Politicians, Fossil Fuel Companies, and Us All, You Cannot Control, Tax, or Stop Mother Nature and HER SUN!
Nicholas Ashton
Chairman Energeo Ingenuity LLC, Keynote Speaker on Energy/Electricity Sustainability and efficiency, Solar and Battery Storage, Renewable Energy, Expanded Food, U.S. Drone Security, & Strategy.
She is Yours To Use Every Single Day.
Her Ladyship is entirely in charge!
With all our astounding arrogance as a species, humans have a God-given right to use Mother Nature solely for our own needs. Those humans think they are the only ones in charge; we are now seeing this is untrue as a global energy pandemic escalates out of our control. Mother Nature is in charge, not our faith or even a government.
Full Document: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ie8aazvcx6kcvr3/Politicians%2C%20Fossil%20Fuel%20Companies%2C%20and%20Us%20All%2C%20You%20Cannot%20Control%2C%20Tax%2C%20or%20Stop%20Mother%20Nature%20and%20HER%20SUN.pdf?dl=0