POLITICO Playbook: 58 days to Iowa – TRUMP’S 95,000 WORDS in 1 week: repetition of ‘divisive phrases, violent imagery’

POLITICO Playbook: 58 days to Iowa – TRUMP’S 95,000 WORDS in 1 week: repetition of ‘divisive phrases, violent imagery’

PLAYBOOK DOUBLE-HEADER - You're invited! Join us for Playbook Breakfast on Tuesday for back-to-back interviews with Rep. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.), a retired Air Force colonel; and White House Communications Director Jennifer Psaki. Doors open 7 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency, 400 New Jersey Ave. NW. RSVP https://bit.ly/1HMKcdb

BREAKING - "US can't access NSA phone records in California terror case," by AP's Ted Bridis: "The U.S. government's ability to review and analyze five years' worth of telephone records for the married couple blamed in the deadly shootings in California lapsed just four days earlier when the [NSA's] controversial mass surveillance program was formally shut down.

"Under a court order, those historical calling records at the NSA are now off-limits to agents running the FBI terrorism investigation even with a warrant. Instead, under the new USA Freedom Act, authorities were able to obtain roughly two years' worth of calling records directly from the phone companies of the married couple blamed in the attack." https://apne.ws/1NaD7zU

By Mike Allen (@mikeallen; [email protected]) and Daniel Lippman (@dlippman; [email protected])

SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: https://politi.co/1M75UbX 

--WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT, 1:45 p.m.: "The President's team ... as of yet uncovered no indication the killers were part of an organized group or formed part of a broader terrorist cell."

--POTUS, in his weekly address: "We are Americans. We will uphold our values-a free and open society. We are strong. And we are resilient. And we will not be terrorized."

--"Obama discusses gun control with [Gabby] Giffords [and Mark Kelly]," by Sarah Wheaton: "The White House meeting also included senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, who is overseeing the process of drafting possible executive actions to prevent gun violence. The meeting had been planned ahead of the shooting in San Bernardino ... It was not on the president's public schedule." https://politi.co/1O8tth6

INSIDE THE CAMPAIGNS - "Cruz aims to elbow out Ben Carson," by Katie Glueck and Daniel Strauss in Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Carson "is now plummeting in national surveys after displaying extraordinary difficulty grasping foreign policy issues. And that was before a widely mocked performance Thursday at the Republican Jewish Coalition where Carson read a factoid-laced speech about the history of Israel and repeatedly mispronounced the names of key actors in the Middle East, including Hamas."  https://politi.co/1R1t6Lj

--"Bush is convincing donors the polls are wrong: His team is selling a Trump vs. Bush vision that relies on big-money backers ignoring public data," by Eli Stokols and Marc Caputo: "His attempted attacks on rivals have fallen flat. His $30 million in TV ads have failed to move his numbers. ... [H]e's polling at a miserable 3 percent nationally.But there's one significant success that is keeping his campaign alive: Jeb Bush has convinced major GOP donors and supporters that the polls are wrong." https://politi.co/1TI93A5

DAILY TRUMP -- Sunday's NYT, "95,000 Words, Many of Them Ominous, From Donald Trump's Tongue," by Patrick Healy and Maggie Haberman: "The New York Times analyzed every public utterance by Mr. Trump over the past week from rallies, speeches, interviews and news conferences to explore the leading candidate's hold on the Republican electorate for the past five months. The transcriptions yielded 95,000 words and several powerful patterns, demonstrating how Mr. Trump has built one of the most surprising political movements in decades and, historians say, echoing the appeals of some demagogues of the past century. ... 

"The most striking hallmark was Mr. Trump's constant repetition of divisive phrases, harsh words and violent imagery that American presidents rarely use ... He has a particular habit of saying 'you' and 'we' as he inveighs against a dangerous 'them' or unnamed other - usually outsiders." https://nyti.ms/1YQwt9l

N.Y. TIMES RUNS FRONT-PAGE EDITORIAL, "The Gun Epidemic," under banner headline, "F.B.I. IS TREATING RAMPAGE AS ACT OF TERRORISM." See the page.  https://nyti.ms/1R12qKG Read the editorial.https://nyti.ms/1N3mfx5 ... Vox: The Times is essentially calling for an assault-weapons ban. https://bit.ly/1LVbc5d

--NYT A15, "Debate Yields Page 1 Editorial," by Ravi Somaiya: "The last time The Times ran an editorial on the front page was in June 1920, when it lamented the nomination of Warren G. Harding as the Republican presidential candidate." https://nyti.ms/1Q7hiaj

--ERICK ERICKSON blasts his list, "I shot holes in the NY Times editorial." With a gun. Pic  https://bit.ly/1PJbxjk

--N.Y. TIMES QUOTATION OF THE DAY - David Bowdich, the F.B.I. assistant director in charge of the Los Angeles office, on the inquiry into the San Bernardino shooting rampage: "There's a number of pieces of evidence which has essentially pushed us off the cliff to say we are considering this an act of terrorism."

** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: After years of friendship and family ties brought them together, three proud women from Detroit decided to start a business together. Read more about how the Entrepreneurs of Color Fund is helping bring their dream to life.  https://bit.ly/1QImjWS **

SNEAK PEEK - The New Yorker's cover next week, "Shopping Days," by Eric Drooker, shows a couple in a grocery store with guns, grenades and milk in their shopping cart: "What would it look like if I took America's obsession with firearms to its logical extreme?" says the artist. https://bit.ly/21D3TKV

JACK SHAFER, "Going to Consume News? Be Ready to See How It Gets Made": "A herd of video-camera toting and microphone-wielding journalists thundered through the home of the San Bernardino shooters ... pawing and photographing passports, credit cards, driver's licenses, Social Security cards, documents, photos, clothing and other personal effects left in the modest two-floor apartment. ... Many journalists took to Twitter to criticize the networks for broadcasting unvetted, personal information." https://politi.co/1NwbXad

--"MSNBC Apologizes for Showing Live Footage of ... Suspect's Home" - Statement, via Hollywood Reporter: "MSNBC and other news organizations were invited into the home by the landlord after law enforcement officials had finished examining the site and returned control to the landlord ... Although MSNBC was not the first crew to enter the home, we did have the first live shots from inside. We regret that we briefly showed images of photographs and identification cards that should not have been aired without review."  https://bit.ly/1IvQkqg

THOUGHT LEADERS -- ROBERT GATES takes on TRUMP, without naming him - WashPost op-ed, "The kind of president we need": "We need a president who is restrained. ... Restrained in rhetoric, avoiding unrealistic promises, exaggerated claims of success and dire consequences if his or her initiatives are not adopted exactly as proposed. ... Restrained from questioning the motives of those who disagree and treating them as enemies with no redeeming qualities." https://wapo.st/1XHfNnM

--YOUSEF AL-OTAIBA, UAE Ambassador to the U.S., in Foreign Policy, "A Vision for a Moderate, Modern Muslim World: Creating an ideology of openness, optimism, and opportunity in the Gulf is a key component to defeating extremism": "[S]uccess on the battlefield may be the easy part. ... True victory can only come when the more powerful forces of tolerance and progress prevail." https://atfp.co/1NMDEOe

MONEY HONEYS -- "Bush's biggest donor [Mike Fernandez]: Trump a 'bullyionaire,'" by Politico's Marc Caputo: "Calling Donald Trump 'a hater' and a "narcissistic BULLYionaire,' Jeb Bush's biggest donor has decided on his own to take out full page ads trashing the Republican poll leader in newspapers in Miami, Las Vegas and Des Moines. Mike Fernandez, a billionaire who has contributed more than $3 million to elect Bush, ... stopped just short of comparing Trump to a dictator, but the full-page ads he wants to run Dec. 14 make reference to the masses who were swayed in other countries by demagogues during tough times.

"'Look at Hitler in Germany, Mussolini in Italy and Peron in Argentina. When people lose hope, they are susceptible to those who offer to think for them. Today, in our midst, one "popular" man stands first in the polls,' the ad says. 'The more divisive and outrageous he is, the more he appeals to some people. I worry as I witness whipped-up crowds emboldening and encouraging forked-tongue hatefulness.'" https://politi.co/1N1UkO4 ... The ad https://bit.ly/1N1Ul4J ... Sign up for Marc's Florida Playbook https://politi.co/1JDm23W

AIR WARS -- CARLY for America Launches TV and Radio Ad Campaign" in N.H. and Boston: "The television and radio advertisements run from [yesterday] ... through Friday, Dec. 11. The TV buy is $846,750 and the radio buy is $177,747." The TV ad https://bit.ly/1N90HNC

ROB SALITERMAN INTERVIEW -- "Snapping Up Voters: Hitting the youth bloc where they live-on their phones," by Sasha Issenberg on Harvard Business School's alumni site: "When Rob Saliterman (MBA 2011) started selling online political ads at Google, they were almost all destined for people already seeking political content, placed either on specific networks or in response to user searches. Over nearly four years at the search giant, Saliterman-a 33-year-old veteran of the Bush White House and [RNC]-promoted new tools that permitted campaigns to run ads for a select group of voters before YouTube videos. 

"After moving to launch Snapchat's first political advertising sales team this past spring, Saliterman returned to many of his former clients with a pitch for an entirely different type of online opportunity: a place to show campaign ads to people who probably don't expect to ever see them." https://hbs.me/1ODM60Z

PLAYBOOKERS' SANDY BERGER MEMORIES -- Matthew Shay, president and CEO of National Retail Federation: "In the 1990's and early 2000's, I got to know Sandy when we were both part of the early-morning workout group at Tenley Sport & Health Club on Wisconsin Ave. ... One morning, Sandy got a message on his cellphone and was trying to return the call, but because the gym is located in the basement there was notoriously poor service. I remember him asking whether any of us had spare change so he could use the basement pay phone."

--Former Albright Stonebridge colleague Ben Chang: "More a sustained image than a single memory, Sandy took the time: time to mentor, time to coach, time to listen and counsel students, interns, his team, his colleagues. If you sought to sit with him for life and career advice, it was never a matter of if but solely of when he could make time. Time which seems increasingly rare these days. And each person with whom he sat is moved to pay it forward."

--Bill Antholis , director and CEO of the Miller Center at UVa, draws attention to a two-day interview with the Miller Center in 2005. "It is ... the closest thing he did to a memoir of his time in the Clinton Administration. He even talks about the fact that he did NOT write a memoir." The 2005 interview https://bit.ly/1XMRFuE

--Lynne Weil, alum of Congress, State and the BBG: "Sandy was part of a group of DC-based foreign policy luminaries whom I recruited to Loudoun County, Va., to stump for Obama/Biden in 2008. He walked door-to-door with a clipboard in hand, going through the whole canvassing spiel with gusto like any regular guy."

--Dan Glickman of the Aspen Institute: "Sandy had a passionate commitment to ending world hunger, especially in the context of stabilizing regions of the world which had witnessed food shortages and food price spikes. In his leadership role at the World Food Program USA, he saw the relationship between feeding hungry people and resolving current and future humanitarian crises around the world."

--Lisa Caputo, former press secretary first lady to First Lady Hillary Clinton and deputy assistant to President Clinton: "Sandy was a caring and dedicated public servant, colleague and friend. I will miss him greatly, especially our family visits during summers on Martha's Vineyard. Rest in peace, my friend."

-- Former Ambassador Miriam Sapiro, now a principal at Summit Strategies and a non-resident senior fellow at Brookings: "When I joined the NSC in 1997 pregnant with my first child, Sandy said 'Don't worry, we're a family kind of place.' He meant it. To this day when I'm asked by new hires for advice about working at the WH, I tell them Sandy's admonition that if the awe ever wears off, it's time to do something different."

PLAYBOOK METRO SECTION -- "Glen's Garden Market Opens in Shaw This Weekend With Double The Beer Garden," by Washington City Paper's Jessica Sidman: "There will soon be a new place to find D.C.-made chocolates, vinegars, beers, and more in Shaw. Glen's Garden Market [owned and run by Joe Lieberman alum Danielle Vogel, Ken's wife], which sources nearly everything within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, [today opened] its second location at 1924 8th St. NW at noon.

"The new location is less than half the size of its Dupont counterpart, but its beer garden will be twice as big. The outdoor space is getting an awning and will have heaters, fans, and lights so it can be used year-round. Pints of local beers will continue to be $4 at all times." https://bit.ly/1Ql7S9N ... NYT Wed., "Washington's Shaw Neighborhood Is Remade for Young Urbanites" https://nyti.ms/1Q5RtHF

HAPPENING TODAY: Capitol Hill Cub Scout Pack 230 holds a Christmas Tree, Wreath and Tabletop Tree Sale this at 212 East Capitol St. NE (Lutheran Church) today till 6, and tomorrow from 9 to 4. The sale helps boys pay for uniforms and camp. www.pack230dc.com

SPOTTED : Tim Miller, Ryan Williams, Tara Jeffries, Amanda Henneberg, Todd Flournoy and Dan Swartz last night celebrating the soft launch of Jeb fundraiser and DC restaurateur Fritz Brogan's new five-story bar and restaurant Hawthorne on U Street.

CLICKER: "The nation's cartoonists on the week in politics," edited by Matt Wuerker - 13 keepers https://politi.co/1Ql32cz

LIFE ONLINE -- @alexweprin: "Twitter has filed a trademark for the term 'subtweet.'" https://bit.ly/1Nw5FaB

PIC DU JOUR -- In Belgium yesterday Politico Europe had an office-family celebration for St. Nicholas Day -- bigger for kids than Christmas Eve. See a pic of St Nick - a.k.a. Bennett Richardson, Politico Europe's executive director of business development and also the co-founder of popular dating app Hinge -- with some Politikids: https://bit.ly/1ODIYCp

GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:

--"Tiger's Private Struggle," by Lorne Rubenstein in TIME: "Turning 40, the golfer talks about his highs and lows on and off the course." https://ti.me/1IuABI7

--"The High-Stakes Race to Rid the World of Human Drivers," by The Atlantic's Adrienne LaFrance: "The competition is fierce, the key players are billionaires, but the path-and even the destination-remains uncertain." https://theatln.tc/1Nw3zHY

--"Teach Yourself Italian," by Jhumpa Lahiri in The New Yorker: "For a writer, a foreign language is a new kind of adventure." https://bit.ly/1lglFTP

--"I'm Not Broken," by National Journal's Eric Garcia, who's joining Roll Call later this month: "What this Washington reporter with autism wants you to understand." https://bit.ly/1YOFi3t

--"How the GOP Went Zionist," by Bush 43 alum Tevi Troy on the cover of December's Commentary Magazine: "Republicans are now among the Jewish state's most important friends. This was not always so." https://bit.ly/1NvXcV2

--"Trump County, USA," by Adam Wren in the Friday cover of Politico Magazine: "America's most reliable bellwether county [Vigo County in Indiana] has fallen for the wild man from New York." https://politi.co/1IuyxzY

--"Their Golden Age," by Danny Heitman in The Weekly Standard: "The invention of the New Yorker, in myth and memory." https://tws.io/1IJETWL

--"Whistleblower: Peace Corps Ignored and Then Blamed Sexual Assault Victims," by The Daily Beast's Tim Mak: "Peace Corps volunteers dedicate two years to serving others, but if they are sexually assaulted, one inside advocate says, they are blamed, shamed, and face removal from the program. And we have the emails to prove it." https://thebea.st/1PtHMmt

--"The Russ & Daughters Guide to Smoked & Cured Fish," by Niki Russ Federman in Lucky Peach: "Lox, gravlax, nova, sturgeon, and everything in between." https://bit.ly/1SDqbGs

--"The Refugee Dilemma," by The New Yorker's Rachel Aviv: "What do we owe those we take in?" https://bit.ly/1Rue6VA

MEDIAWATCH -- Dan Hirschhorn promoted at TIME, becomes its director of news. "Dan will coordinate our news efforts, working with editors and reporters in New York, London, Hong Kong and elsewhere, ensuring that our reporters and editors work seamlessly with their counterparts in video, photography and audience engagement."

--"T Magazine Debuts Largest Holiday Issue [tomorrow] In Seven Years with Cover Story on Charlotte Rampling": "T Magazine [on Friday] revealed its Holiday cover story featuring renowned actress Charlotte Rampling. ... T Magazine's upcoming Holiday issue was the largest issue of T Holiday in seven years; the issue was up 13 ad pages or 12% over last year. ... Overall, T closed the year up 6% in paging or 70 ad pages." With the cover https://bit.ly/1SDwREr

MAYOR OF THE WORLD - BLOOMBERG to chair Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures": "will develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to lenders, insurers, investors and other stakeholders. ... The Task Force will consider the physical, liability and transition risks associated with climate change and what constitutes effective financial disclosures in this area. It will seek to develop a set of recommendations for consistent, comparable, reliable, clear and efficient climate-related disclosures." https://bit.ly/1lgnKz9

THE PRESIDENT'S WEEK AHEAD: "On Sunday, the President and the First Lady will host the Kennedy Center Honorees Reception in the East Room. The President will deliver remarks ... Later, the President and the First Lady will attend the Kennedy Center Honors at the Kennedy Center. ... On Monday, the President and the First Lady will attend the Congressional Ball at the White House. On Tuesday, the President will participate in a DNC roundtable.

"On Wednesdaythe President will travel to the U.S. Capitol to deliver remarks at an event commemorating the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment. The President will be joined by Members of both the House and Senate, including Congressional leadership and the Congressional Black Caucus ... In the afternoon, the President will welcome Israeli President Reuven Rivlin to the White House for a meeting. ... President Rivlin will also be an honored guest at the White House's annual Hanukkah reception."

ANNIVERSARY: Ben and Alli Adams celebrate six years by bringing home their Christmas tree, then dinner out tonight. (Minnie Mouse pancake tips: Piper, Nora)

BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Dem media consultant Colin Rogero ... Rick Hohlt ... Andrew Shult

BIRTHDAYS : Roy Schwartz, Politico's chief revenue officer, is 4-0 (Ferrari tips: Kelly, Landon, Hudson) ... Jamie Loftus Rhoades (h/ts Matt, Grace) ... photographer Paul Morse, the pride of Seattle ... Stuart Brotman (h/t son Gabe Brotman, filing from Brussels at Politico Europe) ... Evan Burfield, co-founder of startup incubator 1776, is 39 ... NYT's Michael Grynbaum ... Andrew Williams, V.P. of media relations at Goldman Sachs and an alum of GE, Treasury and the Fed ... Rachel van Dongen ... Moira Mack Muntz, the pride of Albany and an Obama '08, W.H. and OMB alum, currently helping Revolution Messaging on a freelance basis ... NewsHour's chief arts/culture/society correspondent Jeffrey Brown ... 

... Lisa Spies (h/t Charlie) ... Brai Odion-Esene (h/t Sabrina Siddiqui) ... Zoey Davidson, a big science nerd getting his Ph.D. in physics at UPenn (h/t girlfriend Meeran Ahn) ... Simon Jerome, International Republican Institute boy wonder and the pride of NYU, is 24 ... Adam Rosenberg of Burson-Marsteller in SF and an Edelman alum ... Adam Casella, MBA candidate at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business and an alum of GSO Capital Partners and Barclays Capital ... Politico alum Chad Krilow ... 

... Bush DHS alum Caroline Dierker Poe ... Anne Trenolone, alum of Bush 43, DOD and RNC ... Porter McNeil, IL-IA political consultant and former Kerry-Edwards' IL comms. director ... Zach Drennen, a legislative and PAC associate at LCV's Voters Action Fund ... Susan Scott Neal - longtime writer for the Free Lance Star, although retired now ... Alex Traub, on the editorial staff of the NY Review of Books ... PBS Nicole Drummond, deputy digital director at Strategic Partners & Media ... Angelo Turner ... Mike O'Toole ... Anthony Bedell, president of RedFive Strategies, is 48 ... Roderick McKelvie ... 

... Arthur Colby , a 1st Lt. in the U.S. Marine Corps and a Brunswick Group alum ... Kim Perkins ... Chuck Chvala (h/ts Teresa Vilmain) ... Arthur Lewis ... Little Richard is 83 ... Joan Didion is 81 ... Calvin Trillin is 80 ... oppera singer Jose Carreras is 69 ... the other Jim Messina (pop singer) is 68 ... College Football Hall of Famer and former NFL quarterback Jim Plunkett is 68 ... World Golf Hall of Famer Lanny Wadkins is 66 ... Pro and College Football Hall of Famer Art Monk is 58 ... comedian-actress Margaret Cho is 47 ... writer-director Morgan J. Freeman is 46 ... actor Gabriel Luna is 33 ... actor Frankie Muniz is 30 ... actor Ross Bagley is 27 (h/ts AP)

THE SHOWS, from @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin, en route Waco, for Texas at Baylor football game:

--NBC's "Meet the Press": Loretta Lynch; roundtable: Elisabeth Bumiller, Rich Lowry, Charles Ogletree and Amy Walter

--ABC's "This Week": Hillary Clinton; Jeb Bush; roundtable: Alex Castellanos, Matthew Dowd, Michael Eric Dyson and Jennifer Granholm

--CBS's "Face the Nation": Donald Trump (taped in Raleigh); Bernie Sanders; Chris Christie; David Axelrod; roundtable: Jamelle Bouie, Gwen Ifill, Ed O'Keefe, Ben Domenech and Gerald Seib

--"ox News Sunday: Michael McCaul; Ben Carson; roundtable: Brit Hume, Julie Pace, George Will and Juan Williams; "Power Player of the Week" with Brainfood executive director Paul Dahm

--Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" (10am ET / 9am CT): Former FBI assistant director James Kallstrom; former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Chris Hill; Steve Scalise; roundtable: former UBS chairman Robert Wolf, Ed Rollins and Judith Miller

--Fox News' "MediaBuzz" (11am ET / 10am CT): Penny Lee; Jim Geraghty; Ed Henry; radio host Richard Fowler; conservative commentator Gayle Trotter; Chicago Sun-Times columnist and NBC5's Carol Marin

--CNN's "Inside Politics" with John King (SUN 8:30am ET): Roundtable: Jonathan Martin, Molly Ball, Jeff Zeleny and Nia-Malika Henderson

--CNN's "State of the Union" (9am ET / 12pm ET): Donald Trump; Bill de Blasio; John Kasich; roundtable: Neera Tanden, Van Jones, S.E. Cupp and Ken Cuccinelli

--CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS": (SUN 10am ET / 1pm ET): Susan Rice; Bono and The Edge

--CNN's "Reliable Sources": (SUN 11am ET): Roundtable: Dan Abrams, Dylan Byers, Rick Wilson, Glenn Kessler, Katrina Pierson, Montel Williams and McKay Coppins

--Univision's "Al Punto" (SUN 10am ET / 1pm PT) Univision News anchor Marí a Elena Salinas; Martin O'Malley; wife of political prisoner Leopoldo López (and opposition leader) Lilian Tintori; Morelos, Mexico governor Graco Ramírez; Harrison Ford

--C-SPAN"The Communicators" (SAT 6:30pm ET): Counter Extremism Project CEO Mark Wallace and Middle East Media Research Institute vice president Alberto Fernandez ... "Newsmakers" (SUN 10am ET): Bob Goodlatte, questioned by Politico's Josh Gerstein and CQ Roll Call's Emma Dumain ... "Q&A" (SUN 8pm & 11pm ET): Historian and author Betty Boyd Caroli ("Lady Bird and Lyndon")

--PBS's "To the Contrary" with Bonnie Erbé : encore presentation of "UCC Welcoming Movement for LGBT" episode

--MSNBC's "PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton": (SUN 8-9am ET): Susan Del Percio; Jan Schakowsky; activist William Calloway; McKay Coppins; NYT's Yamiche Alcindor; independent journalist Brandon Smith; musician Pras Michel

--MSNBC's "Melissa Harris-Perry" : (SUN 10am-12pm ET): NAACP Legal Defense Fund's Janai Nelson; Columbia's John McWhorter; National Association of Scholars president Peter Wood; the University of Maryland's Janelle Wong; author and The Nation's Ari Berman ("Give Us the Ballot"); MSNBC.com's Beth Fouhy; The Daily Beast's Noah Shachtman; Center for Social Inclusion senior fellow Deepa Iyer; Ronald Johnson family attorney Michael Oppenheimer and Ronald Johnson's mother Dorothy Holmes; the University of Pennsylvania's Salamishah Tillet

--MSNBC's "Weekends with Alex Witt" : (SUN 12pm-2pm ET): Adam Schiff; NYT's Jeremy Peters; NYT's Steven Lee Myers; author and GOP strategist Leslie Sanchez; Howard Dean; former FBI assistant director Bill Gavin; USA Today's Paul Singer; Joe Sestak

--NPR "Weekend Edition Sunday(SUN 8am-10am ET): Hosted by NPR's Rachel Martin: "For the Record" segment on the survivors of mass shootings; Jay Dickey; Task Force for Global Health president and CEO Mark Rosenberg; retired U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Aaron Fleming and his translator while in Afghanistan from 2011-12, Sami Khazikani; Finland's director for public diplomacy Petra Theman; fmr. Marine Corps logistics officer Capt. Zoe Bedell; NPR international correspondents Deborah Amos (Saudi Arabia), Sylvia Poggioli (traveling in Africa with Pope Francis), Lourdes Garcia-Navarro (Brazil); ScatAbility creator Michele Weir; recording artist Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds

--WUSA 9 "Capital Download" with Derek McGinty and Susan Page: (SUN 8:30am ET): Congressional candidate Glenn Ivey; roundtable: Dana Milbank and WSJ's Laura Meckler

--Sinclair's "Full Measure" with Sharyl Attkisson (SUN 9:30am ET on WJLA and airing on Sinclair stations nationwide): Report on electric cars and the cost to taxpayers; Sinclair's Scott Thuman from Molenbeek, Brussels inside the terror cell that spawned the Paris terror attacks; report on $150 million in U.S. government spending on luxury villas in Afghanistan

--SiriusXM's "No Labels Radio" (SUN 6am ET & 9pm ET): Co-hosts: Charlie Black and Steve Odland: Sean Trende; Rapidian Group founder and president Bob McNally; Truman Project fellow Justin Talbot-Zorn.

** A message from JPMorgan Chase & Co.: Detroit is home to more than 32,000 minority-owned small businesses, making it the fourth largest city for these businesses in the nation (US Census). But Detroit's minority entrepreneurs still face significant hurdles when it comes to growing their businesses. The Entrepreneurs of Color Fund helps them with early backing to get off the ground. This support helps to create inclusive, community-based growth and increase employment opportunities in Detroit. LEARN MORE:  https://bit.ly/1QImjWS **

SUBSCRIBE to the Playbook family: POLITICO Playbook  https://politi.co/1M75UbX ... New York Playbookhttps://politi.co/1ON8bqW ... Florida Playbook https://politi.co/1JDm23W ... New Jersey Playbook https://politi.co/1HLKltF ... Massachusetts Playbook https://politi.co/1Nhtq5v ... Illinois Playbook https://politi.co/1N7u5sb ... California Playbook https://politi.co/1N8zdJU Brussels Playbook  https://politi.co/1FZeLcw

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John Thompson

Business Management Consultant

7 个月

hit piece against a non-conforming politician. Better to have "polished" Joe Biden, allowing up to 10 million illegals in the U.S.

There is no Democrat or Republican. There is only the Uniparty ( political class) and the people. A government of the people remember?

Erin Cramer-Schoch

Staffing Coordinator at ADM

9 年

Neil, as an American I can assure you middle USA is not crazy about Trump, if by middle you mean those that fall under the category of "moderate" in their political beliefs. Those who don't necessarily go in the booth and just automatically pull their party's lever or who do not vote based on sound bites. The individuals Trump is playing to, and make no mistake he's playing, really do not represent the majority of Americans, just the more vocal of a sliver of the far right. I'm still waiting for him to stand up and tell everyone how stupid they are because he's actually a Democrat and has proven how money and being obnoxious is what it takes to get elected. Incidentally, if he wins the presidency (heaven help the world), you will have a refugee crisis in Canada due to all the American's looking to get out of Dodge!

Rinkie (RiRi) Singh

Researcher | Political Science Major | University Of Mumbai.

9 年

Trump 2016!!!

Dino Manalis

Policy Analyst/Advisor

9 年

Cruz is more conservative than Trump, but some states allow non-Republicans to vote in their primaries!


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