolf Blitzer, Dana Bash, Bernard Shaw, Donna Brazile, Jeff Zeleny, Elise Labott, Roger Simon
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Dirk Kempthorne, former Secretary of the Interior, senator, governor, and current president and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers.
BIRTHDAYS : Andrea Mitchell (hat tip: The Chairman) ... Maggie Haberman (h/t Jesse Ferguson) ... Ivanka Trump is 34 ... former Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) ... Mitch Stewart, partner at 270 Strategies, former Battleground States Director on Obama 2012, crossing into the ripe old age of 40 (h/t Andrew Godinich) ... Twitter's Nu Wexler ... Rebecca Schieber, Carly Fiorina's body woman, is 23 (h/t Anna Epstein) ... Lauren Zelt, press secretary for Sen. Kelly Ayotte ... Capitol File's Laura Mullen ... ... David Beckwith ... former Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.) ... RNC senior adviser Jeff Larson, CEO for the 2016 National Convention ... David Krone (h/t Alyssa) ... Lizette Alvarez, Miami bureau chief of the New York Times, celebrating her 20th anniversary working for the paper this year (hubby tip: Don Van Natta) ...
... Politico's Christine Zdelar and Bill Mahoney ... AARP's Josh Rosenblum ... Alexandra Viers, producer at The Cipher Brief, a 2014 W&L Grad, and GWU-Asian Affairs Masters candidate, is 24 (h/t: her proud and impoverished father) ... Connor Brantley is 18 ... Jeremy Seth Gold is 4-0 ... James Richardson, managing director at Dentons ... Joe Sterling ... Brian Schildroth ... Justin Hage ... Think Progress's Ian Millhilser ... Lauren Callahan ... Sam Bilotta ... Evan Reese, son of Beth Frerking ... Nicholas Watson ...Christine Holbrook ... Michael Petricone of the Consumer Electronics Association ... actor Dick Gautier is 84 ... Henry "The Fonz" Winkler is 70 ... actor Matthew Morrison is 37 ... actor Tequan Richmond is 23 (h/ts AP)
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Educator (Teacher, College Prof, Administrator) at Public Education, Grant Writer, Short Term Consultant
9 年End those idiotic witch hunts called political debates. Let's have true debates in which one, perhaps two IMPORTANT topics are discussed. Each candidate given five minutes to make his or her point and three minutes to rebut any points made by other candidates. Set a timer and CUT OFF THE MIKES at the appointed time limit. The current fiasco's are just wide-ranging opportunities for sound bytes. Stop them.
Marketer, Communicator,Public Relations Professional,Independent Change Management Strategy Consultant ,Poet
9 年@ Mike Allen, I saw the Presidential debates on the CNN channel from Cairo, Egypt and I have some suggestions for some questions for you Americans to pose on your potential president that the White house would host as follows: 1- Why they want to go to the White house? can't they serve the country from anywhere else as we saw Bill Gates having his charity organization and helping so many people? 2- Why the white house was painted white not any other color? 3- Do you know what the 3 colors of the American flag stands for? 4- Do you know the distances between each state and another? and the total distances from the North to the South of the country? 5- Do you see any changes you would like to apply on your immigration laws? do you accept the lottery as criteria for choosing the potential USA citizens? 6- Do you know how many times your constitution was amended rather than changed? 7- Do you know who put your American constitution at which year? 8- Do you know that the Constitution was set just by being written without any " Law Scientific steps or studies"? 9- Do you know that according to the constitution , if the different states did not choose a candidate then that means the president is not a president for this state because you have different laws applied in each state? 10- Based on no. 9 , how can you attain the percentage of acceptance in all states for each and every candidate to prove that he or she is eligible to be the Next USA president? I know Iam a foreigner , but we all look at USA as the example and the world leader already , so allow me to ask...... Mona 31.10.2015
If You Want to Win, Help Others Win First
9 年After the good debating, both parties could reach the Win-win solution.??????