POLITICO Playbook: POLITICO announces goal to triple size of company + David Brooks on DC careerism

POLITICO Playbook: POLITICO announces goal to triple size of company + David Brooks on DC careerism

By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]), and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])

PLAYBOOK EMAIL SIGN-UP: https://www.politico.com/playbook-signup 

FIRST LOOK: Hillary for America posts 100-sec. supercut of last week's debut campaign swing in Iowa https://bit.ly/1F4UB0p

--A Clinton aide previews her N.H. stops today and tomorrow"The ... events will be similar in structure as those in Iowa - allowing Hillary to interact directly with voters, ask questions, answer questions ... This trip will highlight the key role of small businesses, especially entrepreneurship ... While she is in this 'ramp up' phase of her campaign, she will continue to talk about the challenges she sees and the reasons she's getting into this fight, but she will largely use this time to get the input of everyday Americans."

HOT IN HILLARYLAND - "Quiet, please. Hillary's running: The Clinton campaign's new mantra: Keep Hillary calm, so she can carry on," by Glenn Thrush: "Clinton's people were keen to emphasize the sense of whimsy and improvisation of the 1,000-mile, burrito-fueled ride from Chappaqua to Iowa in Hillary's 'Scooby Van,' but it was the culmination of a carefully reconstructed media and messaging strategy that was months - if not years - in the making. ... At the core is a different, less emotional way of looking at the press. Reporters, in the eyes of Clinton's new communications staff (made up of ex-Obamians and ex-Schumerians with a smattering of chronic Clinton types) are congenitally hostile - but they aren't necessarily bad people ... They were born this way." https://politi.co/1J1gkZf

--"Flip-flop or not: Hillary Clinton's 8-year political evolution," by CNN's Jeff Zeleny and Dan Merica: "Clinton has clarified ... where she stands on a few touchstone issues of the Democratic Party like gay marriage and immigration. Far more complicated is her view on trade, where she's now taking a cautious approach on a sweeping Pacific trade agreement that she fully supported as secretary of state." https://cnn.it/1D4olWm

--"Conservative Super PAC targets anti-Clinton online video to Concord, Keene areas," by WMUR's John DiStaso: "America Rising ... is bringing to the Granite State the narrowly targeted digital ad campaign it launched in Iowa last week." https://bit.ly/1G9ytk6

--NYT A13, "New Book, 'Clinton Cash,' Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation," by Amy Chozick: "The book does not hit shelves until May 5, but already the Republican Rand Paul has called its findings 'big news' ... 'Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,' by Peter Schweizer [is] a 186-page investigation of donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities ... The book ... asserts that foreign entities who made payments to the Clinton Foundation and to Mr. Clinton through high speaking fees received favors from Mrs. Clinton's State Department in return." https://nyti.ms/1HmU4XK$20.51 pre-order on Amazonhttps://amzn.to/1JYq3gN

--"Clinton Schedules First Fundraisers," by BuzzFeed's Ruby Cramer: "There will be one event on April 28 in New York City, and one on April 30 in Washington ... Clinton will avoid large, banquet-style fundraisers to start." https://bzfd.it/1OwBeOz

SHOCK QUOTE -- Ted Cruz, speaking at a N.H. hunting club Sunday, via James Hohmann: "I've told my six-year-old daughter, 'Running for office is real simple: you just surgically disconnect your shame sensor.' Because you spend every day asking people for money. You walk up and say, 'How are you doing, sir? Can I have money? Great to see you, lovely shirt, please give me money.' That's what running for office is like." https://politi.co/1DZSMRv

POLITICO launches in Europe at 6 p.m. ET, with more than 30 journalists in Brussels, plus bureaus in London, Paris and Berlin -- Politico President and CEO Jim VandeHei and Editor-in-Chief John Harris email the global staff: "The Europe launch-a joint venture with our Axel Springer partner-- gives us a way to talk about [our ambitious growth plan] in concrete terms. ... You have heard us ... describe our mission of being the dominant politics and policy news organization in Washington. ... [T]his mantra has changed. Our aim is to be the dominant publication covering politics and policy for an elite audience in Washington, the states, and around the world.

Robert Allbritton, our publisher, has given us a very concrete way of measuring progress. He has challenged us to triple the size of the company over the next four years. ... Given that we are already a company approaching 475 editorial, business and technology professionals, this is a helluva challenge Robert has given us. ... [W]e will get there ... by producing more quality journalism in more places - in Washington, in states and around the globe - on more subjects. ...

"We'd urge you all to read a terrific speech [POLITICO Editor] Susan Glasser delivered to an editors group last week demolishing the oft-heard notion that some things we value - scoops and speed - are somehow at odds with other things we value - careful editing and deep enterprise reporting. The reality is that they complement each other in indispensable ways." Full text of Jim and John https://bit.ly/1DCSsqh ... Susan's speech https://bit.ly/1zzvtbZ

OVERHEARD - Jim VandeHei, in the Brussels newsroom on launch morning, to reporter Zoya Sheftalovich, already nicknamed "Scoop": "You broken any news today?"

--FLASHBACK - 8 years ago - VandeHei, in the Rosslyn newsroom, to John Bresnahan (NOT nicknamed "Scoop"): "You broken any news today?"

DAVID BROOKS, out with "The Road to Character" (Random House), talks with Playbook at the Firehook Bakery near the N.Y. Times Washington bureau: "I do all my meetings here. And if you sit here on an average day and listen to everything around, what you hear is one career strategy coffee after another. People are having coffee and they're doing career strategy ... [T]here will be dozens of them. You will sit here for hours and probably hear them all -- and I don't blame them. I've done that with people, and I'll meet young people here and we'll talk it through. But it's like we're so subsumed in that. You'll never hear a discussion, you know, 'How's your soul?' 'How are you feeling spiritually? Or, 'Emotionally, how are you?'

"Probably that's Washington -- I think we're, like, the most emotionally avoidant place on the face of the earth. One thing that's different is the levels of ego -- thinking highly of yourself. I write in the book a lot about narcissism. There are some countries where the levels of narcissism are higher than others, and we have these tests to measure. In the global comparisons, we're number 1. ... The countries where there's more humility and self-effacement, they tend to be Asian. Humility is a higher virtue in Asian cultures."

--BROOKS, on his students at Yale: "For 20 percent of my kids, the parents love them and want to hone them towards success and shape them and, 'Here's what you do. We're going to help you, we're going to drive you.' And when the kid does what the parent wants and things lead to success, the beam of love shines bright on the kid. When the kid tries to do something the parents don't approve of, the beam of love gets dimmer. And so, for a number of my students, they're plagued by conditional love, and if they take a job their parents don't want, do a major their parents don't want, the love is withdrawn.

"They live thinking they only deserve love if they're doing what their parents want, and they are terrified that they're going to lose their parental love and that just churns them up inside and they live in fear. So I think we have an epidemic of conditional love. The first thing I'd say to parents is watch for that tendency in yourself -- because you're pressuring your kid, you want them to do well. But you've got to love them unstintingly, no matter what." $15.96 on Amazon https://amzn.to/1D4Qyen

--HAPPENING TONIGHTThe Trinity Forum hosts Brooks at an "Evening Conversation" at the National Press Club from 6:30 to 8:30, with remarks by Michael Gerson. Trinity Forum president Cherie Harder: "Brooks shows us that it's how we want to be remembered, rather than what is on our résumé, that truly matters." Register here:https://bit.ly/1FZtfoA

** A message from Americans for Fair Skies: The U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Transportation are taking concerns about Persian Gulf airline subsidies "seriously" and have opened a docket for information on three state-owned airlines that are being improperly subsidized by their governments, violating the Open Skies agreements they signed with the U.S. Learn more at https://bit.ly/1GT9sJG. **

HEADLINE HISTORY - N.Y. Times, 20 years ago today - April 20, 1995 - 3-line banner: "AT LEAST 31 ARE DEAD, SCORES ARE MISSING AFTER CAR BOMB ATTACK IN OKLAHOMA CITY WRECKS 9-STORY FEDERAL OFFICE BUILDING: 12 Victims Were Children in 2d-Floor Day-Care Center." See the page. https://nyti.ms/1F5bisr

ZEITGEIST - USA Today 1A, below fold, "No turning back on gay marriage: In poll, majority say it's no longer practical for court to ban unions," by Susan Page: "In ... USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll, ... 51%-35% [say] that it's no longer practical for the Supreme Court to ban same-sex marriages because so many states have legalized them. ... Close to half say they have a gay or lesbian family member or close friend who is married to someone of the same sex." https://usat.ly/1DrZJWS

WHAT N.H. IS READING - Union Leader teases on A1 : "Clinton in NH today: In Your Turn, Fergus Cullen says the Democrat's visits to the Granite State go back to 1968, when as a college student she volunteered for Gene McCarthy's campaign ... Warm Walker welcome: 'We'll be back here many more times,' Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told an audience in Derry on Sunday, capping off a weekend in the ... state."

MIKE BARNICLE in The Daily Beast, from Nashua, "The GOP Clown Show's Alternate Reality in New Hampshire" : "Heroin overdose has stalked the region around parts of New Hampshire and Vermont. [Yet a]ll the politicians gathered at the Crowne Plaza Hotel for the First-in-the-Nation Republican Leadership Summit came prepared to discuss how lethal, how dangerous, ISIS was but there was no mention of the life-destroying availability of a drug that has flooded parts of the nation they seek to lead." https://thebea.st/1JXH3DT

BYRON YORK, "After NH confab: Rubio rising, Walker steady, Bush plodding, Christie returning from dead":"1) Rubio is clearly enjoying a moment. He is relaxed and funny in front of crowds, flying high after a well-received campaign announcement. ... 2) Walker is steadier on his feet. ... 3) Christie is poised to re-emerge after a number of early death pronouncements. ... 4) Bush is a solid candidate running a solid campaign, but he is still stuck explaining why he is his own man and why another Bush should be running for president. ... 5) Ted Cruz is still Ted Cruz." https://washex.am/1Q7YPZn

TRAIL MIX --"Immigration continues to challenge Rubio," by Tampa Bay Times' Alex Leary: "Rubio had a very good week, capped off with a visit to New Hampshire in which he put in strong performances and generated significant news coverage. But the immigration issue continues to pose challenges. ... [O]n Face The Nation Rubio wouldn't say whether he'd stand by the legislation. Host Bob Schieffer asked, 'If you became president, would you sign the bill that you put together into law?' Rubio replied, 'Well, that's a hypothetical that will never happen.'" https://bit.ly/1DrIhSc

--Miami Herald 1A, "Signs of strain show between Bush, Rubio," by Patricia Mazzei in Nashua, N.H.: "They hey live about three miles apart, Rubio in West Miami and Bush in Coral Gables. ... Despite the cordial, all-is-well remarks, there are ... subtle signs of strain. ... [M]aybe Bush and Rubio are, for now, just 'frenemies.'" https://hrld.us/1F5xYsB

--ALICE STEWART, longtime Mike Huckabee aide, is running in her fifth Boston Marathon today, wearing a "Huckabee" shirt.

TRAILERS OF THE DAY - "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice," in theatres next March https://bit.ly/1HkoOsB... "Dr. Doom Finally Shows His Face in the New Fantastic Four Trailer" https://slate.me/1F4TcH9

NPR's political SUNDAY PUZZLE - "Take the first names of two politicians in the news. Switch the first letters of their names and read the result backward to name something that each of these politicians is not." https://n.pr/1HJVY5k

PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION - WashPost 1-col. lead, "Census: Growth slows in region: VA. SUBURBS ILLUSTRATE TREND - Changes evident in job market," by Antonio Olivo: "After decades of expansion, new census numbers show that population growth in the Washington region has slowed dramatically, with Fairfax County, Arlington County and Alexandria seeing more people move out ... than move in." https://wapo.st/1DZUwKB

FUTURE SHOCK -- "5 years after BP spill, drillers push into riskier depths," by AP's Cain Burdeau, on the Gulf of Mexico: "[T]he industry is working on drilling even further ... beneath the Gulf of Mexico to tap massive deposits once thought unreachable. [T]his... requires engineering feats far beyond those used at BP's much shallower Macondo well. But critics say energy companies haven't developed the corresponding safety measures to prevent another disaster or contain one if it happens - a sign, environmentalists say, that the lessons of BP's spill were short-lived." https://bit.ly/1aJkDcM

JAKE TAPPER, "FBI agent testifies in Paula Broadwell cyberstalking case": "The FBI special agent who brought the David Petraeus-Paula Broadwell cyberstalking case to the attention of law enforcement recently testified that the FBI handled the case under political pressure because of the 2012 presidential election, 'marginalizing' and making crude insinuations about the victim in the case, Jill Kelley, whom they cast as 'some femme fatale.' In the redacted March 20 deposition ... Special Agent Frederick W. Humphries II claimed ... he 'was told by supervisors that' the 2012 presidential election 'would explain the potential reason why there was so much interference' in the case 'from headquarters, that nobody wanted this case during an election cycle.'" https://cnn.it/1DZTezc

WHAT WALL STREET IS READING - WSJ C1, "A New Fund May Be Corzine's Comeback," by Julie Steinberg and Rob Copeland: "Jon S. Corzine, the embattled former MF Global Holdings Ltd. chief executive and ex-chairman of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., has discussed plans to start his own hedge fund in recent months ... The fund would start with cash from Mr. Corzine's personal wealth and a handful of outside investors. ... Corzine most likely wouldn't be able to launch a fund until legal proceedings against him over MF Global have been resolved." https://on.wsj.com/1DrGtZF

WHAT SILICON VALLEY IS REAIDNG - NYT B1, "Changing Strategy, Apple Promotes Its New Watch as a Luxury Item," by Brian X. Chen: "The company is selling the Apple Watch, which goes on sale on Friday, in just nine countries and exclusively through its own channels, not through third-party retailers like Best Buy." https://nyti.ms/1Q7Z46E

DATA DU JOUR: "More British Muslim men have joined ISIS and the Nusra Front than are serving in the British armed forces." -N.Y. Times Magazine cover story, "Her Majesty's Jihadists," by Mary Anne Weaver: https://nyti.ms/1zzQDGR

SPORTS BLINK -- "Eagles to sign Tebow in latest move of frenzied offseason": "The Philadelphia Eagles plan to bring in quarterback Tim Tebow and sign him Monday, ... FOX Sports NFL insider Jay Glazer reports." https://foxs.pt/1aJjKRJ

SPOTTED : Former Yugoslavia Prime Minister Milan Panic, former Sen. Birch Bayh, Bill Press and SKDKnickerbocker's Jill Zuckman and Stephen Krupin at Fiola Mare, celebrating the launch of "Prime Minister for Peace: My Struggle for Serbian Democracy," which tells the story of Panic's efforts to oust Slobodan Milosevic and bring peace to the Balkans. $32 on Amazon: https://amzn.to/1yJPdP4

AMY NATHAN and HOWARD FINEMAN are celebrating their 31st anniversary. They met at a journo party in Dupont, got married in an art gallery in Woodley, and pre-celebrated this anniversary with a trip to Australia and New Zealand.

WEEKEND WEDDINGS -- Kiara Pesante and Malik Haughton - NYT: "Kiara Chavon Pesante ... [were] married Sunday to Malik Jelani Haughton ... The Rev. Dr. Michael E. Dyson, a Baptist minister, [officiated] at the Mayflower hotel ... The bride, 28, ... is the communications director for Democrats on the [House] Committee on Education and the Workforce ... The groom, who is 27 and a political and fund-raising consultant, ... is working as the finance director for the campaign of Sheila Bunn, who is running for a council seat in Washington." With pichttps://nyti.ms/1bizWKK

--Robert Hughes , son of Karen and associate at Vinson & Elkins, on Saturday married Sara Story Loeffelholz,senior coordinator for corporate comms. at Kinder Morgan. They met through friends at UT Austin and wed at a resort outside Austin. Pic https://bit.ly/1Q8gLDd

--David Mitrani to Lorelei Charlotte: Mitrani, a Democratic campaign finance attorney, married Charlotte of Potomac Management Resources Saturday afternoon at the Jefferson Memorial lawn with the reception at Top of the Town in Rosslyn. SPOTTED : Thom Parisi, Simon Hernandez, Josh Pudnos, Joe Sandler, Neil Reiff, Jim Lamb, Josh Rosenstein, Joe Birkenstock, Dustin Sifford, Nancy Juarez. Pics https://bit.ly/1DZZV4m ... https://bit.ly/1DZZXcx

OUT AND ABOUT: Guests gathered at Juleanna Glover's to toast the release of "Popular Economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James Can Teach You about Economics," by John Tamny, political economics editor at Forbes and cofounder of Real Clear Politics. SPOTTED : Ed Crane, Steve Moore, Rep. Darrell Issa, David Hawkings, Audrey Taylor, Becca Glover Watkins, Sean and Rebecca Spicer, Doug Besharov, Christina Sevilla, Kevin Chaffee, Tom Adams, Peter Goettler, and Diana Furchtgott-Roth. $20.51 on Amazonhttps://amzn.to/1HK6Pfw

--TIM LIM celebrated 3-0 on Saturday night with a spring boat cruise along The Potomac. The Hillary '08 alum and president of Precision Network celebrated with a face cake: "I'm Ready for Tim Lim...To Turn 30!"  SPOTTED : Lim's fiancée Jennifer Pierotti, Kip Wainscott, Jeff Zubricki, Lauren Belive, Josh Teitelbaum, Brad Bauman, Adam Conner. Pic https://bit.ly/1JlaNJK

BIRTHDAYS: WSJ's Carol E. Lee ... Texas Tribune CEO and editor-in-chief Evan Smith ... The Atlantic's Molly Ball ... Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., is 79 ... retired Justice John Paul Stevens is 95 ... Colin Reed, new exec. dir. of America Rising, and former campaign manager for Scott Brown (h/t Jeremy Adler and Mackowiak) ... Brett McGurk ... FNC's Jennifer Griffin (h/ts Matt Mackowiak) ... Adam Weiss ... Patrick Collins of LCV (h/ts DJW) ... Karen White (h/t Teresa Vilmain) ... Heather Foster, White House office of public engagement, is 34 (h/t Cameron French) ... Lindsey Mask, founder and executive director of Ladies America (h/t Jon Haber) ... Daniela Kate Plattner ... Molly Born of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ... Marc Rotenberg of the Electronic Privacy Information Center ...

... The Hill's Sarah Ferris ... Mary Springer ... Manny Ericta ... Eric Bovim of McBee Strategic Consulting ... Denise Gitsham of SVN Public Relations ... Shane Wolfe ... Parker Waddell ... Alexa Bradley ... Nicholl Caruso ... Zachary Baum ... Suzanne Struglinski Broadfield ... Jim Heath, moderator of "Capitol Square," statehouse correspondent at ONN ... Jacqueline Harris ... Melanie Roe ... Michael Layman ... Rebecca Kasper ... Julie Mason Ziemba ... Bobby Maldonado ... Leon Harris ... Jessica Kamen ... Michael Frohlich ... actor Leslie Phillips is 91 ... actor Ryan O'Neal is 74 ... Jessica Lange is 66 ... Crispin Glover is 51 ... Clay Cook (Zac Brown Band) is 37 ... actor Tim Jo is 31 (h/ts AP)

** A message from Americans for Fair Skies: The con of the century, and largest trade violation in history, has been exposed. Qatar and United Arab Emirates are improperly subsidizing their airlines with over $42 billion - a direct violation of the Open Skies agreements they signed with the United States. This has triggered joint docket for investigation by the U.S. Departments of State, Commerce, and Transportation.

Nations negotiated and signed Open Skies agreements to ensure fair competition and a level playing field for airlines providing international travel. The agreements specifically mandated that participating airlines CANNOT receive subsidies from their governments. Unfortunately, Qatar and United Arab Emirates have tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the world by disguising and hiding the subsidies they have provided directly to their airlines, undercutting fair competition and threatening U.S. jobs. We need the U.S. government to take action and put an end to this charade. Learn more at https://bit.ly/1GT9sJG. **

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Shirley Leone, AFIS, MLIS, CPIW, DAE

Insurance Professional, Radio Personality and Host 90.7 KFSR's Contemporary Jazz Show airs Sunday afternoons12:00 pm to 3:00 pm PST at kfsr.org.

9 年

Thanks Mike!



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