Political Parties and the Peddling of Deceptions
Patrick Sellers
CEO @ Freeport Township | Business Administration, Township Management
If you listen to some of today's politicians, you will notice minimal substance to what they say. You hear that the Democrats are not doing this or the Republicans are not doing that, but other than that, there's not much there.
Some politicians have become masters of diversion, directing citizens' attention to the smoking mirrors of political rhetoric. Which leads to the question, what are they truly doing for the citizens? The citizens, you know, the ones politicians are supposed to be working for, the ones who pay politicians salaries, and the ones who are always promised the world during campaign season but wind up holding the short end of the stick.
In many cases, some politicians' empty words and hollow promises are drawn from the tainted wells of political parties. The utilization of party talking points and the collective towing of the party line give credence to this philosophy. Some citizens enjoy listening to and participating in this sadistic soiree, regurgitating the words of politicians as if they were the gospel truth. Such actions only help perpetuate negative political agendas while fueling the fires of deceit and disunity.
The foresight of the authors of the United States Constitution must have been astonishing because nowhere in the document are political parties mentioned. Was their intuition so clairvoyant that they foresaw the happenings of today? Did they have a more in-depth comprehension of democracy and what it means to co-exist and flourish under its ideologies? Or could it have been just as simple as elected officials understanding their charge, working together for the greater good, and anticipating their successors to do the same? We will never know the answers to those theoretical questions - but we should be able to answer why we as citizens continue to allow such despicable displays of political profligacy to rule our hearts and control our minds.
Not all political party affiliations, deeds, and collective decisions are wrong. But, when politicians make decisions based on party directives, which contradicts the people's will, it has crippling effects. Over time, these effects have put American democracy at risk, but this perilous phenomenon doesn't just occur nationally and at the state levels but, even more critically, within local municipalities. The "Political Parties Machines" are very much alive in both large and small cities - make no mistakes about it; regardless of the level or size of the government, the venom is equally lethal.
The time has come for citizens to stop paying so much attention to the ostentatious words of some politicians and start paying more attention to their actions. It is time for citizens to begin educating themselves on the processes and procedures of democracy and stop allowing the political peddling of deception to do it for them. It is time for citizens to take their rightful place in a government that was designed to be for the people, by the people. Last but not least, it is time for citizens to start voting out the politicians who insist on only towing the party lines and vote for those equipped to do the will of the people.?
That's my MAN, so proud of you.
Circuit builder (IEC Electronics)
1 年It's been awhile since I have seen that face,? great to see you Patrick!