Political repressions and purging of the high-ranking military officers have started in Ukraine.
Серг?й Сеник
Власник – Агентства розсл?дувань"ОД?Н" Серг?я Сен?ка. Маг?стр психолог?? та державного управл?ння, бакалавр права.
The Major-General of the Air Force of Ukraine Andrey Alimpiiev was arrested on 17 Nov. 2017 likewise in time of People′s Comissariat of Internal Affaires - at night time at home . The general is the Head of the Kharkov military post (borderline with Russia) and one of the best military university in Ukraine, which is releasing pilots of combat aircrafts . Nowadays he is one of the most reputable and respected high-ranking military officer of the Air Force of Ukraine.
Two days later the combat general was thrown into prison by the decision of a corrupt court.
Then the case has been studied attentively by myself and personally I came to the conclusion that the prosecution against the general was completely falsified! But who is interested in discreditation in the publics eyes of the military general and army overall in this belligerent country?
As a citizen and private detective I′ve decided to sort this out. The investigation led me to the Administration of the President of Ukraine! From this place a secret decree was issued aiming to destroy the officer, the honourable owner of the Danil Galitky Order, the participant of the anti-terrorist operation on the East of Ukraine!
So obviously, that the general was fully disliked by the shadow management. He was the first one who prevented selling of the land and property belonging to the university. It was the challange for their well-coordinated corrupt system!
The slander about the military general was widespread by the the odious general prosecutor (in the past he was adjudicated prodigal of public money) and it was picked up by the pocket media of some politicians. A major information campaign was launched aiming to destroy the reputation of the pilot-general and his elimination. But dirty politicians didn′t take into account the only one and main thing!
There are a lot of supporters of the general not only in Ukraine, but also abroad! Friends, colleagues, co-workers, pupils, cultural and art figures and other non-indifferent people who know him and believe in him, having heard about the allegations which were brought against the Major-General Andrey Alimpiiev, will raise the nationwide protest and unite in support groups for doing their best to retrieval the rule of law in Ukraine!
Freedom to the combat pilot-general, the real Hero of our country!
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