PLAYBOOK FACTS OF LIFE - Reality Check I: The establishment call to arms is failing badly. Most donors wimped out, just like they did during every other appeal over the past six months. Talk radio, CPAC and rallies lit up with Trump-ers threatening protests -- and more -- if they get muscled. The polls haven't moved. You can already see and hear a growing number of Trump-hating establishment types rationalizing a surrender. Talk of third party "conservative" challenge is fizzling (Romney and Ryan have made plain they will rant but not run).
And the numbers just won't tell lies : The establishment candidates still standing (Kasich, and Rubio) are one for 15, and are getting clobbered in delegates and votes by the outsiders (Trump and Cruz). Lost in dump-Trump mania: The clearest alternative based on results to date is CRUZ, who would be the most disliked conservative, anti-establishment nominee of my lifetime.
--THE N.Y. TIMES leads the paper with the 2-col. headline, "G.O.P. Pleas Draw Anger From Trump Supporters: Spurning Appeals by Romney and Others, They Vow to Stand by Their Man," by Michael Barbaro, Ashley Parker and Jonathan Martin https://nyti.ms/1nnofaS
By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX
REALITY CHECK II: Trump's only hope of winning a general is to jack up the white vote beyond anything we have seen in recent elections. Read this convincing Politico Magazine Friday cover by David Bernstein, Boston Magazine contributing editor, explaining why The Donald would need 70 percent of white dudes to win, "Trump Needs 7 of 10 White Guys: The changing face of America means he'll need a historic sweep." https://politi.co/1nnvyiJ
And study this short, fascinating NYT piece by Thomas Kaplan, "This is Trump Country," a tour of four communities where Trump dominated on Super Tuesday: poor, white places where most people no longer feel part of the diverse, tolerant - and, they would argue, soft -- America emerging around them. https://nyti.ms/1UHOUww
Happy Gridiron Saturday. 70 years ago today, per AP, "On March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill delivered his 'Iron Curtain' speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, in which he said: 'From Stettin in the Baltic, to Trieste in the Adriatic, an 'iron curtain' has descended across the continent, allowing police governments to rule Eastern Europe."
HILLARY BACK ON FOX: "Clinton has agreed to join ... Sanders ... for FOX News Channel's (FNC) Democratic Town Hall on Monday ... at 6PM, ... the night before the Michigan primary. Moderated by ... Bret Baier, the one-hour Special Report event will be presented live at the Gem Theatre in Detroit with an audience comprised of Michigan voters. This will mark Clinton's first appearance on FNC in two years ... Clinton previously appeared ... in 2014 during her book tour in a joint interview with Baier and Greta Van Susteren."
DRIVING THE DAY - "Bernie's bounce-back weekend: The Vermont senator could win three of the four states voting this weekend, which would give him some desperately needed momentum," by Daniel Strauss: "Three of the four states voting this weekend are in the Sanders sweet spot: Kansas, Maine, and Nebraska are caucus states with largely white populations. The one state where Sanders figures to perform poorly is Louisiana - which holds a primary election where African-Americans will cast roughly half the vote." https://politi.co/1prDz7P
--"CNN'S SUPER SATURDAY COVERAGE ... Live from the CNN Election Center in Washington, Dana Bash, Wolf Blitzer and Chris Cuomo will lead ... coverage ... from 3:00pm-11:00pmET. John King will report throughout the night from the DC Magic Wall."
TATTLING ON TRUMP - "Trump broke Fox News' debate rules," by Dylan Byers: "Trump consulted with his campaign manager during the first commercial break at Thursday night's Republican debate, violating ground rules from Fox News stating that candidates would not be allowed to have contact with their campaigns, rival campaign sources [said] ... At multiple debates, Trump has consulted with his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski backstage even though it was expressly forbidden by the networks. Thursday night's debate in Detroit marked a new extreme, ... as Lewandowski went directly onto the stage ...
"As in previous debates, Fox News had explicitly informed the campaigns that candidates were not allowed to communicate with their campaign staff during commercial breaks, the sources said. When Lewandowski was asked by Fox News staff to leave the stage, he refused to do so, according to a source at Fox News. ... Unable to get Lewandowski off the stage, Fox News representatives informed the other three campaigns that, because the Trump campaign had broken the rules, they too could consult with their candidates." https://cnnmon.ie/21Nf06L
CLICK DU JOUR: Snapchat filter from Our Principles PAC, geotargeted at CPAC: "i got a BS DEGREE from Trump University" https://bit.ly/1nnqYkE
TRAIL TALES - Cover of N.Y. Times Sunday Styles, "The Kids on the Bus ... Millennial Reporters Grab the Campaign-Trail Spotlight," by Sridhar Pappu: "When the last presidential race was in its early stages, Katie Glueck was a senior at Northwestern University. Now covering the Ted Cruz campaign for Politico, Ms. Glueck, 26, belongs to a select group of millennial reporters who have a front-row seat to the greatest political show on earth. ... The energy required to maintain a constant online presence is just part of the challenge.
"To write or broadcast anything connected with politics in 2016 is to be exposed to instant backlash. Even a deeply reported and elegantly written campaign story is likely to draw malicious attack. This is especially true of female reporters, who often find themselves the target of misogynist online abuse. But an advantage of growing up with social media is the ability to withstand the torrent."
--PICS: "Abby Phillip, 27, a reporter for The Washington Post, interviews a Hillary Clinton supporter ... Katie Glueck, 26, a reporter for Politico, in South Carolina on the evening of its Republican presidential primary ... Rosie Gray, 26, who covers the campaign for BuzzFeed ... Zeke J. Miller, 26, covers politics for Time." https://nyti.ms/1LZYHXC
** A Message from Nuclear Matters: Providing more than 62% of America's carbon-free electricity, existing, state-of-the-art nuclear energy plants play a vital role in achieving our clean-energy and carbon-reduction goals. The industry also supports more than 475,000 jobs nationally and provides critical tax revenue locally for roads, schools and other public priorities. Learn more at NuclearMatters.com. **
PLAYBOOK IN-BOX -- Taylor S. Gross, partner in The Herald Group, and Bush 43 alumnus, on the passing of Pat Conroy, "Prince of Tide" author, last evening at 70, at home in Beaufort, S.C., of pancreatic cancer: "He was a great man and a wonderful friend (Pat was Godfather to my roommate at Citadel). While he chided me for working for all of these 'wretched Republicans,' he was still the first call I received at the WH after 9/11 to see how I was and make sure I was hanging in there. Like me, Pat was a proud 'Senior Private,' walked his fair share of tours (punishments at The Citadel) -- and was one of the greats in literature and life."
WELCOME TO THE WORLD - New Yorker staff writer Evan Osnos and Sarabeth Berman of Teach for All email friends and family: "Introducing Oliver Lionel William Osnos -- already known as Ollie -- born at 2 pm [Friday] in Washington DC! He weighs 6 lbs 11 oz. He was almost three weeks early, but he took his sweet time on the final lap. Sarabeth is a certified, gen-u-ine hero; she and Ollie are both doing great. He has a middle name from his late cousin Will McCurdy, whom he would've loved, and another from the Lionels in his family, including his dad, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather." Pic https://bit.ly/1QrJYZC
TOP TWEETS -- @GlennThrush: "One of the greatest staffing decisions of all time: Who plays Trump in Hillary's debate prep?" ... @rupertmurdoch on his (fourth) wedding day: "No more tweets for ten days or ever! Feel like the luckiest AND happiest man in world."
JEFF NUSSBAUM, of West Wing Writers, in tomorrow's WashPost Outlook, "Voters like pols who can laugh at themselves. Why can't these candidates pull it off?": "One not-yet-published analysis of humor from four of the candidates ... showed that Rubio and Clinton engage more often in self-deprecating humor. Sanders and Trump were the least likely ... Sanders ... struggles not to seem relatable but to seem like a plausible president, and self-deprecation doesn't help ... Trump was vastly more likely to engage in 'other-deprecating humor' - in nine interviews, he made 18 jokes at someone else's expense." https://wapo.st/1OVntbp
TRAILER OF THE DAY - "Kerry Washington Vows to 'Tell the Truth' as Anita Hill in HBO's 'Confirmation'" https://bit.ly/21KHIFn
THANKS, OBAMA? AP for Sunday papers, "Seeds of GOP splinter in opposition to all things Obama," by Donna Cassata, with Alan Fram, Matthew Daly and Mary Clare Jalonick: "Obama's policies, from the ambitious 2010 law overhauling the health care system to moving unilaterally on immigration, roiled conservatives who decried his activist agenda and argued about constitutional overreach. ... Republicans rode that anger to majority control of the House in 2010 ... Four years later, the GOP claimed the Senate, too. ... Now the party of Abraham Lincoln is engaged in a civil war." https://apne.ws/1U1D7Zl
PRESIDENT TRUMP: New Playbook section on how he'd handle the White House -- WSJ A1, at fold, "Trump Shifts His Position on Torture," by Damian Paletta and Nick Timiraos (online: "Trump Reverses His Stance on Torture ... had faced criticism from military and legal experts"): "Trump said ... he wouldn't order the U.S. military to break international laws ... The clarification was one of two Mr. Trump made after Thursday night's ... debate.
"The second concerned his position on visas for highly skilled immigrants. He appeared in the debate to strike a new position favoring them, but after the debate said he still opposed a visa program that many businesses use to bring in those workers." https://on.wsj.com/1TWpCvj
--"Behind Trump's CPAC deal gone bad: He spent big to cultivate the conservative group, only to walk away after a dispute over a Q&A session," by Ken Vogel in National Harbor, Md.: "Amid criticism of the relationship with CPAC's organizers, Trump also bristled at their insistence that he answer questions from a journalist of their choosing onstage after his speech ... 'They refused to accept the terms and they asked us to change the terms to allow him to give longer remarks,' said [ACU chairman] Matt Schlapp." https://politi.co/1OVEcLv
AIR WAR -- L.A. Times 2-col. lead, "Conservative 'dark money' groups go after GOP hopefuls: The secretly funded nonprofits used to target just Democrats," by Joe Tanfani (online: "How those Trump University attack ads are part of a new phase in campaign spending"): "Ads featuring people who say they were scammed by Donald Trump's real estate school have drawn an angry counterattack from the Trump campaign ... The ads were paid for by the American Future Fund, a political group in Iowa that does not disclose its donors. Trump blamed the new ads on an 'unlawfully coordinated' effort with Rubio ...
"[Rubio's] Joe Pounder ... did not address the charges directly, but said ... 'Donald Trump just lies to cover up the con.' American Future Fund's founder, Iowa political operative Nick Ryan, did not return calls and emails seeking comment. Neither did Sandra Greiner, a former Republican state senator from Iowa who is now the group's president." https://lat.ms/24I1wYY
MOOD MUSIC - WSJ 5-col. lead, "Job Gains Ease Recession Worry: U.S. employers add 242,000 positions, but wages decline slightly; March rate hike unlikely," by Jeffrey Sparshott (online: "U.S. Employers Look Past Global Tumult Strong hiring diminishes slack, but wages remain soft"): "Discouraged workers are coming off the sidelines and labor-market slack is diminishing, but not enough to really start boosting wages." https://on.wsj.com/1X26KsS
TOP TALKER - L.A. Times A1, below fold, "Knife rekindles speculation over Simpson case: Weapon said to be from his property is turned in by ex-cop," by Joe Serna, Richard Winton and Sarah Parvini (online: "Knife reportedly found at O.J. Simpson's former Brentwood estate is being tested by LAPD"): "22 years after the killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, a retired police officer has handed over a knife given to him by a construction worker who helped raze Simpson's mansion in 1998." https://lat.ms/1VYk9Ss
--"Knife find 'a joke' says man who demolished O.J. Simpson's former home," by LAT's Joe Serna https://lat.ms/1L8bahf
PLAYBOOK TRAVEL SECTION - "Why your hotel room might come without a closet or a desk," by AP's Scott Mayerowitz : "Hotels are going for a new minimalist look to attract younger guests, but the move has left some experienced travelers angry ... [C]arpets are being replaced by easy-to-clean laminate floors. Tubs are being ripped out in favor of glass showers. And instead of working at a desk, guests are increasingly expected to use glorified window sills or oversized TV trays. ... [H]otels are hoping to nudge guests to bring their laptops to the lobby, where they might buy a glass of wine while typing away." https://apne.ws/1X01Nkj
SPOTTED: Larry King yesterday at breakfast in Miami Beach -- pic https://bit.ly/1TeYOX8 ... Kathleen Sebeliuswalking near Dupont Circle last night ... Steve Case at the Caps game last night ... Sens. McCain and Flake, former Sen. Jon Kyl and AZ Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick, Paul Gosar, Trent Franks and Kyrsten Sinema yesterday all on American Airlines Flight 563 from Reagan to Phoenix.
--SEND YOUR SPOTTINGS to [email protected]
CLICKERS - "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics," edited by Matt Wuerker - 11 keepers https://politi.co/1SnBw04 ... "Cartoonists Take on Bernie Sanders: Politico's Matt Wuerker chooses his favorite cartoons singed by the Bern." -- 15 keepers https://politi.co/24FEhi2
GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
--"The Plot to Take Down a Fox News Analyst," by Alex French in tomorrow's N.Y. Times Magazine: "For years, Wayne Simmons claimed to be a former C.I.A. operative. Then one ex-spook got suspicious." https://nyti.ms/1RsR39V (h/t Longform.org)
--"The Bidding War," by Matthieu Aikins in The New Yorker: "How a young Afghan military contractor became spectacularly rich." https://bit.ly/1TJxhvy
--TODD PURDUM in Vanity Fair, "St. Paul's Before and After the Owen Labrie Rape Trial": "There are two very different accounts of what happened the evening of May 30, 2014, at the elite prep school between 18-year-old scholar-athlete Owen Labrie and a 15-year-old freshman girl. ... Alumnus Todd S. Purdum investigates his alma mater." https://bit.ly/1TYW7rg
--"Trumping Liberty," by J.C. Derrick in the World Magazine: "Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. has embarked on a mission to elect Donald Trump. How will a polarizing political endorsement affect a top evangelical school?" https://bit.ly/1QSc6Cg
--"This Lawyer is Hollywood's Complete Divorce Solution," by Bloomberg Businessweek's Claire Suddath: "No one separates the rich and famous better than Laura Wasser." https://bloom.bg/1nl4r7P (h/t Longreads.com)
--"Wanna Be Startin' Somethin': A History of the Windows Start Menu," by Tom Warren in The Verge:"Microsoft's most identifiable product has had 20 years of ups and downs." https://bit.ly/1VW9ebV
--"The Daily Telegraph through the eyes of its readers," by Christopher Howse:
"As The Daily Telegraph publishes its 50,000th edition, we look back at the vivid snapshots of history detailed in readers' letters to the Editor". https://bit.ly/1SnBJQZ
--"Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?" by Edward Jay Epstein in the Feb. 1982 issue of The Atlantic:"An unruly market may undo the work of a giant cartel and of an inspired, decades-long ad campaign." https://theatln.tc/1Tv5j8D
--"Naughty words," by Rebecca Roache in Aeon Magazine: "What makes swear words so offensive? It's not their meaning or even their sound. Is language itself a red herring here?" https://bit.ly/21NIJsH (h/t ALDaily.com)
--"Why the literati love Muhammad Ali," by FT's Janan Ganesh: "A new exhibition showcases the boxer's hero status. But it's his less saintly side that is a magnet for literary big-hitters". https://on.ft.com/1Tw3PuL
THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK AHEAD: "On Monday, the President will host a meeting at the White House with financial regulators to receive an update on their progress in implementing Wall Street Reform. Eight years after the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the participants will discuss efforts to continue to implement the strongest consumer financial protections in history that have afforded millions of hard-working Americans new protections from the kinds of abusive practices that predated the crisis. They will also update the President on their work to make our financial system safer and stronger, as well as to prevent the kinds of recklessness on Wall Street that we saw lead to devastation on Main Street. ...
"On Thursday, the President and the First Lady will welcome The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister of Canada, and Mrs. Sophie Grégoire Trudeau to the White House for an Official Visit with a State Dinner. ... On Friday, the President will travel to Austin, Texas to participate in South by Southwest Interactive. The President will sit down with Editor in Chief of The Texas Tribune Evan Smith for a conversation about civic engagement in the 21st Century before an audience of creators, early adopters and entrepreneurs who are defining the future of our connected lives.
"The President will call on the audience to apply their ideas and talents to make technology work for us - especially when it comes to tackling big challenges like increasing participation in the political process and fighting climate change. In the lead-up to the event, The Texas Tribune will also source questions for the discussion from its online audience. Afterwards, the President will attend DNC events. He will then travel to Dallas, Texas where he will remain overnight. On Saturday, the President will attend a DNC and DSCC event before returning to Washington."
THE V.P.'s WEEKEND: This "afternoon, the Vice President and Dr. Biden will depart Wilmington, Delaware en route Washington ... In the evening, the Vice President will deliver remarks at the Gridiron Dinner at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington ... Dr. Biden will also attend. ... Afterwards, the Vice President and Dr. Biden will depart Washington, DC en route Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates."
BIRTHDAYS : MJ Lee, a politics and finance reporter for CNN Politics and CNNMoney (hat tip: D.J.) ... Ellie Schafer, special assistant to the President for management and administration, director of the White House Visitors office, and producer of the Easter Egg Roll (Tam Cam tip: Tammy Haddad) ... Christian Elliot is 4-0 (h/t Deckard) ... Chad Pergram, who covers Congress for Fox ... GOP admaker Fred Davis, chairman of Strategic Perception based in Hollywood ... Mike Kruger, deputy director of public affairs and director of digital engagement at Commerce, is 40, celebrating serving the American people for 5 plus years (h/t Beneva Schulte) ... Will Spicer is 5, celebrating with a Star Wars themed party and moon bounce (h/t Dad, Sean) ... April Mellody, Democratic National Convention's deputy CEO for communications (h/t the convention comms team) ...
... Stephen Goepfert, special assistant to Steve Ricchetti, the VP's chief of staff, celebrating with a group of new friends (h/t Josh Alcorn) ... Matt Dorf, president and founder of West End Strategy Team, an AJC and Dean campaign alum (h/t Alexandra De Luca) ... Alan Miller, president/CEO and founder of The News Literacy Project and an LAT alum ... Brian Bolduc, Speaker Ryan's director of speechwriting ... John O'Brien, VP of public policy at CareFirst and a CMS alum ... Jyoti Jasrasaria ... Lauren Kidwell, partner at 270 Strategies and an OFA and Obama alum ...
... Jordan Fabian, White House correspondent at The Hill and former Fusion politics editor ... Sharon Block ... Daniel Schwarz, comms. director for Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) (h/t Stephan Miller) ... Colleen Evans, regional director of public relations at Marriott International ... SiriusXM's Tony Cincotta ... Jimmy Kimmel Live co-head writer Molly McNearney ... Joyce Wise Dodd ... John Schachter of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids ... Elliot Gault, statewide recruitment director for the Kelly Ayotte campaign ... Erick Mullen, managing director at Mercury and a Schumer alum ...
... Erick Mullen , a Schumer alum, managing director at Mercury and fresh off the campaign trail from helping Hillary in South Carolina, celebrating with Kelly and the family (h/ts Vince and Haber) ... foreign correspondent and veteran war reporter Roy Gutman is 72 ... Suzie Flannery ... Molly Reilly ... Jon Loritz, the pride of Valders, Wisc. (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Bush 43 HHS alum Deanna Carlson Stacy, now principal at DCS Consulting ... Alan Clark (Dire Straits) is 64 .. magician Penn Jillette is 61 ... Sterling Knight is 27 ... actor Jake Lloyd is 27 (h/ts AP)
THE SHOWS, from @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:
--NBC's "Meet the Press" : Mitt Romney; Lindsey Graham; Kevin Spacey; New NBC News / Wall Street Journal / Marist polling from Michigan; roundtable: David Brooks, Stephen Henderson, Mary Matalin and Kelly O'Donnell
--ABC's "This Week": John Kasich; Bernie Sanders; Reince Priebus; live report from ABC News' Martha Raddatz on the USS Harry S. Truman in the Persian Gulf; roundtable: Matthew Dowd, Van Jones, Ana Navarro and Cokie Roberts
--CBS's "Face the Nation": Ted Cruz; Reince Priebus; roundtable: Molly Ball, Michael Gerson, Ezra Klein and Ed O'Keefe; new results from the CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker poll with CBS News' Anthony Salvanto
--CNN's "State of the Union" (9am ET / 12pm ET): Marco Rubio; Mitt Romney (interviewed by CNN's Gloria Borger); Bernie Sanders; roundtable: Hugh Hewitt, Joaquin Castro, Sally Kohn and Hogan Gidley (substitute anchor: CNN's Dana Bash)
--"Fox News Sunday": Rush Limbaugh; Mitt Romney; roundtable: George Will, Julie Pace, Mike DuHaime and Charles Lane
--Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" (10am ET / 9am CT): Newt Gingrich; John Kasich; Darrell Issa; Investor's Business Daily senior editor and editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez; roundtable: Steve Moore, Ed Rollins and Judith Miller
--CNN's "Reliable Sources" : (SUN 11am ET): Don Lemon; David Gregory; Mark Preston; Rebecca Berg; The Daily Telegraph's Ruth Sherlock; Breitbart's Alex Marlow; Michigan ACLU's Curt Guyette and The Flint Journal's Ronald Fonger; Paul Frahi; Poynter's Kelly McBride
--Fox News' "MediaBuzz" (11am ET / 10am CT): Heidi Przybyla; Gayle Trotter; Mara Liasson; Mike Murphy; Chris Wallace; tech analyst Shana Glenzer
--CNN's "Inside Politics" with John King (SUN 8am ET): Roundtable: Mary Katharine Ham, Ashley Parker, Manu Raju and Jeff Zeleny
--CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" : (SUN 10am ET / 1pm ET): Paul Krugman and Bret Stephens; Thomas Erdbrink and Vali Nasr; the University of California's Jennifer Doudna
--Univision's "Al Punto" (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) Jorge Casta?eda; actor Eugenio Derbez; roundtable: Lincoln Díaz-Balart and Fabian Nú?ez; author Francisco Martin Moreno; singer and actor Raphael
--C-SPAN: "The Communicators" (SAT 6:30pm ET): Ed Markey and Jack Fields ... "Newsmakers" (SUN 10am ET): Patrick Leahy, questioned by NYT's David Herszenhorn and Politico's John Bresnahan ... "Q&A" (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Author and The Atlantic's Robert Kaplan ("In Europe's Shadow: Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey through Romania and Beyond")
--MSNBC's "PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton": (SUN 8-9am ET): Eric Schneiderman; Brenda Lawrence; Michael Steele; Rich Galen; Maria Teresa Kumar; NYT's Yamiche Alcindor
--SUNDAY LINEUP ... MSNBC's "The Place for Politics": 9 to 10 a.m.: Democratic strategist Karine Jean-Pierre; Elise Jordan (hosted by MSNBC's Joy Reid in Detroit) ... 10 to 11 a.m.: Debbie Dingell; Victoria DeFrancesco Soto (hosted by MSNBC's Thomas Roberts from Pensacola, Fla.)... 11 a.m. to noon: Elise Jordan; Democratic strategist Karine Jean-Pierre; former Karl Rove aide and former Bush 41 spokesman Gian-Carlo Peressutti; Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles executive director Alfonso Aguilar (hosted by MSNBC's Joy Reid in Detroit) ...
... noon to 2 p.m.: Daily Beast's Olivia Nuzzi; NYT's Jeremy Peters; Dan Kildee; Howard Dean; author Timothy O'Brien ("Trump Nation: The Art of Being Donald"); NYT's Nicholas Confessore; Mashable's Juana Summers; Burning Glass Consulting's Katie Packer; former Bush-Cheney senior advisor and Bipartisan Policy Center VP Robert Traynham (hosted by MSNBC's Alex Witt in New York)
--PBS's "To the Contrary" with Bonnie Erbé: Women World Leaders
--SiriusXM's "No Labels Radio" (SAT 10am ET & 6pm ET, SUN 1PM ET): Host Jon Huntsman, with co-hosts No Labels co-founder Stuart Holliday and Abby Huntsman, will discuss the Republican Party and the prospects of a fractured RNC convention. On-air guests include new No Labels co-chairman Evan Bayh on his No Labels leadership and thoughts on the 2016 election, as well as Politico's Scott Bland on Super Tuesday results. Available for download at https://www.nolabels.org
--Sinclair's "Full Measure" with Sharyl Attkisson (SUN 9:30am ET on WJLA and airing on Sinclair stations nationwide): Report on who controls the two thousand mile border between the U.S. and Mexico; correspondent Scott Thuman reports on some tiny islands in the South China Sea that are creating a clash point between the U.S. and China, and an arms race in the region.
** A Message from Nuclear Matters: Some of America's existing nuclear energy plants face early closure due to current economic and policy conditions. Providing more than 62% of America's carbon-free electricity, existing, state-of-the-art nuclear energy plants play a vital role in achieving our clean-energy and carbon-reduction goals. The industry also supports more than 475,000 jobs nationally and provides critical tax revenue locally for roads, schools and other public priorities.
If we want to keep America working, we need policymakers to support policies that will keep safe and reliable nuclear energy plants working for all of us. Voice your support for sensible policies that drive our national economy and join us at NuclearMatters.com. **
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1 年It ain’t your daddy’s republicans stop being an Republican Trumper
More cut and paste random drivel, please stop!
Technical Expert @ Apple | Apple Certified Mac Technician
8 年My number one gauge for a fellow human being is how thoughtful are they? Can you say this about any candidate? Then vote for them, they will do the right thing for others.