Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assange Release Request 13
Pidancet Barrière Véronique
Auteur scénariste Journaliste Réalisateur Metteur en scène
Paris, Tuesday 8 December 2020
Release Request 13
Prisoner of opinion : Julian Paul Assange (03/07/1971)
Aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax
Prison : Belmarsh
Prisoner Number: A 93 79 AY
Subject: Request for information on mandate
representation in the case EAW 131226-10
European Arrest Warrant File No.
AM 131226-10 :
File No. RCJ CO/1925/2011
Since November 2019, as Mr. Julian Assange's lawyers have failed to get satisfaction, the WJJA human rights association has already filed twelve release requests concerning Mr. Julian Paul Assange.
We kindly ask you for the thirteenth time to release the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.
Since there has been no reply to our letters, since the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange is still being held incommunicado, and since it is impossible to get a clear picture of the torture he is undergoing, we ask the legal authorities of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the governments of sovereign states to kindly open an enquiry to determine who is holding the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange in solitary confinement in England or elsewhere.
We call on the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all the sovereign governments of the world to put an end to the storytelling of the Wikileaks-Julian Assange masquerade and the mock trials against the Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax concept.
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all sovereign governments of the world to ask the private entities, connected with the Mountbatten-Windsor family by City of London, responsible for the incommunicado detention and torture inflicted on him (them), to kindly release the person or persons who embody the concept Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax, and to reveal the birth identity of the one who is easily identifiable by distinctive signs, and, where appropriate, the birth identities of each understudy.
We call on the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and all the sovereign governments of the world to place under protection the one, and if need be, those who embody the concept Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax, so that he can testify in safety and return to a normal life as a free man.
We request the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and of all the sovereign governments of the world ensure does the one, readily identifiable by distinctive signs, embodying the concept of Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax and, where appropriate, to his understudies, to testify publicly about the crimes he witnessed and he suffered.
We ask the judiciary of the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and of all sovereign governments of the world to kindly film this testimony, make it public on all media and make it available in open source. Criminals and liars must take publicly the responsibility of their crimes. This is the rule when mob justice, respectful of the Fair Trial, is dispensed in a democracy.
In the case of Wikileaks-Assange & other private unknown form entities, the people were cheated, fleece, deprived free will because of lies proclaim and convey by some médias directed by entities, elements, agencies, of a private nature and of unknown legal forms.
All this crook, regardless of their degree of corruption, must be accountable for their actions so that citizens can understand their criminal mechanisms in order to guard against them in the future.
The sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the sovereign governments of the world have a duty to inform citizen of all countries as they are all victims of this lie and swindle.
Sovereign peoples have the right to know. Sovereign peoples have the right and duty to do justice. Justice is of their resort!
We recall that ? demos ?, meaning people and ? cratie ?, meaning power. Democracy is consequently the power of the people expressed by the people for the people.
In a democracy, politicians, magistrates, police officers, military personnel and civil servants are only the representatives of a sovereign people, the servants of a sovereign state, itself at the service of its citizens. It is the sovereign people who give them orders. It is to the sovereign people that they are accountable when they fail in their mission or are guilty of misprision, dereliction of duty, abuse of power, treason.
In the Assange case, all the laws were violated by criminals whose birth identity remains to be determined because most of them act under pseudonyms (see Report 1 and complaints). For several decades now, they have been using entities, agencies, private and illegal elements of unknown form to violate and misuse international law.
In the Assange case, the Geneva Conventions, the Vienna Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all fundamental human rights, the Convention against Torture, the rules of the Fair Trial and habeas corpus, the law of free competition, etc. were violated. (See complete complaint)
As a corrupt and mafia-like system has developed within the administrations and institutions of many states, it seems that only judicial cooperation from sovereign states can neutralise this mafia, which operates on all continents. Therefore, we ask the legal authorities of sovereign countries to kindly open investigations within the framework of international cooperation for:
- Determine and make public the birth identity of the person who is easily identifiable by distinctive signs, and eventually other persons, who embody the Julian Paul Assange concept.
- Determine and make public the birth identities of all those involved in the promotion and management of the Wikileaks -Julian Paul Assange concept, participate of torture inflicted on the one, clearly identifiable by his distinctive signs, who embodies the Julian Paul Assange concept, and identities of all those who have disguised reality in order to deceive civilian populations to, among other, extort money from them. We have shown that many citizens were acting under common names and not under their birth identities in the Assange case, first and foremost Stella Morris, aka Stella or Sara Gonzalez Devant, aka Stella Smiths Robertson (See Release Request 12 and complaint)
- As the Crown of England is involved in the Assange case through private entities such as the City Of London, the Old Balley, Imperial College, etc., it is imperative to determine the birth identity of the citizens known as Mountbatten-Windsor. The name Mountbatten-Windsor seems to be a common name and not a birth name. We remind you also that titles cannot be used as a birth name. Indeed, it is astonishing, to say the least, that they do not bear the prestigious name of the lineage, affiliated to that of the Romanovs, of their father, grandfather and great-grandfather, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Philip of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbourg-Glücksbourg, Prince of Battenberg by his mother, Alice, descendant of the Hesse-Darmstadt lineage, wife of André Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbourg-Glücksbourg, King of Greece. This ancestry is all the more prestigious since Alice Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbourg-Glücksbourg, Princess of Battenberg, is just among the just. This issue is all the more crucial as the citizen known as Charles of Galle is involved in the Davos summit and the highly controversial grand Reset.
- Determine the involvement of political parties such as DIEM25 , the American Democratic Party, Die Linke, the Swedish Social Democratic Party, etc. in the storytelling instrumentalisation of the Assange concept for political purposes and determine whether there has been international collusion between these different parties to promote and implement, through this storytelling instrumentalisation, towards the establishment of global governance without the consent of the peoples of sovereign states.
- Determine whether Operation Assange is a strategic objective of a no-name world war led by private entities of unknown legal form. Determine whether Operation Covid 19 is a strategic objective in relation to Operation Assange. Determine whether these strategic objectives are the result of collusion between foreign private entities.
- Determine whether the governance and management of the UN has violated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all fundamental human rights and its own Charter by signing the Pact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and overseeing its international implementation.
- Determine if 'l there was collusion between private entities of unknown legal form to develop, at the international level, one trafficking in human beings, involving children, one organ trafficking, paedocriminal networks and by slavery networks. Determine what these entities are and who runs them.
- Determine what these entities are and who runs them. Determine whether they have industrialized human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of human beings, including children in international networks.
- Determine whether these entities have engaged in medical experimentation, eugenics or MKultra-type torture on civilian populations.
All these points and others are fully developed in a survey report. This report is a synthesis of a year and a half of investigation. It is accompanied by a complaint.
It gives an account of worrying lies, embezzlement and collusion at the international level between different entities, elements, agencies, of a private nature, between members of certain political parties and employees of state institutions. These entities seem to have devised a whole series of schemes to evade the official channels of justice, in particular by conducting mock trials such as that of the citizen known as Julian Paul Assange on private territories that are akin to tax and legal havens. We have isolated two such territories: the City of London and the Kingdom of Hanover.
Other legal problems arise on the dominions, property of the Crown of England and on the State of Virginia in the United States.
This problem of international law can seriously harm the geo-political balance of the planet, all regions combined.
We therefore urge the sovereign government of the United Kingdom and the governments of sovereign states to investigate to determine the exact legal nature of these private entities, to identify their owners and to give them a status in accordance with international law and state sovereignty.
We wish to recall that only sovereign states are subjects of international law.
Once again, we recall that the easily identifiable citizen who embodies the concept Julian Paul Assange, aka Julian Paul Hawkins, aka Mendax is a key witness in many capital criminal cases.
We therefore call upon the sovereign government of Great Britain and the sovereign governments to make every effort to release him, ensure his protection, allow him to testify, take him to a safe place and. compensate him as recommended in the UN ruling of 2016.
For WikiJustice Julian Assange
Véronique Pidancet Barrière